The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1319 The Counterattack of the Desert Fox

Chapter 1319 The Counterattack of the Desert Fox

After all, combat is the best training for warriors, and it is the catalyst for warriors to improve their strength.

Warriors who have not experienced battles are like flowers in a greenhouse. Although they may bloom vigorously, they will wither faster, and they can't even wait until the day the flowers bloom.

Continuous experience and fighting are the right way.

Warriors, like cultivators, have to go through all kinds of training to quickly break through themselves.

If they hadn't been honed in battle, it would not be so easy for these dozen warriors to break through quickly, and it might take several months or even more than half a year before they could break through to this level.

After the big review, Qin Lang was very satisfied with the improvement of the strength of this group of warriors who had obtained magic weapon level weapons. Now the Middle East branch really has a little bit of strength and background, and is no longer afraid of powerful enemies.

Of course, it is not enough to have these newly refined magic weapons. In the next few days, Qin Lang will continue to arrange the defense formation of the Middle East branch to make the defense formation of the Middle East branch more perfect.

His organ and formation abilities are also at the level of advanced apprentices, but he has the knowledge of formations in Dali in the cultivation world, so it is not difficult to arrange such a large formation.

Of course, the formation speed is very slow. If Qin Lang asked his girlfriend Liu Zhenzhen to come to the Middle East, with the level and ability of Liu Zhenzhen's organ and formation master, the formation speed would naturally be many times faster.

It's a pity that Qin Lang has only one person now, and he can only complete the construction of this large-scale formation by himself, so the speed will be much slower.

In fact, this formation has been constructed once before, and now Qin Lang wants to complete it, it is estimated that it will take at least a month.

After the formation is completed, if the activation is activated, even an enemy at the Nascent Soul level should be able to withstand its high-intensity attack for several hours.

This is actually just a formation that is close to the middle level, and it was also studied by Qin Lang after referring to Zhen Sanshan, who used to be a big formation of the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

While Qin Lang was busy, Mu Ziqing continued to rest with peace of mind.

This guy has been trapped in the dungeon of the Desert Fox Headquarters for eight years. He has suffered a lot these years. Even if he is a wizard, he still feels overwhelmed. He feels that there are always some hidden dangers in his body that need to be eliminated, so there is no rush for the time being. Return to China for revenge.

And as the days passed day by day, when Qin Lang's defense formation of the Middle East branch had just been completed, the Shar family came to the news and asked Qin Lang to visit and discuss important matters.

So, Qin Lang went to the Shar family alone and attended a dinner in the old castle.

The scale of the castle dinner this time is not very large, it can be said to be a private banquet held by the Shar family, but the actual content of the banquet is very important.

During the dinner, Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, told Qin Lang that a group of forces in the upper class of the Middle East have recently united to deal with the Desert Fox and pull out the strongholds of the Desert Fox's branches in the Middle East.

It turned out that the Shaer family asked him to discuss this matter!

Qin Lang suddenly realized, and quickly expressed his support, and said at the same time: "I know where the headquarters of Desert Fox is, and I can lead you to attack the headquarters of Desert Fox together. But the headquarters of Desert Fox is strong, and it is not difficult to attack it. Easy, when the time comes, I'll see the strength of my teammates first."

"Oh, that's a good feeling."

Patriarch Ara's eyes lit up.

And just in the middle of the dinner between Qin Lang and the Shar family, the ancient castle suddenly broke into a member of the Shar family: "It's not good! It's not good, our family's convoy was just attacked by the Desert Fox, and died." half of the staff."


At the banquet, everyone present was taken aback. Just as they were about to discuss how to deal with the Desert Fox, the Desert Fox actually moved ahead of time to deal with him.

None of them expected that the Desert Fox, which had suffered a major blow before, would attack aggressively, so this time it was a big loss.

"Half of the staff died?"

Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, also frowned. The family was not very populated, and half of the convoy had at least [-] to [-] people. It was really depressing to die in a wave of desert fox attacks like this.

"Could it be that this operation leaked the wind?"

Qin Lang asked, he knew that the Shar family was also one of the organizers of the operation against the Desert Fox this time, and it was possible that the Desert Fox got the news in advance, so there was such a counterattack.

"It's possible. It seems that our clansmen have to be more careful when they go out these days."

Allah murmured.

Such a big event happened to the family, and the Shar family is also full of anger. They wish they could get rid of the cancer in the Middle East tomorrow. Of course, this is just thinking about it. Everything has to go according to plan. It can even be compared to ordinary small countries in the Middle East.

Afterwards, the Shar family disbanded the dinner and became busy again with this matter, and Qin Lang also bid farewell to the castle, sighed and drove back alone.

However, when he was about to return to the Middle East branch, he suddenly felt a strange aura coming from the Middle East branch, "Not good!"

Qin Lang frowned, quickly left the vehicle, and used the flying magic weapon to speed up.

Sure enough, the Desert Fox's all-round counterattack officially started. Not only did it sneak attack on the Shar family, but now it even took the idea of ​​the Middle East branch of Qinlang Lanrun Company, and started attacking the Middle East branch while Qin Lang was away.

Fortunately, Qin Lang's painstaking efforts were not in vain during this period of time. The formation of the Middle East branch has been completed, and there are more than 300 warriors in the Middle East holding magic weapons, guarding the formation, but during the period when Qin Lang returned, The Middle East branch was not breached by Desert Fox.

This time Desert Fox dispatched two wizards who had changed their bodies, together with a dozen top-level mutants. The lineup was luxurious.

Qin Lang's heart skipped a beat when he saw this lineup, good guy, it's a good thing he came back early, otherwise, with the half-tone formation he arranged, maybe he wouldn't be able to last for too long and would be broken.

After all, Qin Lang's large magic circle is only close to the intermediate magic circle, and it is still a primary magic circle in essence. However, it is not bad in the primary magic circle, and can resist the high-intensity attack of the Nascent Soul stage for three to four hours.

But the lineup of Desert Fox in front of us is quite exaggerated. The two wizard groups who have changed their laws, heaven and earth, respectively have the strength close to the Nascent Soul stage, and there are more than a dozen top-level mutants. I am afraid that Desert Fox The headquarters has just returned from the rescue of soldiers from Europe and the United States.

In other words, Formoland, the person in charge of the Desert Fox headquarters, has returned to the Middle East, and this is why such a series of big moves will occur.

Now in the crumbling magic circle of the Middle East branch, a large number of warriors cheered after seeing the return of the leader.

Although these fighters from the Middle East Division have obtained a large number of powerful weapons, there is still a certain gap in strength between them and the enemies outside. They fought very hard just now, at least 30 people were injured. Fortunately, everyone saw the opportunity quickly, and slipped back when things were not going well. Within the magic circle, there was no loss of personnel.

"If you dare to come to my territory to act wildly, even if you are sent by the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, I will break your bones."

Qin Lang was also angry. The desert fox attacked the Shar family, but now it is directly attacking its own base camp.

No need to say, just go up and start fighting!
Qin Lang inspired the flying sword and rushed up. He was not close, and dozens of sword auras had already been emitted. The black giants formed by the two wizards were not afraid of these sword auras. But they didn't dare to be careless, and avoided them one after another.

These top-level mutants are very well matched, with eight agility combat systems as the main, and two healing systems as supplements.

Reaching the top level, these mutants have very strong reaction speed, backed by the healing system, and they are more troublesome to deal with than those two black giants.

So if Qin Lang wants to deal with these mutants, he has to deal with the two top-level mutants of the healing department first, but the black giants of the two wizard groups acted as meat shields, blocking Qin Lang's way, forming such an excellent situation combination.

At the moment, Qin Lang couldn't help but want to swear, even if he was at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, he couldn't help it now.

Moreover, compared with the elite level, the two mutants of the top healing department have faster healing speed, and their movement speed and abilities are not comparable to the elite level.

Now Qin Lang is blocked by a black giant in front of him, and there are a large number of agile assassin-type mutants raiding beside him. The healing department behind him is constantly moving and changing speed. Qin Lang can't move in front of the two top-level healing mutant genetic fighters at all.

"I have to think of a way..."

For a while, Qin Lang actually fell into a disadvantage. This is the second time he encountered such a strange situation after he was promoted to above the Nascent Soul Stage level.

"Brother Qin Lang! I'll help you!"

A voice appeared at this time, it was Mu Ziqing.

This guy Mu Ziqing is also a wizard. Unlike the wizards in the Middle East, Mu Ziqing followed the path of cultivating Chinese Miaojiang weapon witches. With a loud shout, a large number of magic-level flying knives and flying swords formed a flow of hidden weapons, and rushed over. Good guy, these are actually just some materials borrowed from Qin Lang, which this guy took the time to refine these days.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the master of Tiandiliu Refining Equipment. It is both efficient and mass-produced, awesome!

Under the cover of the torrent of magic weapon hidden weapons, the pressure on Qin Lang also suddenly eased. Mu Ziqing had a unique way of manipulating these fine-scale magic weapons. He felt that Mu Ziqing, who had a lot of magic weapons in his hand, had an attack power comparable to that of several wizards.

Under Mu Ziqing's interference, Qin Lang loosened his pressure and rushed towards the two top-level mutants of the healing department, killing them one by one.

Now Qin Lang's strength at the Yuanying level is really not covered. The top-level mutants that had to be dealt with in the past can be dealt with with one sword. Of course, it is also because the mutants of the auxiliary treatment department are weaker.

These two top-level healing mutants did not die after two stages of the Dao, but continued to treat themselves and their companions, which also made Qin Lang slightly startled.

And taking advantage of Qin Lang's stunned moment, those fellow mutant assassins rushed to support the two companions, trying to snatch the split bodies of the two healing companions.

It turns out that this mutant genetic warrior is a monster beyond the level of ordinary people, and it is not reasonable.

Especially these two mutants of the high-end and top-level healing department can survive for a while after being severed. If they continue to perform healing techniques on themselves, they may be able to fully recover their bodies after a period of time and regain their vitality again. .

(End of this chapter)

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