The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1309 Breaking the Curse of the Blood Dragon

Chapter 1309 Breaking the Curse of the Blood Dragon

"What we can't get, don't even think about it!"

The five wizards were furious, they all amputated one of their own arms, muttering something, the five arms were thrown into the air and exploded one after another, turning into a rain of blood.

And in the blood rain, a bloody monster dragon roared for a while, then rushed towards the place where the pirate king's real treasure was restricted and sealed. It was printed in the restriction, and a blood dragon was printed on the restriction seal.

"Using my flesh and blood, the body of a blood dragon! Anyone who is within three feet of the curse will be affected by the curse of the blood dragon, and if they get close to the treasure, they will be judged to die... Hahaha, if you can't stand it, you will die!"

After laughing wildly for a while, the five men in black robes disappeared, as if they had completely given up on this place.

The black-robed wizards are very ruthless in their work. In order to prevent others from gaining access to the treasure of the Pirate King, they did not hesitate to abolish an arm each.Doing so is naturally good for them, that is, if no one can undo the blood dragon curse set by them this time, then the pirate king's treasure will continue to be preserved.

They can wait until the next time to come secretly and seize this treasure by themselves.

"Blood Dragon Curse... No, this is the most terrifying dark curse in the legends. It is a terrifying existence comparable to the Pharaoh's Bloodline Curse. The real treasure of the Pirate King has been messed up by these damn wizards, and now it has completely turned into a curse. The Devil's Treasure!"

At this time, someone who knows the goods yelled, but it was the patriarch of the Shar family, Allah.

"It's a pity that the family didn't bring the golden page scripture with me, otherwise, I can try to use the golden page scripture to curse the blood dragon and open the treasure!"

Allah sighed, he was also very jealous of this demon treasure in front of him.

However, the golden page scripture is a rare treasure, which is of great significance to the Shar family, so it is impossible for the Shar family to carry it with them every time they go out.

At this time, a few daring and unbelieving guys started to make seals near the treasure, laughed, and just about to say something, all of a sudden they all screamed, vomited blood and died.

The instant death judgment took effect, and they couldn't resist it.

"It's really stupid. It has been said that this dark curse is comparable to the curse of the Pharaoh's blood, and there are still people who don't believe in evil."

Ala shook his head, "If the curse of darkness was that simple, our Shar family wouldn't have to bear this blood curse of the same level for thousands of years."

It is also true that the Shar family has been cursed by the blood of the Pharaoh for thousands of years, and no one in more than 30 generations can live past the age of 35. If the golden page scriptures were not recently recovered from the secret place of the pyramids and changed the family's destiny, I am afraid Shar The fate of the Er family is still extremely miserable, and they have no intention of participating in this treasure hunt for a thousand-year-old treasure.

After several attempts, the blood dragon curse once again devoured the lives of four or five treasure hunters. Only then did the treasure hunters present wake up one by one and understand the horror of this dark curse.

At this moment, the blood dragon is attached to the forbidden seal of the real pirate king's treasure. It is bright and attractive, but it also looks like a satirical devil's big mouth, waiting for the reckless person to take the bait again.

However, there is only one life, and treasure hunters who have tasted the taste will never lose their lives in vain like those daredevils before.

Now it is undoubtedly the most painful thing for the people present, sitting on the treasure mountain but not getting it, this is simply a punishment.

When everyone in the square was at a loss, Qin Lang was also thinking about the curse of the blood dragon. He had absorbed the memories of several wizards before. I am afraid that few people present have a deeper understanding of the curse than him.

Speaking of it, the curse is actually a special soul imprint, which is arranged in a special way. The reason why the blood dragon curse is strong lies in its complexity and special instant death judgment, just like a hedgehog that makes people unable to attack.

However, everything in the world is one thing and one thing, and there is a way to break it. Although the blood dragon curse is strong, it does not mean that it cannot be broken.

As a cultivator, spiritual consciousness has always been Qin Lang's strong point. With the recent research, he is not a layman when it comes to cursing. On the contrary, even ordinary curse wizards may not have his knowledge. After all, cultivators are better than wizards. higher level of existence.

After studying the patterns and patterns of the blood dragon curse for a while, Qin Lang released his consciousness to test and trigger the curse bit by bit. His consciousness is stronger than all the treasure hunters present, and it is many times stronger, so even if the curse occurs , the death judgment is also invalid for him.

In the little bit of temptation, the mental power is also being consumed rapidly, but Qin Lang's spirit is huge, so it is not a problem to last for a while.

After that, Qin Lang figured out the context of this dark curse bit by bit, and found a few inconspicuous gaps, which were the flaws of those black-robed wizards. The curse was completed in a hurry, so it was not perfect, so Qin Lang could With these few flaws, the entire curse was broken.

However, seeing the densely packed treasure hunters in the square in front of him, Qin Lang suddenly gave up the idea of ​​breaking the curse immediately. Now even if he broke the curse himself and opened the real treasure of the Pirate King, when the time comes, these treasure hunters on the scene will rush forward. It is completely impossible to get greater and more benefits.

Therefore, the treasures can only be entered first by themselves, and slowly selected. If there are some leftovers left, they can be considered for the people on the scene.

Next, Qin Lang had a secret discussion with the Shar family and his warriors for a while, and while they were discussing things, a large number of unwilling treasure hunters in the square were still staring at the huge treasure mountain, and did not want to leave easily.

Thinking about it is also true, gambling is touching, such a huge wealth is in front of you, you can see it but you can't touch it, it really makes people feel distressed.

After discussing with his own people, Qin Lang suddenly disappeared, probably because he used an invisibility talisman.

That's right!After Qin Lang used the invisibility talisman, he directly broke into the radiation range of the blood dragon curse, but now the blood dragon curse has no effect on him.

After entering the radiation range of the blood dragon curse, Qin Lang did not directly break the ban, but first set up a special spell around the treasure ban, or ban, mirror image.

Mirror imaging is a kind of camouflage spell restraint, and it is also a very practical spell restraint. It is used in many places in the comprehension world, such as camouflage in caves, tracking and anti-tracking during escape, and so on.

"It's not too difficult to unravel the blood dragon curse, just be careful."

Qin Lang seemed very calm from the beginning to the end, as if he had a plan in mind.

After the mirror imaging was completed, an inconspicuous light flashed, and the mirror imaging restricted the entire treasure of the Pirate King and finalized it. No matter what Qin Lang did in the restriction before, what the outside world saw was a fixed and reserved image.

Before that, Qin Lang began to concentrate on cracking the curse of the blood dragon. After studying the flaws of the curse of the blood dragon, it was very easy to crack it. It took Qin Lang less than 3 minutes to remove this layer of restriction from the pirate king to the real one. The prohibition on the treasure was scraped off.

At this moment, if the five self-harming black-robed wizards saw it, they would definitely cry. All five of them broke an arm, but the curses and restrictions they arranged were useless. Are they easy?

But at this moment, Qin Lang had no intention of guessing the thoughts of the five self-harming black-robed wizards. At this moment, he was full of excitement, because the real treasure of the Pirate King was being opened by him bit by bit.

Qin Lang, who has rich experience in cracking organs and restrictions, is not a problem with the restrictions of the pirate king in front of him. He is like a clever whore and customer, breaking through the defense of the brothel girl in one fell swoop.

When opening the treasure treasure in two or three times, Qin Lang also had to sigh, it feels good to learn a few more skills these days, so much skill is not overwhelming!

And the treasures that were opened later dazzled Qin Lang's eyes. There were a lot of yellow jewels, tons of diamonds and emerald jewels...Of course, yellow treasures, jewels, and antiques are all secular treasures, which are not very attractive to Qin Lang. The black boat-shaped object with a huge evil spirit in the center of the treasure house shocked Qin Lang's eyes.

This thing is dozens of feet long and seven or eight feet wide. Although it is huge, there is spirituality in the evil spirit. It is obviously not an ordinary lustful object, but a huge house of magic treasures!
"Ghost ship?"

Qin Lang was surprised. He never thought that the most famous ghost ship in history would be a top-grade magic treasure house, a magic treasure house, which is a super treasure composed of more than a few magic weapons, which is rare even in the world of comprehension.

Moreover, even if there are any in the realm of cultivation, they are usually in the hands of monks in the late Yuanying stage or even in the stage of transforming gods. The average monks in the early stage of Yuanying may have never seen them in their entire lives. ghost ship.

"It's no wonder that the ghost fleet of the pirate king Haifu can run across the world. Once a magic house of this level is born, who is the opponent in the world!"

Qin Lang murmured. "I don't know whether it is the ghost ship that has achieved the reputation of Haifu, or Haifu has achieved the reputation of the ghost ship. However, the former may be greater. The description of the ghost fleet in the Arab world has always been mysterious. The ghosts under the command of the ghost ship The fleet is naturally Haifu's trump card."

Afterwards, Qin Lang analyzed again: "Hai Buddha owns a ghost ship, so the ghost ship must have been inherited from the ruins, which means that this guy must also be a cultivator. But despite his prestige, he still couldn't escape his fate. Birth, old age, sickness and death are the greatest enemies, and the result of not being able to live forever will eventually turn into a handful of loess."

"The road to longevity is long, and my generation of cultivators must overcome obstacles! Don't pursue too much wealth and glory in this world. That is the pursuit of ordinary people. I must always be alert to myself!"

At this moment, Qin Lang secretly thought in his heart.

Indeed, the pirate king Haifo has traveled across the sea all his life, with infinite scenery, but it is a pity that in the end he cut off his long life for the sake of prosperity and wealth, which is not advisable in Qin Lang's view.

Although the reason for this is also related to the general environment of the earth... the arrival of the lawless era, but the depravity of a cultivator himself is even more terrifying.

But he, Qin Lang, is different. He has determined to live forever in this life, but his mind has long been extremely firm.

Next, the focus of Qin Lang's attention is naturally this huge magic house ghost ship. It can be said that he can give up all the treasures of the Pirate King, but this huge magic house must be collected.

Obtaining this magic house not only means that Qin Lang has obtained a super treasure, but also means that Qin Lang's combat power will be improved in all aspects in the future.

Because if such a magic weapon house is finished, the offense and defense will be integrated, and it will be of great help to oneself. It is not as ordinary as the ordinary magic weapon one plus one, and even the battle power of the Nascent Soul stage will leapfrog the challenge of the God Transformation stage. It is possible to exist, it is unbelievable to think about it, but the Magic Treasure House is so magical.

(End of this chapter)

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