The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1313 Mixing and Refining Pills

Chapter 1313 Mixing and Refining Pills
Not long after Qin Lang left the waters of Malacca, a sharp-billed fish jumped out from the bottom of the sea on a coast hundreds of miles away.

The sharp-nosed fish is about 1.8 meters long with its tail, and looks similar to the common swordfish in the sea. There is nothing unusual in appearance.

To talk about a special phenomenon, this fish will suddenly pop out very close to the shore.

After all, other species of fish with such a large head live in deeper waters and don't jump around near the shore.

But if one looks closely at the fish's eyes, one is guaranteed to see something surprising.

The two eyes of this fish actually have a strong emotional color, just like human eyes!
This fish is not easy!
After jumping out of the sea, the fish actually turned into a puff of thick black smoke, then turned into a black-robed wizard, and landed on the coast.

This guy happened to be one of the ones who escaped from Qin Lang's clutches. At that time, he turned into a fish and fled in a hurry, running down the coastline for hundreds of miles.

What he didn't know was that Qin Lang had lost his strength after chasing and killing the three black-robed wizards, otherwise, there would be no need to be so panic-stricken.

After regaining his human form, this black-robed wizard stared at the direction behind him flickeringly, and stood there for a long time, not knowing what this guy was thinking.

After a long time, this guy cast a spell again and turned into an inconspicuous bird, fluttering his wings and flying away.

This is a transformation wizard who is good at changing various natural objects. Although he is not the strongest among the five escaped wizards, this method of transformation has a great advantage in escaping, so he survived.

Speaking of which, the mutants developed by mutants in European and American countries are similar to wizards in many aspects, and they should also learn from the abilities of these mysterious wizards in the Middle East.


After Qin Lang returned to AJ, he went directly to the Middle East branch and began to sort out his materials, preparing to refine medicine first, and then continue to sacrifice his magic treasure house ghost ship.

This time he obtained a large amount of elixir materials, and he had spent a lot of money on the various elixir on his body, so he happened to refine a batch.

First of all, there are more than 20 sunflowers, which are the main materials for refining the top-grade elixir, Fushen Pill, and it also means that Qin Lang can refine at least forty Fushen Pills with these main materials. Fushen Pill, this is the moment It is the best elixir to replenish the spiritual consciousness and repair the damage of the spiritual consciousness, and it is more effective than another elixir, Yiyuan Dan.

And the other thing is to refine a batch of essence pills. Although Qin Lang refined a large amount of essence pills, thousands of pills, before leaving Qinghe Road, after such a period of time, it has been almost consumed and needs to be replenished urgently .

In short, keeping the elixir on the body is always a matter of preparation.

The elixir for restoring true vitality, the elixir for healing, and the elixir for inspiring secret methods, etc., all need to be prepared at any time, because you don’t know when or when something will happen. With the elixir, at least you can be more confident Respond to all kinds of changes and situations.

The materials for refining the essence pills were part of the Pirate King's trip to the thousand-year treasure, plus some storage on his body, it should be no problem to refine another two thousand pills.

It's just that with the current cultivation base of Qin Lang's Yuanying stage, the effect of this kind of pill to supplement the consumption of true essence has been greatly reduced.

If it was before, he would be able to fully replenish his true energy by eating a few or a dozen pills, but now he grabs a handful like eating fried beans, and he needs to eat a hundred and eighty pills at a time to consume his body. Make up three or four points.

In addition, this time I also got a high-grade elixir star needle grass, which can be used to refine Yijing Dan, which is a high-grade elixir that dissolves the elixir.

Erysipelas, this has always been an insoluble headache in the world of comprehension, because diseases come from the mouth, and disasters come from the mouth, no matter what pills a cultivator takes, there will be more or less a little erysipelas.

If you take elixirs for a long time, there will always be erysipelas deposited in the body. If there is too much, it will damage the meridians and viscera. Therefore, it is not that the more elixirs taken by a cultivator, the better, but the erysipelas that are taken. The less the better.

But how could the elixir have no erysipelas? Even if Qin Lang took a large amount of good elixir of the perfect level, he would not guarantee that there would be no erysipelas deposited in his body, it was just that the amount was relatively small.

Like Qin Lang, even if he is already a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, he will accumulate erysipelas in his body after taking elixir for a long time to practice, so he needs to use this elixir to get rid of erysipelas and purify himself every once in a while.

In addition, there are some materials for refining the healing medicine Tai Huan Dan, which can be used to refine a Da Huan Dan.

In addition to these materials, Qin Lang actually found a special elixir material, Celestial Immortal Grass. Although this is a low-grade elixir, it is very rare in the cultivation world, and it is the material for refining Zhuyan Pill.

Seeing this Qin Lang's eyes, it is a woman's nature to love beauty. I made this immortal grass alchemy, made Zhu Yan Dan and gave it to a few beauties I have a good relationship with. I believe they will be very interested.

When the strength improves in the future, you can also refine the elixir that can increase the lifespan of ordinary people and give it to a few girls, and even refine some elixir that is against the sky to help improve the spiritual root attributes of a few girls, making a few girls The child also embarked on the road of self-cultivation like him, and it is possible to accompany him for a longer time in the world of mortals.

He's already planning on doing this.After all, his lifespan is much longer than Liu Zhenzhen and Ye Xiaorui's now, and it would be best to turn them all into cultivators in the future.


Now Qin Lang has asked for a secret room alone in the laboratory of the Middle East branch, as a place for his alchemy.

Ziyun Dan furnace has been taken out by him. After the change is enlarged, the materials are added in order. The inside of this Ziyun Dan furnace is divided into eight pieces, which can be sacrificed to eight different types of pills. Qin Lang will return the healing medicine The ingredients of pills, Zhuyan pills and Jingqi pills are loaded separately.

The grades of these three kinds of elixirs are not high, so Qin Lang intends to mix and refine them, and at the same time master the fire, he should be able to produce the three kinds of elixirs together.

As for the rest of Fushen Pill and Yijing Pill, the grade of the material is too high, and it is safer to sacrifice it alone. Although Qin Lang is now at the level of a master of alchemy, it is estimated that even if the low-level and high-level elixir are mixed together, it will be difficult. It's okay, but he thinks it's better to be safe if it's not necessary.

After all, the earth is no better than the cultivation world, and these elixir materials are too precious. If there is an accident in the process of refining the materials, I will be in a hurry when I want to make up for it. It is really not worth it.

Alchemy begins!The Purple Cloud Pill Furnace was suspended, and the forbidden runes in the center of the furnace cover lit up bit by bit.Jingqi Pill needs the water of the cold pool as the base, occupying five grids, and Qin Lang poured it into the water of the cold pool at this time.

Kanlizhihuo was called out by Qin Lang. After receiving the unexpected joy of Tianjie, Qin Lang's Kanlizhihuo is no longer the size of a soybean, but has become a big ball of kangaroo. Now it is changed by the heart and manipulated by the heart , the operation makes it more handy.

The refining process is very easy. For a master alchemist, although it is the first time to combine alchemy, every movement and technique is methodical. He can even easily refine while humming a song, waiting for the fire Once it arrives, add the remaining ingredients little by little, and it's completely handy.

Refining three kinds of alchemy at the same time, only Qin Lang, a master of alchemy, can do this kind of leisure. Ordinary alchemists can't do this at all.

Although the process of refining is random, Qin Lang is meticulous about the collocation of the monarch and ministers of the elixir. The ministers and assistants of the elixir are very particular. If they are disturbed, the internal structure of the elixir may fall apart, and the elixir cannot be refined. come out.The final result was either a pile of medicinal dregs, or the pill furnace burst.

As for the time and quantity of adding materials, this process cannot tolerate even the slightest deviation. It is not allowed to sprinkle half a minute more or less.

As a master of alchemy, Qin Lang actually has a clear grasp of the changes in the medicines in the alchemy furnace, so that he can do it right.

At this moment, the materials in the alchemy furnace are slowly liquefied and fused after being boiled. There is still a difference between refining three kinds of panacea at the same time and refining alchemy alone. Medicines and the like, adjust and control the time of the three kinds of pills, so that the time of the three kinds of pills in the pill furnace can be unified.

Otherwise, if one kind of elixir is prepared ahead of time, but the other elixirs have not yet been sacrificed and refined, then it will be completely useless, and there is a big problem in front of you... Are you opening the furnace to get the elixir in advance?Or wait for the rest of the elixir to be refined before taking the elixir?

Both situations are not allowed by a master of alchemy. If you open the furnace to take the pill in advance, although you can get one kind of pill, but the other pills that are in the process of being formed will vent the pill energy because of the opening of the furnace, and then the pill will come out. At that time, the quality of the elixir must be greatly reduced.

And if you wait for other pills to be refined and release the pills together, the refined pills will stay in the pill furnace for too long, which will cause the pills to be too old when they are released, and may even become waste pills .

Therefore, refining several kinds of elixirs at the same time requires a very solid basic skill of an alchemist. If you don't have this vision and skill, you should still take steps step by step, and the sacrifice of one kind of elixir and one kind of elixir is safe.

Speaking of it, this special alchemy ability is also a kind of talent, and there may not be one tenth of the alchemists who can master this ability.

Under Qin Lang's control, the alchemy process continued, and everything was planned.

Under the fierce fire, the boiled liquid became thicker little by little under Qin Lang's spiritual sense, and the liquid in several grids was slowly boiling into a paste.

The divine sense sensed that the liquid was slowly turning into a paste, and there were still tiny salt-like crystals appearing in it.Under Qin Lang's full urging, all the prohibition runes on the alchemy furnace lit up, and a misty halo lit up the entire alchemy furnace, and now it is the critical time for the sacrifice...

The circle of light circled the entire pill furnace, like the rotation of the earth, and the paste gradually solidified and formed into three different granular pills.

Finally, the foggy halo disappeared, and the forbidden light on the Purple Cloud Pill furnace also faded, and it was time to collect the pills.

With the disappearance of the firepower, the lid of the purple cloud pill furnace began to vibrate, and Qin Lang, who had been prepared for a long time, picked up the method of the alchemist to collect the alchemy, arranged a few restrictions, and began to collect the alchemy!

The first batch of elixir that came out was a large amount of essence elixir refined in five grids. This kind of low-grade elixir the size of soybeans was the easiest to refine and collect. More than 2000 pola were like rain. Pulling it out, Qin Lang swept it all away with a wave of his sleeve, and put it into the ten big jade bottles that had been prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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