Chapter 1311
After meeting with the Shar family and his subordinates, Qin Lang discussed with them for a while before preparing to leave here.

Now that he has obtained the greatest benefit from the Millennium Treasure, he no longer has any nostalgia for this place.

Even if there are still some treasures like elixir scattered in some corners of this secret seabed, he doesn't intend to continue.

After all, most of the treasures must have been hollowed out and found. There are too few scattered things, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to find, so it is not necessary.

As for whether others should leave with him, he didn't bother to care.Maybe some people who have gained very little are still willing to stay here, hoping to get some treasures.

As far as he is concerned, both the Shar family and his side have lost a manpower in this treasure hunting adventure, but compared to the gains, it is nothing.

Compared with the other treasure hunters who entered the Pirate King's treasure this time, Qin Lang and the Shar family were much happier. Most of the other treasure hunters did not gain much, and those who were unlucky even lost their lives in the ruins.

Next, Qin Lang and the Shar family left the treasure of the Pirate King and appeared on the coastline of Malacca in a flash.

Coming back to the world and leaving the isolated world under the sea, Qin Lang felt that the air he breathed was different.The sea-smelling air breathed on this coastline is not comparable to the air with aura fluctuations in the secret seabed.

However, the coastline can see the wide and beautiful scene of the sea and the sky at a close distance, which is better than the scene in the secret place of the sea. Qin Lang looked at it from afar, admiring the sea and the blue sky that seemed to blend together, and suddenly felt refreshed.

And just when Qin Lang came to the outside world, he suddenly frowned and looked in one direction.

He saw the expected group of people.

"It's that group of black-robed wizards!"

Qin Lang murmured in his heart, but for the time being, he didn't have the heart to touch these miscellaneous fish. Now that he has gained a lot, he just thought about how to rush back to the Middle East branch as soon as possible to deal with the cultivation resources on his body.

But that group of black-robed wizards couldn't make Qin Lang fulfill his wish. When Qin Lang and others left, they stared at Qin Lang and others like a tail.

After having no choice, Qin Lang could only let the others go first, and he was going to deal with this annoying tail first.

Qin Lang consumed a lot of money in the Thousand Year Treasure of the Pirate King, mainly to refine the ghost ship, and almost used up all his true energy. Now the true energy on his body has been supplemented for a while, but only a quarter of it has been replenished. .

Therefore, Qin Lang can't fight a war of attrition with these wizards, he can only fight quickly, otherwise his true energy will not be consumed for too long.

After owning the ghost ship, Qin Lang now has more confidence. This is a magic house that can be defended and attacked, but he intends to use it as a hole card and is not ready to use it lightly.

After all, this kind of super treasure consumes a lot of real energy. Qin Lang's own real energy is insufficient, so he can only use it as a deterrent for the time being.

Holding a few high-grade spirit stones in his hand, Qin Lang slowly approached those black-robed wizards, while silently seizing the time to recover his true energy.

A piece of high-grade spirit stone is equivalent to 100 yuan of medium-grade spirit stones, and the speed of replenishing true energy is quite impressive, almost a hundred times faster than that of middle-grade spirit stones. It takes a lot of time.

When approaching the remaining five black-robed men, even though the true energy on his body was supplemented by spirit stones, it was still less than one-third.

Gently shaking off the spirit stone powder in his hand, Qin Lang summoned his weapon and entered the fighting state.

The five black-robed wizards in front of them were also very surprised to see Qin Lang welcoming them. They used special witchcraft to enter a state of invisibility. Unexpectedly, Qin Lang could still find them.

What they don't know is that Qin Lang's spiritual sense is very powerful. Now, with a distance of two hundred feet, all living things cannot escape his spiritual sense, which is more effective than radar.

So their witchcraft can hide from other people's sight, but they can't hide from Qin Lang's spiritual detection, so it's natural to be discovered.

After knowing that the invisibility effect was useless, the five wizards naturally canceled the witchcraft. After all, performing this witchcraft consumes more mental power. The battle is imminent, and it is better to save one point of mental power.

After passing through the bottom of the sea, the five wizards all knew Qin Lang's extraordinaryness, and now they naturally regard Qin Lang as their enemy.

And the reason why I followed Qin Lang and his party just now is because Qin Lang and his party left early. The five wizards judged that Qin Lang and these people are the biggest beneficiaries of the entire seabed treasure. Otherwise, other adventurous treasure hunters are still at the bottom of the sea. These people Why did you leave early... You don't need to think too much about it, people like Qin Lang must have gained a lot.

Since two companions on the bottom of the sea were indirectly lost to Qin Lang, these five black-robed wizards attached great importance to Qin Lang. They knew that Qin Lang was not an ordinary enemy and was very powerful, so they were all very solemn.

As for why the two wizards were indirectly lost to Qin Lang... At that time, although the two wizards died in the hands of other treasure hunters, if Qin Lang hadn't killed most of the souls of the two wizards before, the two A wizard is not so easy to be killed by treasure hunters.

With a sneer, Qin Lang didn't talk nonsense with these five wizards, and fought directly.

"Sanshengjianjue... Sword Qi Shuyuan!"

Qin Lang played the first form of the Sansheng Sword Art, which is a swordsmanship based on restraint.

But now after entering the Nascent Soul stage, Qin Lang's true energy is far different from that of the pill-forming stage. Even if there is only one-third of the true essence in his body now, it is equivalent to three times that of the Great Perfection of the pill.

Therefore, the first form of the Sansheng Sword Art does not consume much real energy at all. The later moves of this set of sword art consume more, but the first three forms are not too expensive for the current Qin Lang.

Swiping, swiping, swiping, Qin Lang struck out five strokes. If these five sword qi are stained with five black-robed wizards, they will immediately restrain the enemy so that the opponent cannot move, so Qin Lang can almost end the battle directly.

But the five black-robed wizards are not ordinary people, each of them is also a treacherous and cunning man. When he saw Qin Lang emitting sword energy, he also knew that the sword energy was not easy to provoke. Use the force field shield to offset the sword energy.

It is worth mentioning that although the force field shield issued by the wizard using spiritual power cannot completely block the sword energy, it has a certain blocking effect and slows down the speed of the sword energy, so the five wizards escaped Qin Lang's first attack. hit.

"That's right! As expected of a wizard from the Desert Fox headquarters, it's really powerful."

In this regard, Qin Lang is not surprised, the more powerful the enemy is, the more able he is to hone his combat awareness and combat experience.

Swiping, swiping, Qin Lang used a few more sword qi, took a wind escape talisman directly, and used the phantom wind step to rush into the group of five wizards. Since he is already close, let's melee!

Not to mention, with the Wind Escape Talisman, Phantom Wind Walk, and Qin Lang who activated the effect of the Shadow Boots, his speed has almost become an afterimage. The five black-robed wizards had no time to react. When Qin Lang approached, one after another Hit by the trick, flying around like five petals.

Ah ah ah ah ah……

With a scream, all five wizards were injured, but wizards have special physiques, and their witchcraft is even more magical, so despite the injuries, their fighting ability was not affected much.

And Qin Lang was also unreasonable, and continued to rush forward for a fat beating. The pure speed advantage made him feel very refreshed.

But after the first round of blows, the five wizards reacted immediately, and they all shouted: "No, this oriental boy is too fast, let's fit together! You must fit together to deal with it!"

"Fit?" Qin Lang was taken aback, it sounded familiar.

"Law in heaven and earth!"

But at this time, the five wizards all yelled, but this time they did not scream, but cast a special witchcraft at the same time, but the five wizards all turned into black smoke and dispersed, which also made Qin Lang's attack hit to empty space.

After the black smoke dissipated, a behemoth suddenly appeared within five feet of Qin Lang's line of sight. It was a black giant more than two feet tall. This should be the monster formed by the fusion of five wizards.

"Fa Tianxiangdi... This magical power of the witch clan is really good. It should be the inheritance of the ancient Chinese witch clan. I didn't expect it to appear in this land of the Middle East!"

Qin Lang was surprised.

After the five wizards merged, the aura of the force field became many times stronger. It seemed that this monster was very powerful, but Qin Lang was not afraid.

"Break the ax and sink the boat!"

The third form of the Three Lives Sword Art was issued, and he slashed directly. When the black giant saw Qin Lang attacking, the giant palm unexpectedly released a blow, forming a black air wall.

Chichi, there was no crackling sound when the sword energy collided with the air wall, and the speed was blocked for a while, and the black giant also used this to dodge the attack.

"bring it on!"

It was a dull voice, coming from the black giant. Obviously, the black giant formed after the fusion was also a militant.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang bang!
Next, Qin Lang confronted the giant head-to-head for dozens of times, and the two sides were evenly matched.

The black giants formed by the five black-robed wizards using the magical powers of the ancient Chinese witches are indeed powerful. Think about it. In the ancient legends of China, the witches can fight against the demon cultivators. It is the most outstanding talent of witchcraft in the clan.

It was luck that the five black-robed wizards were able to acquire such magical powers. It seems that this desert fox is really not easy!In Qin Lang's mind, he sped up the movements in his hands again, and must fight quickly. Now that he has been fighting for a while, the true energy in his body has dropped to a quarter again.

However, the body of the Wu Clan is the most powerful existence in the world, so it is difficult for Qin Lang to end the battle in a short time. Not much damage.

This is also determined by the physique of the Wu Clan. The power of a single sword move among ordinary cultivators may have been weakened to less than one-tenth by this black giant.

In other words, Qin Lang may be able to deal with a powerful cultivator with three or two swords, but if he wants to deal with this black giant, he can't do it without twenty or thirty swords.

Moreover, these twenty or thirty swords must hit the flesh, and cannot be dodged by the black giant, so it will work.

Therefore, this is a very difficult battle process. Judging from Qin Lang's own true energy, he simply cannot support such a battle.

And the five black giants who changed from black-robed wizards, after seeing Qin Lang's attack becoming weaker and more cautious, were not relentless at first, and finally reacted later: "This opponent is too worn out in the ruins, It seems that there is not much energy left, which is good news!"

As a result, the black giant cheered up, turned from defense to attack, and even rushed towards Qin Lang directly, as if he would not stop until Qin Lang was overwhelmed, and Qin Lang was at a disadvantage for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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