The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1304 Elixir Nursery

Chapter 1304 Elixir Nursery
After the thousand-year treasure of the Pirate King was opened, the Arabs on the beach threw themselves into the sea one after another, into the vortex entrance of the ruins.

In less than half an hour, the coastline has basically been cleared, except for some small fish vendors in twos and threes, and some guys who don't know how to swim. There are less than 200 people in total.

The corpses of people swallowed by the vortex cannot surface in a short time, so now it seems that the sea is very peaceful.But if the bodies of those who were swallowed by the vortex surfaced, the scene would definitely be much more terrifying than it is now.

The people who stayed on the beach to watch the excitement, saw that they were almost gone in a short time, and the treasure was at the bottom of the deep sea, so they couldn't directly see it, so they couldn't help packing up one by one, planning to leave first.


At this time, a person suddenly pointed at the sea and shouted, his voice was full of shock!

The rest of the people looked towards the sea.

I saw another accident happened at sea at this time!
A thick black mist appeared on the coastline at some point. All the miscellaneous fish vendors and the remaining landlubbers on the coastline were dizzy and sleepy in the black mist. Within 2 minutes, they all fell to the ground and fell into a long sleep. The snores resounded like thunder.

These people probably never dreamed that the mysterious black mist would make them fall asleep so quickly.

The beach suddenly became quiet, and it seemed that no one would appear again.

And just when the miscellaneous fishes on these coastlines were all asleep, another group of people appeared on the stage.

This is a group of weird black robes, about six or seven people.

If Qin Lang was still on the coastline at this moment, he would be able to tell at a glance that these black robes were not ordinary people, but blood wizards.

Although there are not many wizards in the Arab world, they always exist. They usually fight alone. It is very rare that six or seven gather together like this, which means that these wizards are all members of an organization.

Needless to say, in the Arab world today, only an organization like Desert Fox has such a large gathering of wizards, which means that the last wizards who appeared in front of these sneaky wizards are all members of Desert Fox.

In this case, it can also explain why these wizards appeared last, instead of appearing earlier. Recently, the Desert Fox has been shouting like rats crossing the street in the Middle East. These wizards have no choice but to do so.

If it had appeared earlier, the six or seven wizards would have been besieged by everyone on the coastline before the thousand-year treasure surfaced.

After all, all the people on the coastline were the elites of the entire Arab world. If they get together, they are a terrifying force. Even the six or seven wizards in front of them dare not take it lightly.

Seeing the wonderful scene on the sea, these black-robed wizards also gave out burning gazes, nodded at each other, and threw themselves into the sea one by one.

These wizards seem to be able to find the entrance to the underwater treasure without relying on the sea vortex, and they are all very confident.

In an instant, the surface of the sea returned to its original appearance.


Qin Lang led the people down like an elevator, and he didn't know how deep they fell. Finally, his body lightened and he landed on the ground of the seabed.

With the help of the flying magic weapon, Qin Lang entered the ruins very smoothly, but other people around him may not be so smooth. Many guys fell directly from the sea surface of thousands of feet, although the process was buffered by the sea vortex A lot of strength, but none of it is flattering.

Fortunately, those who can enter the ruins are not ordinary people. Their physical fitness is many times stronger than normal people. There are no examples of death when they fall, but there are three or two unlucky ghosts who broke their arms and legs.

These three or two unlucky ghosts are nothing compared to the two or three thousand people who entered the ruins. Generally speaking, everyone is relatively lucky, and most of them just hurt a little bit from the fall.

And Qin Lang stood at the same place at this time, with his eyesight dozens of times stronger than normal people in the Nascent Soul stage, his sight can only scan around ten feet, it is too dark here!

Now Qin Lang's consciousness is very powerful, it can radiate two or three hundred feet around, only to find that this place is actually a big trench after scanning his consciousness.

It's just strange that the entire Great Trench is extremely dry, beyond the perception of normal people.

You must know that the trench is also a part of the sea, and it should be occupied by endless sea water. This scene is really strange.

However, considering that the pirate king Haifu is not an ordinary person, it is normal for the treasure ruins arranged by this guy to have some unusual devices to exclude the seawater.

After all, the pirate king Haifu was the one who led the Nether Fleet to fight against the most powerful colonial country in the world at that time, and also defeated the encirclement and suppression fleet many times. It is normal for a stranger to be able to arrange this special treasure relic.

After entering the Great Trench of the Ruins, it was still pitch black at first, but before long, the surroundings were lit up with dots of light. This is because many people turned on the strong flashlights they carried with them.

Qin Lang's people and the Shar family's subordinates also have strong flashlights, and they are all using them at this time. Basically, more than 90.00% of the people present are using military strong light flashlights. This kind of strong light flashlight can emit more than 200 watts of strong light. Light, with a direct distance of forty or fifty feet, is a must-have for outdoor adventures.

When the strong light of more than 200 watts is directly irradiated, it can almost blind people's eyes, but in this dark big trench, it can't irradiate too far. This big trench is so big that the area is almost like It is a valley basin.

After finally gathering all the people, Qin Lang and everyone in the Shar family gathered together and headed in one direction. Although this is a big trench, Qin Lang relied on his spiritual sense more conveniently than everyone present. He could see some differences in the distance ahead.

In the distance ahead is a large piece of vertical rock like a mountain wall, which is also a side wall of the Great Trench. There are densely packed small holes appearing on the side wall, like the holes made by ants, or a honeycomb.

But these small holes are very small at first glance. As everyone approaches, they realize how big they are. Each hole is like a huge portal, which can accommodate three or five people to enter side by side.

The reason why Qin Lang brought everyone here was because he sensed the aura of aura. These holes continuously overflowed a large amount of aura, and some of the aura overflowed from the holes were even dozens of times more than the outside world.

"I'm afraid there is a huge undersea spiritual vein in this big trench, and even in today's lawless era, this spiritual vein has not been completely cut off!"

Qin Lang's eyes flickered, staring at the stone walls and holes in front of him and thinking for a while.

If the judgment is finally confirmed, it will be great news for him.

Spiritual stones can be mined from ore spiritual veins. Although he brought back a lot of spiritual stones when he returned from Qinghe Continent, it is impossible to wear them out forever.

If there are supplements, the Lingshi will be much more convenient to use.

Next, Qin Lang led the people to choose a hole with the most abundant aura and drilled in. With such ample aura, there must be treasures in this hole. This is an intuition.

A group of people are like bees returning to their nests, Qin Lang plus forty or fifty people from the Shar family, all of them entered the hole and it was not crowded at all.

After entering the hole, there is a huge winding passage in front of it, which is like a maze and has branches. However, Qin Lang who entered the world's great passage has always been chasing the place where the aura is the most intense, so the purpose is also very clear .

After going around a few turns, Qin Lang suddenly stopped: "Slow down!"

"what happened?"

The warriors under Qin Lang behind him didn't ask anything, but the people of the Shar family asked one after another. At this time, there was a rumbling and dull sound in front, and the entire passageway ground was shaking.

Suddenly, several figures on the opposite side rushed towards this side, shouting while running: "No, no! There is a mechanism in this passage, and the mechanism was triggered just now!"


All the people present were shocked. The reputation of the pirate king Haifu resounded throughout the Arab world. The hidden treasure ruins left by him after his death must have terrible mechanisms, but everyone didn’t think about it when they broke into the ruins before. There are so many, now that the mechanism in front of me is triggered, I don't know what happened, can everyone still pass here.

What is worth mentioning is that this maze-like passage extends in all directions. It seems that someone broke into the front of Qin Lang and his group just now, and then touched the mechanism by mistake.

When the roar stopped, Qin Lang continued to move forward with his people. His mastery of mechanisms and formations had reached the level of senior apprentices, and it was no problem to crack general mechanisms and formations. It can be said that this world None of the tomb robbers on earth are as professional as him, and there are only a few people on earth who can surpass his level.

Qin Lang walked through that area at this time, but what he saw was a horrible scene. The area where the mechanism was triggered just now was littered with corpses. At least 30 people died. The huge boulder was smashed to pieces, and the worst one was somehow dismembered by five horses, and his intestines spilled all over the floor.

The whole scene was a hell on earth, and the timid would definitely feel sick when they saw it, but people like Qin Lang had seen the world, so they naturally overcame these disgusting situations.

After checking the situation, a member of the Shar family came back and said: "The mechanism in this area has been fully triggered, and it is safe to pass."

"Okay, let's move on."

Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, nodded and said.

Just now, due to the trigger of the mechanism, the living people in this area were scared away and went to other areas. If this is the case, it is also a good time for everyone to continue searching for the treasure. Now this area is basically no one is snatching it from people like themselves.

"Let me continue to lead the way!"

Qin Lang said that he knew some mechanisms and formation techniques, and it would be beneficial for everyone to go ahead.

"Then trouble Mr. Qin Lang." Ala also knew Qin Lang's ability, and cupped his hands.

Qin Lang led the people to follow the aura clues, and soon after, they came to a special place.

"This should be a sea eye, and it is also the overflow point of the spiritual energy of the underground spirit veins, everyone look for it."

Qin Lang said, the surrounding space is very large, like a square covering an area of ​​seven or eight acres.

After a while, these people discovered a special place, and Qin Lang said happily, "Elixir Nursery!"

There is a small area near the sea eye that has planted a lot of elixir, forming a regional nursery, which is great news for Qin Lang.

Qin Lang was very excited.

After coming to the earth, Qin Lang has always been in a situation of lack of cultivation resources, especially in terms of elixir, which has always been insufficient. Now the elixir nursery in front of him is really timely!He found that several kinds of elixir in the nursery could be used to combine pills, which was very helpful to himself in the Nascent Soul stage.

"Okay! I'll take this elixir!"

Qin Lang said loudly: "Brother, I eat meat and everyone will drink the soup. After collecting these elixirs, I will refine a batch of elixirs. Some of the elixirs are also very helpful for the improvement of warriors' cultivation. At that time, everyone will also share a share." point!"

"Okay, Mr. Qin just go get it!"

All the warriors present were also happy to say that for warriors, pills that can improve their cultivation are much more precious than most of the property.

(End of this chapter)

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