The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1303 Mo Ye's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 1303 Mo Ye's Careful Thoughts

Weapon refining at the sharp weapon level is not a problem for Qin Lang now.

After all, when he was in Qinghe Continent, he had learned how to refine weapons from the Dongfang family, so he had a lot of experience.

Even if we return to Earth, the materials used to refine weapons are much different from those in the cultivation world of Qinghe Continent, but the basic method is the same.

However, it is quite laborious to refine hundreds of weapons now.

Therefore, when these more than 300 weapons were released at the same time, it really took him four or five days, but he was exhausted.

Thinking about it, although the refining process of sharp weapons is simple, the refining of each weapon is almost a purely manual process, and the energy and effort it takes to concentrate is terrible, even for the refining masters in the cultivation world. able to withstand such a long period of training.

Fortunately, Qin Lang finally completed this feat of refining. He felt that after the completion of the refining task, his mood became a little looser, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to breaking the threshold of the refining master.

After more than 300 sharp weapons were completed, after the last step of quenching, Qin Lang distributed these Damascus and knives. These warriors in his Middle East branch basically had one, and everyone's combat effectiveness was greatly improved.

The preparation work has been completely completed, and then Qin Lang will let these warriors familiarize themselves with their new weapons, and at the same time wait for the news of the Shar family's departure.


A week before the opening of the Millennium Treasure, the news of the departure came from the Shar family, and Qin Lang brought his manpower to meet with the Shar family and set off together.

When I came to the Strait of Malacca, I thought that the arrival of these people was relatively early, but I didn’t know that the entire Strait of Malacca was already full of people, and there were at least thousands of people from all over the Arab world who got the news in advance and came early.

Speaking of which, the opening of the thousand-year-old treasure of the Pirate King is indeed a grand event for the entire Arab world. The originally barren Strait of Malacca is now full of people, and there are even small Arab vendors selling melon seeds and tea on the beach. became a market.

And a large number of adventurers from various countries in the Arab world who came to the Straits of Malacca also occupied land in twos and threes on the beach, set up tents, and waited for the opening of the underwater treasure ruins.

Almost half of them are civilians, and the purpose of coming here is to make money.But when Qin Lang looked around, he also found traces of many masters, and even found some well-trained groups inside.

Obviously, this is a matter of great seabed treasure, not only private individuals, but also major organizations and forces want to get a share of it.

If it weren't for the inability to stop others, it is estimated that the Middle East officials would directly block this area.

Qin Lang paid attention to some of the masters, but didn't pay much attention to them.

His cultivation base has reached the Nascent Soul stage, and there are not many people and affairs on earth that can pose a threat to him, so there is no need to be terrified anymore.

Qin Lang and the Shar family also chose a suitable location on the beach, and led his men to arrange the accommodation and set up tents.

And when Qin Lang and the Shar family were busy, a group of people rushed over here. There were about forty or fifty people, all of whom were dressed in standard Arab attire wrapped in white headscarves.

"Hey! Isn't this the famous Shar family in the Arab world? The patriarch Allah leads the team personally. It seems that this time he is determined to do a big job in the treasure hunt!"

The leader on the opposite side was an Arab with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he sneered at the Shar family.

Seeing this group of people coming, the members of the Shar family all drew out their knives, but were calmly stopped by the patriarch Ala.

The patriarch Allah said to the leading Arab with a calm face: "Moye, aren't you the same? The majestic candidate for the patriarch of the next generation of the Carmen family will lead the elite of the Carmen family to muddle through this troubled water, isn't it?" Do you want to get enough benefits from this treasure hunt... Hehe, who are we with whom!"

Qin Lang watched the war of words between the two sides, and shook his head helplessly.

I knew that the people who came to explore this time came from different forces, but I didn't expect the Shar family to encounter a deadly enemy from the very beginning.

It is estimated that the war of words will continue.

"Yes! Who of us is with whom!"

The Arab named Mo Ye on the opposite side also laughed, and then mocked: "However, I heard that the blood members of the Shar family can't live to be 35 years old. If you can catch up with this treasure hunt, it seems that the members of the family The bloodline crisis seems to have been resolved, Ala, you are almost at the threshold of life and death at your age this year!"

"I don't need you to worry about this, the heir of the majestic Carmen family patriarch. Our members of the Shar family live or die, and we have our own destiny."

Allah said lightly.

"Oh, Allah, you have enough personality, I like it! I hope you can live past the age of 35!"

With a laugh, Mo Ye led his men around the side of the Shar family, then left here, and set up a tent at a distance of more than 40 meters.

Mo also made no secret of his killing intent towards the Shar family, with a strong threat in his tone.

Qin Lang saw all this, but didn't make a sound.

He could see that the group of Arabs and the Shar family were at odds just now.

And then, he also learned from a conversation with a member of the Shar family that this group called the Carmen family, like the Shar family, is one of the eighteen guardian families in the secret realm of the pyramid.

However, the Carmen family and the Shar family did not deal with it very much. The ancestors of both sides have been feuds for thousands of years. At the beginning, the ancestors of the two families were slaves. In order to compete for the qualifications of the Pharaoh's personal guards, a war broke out. In the end, the ancestors of the Shar family Won out, out of slavery.

The ancestors of the Carmen family were also lucky. Although they failed to compete for the Pharaoh's personal guards, they were favored by the close officials around the Pharaoh. They also got rid of their slave status and gained a new life.

The grievances and grievances after that are very complicated. The Shar family has been down for dozens of generations. Due to the special blood curse, none of the members can live beyond the age of 35. It is not as good as the Carmen family in terms of spreading branches and leaves. The current Carmen family Bichar The family is much stronger, ranking among the top three in the entire Arab world, and the number of people is several times larger than that of the Shar family.

"Is it one of the eighteen guardian families in the secret realm of the pyramid? Interesting..."

Qin Lang also smiled slightly after inquiring about the news. Unexpectedly, the small Arab group of 50 people in front of him actually had the same ancient identity as the Shar family, and was one of the [-] guardian families of the Pyramid Secret Realm.

However, the members of the Carmen family and the Shar family are obviously enemies, and they can't urinate in the same pot. It seems that this time the opening of the thousand-year-old treasure under the sea will make it difficult for the Shar family to obtain more benefits. Just give them a hand.

After all, I and the Shar family are close allies, and the people of the Carmen family obviously want to embarrass the Shar family, so they are also the enemies of the Shar family.

Since he is the enemy of the Shar family, that is, the enemy of Qin Lang as an ally, he will naturally not be polite to the enemy Qin Lang.

This time, for the opening of thousands of treasures, a large number of hidden forces from various countries in the Arab world have appeared, including the forces sent by the royal families of various countries, the forces of various upper-class people, and the forces of some ancient families, and even the Holy See. dispatched force.

These people are even the essence of the entire Arab world. Qin Lang looked around and found that there were three to 4000 people present, and almost half of them reached the level of Wuzun. His subordinates like himself and the Shar family could only be regarded as a drop in the ocean.

Before the opening of the Millennium Treasure, the entire beach was crowded with people and tents, and there was a lot of noise everywhere. The scene was really no different from going to a market.

Other than eating and drinking, everyone was waiting quietly, waiting for the opening time of the treasure, and they didn't know what kind of bloody storm would follow.


This day has finally arrived, and the opening time of the treasure of the pirate king Haifo recorded in various classics in the Arab world is on this day.

There were waves on the sea even when there was no wind, like firing a cannon, continuously blowing up waves as high as [-] to [-] feet.

The sky gradually darkened, and dark clouds began to cover the sky, as if it was going to rain, but strangely, a golden light lit up in the center of the sky, as if a super huge stick broke the sky bucket.

The golden light sprinkled in the middle of the sea, like the light of Buddha, making that piece of sea area golden.

Booming, the entire coastline began to vibrate, and the sea was also shaking. Waves of waves were hitting the beach, as if a tsunami was about to occur.

The Millennium Treasure... is finally coming out!
Boom boom boom!The movement on the sea surface became more and more intense, and a strange scene appeared in the center of the sea surface. The sea surface began to swell in several directions, spinning like a super huge washing machine, forming a whirlpool hundreds of feet deep.

Driven by the waves, the surrounding sea water crashed against the shore, and after the formation of this huge super vortex, everyone on the entire coastline became excited, because within that vortex was the hiding place of the pirate king's treasure that was about to appear.

"Enter that vortex!"

Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, yelled, and jumped into the sea first, leading the tribe to swim towards the middle of the vortex.

"Enter that vortex!"

All the Arabs on the coast were excited, knowing that if they wanted to get the treasure of the Pirate King, they had to break into this miracle that suddenly appeared.

Despite the turbulent waves on the sea, the guys who jumped into the sea came one after another, and everyone tried their best to get closer to the center of the vortex.

Of course, there are also some people who have prepared for a long time put on the delta wings, take off directly from the coast, fly to the center of the vortex on the sea surface, and plunge into it.

In addition, some guys with flying magic items activated the magic items on their bodies one after another, allowing themselves to fly up in the light of various magic spells, and approached the vortex.

Of course, there are also quite a few people who think they are powerful, or are blinded by greed, and want to jump into the vortex, but they are naturally sucked in by the vortex, and they are finished without even taking a bubble.

With a laugh, Qin Lang confessed to the warriors behind him, and then opened the cloud form of Flying Luo Yunsuo. Flying Luo Yunsuo turned into a huge cloud, and it was no problem for more than 30 people to ride at the same time, so Qin Lang In addition to leading his own men, he also brought a few more members of the Shar family.

Then, Qin Lang's special flying magic weapon flew into the sky directly. Compared with the guys around who used Xiaojiazi Qishen magic items, the scene where Qin Lang led dozens of people to take off at the same time was much more spectacular.

When Qin Lang made a huge noise, the Arabs around him also screamed in surprise, both envious and jealous, they don't have such a powerful flying magic weapon.

In fact, most of the people present didn't know that Qin Lang was using a flying magic weapon, and they thought that Feitian Luo Yunsuo was also an extremely powerful magical item.

Of course, Qin Lang will not tell other people the real situation, so let them envy them. At this time, Qin Lang has already led his people into the huge super vortex...

And just when Qin Lang led his people to take off, members of the old rivals of the Shar family, the Carmen family, also saw it. Seeing Qin Lang's awesome flying magic weapon, the members of the Carmen family were also envious, and the heir to the patriarch, Mo also murmured Said: "Fuck! What is that?! Such a good thing must belong to my Carmen family, it must!"

Mo Ye's eyes glowed with a strange light. He seemed to be thinking carefully about Qin Lang's flying magic weapon, but he didn't know that Qin Lang was a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level. It must have been a bitter experience.

(End of this chapter)

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