The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1315 Attack on the Desert Fox!

Chapter 1315 Attack on the Desert Fox!
Next, Qin Lang stayed in the Middle East branch for about half a month. During this half month, he was practicing and getting familiar with the magic house he got.

Slowly, Qin Lang's cultivation returned to the peak state again, the only thing missing was an opportunity to break through.

After reaching a certain level of cultivation, if you want to go further, that is, complete a breakthrough, you need to break the shackles. This shackle may be on the state of mind, or it may be on the cultivation itself. It is not easy to break the shackles.

It doesn't mean that the shackles can be broken when things come naturally. Many times, an opportunity has to be discovered, and only by following this opportunity can the shackles be broken and the breakthrough can be successfully completed.

Especially the breakthrough between the big realms, the difficulty of shackles will be very high. It is possible for a monk to spend three, five, or even decades, unable to find a breakthrough opportunity, and can only be trapped in the original realm.

Now Qin Lang is going to break through from the early stage of Yuanying to the middle stage of Yuanying. It is just a breakthrough in a small realm under the big realm, and the difficulty of shackles will not be too high.

However, Qin Lang still needs to find opportunities with his heart.

As for the opportunity to break through the mid-stage Nascent Soul, Qin Lang pondered over and over again for a long time. Combining his previous experience, he came up with a theory, that is, he is more suitable to find an opportunity to break through in battle, that is to say, he only has to fight more and experience more. Only after some life and death trials can one gain new insights, and break through the barrier of the Nascent Soul Middle Stage as soon as possible.

This has nothing to do with the cultivation base itself. His cultivation base is enough to break through, but his state of mind is not enough, he does not understand enough, and he can't touch the barrier. The best way is to understand during the battle.

But the earth is no better than the world of comprehension. If Qin Lang wants to get the test of life and death, he must find some powerful enemies to challenge. Nowadays, there are only two powerful enemies that Qin Lang is more afraid of. One is the desert fox headquarters, where there are a large number of wizards .

The other place is the M laboratory in European and American countries, which is the birthplace of extremely powerful mutants, and there are even mutants beyond the top level.

According to the memory he absorbed, Qin Lang knew that the Desert Fox headquarters was very powerful. There were not only a large number of wizards, but also the four top-level mutant bodyguards of the head of the headquarters, Formoran, which was very difficult to deal with.

If Qin Lang directly broke in openly, even if he currently has the peak strength of Yuanying's early stage, he may not be able to please.

Therefore, Qin Lang decided to adopt the old method and sneak in quietly. This is a technical job, and he has done it many times and has experience.

"The purpose of going to the Desert Fox headquarters is not only to find an opportunity to break through the middle stage of Nascent Soul. As the headquarters of the mysterious wizards in the entire Middle East, the Desert Fox headquarters itself is backed by forces from European and American countries. There must be a lot of cultivation resources in it. If you can find yourself, you can make a lot of money."

"Besides, even if I can't find training resources, as the base camp of mysterious wizards in the Middle East, the Desert Fox headquarters can attract so many wizards. The witchcraft training materials stored in it must be amazing. If I can get these witchcraft materials, It’s not like returning empty-handed.”

"In addition, I heard that the Desert Fox headquarters has also built a dungeon for special prisoners. I am very interested in a special prisoner in the dungeon now. This prisoner can live here on Earth. A place where aura and resources are lacking can also refine magic weapons in large quantities, and there must be uniqueness in refining weapons. If possible, I must rescue this special prisoner who was imprisoned."

Qin Lang's eyes flickered, thinking about his next action plan. He is a bold and careful person. Every time he makes a major decision, he will arrange the action steps in a very detailed manner.

Half an hour later, Qin Lang, who was fully prepared, left the Middle East branch and went to the Desert Fox headquarters alone.The Desert Fox headquarters is about [-] kilometers away from AJ's capital. The distance is not too far, but it's not too close either.

In order to save his true energy, Qin Lang did not use the magic weapon of flying to hurry, but directly took a helicopter to go.

This helicopter was recently purchased by the Central Division. With the expansion of the business of the Middle East Division of Lanrun Company, the division has become more and more profitable, so it has purchased more than a dozen helicopters.

The reason for adding helicopters instead of cars is also due to the special environment in the Middle East, where mountains, hills, and deserts are mixed, and vehicle maintenance is very inconvenient, while helicopters are much more convenient here.

The [-]-kilometer journey took the helicopter about an hour to arrive. After getting off the plane, Qin Lang went straight to the area where the Desert Fox headquarters is located.

The area where the Desert Fox headquarters is located is a wilderness far away from the city, on the borders of several countries.The specific location is in a large farm next to a primeval forest.

Qin Lang used the invisibility symbol to enter this large farm. This large farm looks like a normal farm, but this is only a superficial disguise. The real Desert Fox headquarters is the center of the farm, and all of them are built underground.

After entering the farm, Qin Lang knew that he needed to be careful. The farm looked very casual, but in fact there were probes installed everywhere, and if he was not careful, he would be fooled.

Qin Lang sneaked in quietly, he had memories left by several wizards, and went straight to the center of the farm, where there was a disguised underground passage entrance, which was the entrance to the Desert Fox headquarters.

There is a simple big iron gate in front of it, the entrance and exit of the Desert Fox Headquarters is here, Qin Lang stepped forward and knocked on the big iron gate lightly twice, and waited at the side.

This big iron door is locked inside, so it will only open if there are two noises from outside.

As soon as the iron gate was opened, Qin Lang sneaked in quickly, but the guard who opened the iron gate was puzzled and didn't see anyone. He didn't know what happened. After touching his head, he closed the iron gate again.

"Maybe the wind blew the knocker on the iron door!" The guard explained.

After entering the underground passage, Qin Lang is naturally familiar with the road. The desert fox headquarters has a huge underground scale, with a total of sixteen floors. The first six floors near the ground are the guard area, and the core area below the sixth floor is the desert fox.

Qin Lang is going to the information snow storage area at the moment. It is on the tenth floor underground. Qin Lang walked very carefully along the way, avoiding many patrolling guards. Basically, there are at least ten people on each floor of the desert fox headquarters underground building. A guardian of Wuzun level, and two resident wizards.

With Qin Lang's Nascent Soul-level cultivation base and the effect of the invisibility talisman, it is not difficult to avoid these troubles. Along the way, hiding XZ, Qin Lang finally came to the data storage area.

However, the gate of the snow data storage area is closed and a palmprint recognition device is installed. It is not easy for Qin Lang to enter, because the palmprints of all members of the entire base have been registered as electronic files, and the system cannot recognize Qin Lang as an alien at all. palm prints of the recipient.

How to do it?Avoiding the gate with a sword is too noisy, it must not work.

Qin Lang then made another idea, knocking out all the ten warrior-level warriors on this floor, and killed the two black-robed wizards stationed by him in a sneak attack.

Dragging one of the black-robed wizards into the electronic monitoring door, he pressed the guy's palm directly on the recognizer, and an electronic voice sounded: "Recognition succeeded!"

The alloy door several meters thick opened slowly.

After the alloy door was opened, the entire data storage room was officially opened to Qin Lang. There were actually rows and rows of electronic safes stacked inside. Qin Lang took a closer look. These safes were filled with various Middle Eastern materials collected by Desert Fox. Information, as well as witchcraft and secret techniques, etc., are all marked by categories.

However, Qin Lang needs points to open these safes. These electronic safes are connected to the central computer network. If the points are insufficient, they cannot be opened. If they are forcibly destroyed, the central server of the Desert Fox headquarters will also trigger an alarm.

"Tight security measures."

Qin Lang looked around and murmured, it's really not easy for him to take away some useful information from here.

However, I have subdued two wizards in my hands, and both guys should have some points. I can try to use the points of these two guys to exchange them to open these safes.

Afterwards, Qin Lang browsed carefully. He was not very interested in many witchcraft materials. However, the witchcraft supernatural power of law heaven and earth was inherited by ancient great witches. It was unexpected that Desert Fox had such training materials. It is a body-refining witchcraft with amazing effects, Qin Lang is also very interested and wants to find it out.

After searching for a while, Qin Lang found this safe. It takes 96 points to exchange the magical materials of the law of heaven and earth. Qin Lang tried it. The two wizards have only [-] points in total, which is still four points short.

So, Qin Lang moved the ten guards on the tenth floor. Although these ten guards are just ordinary guards and their points are not as good as wizards, they each have three to five points, which is enough when added together.

Qin Lang got busy all of a sudden, pressed an unknown number of hands on the safe to get enough points, opened the magic data safe, and took out the complete training materials and put them in the storage ring middle.

There are still dozens of points, Qin Lang then searched for some interesting materials and exchanged them, and then left this data snow storage area.

After that, Qin Lang went to the No.11 floor, the resource inventory area. The layout of this area was similar to the tenth floor. Qin Lang still used the old method to deal with the ten guards and the two wizards.

Then, he opened the electronic door of the resource inventory area. In the resource inventory area, Qin Lang exchanged a total of nearly [-] points of resources, all of which he could use for cultivation.

However, there are more than 100 electronic safes in this resource inventory area, and more than 200 points only opened two of the safes, which means that there are still a lot of resources that Qin Lang can only look at but not move, which makes him very greedy.

The resource of more than 200 points is equivalent to the purchasing power of [-] to [-] spiritual stones in the cultivation world, and it is equivalent to a quarter of what Qin obtained from the pirate king's thousand-year treasure. This desert fox looks very rich!

But Qin Lang didn't dare to tamper with the remaining safes. These are all connected to the central server network. If he tampered with it, it would trigger an alarm, and he would become a bully in the pot. It would be difficult to escape.

The security of the Desert Fox headquarters is strict, and the defense is changed every hour or so, so after Qin Lang kills the security forces on the second floor, he doesn't have to worry about being discovered immediately. He now goes straight to the dungeon of Room No.15.

The number of guards in the dungeon on the No.15th floor increased suddenly, the number of guards increased to twenty, and the number of wizards increased to three. Qin Lang also took great pains to deal with these security forces calmly, and finally managed to deal with these guys quietly. Lose.

However, Qin Lang didn't have much information on this level of dungeon, and he accidentally touched the mechanism by mistake. An alloy iron fence fell from the sky and enveloped him inside. The alloy iron gate couldn't trap Qin Lang at all. After a sneer, Qin Lang thought Use the flying sword to chop off the iron gate, but it stopped suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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