Chapter 1320

Qin Lang snorted heavily, and at this time swung a few sword qi to stop these flea-like top-level assassin mutants.

At the same time, a sword qi split the head of a healing mutant.

Qin Lang has dealt with mutant fighters before, and he knows that if there are therapeutic mutant fighters in the mutant fighter squad, it is definitely not good for him. These mutant fighters of the healing department are equivalent to the dads in the game, and they will keep healing their companions Injuries and recovery of physical strength must be taken first.

The sword qi chopped off the head of this healing mutant fighter. I believe that after the head is split, this mutant should not be able to revive!
The head is the head of the six suns, even a monster-like mutant might not be able to resist it!

The fellow mutant assassins managed to snatch back a head and a part of the body, and reconnected. However, the head and body were not the original match, so the neck was tilted after reconnecting.

The strange thing is that after the connection, the mutant of the healing department actually seems to have regained his vitality, and the body does not seem to be pieced together by two different parts.

With Mu Ziqing's support, this group of top-level mutants is no match for Qin Lang at all, just like having two black giants acting as human shields, they can't stop the subsequent defeat.

The sneak attack mission failed. Seeing that there was no result, this group of enemies could only retreat.

And when this group of enemies retreated, Qin Lang also showed his power, leaving behind three top-level mutant genetic fighters once again.

However, the others escaped smoothly. After all, this group of enemies is not weak, so it is impossible for Qin Lang to stay.

After the battle, Qin Lang was also very emotional. This time, he had just set up a large formation to make a contribution. Otherwise, his Middle East branch might be taken over by desert foxes just like the convoy of the Shar family.

When the crisis was resolved, Qin Lang waved his hand and told everyone to disperse.

Even among the [-] or [-] injured warriors who appeared in this battle, Qin Lang who was more seriously injured gave them a Great Repayment Pill, and those who were less injured were treated with general healing medicine.

The Great Returning Pill is a panacea-level elixir, and all those seriously injured are smiling, this time they made a lot of money!This kind of elixir can not only heal injuries, but also indirectly improve the cultivation of warriors.

And those who were slightly injured showed envious expressions one by one, wishing that they would also change from minor injuries to serious injuries.

After dealing with these matters, Qin Lang bowed his hands to Mu Ziqing and said, "This time, thanks to my brother's help, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to drive those bastards away."

"Brother, you are welcome! The Desert Fox imprisoned me for eight years, isn't it also my enemy, so I should take action."

Mu Ziqing waved his hands again and again, Qin Lang was his savior, he said he couldn't afford this gift.

However, after this cooperation, the relationship between Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing has taken a step closer.

And then Qin Lang contacted the side of the Shar family, and told the side of the Shar family when the Middle East branch was attacked.

Through contact, Qin Lang learned that the Desert Fox was making a big move this time, and unexpectedly attacked not only their two families, but even other upper-class forces in the Middle East who had a suspicion with them.

"Patriarch Ala, this desert fox is too arrogant, we must fight back as soon as possible!"

Qin Lang said over the phone.

"Yeah, I'm contacting some forces in AJ. Three days later, all the people on our AJ side will gather and go to the branch of the Desert Fox stronghold closest to AJ! First destroy this branch, and then Converge with troops from other countries to deal with those other tough branches of the Desert Fox stronghold."

"After destroying all the branches of Desert Fox's dozens of strongholds in the Middle East, we will launch a general attack and push down the headquarters of Desert Fox."

Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, revealed his plan on the phone, which was the result of his planning with several operation leaders.

Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, is mainly in charge of AJ's operations, and several other leaders are in charge of operations in other countries. They are going to destroy the desert fox's various strongholds and branches, and finally launch a general attack together to completely eradicate the people who are rooted in the Middle East. Years of this cancer.

It can be seen that the Arab world is also going to be serious about the desert iron this time, and this time is also a confrontation between the Arab world and the backstage of European and American forces.

Speaking of it, Qin Lang is still very optimistic about this action. In any case, the local forces in the Arab world have taken advantage of the right time, location and harmony. Although the desert fox backed by European and American forces is powerful on the surface, the strong dragon does not suppress the local snake. This time, it is normal to offend the public and be swept out of the Middle East by the entire Arab world.

In the next two days, both the Shar family and Qin Lang made pre-war mobilization to gather their respective troops.

On the third day, the two sides that gathered good troops began to join with other AJ troops. This time, there were more than 500 troops on AJ's side, among which Qin Lang brought a hundred warriors, and the Shar family brought a hundred A member of the clan, and the other 300 people are from several other forces in the country.

Speaking of which, the fighters in the Arab world are still very united, and now everyone, led by the Shar family, started to drive to a branch stronghold of Desert Fox closest to AJ's home country.

The scale of this Desert Fox branch is not very large. In fact, it is not as good as the stronghold of AJ Capital Farm, which was once destroyed by Qin Lang, and most of the people in the stronghold got the news early and evacuated the branch.

Therefore, Qin Lang's wave of troops occupied the place without encountering any decent resistance until they came to this branch stronghold.

After Qin Lang’s wave of troops occupied the Desert Fox branch stronghold, all the allies of the leader Allah also reported success. The Desert Fox branch stronghold in the Middle East was broken and has been destroyed. Eight, and there are still about twenty left.

In the next ten days or so, the desert fox retreated steadily, and the strongholds of various countries in the Middle East were uprooted one by one.

And when all the forces in the Middle East came together, the number had reached more than 8000.

Of course, among the more than 8000 people, there are only more than 2000 real elites, and the rest are just a little stronger than ordinary people.

As for Desert Fox, all the people in each branch returned to the headquarters base camp, and now the Desert Fox headquarters is estimated to have gathered more than 5000 people.

A big chaos is about to unfold. This is also the biggest contest between the Middle East forces and European and American forces. If the Middle East forces win, the minions of the European and American forces represented by Desert Fox will completely withdraw from the Middle East stage.

In this battle, although the Middle East forces have the advantage of the right time, location, people and numbers, the more than 5000 people on Desert Fox's side are all elites. This battle is estimated to be very tragic. Even if the Middle East forces If you win, the price you pay will be huge.

However, as bloody men, these people in the Arab world are not afraid of life and death. Once they make up their mind to do something, they will do it no matter how high the price is.

It seems that this time Desert Fox really stepped on the iron plate. It seems that the business in the Middle East for many years will be burned, and the flowers will be wiped out.


Before the war, both sides were urgently mobilizing their own troops to make similar arrangements.

Now the entire Middle East headquarters of the Desert Fox has already been surrounded by 8000 people from the Middle East. Once these upper-class forces in the Arab world make up their minds to eliminate the Desert Fox, the momentum is quite terrifying.

"Now, each action team prepares separately, fights freely, and targets the Desert Fox headquarters... let's begin!"

After deciding on their goals, several action leaders took the lead in rushing towards the Desert Fox headquarters.

The battle has finally begun!
On the side of the Desert Fox, five black giants from the wizard group suddenly appeared, and eleven top-level mutants faced the invading enemy.

The person in charge of Desert Fox Headquarters, Fu Molan, also appeared at this time. This European and American, who looks a bit like the cunning fox Ubi in European and American blockbusters, is not tall, but his eyes are full of agility. He should be a very quick thinker. man of.

A group of mutant bodyguards changed around Formosa, a total of four. These four mutant bodyguards seemed to be more unfathomable than the eleven top-level mutants.

At this moment, Fu Molan saw that his subordinates were facing the invading forces from the Middle East, and he didn't change his face. He didn't know if he was really confident and thought that the Desert Fox would not be defeated, or because he was a big man whose composure was beyond ordinary people. .

The battle between the two sides broke out immediately. This was a big melee. In addition to the high-end combat power of five black giants and eleven top-level mutants, Desert Fox also dispatched all 5000 troops.

The 8000 troops of the Middle East forces are against the 5000 troops of the Desert Fox. Although they have an advantage in numbers, the battle has been in a stalemate.

The first ones to die were the members with low combat power on both sides. These warriors who were slightly stronger than ordinary people were like cannon fodder, and they were also the ones who were most likely to lose in the battle. They were cut off like crops of wheat.

Blood flowed into rivers, and the ground was also soaked. This kind of battle was similar to the battle between the two armies in the ancient cold weapon era. In the chaos, it was impossible to see which side had the upper hand for a while.

The grass-roots cannon fodder on both sides fell one after another, and the high-end combat forces were also looking for their opponents, entering the film battle situation.

Qin Lang also participated in the battle, fighting with one of the black giants, almost pressing down on the black giant, and while pressing down on the black giant, he also occasionally supported the companions of the several battle groups around him.

The magic house was sacrificed by Qin Lang and hung in the air, but it was silent. Qin Lang's current attack is still mainly based on flying swords.

"The fourth form of the Three Lives Sword Art...the golden needle is sharp!"

Qin Lang played the fourth style of the Three Lives Sword Art. "Golden Needle Limang" is mainly stabbing. It is a powerful single-body move with a strong defense-breaking ability, and it is also an extremely fast sword move. With Qin Lang's sword Stabbing, a sword glow directly pierced the black giant and shot it right through.

However, the physique of the witch clan changed by the wizard is already strong, and after being shot through by Qin Lang, it only lost a little vitality, and did not affect the combat effectiveness much.

(End of this chapter)

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