The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1302 Cultivate Talents

Chapter 1302 Cultivate Talents
The purpose of Qin Lang holding this selection contest this time is obviously for the Millennium Treasure, but it is actually a big review for all the warriors in the entire Middle East branch.

Through this trial, he can clearly see to what extent the overall strength of the warriors in the Middle East branch has improved during this period of time. In this case, Qin Lang has a better understanding of the force he has under his command.

After all, Qin Lang knew that it was impossible for him to stay in the Middle East branch for a long time, so the future security of the Middle East branch would depend on these warriors.

The Middle East is a war-torn region, and the security pressure of the Middle East branch must be much greater than that of Huaxia. This requires stricter requirements for the military forces under the command to have the strength to protect themselves.

The review started. Qin Lang carefully observed the battle in the arena, and at the same time nodded secretly. During this period of time, as long as he has time, he will give some necessary martial arts instructions to these more than 300 warriors, although every warrior The comprehension ability of each group is different, but the overall strength of the warriors in the entire branch has been strengthened unconsciously, which is a world of difference compared to more than two months ago.

You know, two months ago, there were not many warriors at the level of Wuzun in the Middle East branch. At that time, there were only more than 30 people at the level of Wuzun, but now there are more than 100 people. That is to say, there are more than 70 people left. Innate late-stage warrior who has been newly promoted in the past two months.

The promotion of these newly promoted warriors, on the one hand, they are all on the verge of breakthrough, on the other hand, it is Qin Lang's good guidance, which can cause the abnormal phenomenon that everyone's overall strength has been greatly improved in a short period of time.

The fighting on the arena continued, and after the second round, among the forty warriors left on the arena, there were actually two innate late-stage warriors.

In other words, these two innate late-stage warriors actually leapfrogged the challenge, and each of them has at least raised at least one opponent at the level of Wu Zun.

This situation also made Qin Lang's eyes brighten. It can be seen that the quality of these two innate late-stage warriors is extremely excellent, similar to his previous self, and they are two objects worthy of vigorous training.

He decided that regardless of whether these two innate late-stage warriors could pass the challenge selection, he would bring them with him on this trip to the thousand-year treasure.

On the one hand, this is to increase the experience of the two of them, and on the other hand, it also means to deliberately train them by their side. The quality of a warrior is also the key to determining a warrior's future achievements. These two warriors with special abilities will break through and become Wuzun and Wuwang in the future. The level is definitely much easier than other warriors.

"Thank you, Lord Leader, for cultivating it!"

The two innate late stage warriors really failed to break through the third round, but they are already proud of breaking through the second round.

And knowing that although he failed in the selection challenge, Qin Lang still decided to make an exception and bring the two of them. These two innate late-stage warriors were also overjoyed, and quickly saluted Qin Lang to thank him.

These two warriors in the late Xingtian period are actually only 20 years old, and they are both about the same size, about 1.7 meters five. Nalan Heizi.

"You don't need to thank you. The trip to the thousand-year treasure must be full of dangers. Although this time is an experience for you, you should pay more attention to your own safety and remember not to break away from the group and act alone."

Qin Lang also told them at this time.

Even if it is a genius, once it falls, it is not a genius.Just like before when he was dealt with by the Dongfang family and the Donghe family respectively, the helmsmen of these two big families once said that no matter how evil his talent is and how genius his aptitude is, once he is killed, he will be considered a peerless genius, a genius It is also impossible for the two-character name to form a halo over his head, but it will disappear directly.

Therefore, this time to practice, if the two talents he fancy die unfortunately, there is no other way. He will not do anything deliberately to protect these two people. He needs people who have grown up through baptism and continued to be strong.

"Yes." All the warriors answered in unison. Qin Lang's exhortation was aimed at all of them, so they all remembered it in their hearts.

"Okay, after the news from the Shar family, we will set off together. There are still more than 20 days, you should step up your training these days and continue to hone your martial arts! Disband!" Qin Lang waved his hand and ended After these lectures.

After the trials, Qin Lang got busy. The Middle East branch now has more than 300 warriors. These warriors are also his direct descendants who will be stationed in the branch in the future. They deserve to be cultivated vigorously, so he plans to give each of these warriors a small amount. Gift.

He was going to forge a special weapon for his subordinates.

The weapons currently used by these fighters are ordinary alloy weapons. Although alloy weapons are very hard and more durable than ordinary knives, they are actually not the best choice for a fighter, and cannot bring out a fighter's greatest strengths.

The strengths of a warrior are actually the internal energy of the warrior, so the weapon that can concentrate the internal energy of the warrior is the most suitable weapon for the warrior, which cannot be achieved by alloy weapons.

In this world, the most suitable weapons for warriors to focus on their inner strength, in addition to the treasures of cultivators, should be those weapons of the level of magical weapons, such as the go-getters in Chinese history, Moxie, Yuchang Sword, etc., such as Japan's Muramasa The demon knife and several famous Damascus knives, knives and so on in the Arab world.

Although the weapons of the magic weapon level are of great help to the warriors, the number is really scarce. I am afraid that even if all the magic weapons in the whole world are gathered together, they will not be enough for the warriors present, so now Qin Lang must refine some substitutes. A product that can perform a function similar to a sharp weapon of a magic weapon, and bring out the strengths of a warrior.

In fact, Qin Lang's refining ability is already at the level of a high-level refining apprentice, and he is only short of becoming a refining master in the cultivation world. Therefore, it is not difficult for him to refine the magical weapons in this world.

However, the materials needed for the refining of the magic weapon are too rare. Most of the materials needed for the refining of the magic weapon are very appalling, and they are more precious than the magic weapon materials in the cultivation world, so the price for Qin Lang to refine the magic weapon Still very huge.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Lang could only give up the idea of ​​refining a large number of magical weapons, and settled for the next best thing, just refining some weapons that can give full play to the strengths of warriors, rather than refining magical weapons.

In this way, the threshold for access is lowered, and it will be much easier for Qin Lang to refine these sharp-level weapons. The most important thing is that the restrictions on materials are not as strict as those of refining divine weapons.

The basic material needed to refine the sharp weapon is refined iron. Qin Lang asked the branch to prepare a thousand catties of refined refined iron, and then prepared the simple blast furnace and some necessary tools needed for the refining weapon. It took about three or four days preparation.

Although this world does not have as good refining conditions as the world of self-cultivation, this kind of sharp weapon level weapon is also not popular in the world of self-cultivation, so the requirements for refining are not so high. The simple refining that is one and a half tall and hastily completed The furnace is enough to meet Qin Lang's needs.

Put the refined iron materials into this large smelting furnace one by one. Coal is used as the bottom and fire, and it is fully burned by pulling the bellows to slowly melt the refined iron in the blast furnace.

After the refined iron was completely melted into molten iron, Qin Lang began to add some special materials into the molten iron, which were some fine gold and dense silver. , it is also helpful for refining weapons, and it can also enhance the conductivity of inner strength in weapons.

Qin Lang did not add many refining materials. Only one thousand catties of fine iron molten iron was added with less than three catties of fine gold and secret silver. If these special materials are used to refine a magic weapon, it is naturally more than enough, but It is used to refine hundreds of them but it is Tianfang Yetan.

After adding fine gold and dense silver, the molten iron in the blast furnace was bubbling. The melting point of fine gold and dense silver is higher than fine iron, so if you want to melt them, you have to work harder. Qin Lang's hand stroked The blast furnace was installed, and Kanli's fire was secretly conveyed to accelerate the melting of these special materials.

After the Heavenly Tribulation of the Nascent Soul Stage, Qin Lang absorbed the Fire of Kanli produced by the Heavenly Tribulation, and also made his natal fire stronger. Now the sea of ​​consciousness is already a big group of Castanopsis, and with just a thought, there are a lot of special The flame appeared in the blast furnace, directly acting on the fine gold and mithril.

In the blink of an eye, the fine gold and secret silver had completely melted, and then began to merge with the surrounding molten iron.

Then Qin Lang took back his natal fire and stirred the liquid in the blast furnace evenly before starting the preparation of the embryo mold.

These more than 300 weapons, Qin Lang intends to refine all of them into knives, and they look like Damascus knives. This is also a custom in the countryside. Damascus knives are also common knives in the Middle East.

The reason why the damascus and knives are refined into the shape of a sword instead of a sword is not only because of the reason of following the customs, but also because the knife has both thick and sharp characteristics, which is good for chopping and can give full play to the strength of the warrior. Unlike stabbing with a sword, it only focuses on martial skills and skills, ignoring the power of the warrior.

This is not to say that swords are inferior to knives, but that Qin Lang feels that compared to other weapons, knives are easier to get started, and it is easier to use the strengths of warriors, because when he refines weapons, he considers most warriors, not Only single individuals are considered.

The mold of the knife has been prepared long ago, and Qin Lang began to slowly inject the boiling hot molten metal into the mold. During this process, ordinary people may still need tools, but Qin Lang used a small silk-wrapping hand to directly transform into an invisible big hand from the blast furnace. Catch it, it's all right.

After injecting molten metal into the mould, Qin Lang is also constantly pinching, entering some simple prohibition into the weapon, so that the refined weapon is different from most of the magic weapons in this world, with some special curse patterns on the surface, these Curse patterns can make it easier for warriors to concentrate their internal strength, thereby increasing the power of weapons.

Speaking of which, although the large quantities of sharp-level weapons refined by Qin Lang are not magic weapons, they already have some characteristics of magic weapons. It is not unreasonable to say that they are the lowest-level magic weapons in the cultivation world. There are so many special functions of magic weapon.

After all, the base material used by Qin Lang to refine weapons is only fine iron, and the special materials added are only three catties of fine gold and secret silver, and there are more than 300 weapons to be refined, and each weapon weighs three Ten catties, the special materials contained inside are calculated in grams, and three catties of fine gold and secret silver are really insignificant compared to more than 1000 catties of refined iron.

(End of this chapter)

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