Chapter 1321

The black giant transformed by the sorcerer's method of heaven and earth, after being shot through by Qin Lang's "Sansheng Jianjue" fourth style "golden needle and sharp light", relying on the strength of the witch clan, he did not suffer much damage.

Not only that.

At this time, a healing white light shot down from the sky, and fell on the black giant's injury in time, instantly restoring the black giant, which made Qin Lang even more depressed.

"Damn mutant fighters of the healing department!"

Qin Lang gritted his teeth with hatred.

After entering the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, Qin Lang's true energy is far different than before. The true energy in his body is equivalent to twice that of the first Nascent Soul stage.

However, the "Golden Needle Limang" consumes a lot of real energy. This set of swordsmanship consumes more and more moves later on. For Qin Lang now, although his body has enough real energy, he has to save it. This kind of golden needle At most, Limang would use up his true energy if he sent out a hundred notes at most.

And the opponent has a top-level mutant of the healing department, which is equivalent to a super dad. With this super dad, it is even more difficult for him to defeat the black giant in front of him.

This is equivalent to a priest in an online game. Especially in the chaotic scene of this kind of team battle, the advantage of the super dad is too obvious. Although the number of desert foxes is at a disadvantage, if there are dads among the combatants, the loss of personnel will be will be reduced to a minimum.

Qin Lang looked carefully, only to find that the super dad was the top-level mutant who escaped from his Middle East branch last time. This guy has obvious features, his neck is crooked, and it is obvious that two different body parts are put together alive.

This guy is not dead yet.

Last time, this guy had his head chopped off. Although his neck is crooked now, it looks like his head and body are joined together, but it is undeniable that this guy's terrifying healing ability still exists.

Seeing this top-level mutant, Qin Lang's eyes flashed, and he immediately gave up the goal in front of him, and turned his attention to this top-level mutant of the healing department.

This kind of team combat dad played too much, so he was going to destroy this top-level mutant genetic warrior of the healing department first.

He failed to kill this guy last time, so this time he must kill the other party first, so that he can take the initiative in the subsequent fights.

Qin Lang took a picture of the Wind Escape Talisman for himself, and activated the acceleration effect of the shadow changing boots, and then stepped on the phantom wind and rushed towards the top-level mutant of the healing department.

Along the way, he was as fast as a gust of wind, and a long afterimage flashed across the air, which was a sign that his speed was about to break through the sound barrier.

It was not that there were no enemies blocking the way along the way, but Qin Lang's reaction was extremely quick. Qin Lang slashed out several times, and these sword qi slashed through the obstacles along the way.

Ah ah ah ah ah……

The screams continued, and the enemies along the way were hit one after another, and blood-red residual flowers bloomed like petals, and they fell backwards one by one.

Compared with Qin Lang's current strength, these enemies blocking the way are too weak. Most of them are only warriors at the level of Wuzun. Qin Lang can even kill several like a gourd with a single sword.

"No, that guy is here again!"

Next to the top-level mutant genetic warrior in the healing department, several assassin-type mutant companions were guarding him. When they saw Qin Lang, the killing god, approaching, their faces changed.

As mutant genetic warriors, this monster-like existence has no such emotion of fear, but as early as the last time it attacked the Middle East branch of Lanrun Company, Qin Lang's fighting power to kill the Quartet has already left a deep impression on their hearts. impression.

At this moment, even though each of them was unwilling to fight Qin Lang in their hearts, they had to cover for this heavily protected healing daddy companion, preventing Qin Lang from killing him, and killing the most critical character in this melee .

There were a few top-level assassin-type mutants blocking the way, so Qin Lang felt a little troublesome, but it was just troublesome.

Now that I am at the Nascent Soul level, it is easier to deal with top-level mutants, and I am no longer as clumsy as when I was in the late stage of Dzogchen.

Seriously swiping a few times, the magic treasure house ghost ship hanging above the head was dispatched by Qin Lang at this time, and Qin Lang gave the order to attack.

Under Qin Lang's control, the ghost ship shuttled directly like a sun and moon shuttle, and shot at the top-level mutant of the healing department at an extremely fast speed.

While several assassin-type mutants around Qin Lang were blown away by the sword energy, the top-level mutant in the healing department was also hit, and a palm-sized ghost ship passed through his chest like a sun and moon shuttle, forming a huge hole.

If such serious injuries were replaced by ordinary human beings, even cultivators would have died on the spot, but this healing mutant was only injured and bleeding, but did not die.

Instead, he sent himself a healing white light to prevent the injury from expanding, and then quickly flew back as if it was nothing serious, trying to get away from Qin Lang's pursuit.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy..."

Qin Lang's eyes turned cold, and the treasure house suddenly became bigger and formed a mountain peak, and threw it directly at this guy.

Kill you!
boom!The black mountain-like house of magical treasures directly punched a big hole in the ground, and the top-level healing mutant who wanted to escape was just smashed under it.

When the magic treasure house ghost ship was lifted into the air again, the poor guy had been crushed flat, and only a broken half of his hand was still crawling on the ground, like a large caterpillar, which looked extraordinarily weird.

"See if you die!"

Qin Lang is still very satisfied with the power of the Magic Treasure House. Now that the Magic Treasure House has only unlocked three floors, it is already so powerful. If all other restrictions are repaired and refined, this treasure can even exert the same combat power as a spaceship. , sending out a powerful attack like a giant laser.

The eleven top-level mutants participating in the desert fox side, in fact, there is only one mutant who is like a daddy. Once this top-level mutant of the healing department is removed, many companions around Qin Lang feel the pressure To take it lightly, this guy's healing area just now was too large.

At this time, the melee continued, and the Middle East forces gradually gained the upper hand in the scene, which could already be seen.However, the number of casualties was terrifying, and the battle damage rate reached more than [-]%.

"Tornado No. [-], you go meet that kid."

Formosa watched the battle situation, and suddenly spoke at this moment.

And next to him, a burly mutant bodyguard wearing sunglasses bowed his head: "Yes, master."

After responding, he ran towards the field, and while running, took off his black suit jacket and even threw away his tie.

As he galloped, a powerful aura appeared on this mutant. The aura of this mutant called "Tornado II" was much more terrifying than the eleven top-level mutants on the field. They all directly bumped into each other, knocking people off their feet, but this guy was fine and still galloping forward.

This guy was running towards Qin Lang. Just now, Fu Molan saw Qin Lang's strength, so he ordered the mutant bodyguard named "Tornado II" to challenge Qin Lang.

This mutant bodyguard called "Tornado II" is a high-end combat power recently researched by European and American laboratories. It is a higher-level mutant than those top-level mutants, and it is an extraordinary-level mutant.

"Hmm..." When the "Tornado II" rushed over, Qin Lang also sensed the other party's powerful aura, and felt that it was similar to the black giant of the wizard group, and both had combat power close to the Nascent Soul level.

But Qin Lang didn't take it seriously. Now Qin Lang is fighting against a black giant. Even if there is another one with the same fighting power as the black giant, he believes that he can handle it.

However, when this extraordinary mutant "Tornado II" arrived, Qin Lang realized that the matter was not the same. This "Tornado II" was much more difficult than the black giant of the wizard group. , not only has rich combat experience, but also is more resistant to fighting and resistance than the black giant.

The extraordinary level "Tornado No. [-]" is as fast as a gust of wind, and its body seems to have an immortal body. Qin Lang slashed on it several times. As soon as the sword energy disappeared, he healed immediately.

"Hey, the black technology of mutants in the European and American M Lab is too scary. What kind of monster has been created now... I feel that this guy is a weakened version of Majin Buu in the comics."

Qin Lang murmured, Majin Buu came from Riman Dragon Ball, and he is a real immortal man-made monster.

Fortunately, the attack power of Tornado No. [-] is about the same as that of the black giant, which makes Qin Lang feel a little more at ease. If the attack power of this guy is as terrible as the healing speed of the body, it will be even more abnormal.

At this time, Qin Lang took a [-]v[-] and got a slight advantage. There was nothing he could do about it. Neither the black giant nor "Tornado II" were weak on the opponent's side.

However, there are not many high-end combat powers like the Desert Fox. One of the five black giants was dragged by Qin Lang, and the remaining four were almost submerged in the sea of ​​people. , Desert Fox seems to have decided the end of its defeat this time.

Next, Fu Molan really issued a retreat order to all members of the Desert Fox, preparing to abandon the headquarters of the Desert Fox Department.

The agent sent by Europe and the United States is like a hero, and he made a decisive choice. He immediately led a large number of wizard elites to break through, while the mutant bodyguards were in charge of breaking through.

Those top-level mutants were fine. The Middle East forces also had powerful figures, and they successively killed five or six top-level mutants, as well as ten or twenty wizards.

But the five black giants and the four mutant genetic fighters of extraordinary level stopped them like a wall, and these people retreated calmly.

At present, there are more than 8000 forces in the Middle East, and almost 1 people have died, while there are more than 5000 people on the Desert Fox side, and there are only about [-] left.

Both sides suffered huge losses, but the results are gratifying. It seems that the huge Desert Fox empire has really fallen from the Middle East this time.

When the Desert Fox was retreating, Qin Lang actually didn't try his best to intercept these retreating high-end combat power. On the one hand, he kept some of his combat power out of his own safety considerations, in case the opponents jumped over the wall in a hurry. Can't stand each other.

(End of this chapter)

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