The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1310 Collection of Ghost Ship and Magic Treasure House

Chapter 1310 Collection of Ghost Ship and Magic Treasure House

Now Qin Lang is going to start collecting the magic treasure house, but it is not easy to collect this kind of top-grade magic treasure house.

Although the pirate king Haifu has been dead for many years, and the ghost ship has become an ownerless thing, but the more exquisite the treasure, the stronger the spirituality, and the more difficult it is to sacrifice.

If it is a magic weapon that has no owner and cannot be nourished by spiritual energy for a long time, then the spirituality will gradually disappear with the passage of time, but this magic treasure house is located in the secret territory of the seabed, and the most indispensable thing here is spiritual energy , the formation has been in operation for thousands of years, providing spiritual nourishment for everything here.

Therefore, not only did the spirituality of this magic treasure house not decrease with the passage of time, but the spirituality was quietly increasing.

The ghost ship is naturally the same.

The ghost ship in front of me doesn't know how many layers of restrictions there are, and the aura of the whole magic treasure house is introverted. It is not easy for Qin Lang to sort out the context of the magic weapon when his spiritual consciousness comes into contact.

If Qin Lang is still at the early stage of Yuanying, he really has no choice but to kill time with this ghost ship.

With such a little bit of sacrificial refining, it may take at least a day or two to break and refine the first layer of restrictions.

But the Pirate King's ruins are full of variables, and the longer he stays in the treasure chamber, the more unfavorable he will be. Maybe a certain variable will break out, causing changes that even he, a Nascent Soul cultivator, cannot cope with, so he must deal with it sooner. Just drop the treasures in front of you.

After all, there are too many eager treasure hunters and adventurers outside, and they have to find ways to get in here!
At the peak of Yuan Ying's early stage, both the light and dark meridian systems of Qin Lang's body are filled with liquid true energy, and there is no need to worry about breaking the restriction of this super magic weapon.

The current Qin Lang is actually not much different from a Nascent Soul in the mid-term in terms of true energy reserves, which can be regarded as a small advantage. It can speed up the refining speed of some magic weapons in disguise. During the sacrifice process, you don’t have to worry about your own true energy Temporarily unavailable.

Then, the sacrifice began!
Qin Lang injected a large amount of true energy and began to refine the magic treasure house. As long as he broke the first layer of restrictions on the magic treasure house and refined it a little, he could change the size of the huge ghost ship in front of him arbitrarily and take it into his pocket.

Since it was the first time to refine the magic house, Qin Lang was also very careful. He did not carry out the sacrifice as a whole, but started with the structure of the ghost ship.

Because the magic treasure house is basically composed of multiple magic weapons, it can be said that each individual magic weapon is a part of the magic weapon house, so a magic weapon house is disassembled, and the sacrifice of each part and part is carried out separately. , and then it is easier to combine them.

This means that Qin Lang, a high-level cultivator with a lot of refining experience, has the ability to do this. It is estimated that after the pirate king Haifo who got this magic weapon for the first time a thousand years ago, he could only sacrifice the entire magic weapon house in a stupid way. Spend several times, even dozens of times the sacrifice time.

After carefully checking the context of the entire magic house, Qin Lang roughly divided the entire ghost ship area into several parts, the hull, cabin, sail, and rudder, which means that the ghost ship magic house is composed of four separate parts .

"The hull is the largest, the most difficult to refine, followed by the cabin, followed by the sail and the rudder... From easy to difficult, let me start with the sail and the cabin!"

Qin Lang didn't act recklessly. After observing, he made this plan. Simply put, it is from easy to difficult. The advantage of doing this is to ensure that the easy refining part can be successful, and at the same time refining the simple part of the ghost ship During the process, you can also warm up to facilitate the more difficult parts of refining later.

Injecting true energy, Qin Lang poured all his mind into Chuanfan, and began to sacrifice the parts of this magic house wholeheartedly.

With the infusion of true energy, the entire sail of the ship will automatically move without wind. The black ghost ship is like ink, and even the sails are black. In this gloomy environment, the sails suddenly open, which is really shocking. Feeling cold.

After the sail was opened, it gave off a dim light, and the true energy began to flow through the entire sail body to soak the entire magic weapon parts, and the sacrifice was in full swing, full of drums and drums.

It took about seven or eight minutes, Qin Lang's mind was emptied, and there was a feeling of blood connection with the sail of the ghost ship, which meant that the sacrifice was successful!

This feeling of blood connection is not strong, even very weak, if he is still a monk of alchemy, he may not be able to feel it.

In fact, this is also because the successful refining is only a part of the ghost ship, not the whole, and the treasure as a whole has not yet recognized its owner. Only when the entire ghost ship has recognized its owner, will the feeling of blood connection be the strongest.

Anyway, the sail is done.

Qin Lang was overjoyed, the first part of the ghost ship was successfully sacrificed, which was a good sign, and then he didn't stop, and began to sacrifice the rudder.

The rudder is also one of the most important components of the ghost ship. The difficulty of sacrifice is similar to that of the sail. The rudder in front of you is about ten sticks high, and it looks magnificent standing in the center.

Qin Lang began to inject real energy into the rudder, and with the infusion of real energy, the rudder also began to emit a faint light, and the real energy soaked the entire rudder, bit by bit following the second part of the magic house ghost ship build connection.

bass!Very smoothly, Qin Lang also established a connection with the rudder, the second part of the Fashiwu ghost ship.

After resting for a while, Qin Lang held a few high-grade spirit stones in his hand to recover, replenishing the true energy he had consumed before. Although the consumption was not much, only about half of the Ming meridians in the body's two meridian systems were consumed.

Originally, middle-grade spirit stones could also supplement Qin Lang's own consumption, but the replenishment speed is definitely not as fast as top-grade spirit stones.

It is absolutely a race against time to sacrifice the ghost ship in the magic treasure house now, so Qin Lang took out the few high-grade spirit stones on his body as soon as he was cruel, and the current high-grade spirit stones on his body are only less than 1000 yuan.

After a while, after absorbing the spiritual power of the spirit stone, he replenished his true energy again, and then proceeded to refine the cabin of the ghost ship.

The sacrifice of the ghost ship's cabin is much more difficult than the previous two parts, so Qin Lang spent almost as much energy as the sacrifice of the two magic weapon parts just now to complete the sacrifice of the ghost ship's cabin.

After the completion of the sacrifice of the cabin, three-quarters of the sacrifice of the entire magic treasure house has been completed, and the last hull remains unsacrificed. Refining is complete.

However, the hull is not only large in size, but also has the most complicated structure, and the difficulty of sacrificial refining is even more difficult than the sum of the previous three. It also has the most energy.

In order to sacrificially refine the parts of the three magic weapons, Qin Lang not only spent a lot of money on his true energy, but also spent a lot on his spiritual consciousness.

The cost of true energy can be supplemented by absorbing the spiritual power of spirit stones, but the consumption of spiritual consciousness can only be supplemented by pills, but there are not many Yiyuan pills and Xiushen pills on Qin Lang now.

The sacrifice of the entire magic house has been carried out to this point. Of course, Qin Lang has no reason to give up halfway. He took out the few pills left on his body to replenish and repair his consciousness, and quickly replenished his consumption of consciousness.

After taking these elixirs, the consumption of spiritual consciousness has also been replenished in sevens and eighties. Now Qin Lang can devote all his energy to the sacrifice of the last part of the magic weapon.

The sacrifice of the hull begins...

Qin Lang increased the concentration of spiritual power. Compared with the other three magic weapon parts, the hull of the ship is huge, and the more real energy needs to be injected. When Qin Lang almost sent out all the real energy in the meridians, the whole ghost ship The hull began to tremble slightly, making a buzzing sound.

Then an invisible force field appeared on the hull, and the ghost ship actually floated up slowly, hanging in the air more than half a meter above the ground.

Here... Here, the hull of the ghost ship is shaking more and more violently. Qin Lang has soaked the entire hull with true energy, resonating with the lines of the ghost ship's hull bit by bit, which is a spiritual fit the process of.

Squeak, finally, when Qin Lang also mobilized part of the true energy of Xumai, the hull of the ghost ship was also sacrificed.

And with the success of the sacrifice of the fourth part of the ghost ship, the first layer of sacrifice system of the entire magic house was cracked, and the indiscriminate fusion with Qin Lang's spiritual power began, creating a feeling of blood fusion.

The Magic Treasure House was finally successfully sacrificed!
With a thought in Qin Lang's mind, the entire house of magical treasures rapidly became smaller, and finally turned from a huge monster into a ghost ship model that fell into his hands, but it was only about an inch in size.

The first floor of the Magic Treasure House's forbidden sacrificial refining was successful, sending and receiving freely, Qin Lang laughed and took this Magic Treasure House into his pocket.

"The sacrifice went well! It probably only took more than an hour! This is also the reason why I took advantage of the sacrifice, otherwise this magic house would not be so easy to be sacrificed. It would take a day or two to perform the sacrifice in a normal way." Time is short!"

"However, the fly in the ointment is that this magic house is not in its complete form, it is actually a damaged magic house! So currently it only has nine levels of restraints. If it is restored to its full state, this magic house should have 24 levels of restraints! There are some and some If the magic treasure in the intact magic treasure house is too spiritual, then it will be even more difficult to sacrifice."

Thinking about it, Qin Lang also felt that the damage to the Magic Treasure House was reasonable. After all, it had lost the control of the owner for a long time. Even if there were sea-eye stones and formations to assist the whole secret realm to run, it was equivalent to no one taking care of it. The Magic Treasure House was not in the years He should be thankful for being annihilated into ashes with the passage of time.

"However, even if there is only a magic house with nine layers of restrictions, it is much better than ordinary top-grade magic weapons! The magic house has both offensive and defensive functions, and basically has no shortcomings. After completing the sacrifice of the nine-layer restriction, the ghost ship It will also become the most powerful top-grade treasure in my hands!"

"Besides, since the Magic Treasure House is only partially damaged, it may be repaired. In the future, as long as I find suitable materials, I can vaguely and continuously repair this top-quality treasure, making the ghost ship the biggest trump card in my hand!"

After receiving this top-grade magic house, Qin Lang felt that his body was also heavy. It is not an exaggeration to say that this magic house is the biggest treasure in the entire ruins. Even in the world's three major secret realms, there is no other treasure that can compare to this top-grade treasure. Better baby out.

After collecting the ghost ship, Qin Lang looked around the entire treasure room. There are not many valuable things in the real treasures of the entire pirate king. Of course, this is also because of his high vision and picky vision. Ordinary gold jewelry is not for him. Nothing special.

Afterwards, he looted all spiritual treasures, not a single elixir and cultivation resources were left behind, and in the end only some ordinary belongings were left in the treasure room.

In this case, the entire Pirate King's real treasure was basically taken away by him, leaving only some leftovers for those treasure hunters.

Quietly coming in, and then quietly leaving, Qin Lang waved his sleeves and left without a trace.

After Qin Lang left, he took another photo of the invisibility talisman, then canceled the magic effect of the mirror image, and restored the previous seal.

It's just that the blood dragon curse has become an empty shell after Qin Lang cracked it. It depends on whether the treasure hunters present can find out the abnormality of this curse, but Qin Lang will not remind them of this.

There are still some treasures left in that treasure room, depending on who is brave and careful, with good luck, they will be able to get those treasures left by Qin Lang's charity.

(End of this chapter)

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