The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1314 The ghost ship is for your own use

Chapter 1314 The ghost ship is for your own use
After the Essence Qi Pill came out, Zhuyan Pill came out immediately.

Qin Lang was lucky, ten elixirs came out of one serving of Zhuyan Pill. Each of this Zhuyan Pill was the size of a marble, slightly larger than the soybean-sized Jingqi Pill, and it was also a low-grade panacea.

It is very easy to collect the two kinds of elixirs. The method of collecting the third elixir, Dahuandan, is a little more complicated, and about a dozen kinds of restrictions have been added. However, for Qin Lang now, it is also very easy, and he collected a hundred A low-grade healing medicine, Dahuandan.

This time, the mixed refining of the three kinds of elixir was very successful. After the refining was completed, Qin Lang felt very relaxed, so he started refining the two high-level elixir of Fushen Pill and Yijing Pill.

The refining of Fushen Pill and Yijing Pill is not difficult for Qin Lang now because it is opened separately. Twenty copies of Sunflower are the main materials of Fushen Pill. After refining, forty pieces are obtained. Fushen pills are all of perfect quality.

One Yijing Pill material with star needle grass as the main body can be refined to obtain five Yijing Pills, all of which are of complete quality with pill patterns.

Seeing these elixirs in front of him, Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief. He has been away from the cultivation world for so long, and there have been signs of insufficient supply of elixir recently. Fortunately, this batch of elixir materials came in time, so he temporarily replenished himself Urgent.

After the refining of the elixir was completed, Qin Lang began to deal with his own magic house ghost ship. This top-quality magic house is also the top-level magic weapon that Qin Lang has obtained today. Although it is only a broken magic house, I believe it is completely After the sacrifice, it will shine in your own hands.

Now that the magic weapon house on the first floor has been sacrificed, Qin Lang can only change its size, but has not been able to release the maximum effect of this magic weapon, so Qin Lang still needs to continue refining.

It is not easy to refine the magic treasure. The first level of sacrifice requires a lot of materials, especially this kind of top-quality magic treasure house. Qin Lang checked the materials on his body, which is just enough to refine this magic treasure house to the third floor. .

Needless to say, Qin Lang continued to refine this magic house by putting in materials, and cracked the ban layer by layer.

With the input of materials, Qin Lang finally cracked the second layer of restrictions on the ghost ship of the Magic Treasure House.

As Qin Lang continued to use the restraint techniques, the second layer of restraint began to be re-refined by Qin Lang, branded with Qin Lang's own brand, which is a deeper level of communication.

The sacrifice of the second layer of restriction requires more real energy than that of the first layer. The method Qin Lang adopted is still the same as that of the first layer of restriction. The parts are refined one by one, and then combined into a whole The second floor of the magic house is a new restriction.

This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, but now that Qin Lang has received a large amount of medicinal pills and enough spiritual stones to control, there is no need to worry about the lack of true energy.

However, Qin Lang did not use high-grade spirit stones when supplementing the consumption of true energy, but used middle-grade spirit stones.There are only a few hundred pieces of high-grade spirit stones on him, and it is correct to use them at critical moments. Usually, using middle-grade spirit stones is enough.

At present, Qin Lang still has more than 3 pieces of middle-grade spirit stones. It cost about 2000 yuan to refine the second floor of the magic treasure house, which is very expensive.

And in the third layer of sacrificial refining, the consumption of middle-grade spirit stones went up to a higher level, and it took another 3000 yuan to replenish the real energy that Qin Lang needed, and refined this magic treasure house more deeply. .

The misty light filled the entire secret room, and now Qin Lang looks ghostly, which is also the characteristic of the ghost ship magic house, and this magic house is actually a top-grade magic weapon of ghosts.

However, Qin Lang doesn't care about these at all. Whether the magic weapon is evil or righteous depends on the monk's disposition. Not everyone in the righteous is a good person, and in the evil way, there may not be no heroes with true temperament.

Similarly, there is no distinction between good and evil magic weapons. In the hands of the wicked, even the most magnificent magic weapons are murder accomplices and can only cause killing. So don't look at the ghost ship as a magic weapon refined by the ghost school, with a gloomy atmosphere. But now the owner has changed, as long as he uses this magic weapon rationally, no evil will be created.

"Okay! It's finally done, ha!"

Qin Lang looked at the palm of his hand, and there was a palm-sized black boat floating on the palm of his hand. This was the ghost ship of the magic treasure house that had been sacrificed for three houses. part of the body.

As soon as his mind moved, Qin Lang disappeared into the secret room in a flash. He didn't go to other places, but directly entered the ghost ship.

Looking outside from the cabin, Qin Lang feels no different from sitting in a real cabin. This magic weapon house integrates offense and defense, which is different from ordinary magic weapons. A monk can hide inside the ghost ship and fight the enemy. In this case, Its own safety factor has also been greatly enhanced.

The Magic Treasure House and the Magic Treasure House are really well-deserved. Qin Lang only really mastered the true function of the ghost ship after refining the third layer of restriction.

With a laugh, Qin Lang manipulated this palm-sized ghost ship to jump up and down in the secret room, having a great time playing, and at the same time gradually familiarizing himself with the manipulation techniques and skills of the magic house.

This is a new combat mode, and the magic weapon of the cultivation world is like a spaceship in the technological world, capable of giving the driver all-round fire support.

This magic house has been opened with three layers of restriction, which is equivalent to having a three-layer defensive force field. Although it is only a three-layer defensive force field, it is compared with Qin Lang's top-grade magic weapon Lie Yan Yuanyang Ruler, which has [-] layers of sacrifices. The defense is even stronger.

This is the difference between the top-grade magic weapon house and the top-grade magic weapon. Although the four components of the ghost ship are only ordinary high-grade magic weapon levels, they are seamless and perfect when they are combined to form a magic weapon house.

Qin Lang, who has shrunk countless times, stayed inside the magic house, just like Ant-Man in European and American blockbusters, riding his beloved ship and starting to fly randomly in the secret room. The magic weapon house is manipulated in the air like a real pilot to turn arbitrarily, changing all kinds of unimaginable trajectories.

Then, Qin Lang sent out a divine thought, and the door of the secret room opened automatically, and the ghost ship flew out of the secret room with Qin Lang from the Lilliputian Kingdom. Through the long corridor, Qin Lang came to the outside world.

It is night now, the stars are shining brightly, and the weather in the Middle East is as good as ever. Qin Lang manipulates the ghost ship to keep going up and down, and gradually the entire Middle East branch becomes a small point below.

Compared with ordinary flying weapons, the ghost ship can rise higher, fly faster, and have better stability.

It is estimated that when the ghost ship is not damaged, it is a very powerful magic weapon, which is not available to ordinary monks. Qin Lang did not expect to see the light of day after thousands of years.

"Flying magic weapons are too rare. With a ghost ship, it is much more convenient for me than having a 24-hour Air Force One."

Qin Lang is not envious of private jets or even the president's exclusive jet, no matter how awesome they are, they are not as good as his flying magic weapon.

Now Qin Lang has risen to at least [-] meters in space, the air here is already very thin, the clouds are far below, and the earth can even see a faint circular outline.

Due to the protection of the ghost ship, Qin Lang couldn't feel the severe cold wind at high altitude. If it was an ordinary item, it would have been frozen into ice lumps in such a high space, but the material of the ghost ship is special, but it is full of water stains. None.

After strolling around leisurely for a round, Qin Lang slowly manipulated the ghost ship to start a rapid descent, and then suddenly raised it up again, resulting in such a strong weightlessness phenomenon, if it were an ordinary person, it would definitely make nausea and vomiting, but Qin Lang is a little bit of a problem None.

After traveling in the sky for about two hours, Qin Lang felt that his true energy was exhausted, so he swayed down to the ground and began to replenish his true energy.

"It's true that the treasure house is good, but the consumption of true energy is four or five times that of ordinary magic weapons. This is still normal. If it is a battle, it may cost more than ten or twenty times the consumption of true energy. It is possible, that is to say, this kind of ultimate magic weapon house cannot be used as a conventional weapon for me now."

"It's no wonder that in the realm of comprehension, the best magic treasure houses with this level are generally those old monsters in the late Nascent Soul stage, or even in the stage of transforming gods. Their own background is strong, so they can ignore the consumption of true energy, and now I... Haha, just a peak monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul."

"However, if other monks at the Nascent Soul stage of the same level have a house of magic treasures, they will probably be worse off than me...You must know that I have twice as much true energy as other monks, and this is the result."

"Although I can't get it as a regular means, but now this magic treasure house ghost ship is undoubtedly my biggest hole card. Whether it is used for attack, defense or escape, its function is unmatched by other magic weapons. And If my cultivation is raised to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, I can barely use it as a conventional weapon, and I believe it won't be long."

Thinking of this, Qin Lang suddenly had the motivation to upgrade again, to improve his cultivation level, and strive to break through earlier to become a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying.

Think about it too, the ghost ship of the top magic house is in front of my eyes, not only Qin Lang, but also other monks will be full of enthusiasm, I hope that I can actually see it right in front of my eyes, and I can touch it just a little bit Got it.

Of course, this level of breakthrough barrier is easy to say, but also difficult to say, that is to say, breaking through is not as simple as eating and drinking water on the surface, and it also requires a lot of opportunities, otherwise Qin Lang will not be able to improve his cultivation. Stuck at this crucial point.

It's like hanging a handful of fresh grass in front of a milling donkey and turning it around, luring the donkey to keep going, but it can't touch the fresh grass. It looks silly and ridiculous.

But Qin Lang is not a fool, he knows how to think differently and find a way out. If he is that donkey, if he wants to eat grass, he will break free from the bondage and jump out of the millstone, that's all.

Breaking through the barrier in the middle stage of Yuanying is actually the same. You need to think in another way to find a way out. Qin Lang is not in a hurry at the moment, he is slowly groping, comprehending, and waiting for the slightest opportunity.

He is lucky, patient, and full of confidence. His aggressiveness and aggressiveness are also the key to his rapid progress in cultivation. Many monks in the cultivation world say this suddenly, but it is difficult to do it, but Qin Lang can do it. These.

A genius can do what ordinary people can't, this is a genius!Qin Lang didn't know if he was a genius, but he had accumulated experience from ordinary people and had great luck, so he was able to do this often.

This is a very rare thing, and it is also the key to whether a cultivator can finally break through himself and move towards a higher peak.

(End of this chapter)

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