The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1312 Strongly Breaking Witchcraft

Chapter 1312 Strongly Breaking Witchcraft

He was actually at a disadvantage, as if being crushed and beaten by a black giant, such a result was unexpected and unwilling to see by Qin Lang.

He only had to be cautious in order to save his true energy. Unexpectedly, the black giant on the other side saw the key, and took advantage of the timing when his attack power had not reached its peak. Turning from offense to defense, he lost his previous advantage.

Qin Lang has already reached the peak of Yuanying's early stage. It is reasonable to say that the true energy should be very sufficient, but because the magic treasure house in the ruins is basically exhausted, it is now leading to the lack of true energy. I can't laugh or cry.

"Oh, what a disaster."

Qin Lang sighed, his body retreated violently, he began to fry beans and swallowed a handful of Jingqi pills, and then swallowed a violent Yuan pill.

I really don't have much true energy, so I can only fight quickly, but this black giant is so difficult to deal with, if I don't rely on pills, it really won't work.

Take drugs, let's take drugs. In the cultivation world of Qinghe Continent, which monk doesn't carry a lot of pills that can restore his true strength?

Violent Yuan Pill has the effect of increasing its own combat power by 50.00% in a short period of time. Although there are certain side effects after use, if the battle can be resolved within half an hour, there will be no major problems.

After taking the two pills, Qin Lang's aura once again increased, and the result of the 50.00% increase in the combat power of the Baoyuan Pill directly raised Qin Lang's cultivation base to the level that barely reached the middle stage of Yuanying.

"Hold me? Hmph!"

Qin Lang lost his temper.

Although the opponent took advantage of the opportunity that he had exhausted a lot of strength and lacked real strength to storm and attack, and gained the upper hand, but that was only temporary, now that he had recovered, it was his turn to suppress the opponent.

Qin Lang is like a god of thunder, attacking wildly!
The sudden increase in cultivation also allowed Qin Lang to regain an overwhelming advantage. Uncharacteristically, he slammed and charged, and directly confronted the black giant again.

However, the black giant retreated steadily in front of Qin Lang's explosive power, and at this moment, he took countless hits on his body. Slowly, the black giant's body gradually showed signs of collapse.

"Not good! The body of law, sky, and earth is about to collapse. This Dongfang boy did not know what medicine he swallowed just now, and he became so violent!"

The body of the black giant disperses five spiritual waves, which are the spiritual thoughts of the five wizards who combined to form the black giant.

Originally, these five spiritual thoughts were fused together. Because Qin Lang's attack was too fierce, the giant's body of law, heaven and earth was about to collapse. Qin Lang's attack broke up the combined thoughts again and was forced to split into five again.

"Haha, eat another one! Dragon elephant yin and yang break!"

Qin Lang clenched his fists tightly, and his fists were glowing with golden light and blasted towards the giant's body, hitting directly with one blow.

The body of the black giant made a sound of collapse and split suddenly.

Five black figures appeared from the split. They were five wizards in black robes. Their bodies were broken, and they all suffered quite a lot of injuries.

"It's not good, the idea is tricky, run away quickly!"

As soon as the five black-robed wizards communicated, they broke up and fled in five directions.

"It's not that easy to escape!" Qin Lang's eyes were cold, and he locked on to them directly.

It is impossible for him to let these five black-robed wizards escape again and again. It is imperative to cut the weeds and root them out, otherwise there will be hidden dangers in the future, and it will really take a lot of effort and energy to eradicate them.

Qin Lang was not afraid that these five people would disperse and escape.

Because when he attacked just now, he had already imprinted the mark of divine consciousness on the black giant, so even though the black giant collapsed, the five black-robed wizards who made up the giant's body were all imprinted by him. Can't escape their own tracking.

Due to the cunning of these five black-robed wizards, they escaped in five directions, so Qin Lang can only deal with them one by one. Now Qin Lang directly chased one of them without hesitation. After chasing for about half a mile, he directly attacked and hit the other party. .

The other party screamed, turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared, and a toad was jumping around in place, trying to escape in a hurry.

This is the soul incarnation of the other party. Qin Lang sneered when he saw this, and pressed the toad again with his big hand, directly pressing the toad deeply on the ground, making a big handprint several meters deep on the spot.

Speaking of which, the temporary increase in combat effectiveness of Baoyuan Dan is still very impressive. The cultivation base of the middle stage of Yuanying is completely different from that of the early stage of Yuanying, so now Qin Lang feels that he has no strength to use.

Squeezed by the powerful palm force, the toad incarnated by the wizard's soul was immediately squeezed into meat sauce, and a faint black smoke floated from the toad's body. This purest soul energy was directly blurred by Qin Lang again. With a pinch of his big hand, it fell apart.

The first black-robed wizard finally completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

After killing the first black-robed wizard, Qin Lang did not stop, but directly followed the second one again. It took about 10 minutes to catch up with the second black-robed wizard.

Next, it was a crushing battle, the process was completely similar to the first time, and the second black-robed wizard was also easily killed by Qin Lang.

Then there was the third one. At this time, Qin Lang felt that the effect of the Baoyuan Pill was less than 10 minutes long. He took a picture of the Wind Escape Talisman again, and used the Phantom Wind Walk to catch up with the third black-robed wizard. .

When catching up with the third black-robed wizard, the duration of the Violent Yuan Pill was only 3 minutes. Qin Lang also went crazy, and unleashed a more violent attack, forcibly breaking the protective force field of the third black-robed wizard. Killed the black-robed wizard ten seconds before the pill's duration.

The third one is also killed!

And as the third black-robed wizard was killed, the duration of Qin Lang's elixir also ended, and his whole body suddenly collapsed on the ground, unable to move at all.

In this state, not to mention chasing the remaining two wizards, even self-protection is more difficult. I can't even move my fingers. This state will last for an hour before it becomes soft.

Fortunately, before the continuous effect of the medicinal power disappeared, Qin Lang summoned his beast water 魃 to protect himself.

He sent out a spiritual idea, asking Shui Ba to hide himself in a hidden place, and after sending out this spiritual idea, he passed out completely.

Bao Yuan Dan is so domineering, at the cost of burning his body's potential to improve his combat effectiveness, the sequelae can't even be resisted by Qin Lang in the Nascent Soul stage.

Fortunately, the physique of the Nascent Soul stage is much stronger than that of the later stage of Dandan. Qin Lang used to need more than an hour to wake up, but it turned out that he was already awake in only about half an hour.

After waking up, Qin Lang still felt very weak, but he was able to move a little. He quickly took out the pill and swallowed a few pills of essence and energy, and took out a few top-grade spirit stones to meditate and recover.

And from the beginning to the end, his own beast water 魃 was always protecting him. This beast pet met Qin Lang at the end of the hard life, got a new life, and was also loyal to Qin Lang, the master. 100%.

Shuiba is a third-order monster. Although it is only equivalent to the middle and late stages of foundation establishment, its advantages lie in agility and speed, as well as its ability to sense the atmosphere of the surrounding environment, so it is no problem to protect Qin Lang.

You know, although Qin Lang's spiritual sensing ability is powerful, there is a certain level. At least Qin Lang, a monster mutant with super concealment ability, cannot sense it, but this guy can sense it. You know how special this guy is. strong.

Therefore, in terms of predicting the dangers of the surrounding environment in advance, this pet is even more reliable than the previous generals.

Although the general has been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, regained his sanity and became Kunnunu No. [-], but it is only stronger than this pet in terms of combat power. no.

During the more than an hour when Shui Ba was honestly protecting the law, Qin Lang was also quickly recovering his lost true energy. Slowly, his dry body was re-moisturized by a trickle of true energy and slowly enriched. .

It has to be said that the recovery speed of the top-grade spirit stone is really fast, and Qin Lang recovered one-tenth of his true energy in just 10 minutes.

However, the corresponding price is that the high-grade spirit stones directly lost another six yuan. Qin Lang didn't have many high-grade spirit stones, and he was quite cherished to say the least. After that, he continued to meditate with a lot of middle-grade spirit stones.

The body at the peak of Yuanying's early stage is simply a bottomless pit. Qin Lang spent almost a thousand middle-grade spirit stones to replenish his whole body by [-]%. It has to be said that the consumption of spirit stones in battle is terrible, and Qin Lang The current net worth really can't afford too much fighting consumption.

Fortunately, this trip to the thousand-year-old treasure ruins has been full of rewards. Otherwise, Qin Lang really didn’t want to spend so much on using spirit stones. It’s just that with the current cultivation environment on the earth, if he doesn’t use spirit stones, Qin Lang really can’t supplement himself. True energy consumed in battle.

Qin Lang finally regained his ability to move. At this time, Qin Lang felt relieved. The sequelae after using the Baoyuan Pill are too strong. Although there are still a few pills on his body, he can use this kind of medicine less in the future.

In addition, thinking of the Raoyuan Pill, Qin Lang suddenly thought that there is a forbidden fruit of life and death on his body. This strange treasure obtained from the secret place of the pyramid has the same effect as the Raoyuan Pill, but after using it, there is no sequelae, but it can also improve his physical potential , to fully solidify the potential of the body.

Such a miraculous fruit is stronger than the Raoyuan Pill. If you encounter danger in the future, you can consider using this special miraculous fruit to turn the tide of the battle.

But this fruit is too precious, and I only have this one in my body at the moment, and I won't have it after I use it up... So how to use it and when to use it, I have to decide when the time comes.

Qin Lang stood up at this time, moved his body a bit, felt that there was no serious problem, and continued to catch up with his companions on the return journey.

The two remaining wizards had already escaped for an hour or two, and he didn't know how far they had escaped, but now he didn't want to chase them any more, and left them to deal with the two escaped fish later.

With a flash of his eyes, Qin Lang summoned his own flying magic weapon, jumped up from the ground and rushed towards his companions. After flying for more than two hours, he finally rejoined his own people.

Next, the convoy returned to AJ by the same route, and Qin Lang also silently counted the harvest of this trip to the treasure. About 100 elixir plants were harvested, including ten top-grade elixir plants, eight medium-grade elixir plants, There are more than 80 strains of low-grade elixir.

In addition, there are more than a dozen spiritual treasures, a small pile of materials for cultivation, and a whole corpse of a sixth-level monster beast waiting to be disposed of.

There are also some ordinary properties, mainly antiques, which add up to about two or three billion yuan. This is Qin Lang's rough judgment. After all, he is not an appraiser and cannot accurately judge their specific value. When the time comes It can be judged by a professional.

Qin Lang is not going to sell these ordinary belongings, those antiques can be used to decorate his company headquarters and branches at that time, making his Lanrun Cosmetics Company look more stylish and tasteful.

After all, as the business grows, there are more and more high-class people dealing with Lanrun Cosmetics Company. Qin Lang must now organize the entire company to be more connotative, and some necessary high-end decorations in the company are already indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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