The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1305 The Nasty Black Robe Wizard

Chapter 1305 The Nasty Black Robe Wizard
Then Qin Lang began to collect the elixir in the nursery.

The elixir in this nursery has been restricted, and I don’t know if it was left by the capable people and strangers under the Pirate King. After more than 2000 years of restriction, it is still full of power. medicine.

But Qin Lang is not an ordinary person. After using a series of techniques to break the ban in the cultivation world, with a bang, the ban on the entire nursery was broken. storage or within.

"Not bad, ten low-grade elixir, five middle-grade elixir, and one high-grade elixir."

Qin Lang is very satisfied with this kind of harvest, especially the top-grade spiritual plant Tianxin Teng has produced Tianxin fruit, which is a necessary material for the refining of Yuanying-level cultivation pill Tianxin Dan. It may be common in the cultivation world. On this earth It is absolutely very rare in the world, and it is considered luck that I have encountered it.

After taking the medicine, Qin Lang became even more interested. He felt that the Pirate King ruins in the Great Trench was his blessed land, and he would send whatever he needed. He hoped that in the next search, he would encounter more elixir that he wanted. up.

He was already sure that this hidden treasure in the sea was related to the cultivators on Earth, and the level was probably not as weak as that in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountains.

The Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm is a cultivation secret realm, and it is the same here, but the degree of preservation is not as good as that of the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm, but there are also many good things hidden inside.

For others, because of the end of the Dharma era, there are no other cultivators on the earth, so those spiritual stones and elixir are nothing to others, and they cannot play their true role. This is also Qin Lang's advantage.

He knows all kinds of elixir, which is convenient for collection.Even after going out, you can exchange other things with others for elixir, spirit stones and the like.

Next, Qin Lang and the Shaer family split into two groups to expand the search area. Although this ruin has a terrible mechanism, the Shaer family actually brought a clansman who knows the art of mechanism. Although the technology is not as good as Qin Lang, as long as If you're careful, you should be able to make sure the Shar family is okay.

After all, there are 3000 people who have entered the entire ruins. If you don’t search as soon as possible, I’m afraid the treasures in the ruins will be eaten up by everyone like locusts. Now that everyone is racing against time, maybe other people will also gain a lot.

Although there are many treasures in this ruins, there is always a certain number. If others gain more, it means that other people's gains will decrease. Speaking of which, all the people who enter the ruins are competitors with each other.

Next, in the process of searching for the treasure, Qin Lang really saw several cases of black hands, and became greedy for the treasure in front of him, and fought with each other, and in the end it was cheaper for Qin Lang.

With the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, Qin Lang can be said to be a bug-like existence in the treasure hunt of the ruins. His strength is stronger than everyone present, so when encountering injustices on the road, Qin Lang will "kindly" help others to smooth it out. Of course Now, those treasures encountered will become Qin Lang's reward.

Under the unequal strength, the two sides fighting over there can only knock down their teeth and swallow their blood, each of them is full of resentment, but there is no way at all, who told them to meet Qin Lang!

"There is a lot of spirit energy mixed with the martial artist's breath ahead, hey, there is still a wizard's breath, what's going on...Go and see."

At this time, Qin Lang sensed the abnormality in front of him, and hurried over. He knew that he must have encountered some great treasure that could attract a large number of treasure hunters to gather in front.

After rushing over to take a look, Qin Lang found a total of three groups of people facing each other. One group consisted of forty or fifty people from the Carmen family, the old rivals of the Shar family. The other group consisted of six or seven black-robed wizards. People are some scattered treasure hunters gathered together, about seventy or eighty.

"Hmph, these wizards are really stubborn!"

Qin Lang was not surprised to see these black-robed wizards here.The other party is related to the Desert Fox faction, and is the Shar family and his deadly enemy. This time, the other party must have got the news of the underwater treasure hunt, and it is not surprising that they rushed over.

Qin Lang paid attention to the movement of the fight, and then looked around the surrounding environment, he was overjoyed!
Here is another good place!

Here, it turned out to be another place where sea eyes gathered, and what everyone surrounded was an elixir nursery.

Compared with the one that Qin Lang encountered before, this elixir nursery is like the division between adults and babies. The elixir inside is densely packed with at least a hundred plants, and even Qin Lang found a large number of sunflowers in it. Good things from God Dan!

"Sunflowers, dozens of sunflowers, great! I want all these top-grade elixir!"

Qin Lang hurried over when he saw it.

These are ownerless things, of course he wants to collect as much as possible.

At this time, the three factions facing each other on the field saw Qin Lang coming with 22 men, and they also frowned. Their three-party confrontation had been less than half an hour, and they didn't know how to solve the troubles on the field. The addition of a new group of forces also made the trouble even more troublesome.

However, everyone present seemed to know the preciousness of the elixir, so no one wanted to give up here and leave.

"Everyone, why don't we drive away these hateful wizards first, and then divide this elixir nursery equally!"

Some people in the scattered group of treasure hunters suggested that the wizards of the Desert Fox have caused public outrage in the entire Arab world. If it weren't for the special situation in front of them, I am afraid that everyone would deal with these black-robed wizards immediately.

"Hehe, we have no objection! But our Carmen family is out of the best this time, and we may not be afraid of these black-robed wizards. We will take the bulk of the spoils later! That new kid, you are late, the things here I'm afraid it's no longer your share!"

Mo, the leader of the Carmen family, also gave Qin Lang a strange smile.

While laughing strangely, Mo also licked his lips and glanced at Qin Lang greedily. Qin Lang's flying magic weapon made him very greedy. He thought that after he snatched the elixir in the nursery later, he would come back to rob this kid.

But after Mo Ye finished speaking, Qin Lang's face sank, and he said coldly: "What did you say? Say it again!"

At the same time, the aura on his body came out violently, and the aura at the Nascent Soul level unreservedly forced towards the opponent.

"I...I said..."

Forced by Qin Lang's powerful aura, Mo Ye actually felt speechless, which made him feel astonished. You must know that he is a martial artist at the level of a martial king, but he was forced to be like this. The young man in front of him It's too scary!How did you do it? !

Mo Ye's face turned red. After being surprised, he was also unconvinced. He had been in the realm of Wuwang for many years, and he was almost promoted to the middle stage of Wuwang.

Teng Teng Teng, three or five steps back, Mo finally got out of the control of Qin Lang's aura, and then he gasped loudly, this young man from the East is not simple, and I don't know how the Shar family got acquainted with this A powerful foreign aid.

After Mo Ye took a breath, when he raised his head again, there was no trace of contempt in him.

His heart is extremely heavy now, his face is full of bitterness, and now he has one less chance to compete for the elixir of the nursery, which really makes people feel helpless.

At this moment, he really realized how naive he was when he wanted to rob this oriental boy before. With the strength of the other party, he was lucky that he didn't take the initiative to rob him.

"How about it, am I qualified to stand here and share the spoils with you?"

Qin Lang looked at Mo Ye with a half-smile.

"Forget it, count you in."

Mo was also tortured by Qin Lang, so he had to bow his head at this time.

On the other side, six or seven people in black robes saw these people arguing, as if ignoring them, and secretly made small moves. They also did not want to give up the ownership of the elixir.

A large amount of black mist quietly dispersed, and all the people in black robes disappeared. Instead, densely packed skeletons and undead emerged from the ground.

Among the scattered group of treasure hunters, at least one-third of them suddenly let out a scream and fell to the ground. blood.

"Ah San, what's the matter with you!"

"What's the matter with you, Huimu!"

"Aldeba! Aldeba, wake up..."

The companions around were also a little flustered. They had magical items on them that could counteract the curse, but these companions who did not have magical items were all hit by the wizard's ultimate move, and now they looked very miserable.


Qin Lang let out a cold snort, and his consciousness turned into countless spiritual beams and spread in all directions, shaking away those curses. These black-robed wizards of the desert fox really lingered. Unexpectedly, the thousand-year-old treasure of the Pirate King was born, and they also mixed in.

Qin Lang really didn't like these black-robed wizards, so he used some new insights he had recently gained to break the curse arranged by the black-robed wizards, and indirectly rescued those scattered treasure hunters.

However, it is a joke to want these treasure hunters to appreciate him. Everyone present entered the ruins this time for profit, for the treasure, and all gratitude and the like had to be put away.

In fact, Qin Lang saved these people just by hand, it was because the curse was too poisonous to harm Tianhe, so he took action.

Qin Lang didn't expect others to be grateful at all. After breaking the curse, he stopped taking action, but watched the people present rushing to deal with those undead creatures.

This time, the undead creatures summoned by the black-robed wizard are really not weak. There are at least ten golden mummies, plus a large number of extremely agile strengthened bones. Wizard, otherwise there would not be such a big battle.

However, the treasure hunters who entered the ruins were not ordinary people. In fact, most of them were above the level of Martial Lords. The two innate late-stage warriors brought by Qin Lang were the weakest two on the field.

These people fought against a large number of undead creatures, but they were evenly matched, and they dealt with them well. I believe it is only a matter of time before these undead creatures are wiped out.

However, Qin Lang knew that the real purpose of those six or seven wizards was for the elixir in the nursery. I am afraid that these wizards would not give up easily. In fact, everyone on the field knew this. This is a recognized fact.

And when everyone was busy, two gray shadows suddenly appeared in a corner, floating lightly towards the nursery, if you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all.

"Here we come! To steal the's not that easy!"

Qin Lang yelled, he had been waiting for a long time, and the divine sense attack went directly, and the two shadows should be transformed by the primordial spirits of the two wizards.

Sure enough, there were two muffled groans after that, and the two gray shadows were severely injured, while Qin Lang hit the iron while it was hot, and with a wave of his hand, he attacked with several sword qi, sweeping over the two wizard primordial spirits, beating them to death Torn apart.

However, although the two wizard souls split, they did not die. When Qin Lang wanted to continue attacking, they suddenly disappeared, which also prevented Qin Lang's backhand from launching.


Qin Lang was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the two wizards still had the special witchcraft of teleportation of the primordial spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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