The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1322 The Magical Treasure House

Chapter 1322 The Magical Treasure House
After the high-level members of Desert Fox collectively broke through, the Middle East forces also surrounded and wiped out all the remaining members of Desert Fox, and killed about 1000 more people.

This time the encirclement and suppression of Desert Fox was finally accomplished. More than 5000 people from the Desert Fox headquarters ran out, and less than 600 people ran out, and the rest were killed collectively.

After completing the encirclement and suppression mission, the Middle East forces are ready to break into the Desert Fox headquarters to search for the fruits of war.

Due to the fact that there were too many scattered members of the Middle East organization on this trip, and they all belonged to dozens of forces in more than 20 countries, the scene was a bit chaotic. Now after the battle, everyone swarmed into the desert fox's lair.

The scene looks ridiculous. The friends who were fighting together just now have all become robbers. After entering the Desert Fox's lair, you will fight for any property you see.

And Qin Lang saw the opportunity early and was familiar with the road, so he has already gone straight to the No.11 floor. The tenth floor of the Desert Fox is the data snow storage area, and the No.11 floor is the resource snow storage area. These are relatively important areas.

It was too late for Qin Lang to go to the data snow storage area, so he decided to move as much data as possible from the resource snow storage area on the No.11 floor, and move it away first.

After all, these resources are things that I can use in my future cultivation. Today, when resources are becoming more and more scarce on the earth, it is becoming more and more difficult for the Desert Fox to have so many resources.

However, after arriving at the resource snow storage area, Qin Lang spent a lot of effort to break open the alloy gate with a magic weapon, but he uttered a foul word, and all the resources inside disappeared.

"Where did everything go..."

After thinking for a long time, Qin Lang regained his composure.

It seems that Formoland, the person in charge of Desert Fox Headquarters, has already made preparations to move away the valuable resources and other things in Desert Fox, leaving the Middle East forces almost an empty shell, really worthy of it It's a character like a cunning fox.

And then, as Qin Lang guessed, most of the valuable things in the entire Desert Fox headquarters were moved away by Desert Fox, even those materials were no exception. prisoners rescued.

Many of the prisoners in this dungeon are relatives and friends of the upper-class forces in the Middle East. Rescuing them all this time is not a loss for their efforts.

However, when everyone just moved the prisoners out of the dungeon, some people started to mess up.

"Not good! The entire Desert Fox headquarters has been set up with timers and bombs, and there are still 15 minutes left, everyone, hurry up!"

Someone yelled out this sentence, it was definitely not alarmist, and everyone was frightened.

Timing and bombs are really terrifying things that can kill people. Everyone understands without thinking. Since the Desert Fox has arranged such a trick, the amount of explosives buried is absolutely indispensable, and it may be enough to blow up this place.

Depend on!The cunning fox actually took every step of the way, and this time the retreat turned out to be a trick. He used himself as a bait to attract the attention of the upper-class forces in the entire Middle East, entered the underground headquarters of Desert Fox, and then used timing and bombs to destroy the entire headquarters of Desert Fox. They were all buried with him.

What a ruthless scheming!What a vicious strategy!

All of a sudden, people panicked, and now almost all Middle Eastern forces have entered this underground headquarters, and they are all panicking to escape from this underground base, and the entire entrance and exit passages have become crowded.

"Quick! Find these timers, bombs, and dismantle them!"

Someone also shouted so loudly, but the voice was quickly drowned out.

Just kidding, find all the timers and bombs, do you really think you are a bomb disposal expert?Even bomb disposal experts may not be able to dismantle all the bombs in the entire Desert Fox underground base in just 15 minutes.

When almost everyone thought so, Qin Lang got busy.

Because... others can't do it, but he can do it!In order to save everyone, he is fighting now!

Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness let go of the coverage of more than 200 feet of spiritual consciousness, radiating almost every floor, and the spiritual consciousness carefully swept the environment of the entire floor. Once he found an explosive device, the whole person became an afterimage, and the next moment he was gone. Go to the place where the timer and the bomb are placed, and take the bomb down directly.

Of course, taking them out cannot prevent the explosion of these timers and bombs, but the time for these timers and bombs to explode has not yet come. Qin Lang is afraid, so he directly throws them into an empty storage bag, and then continues to sweep the other timers and bombs on each floor. bomb.

Now that he has drilled into the treasure house directly, every time he goes up and down the floor, he does not take the corridor, but directly penetrates from the alloy floor to the upstairs, saving time.

After all, the entire sixteenth floor of the base had to clear all the bombs within 15 minutes. The time was too short, and he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to do it.

He didn't ask to be a savior, he just wanted to save the lives of most people who entered this underground base, and that was enough for him to do a good deed.

Otherwise, it would be very easy for him alone to take away his subordinates and retreat together. All he needs to do is send them to the house of magic treasures, and then just leave.

When my magic house becomes smaller, it looks like the size of a palm, but it has an interior space comparable to nanotechnology. It is no problem to accommodate hundreds of people at the same time, but it will not be easy if more people are installed. After all, maintaining The energy consumption of this space is too high, and there will be problems if the number of people loaded is too large.

In the fifteen or six-story underground base, six or seven powerful timers and bombs are installed on each floor, so now Qin Lang is also busy like a spinning top, spinning non-stop.

When all the timers and bombs in the entire base are cleared, look at the time, all the timers and bombs will explode collectively in only a few seconds.

Unable to bear another swear word, Qin Lang directly used the magic house to go out of the base, and the ghost ship pierced the entire base with a big hole, appeared above the base, and then threw the large number of timers and bombs in the air far away. Storage bags.

white light!

Fiery white light appeared in the sky, like a super big sun, like the entire base was shining white.

The explosion was rumbling, and the sky was filled with sand and gravel like tornadoes and strong winds, and the sound of the shock spread thousands of miles away.

Between the explosions, the entire base farm collapsed, like a strong earthquake.

A large number of trees, flowers, and plants were shattered like rags. If such a power happened inside the base, it is estimated that everyone who entered the entire base would be finished.

And now the situation looks a bit bad, the entrance of the entire base seems to have been knocked down, and everyone is buried alive inside.

However, the loss of being buried alive in it should be the smallest. After all, Qin Lang has achieved the level of a savior, and once again saved everyone in the base and the upper class forces in the entire Arab world.


And at this time, Qin Lang, who was almost exhausted, felt that what he had done in the 15 minutes just now was more difficult than the previous battle.

He, who hadn't sweated for a long time, was also sweating profusely.

You must know that high-level cultivators can basically control the changes in body fluids freely. It is really not easy for Qin Lang to be so tired now.

After wiping off his sweat and feeling dizzy for a while, Qin Lang's eyes regained clarity.

At this time, he can't be idle, he has to hollow out the entrance of the collapsed base and rescue everyone, otherwise, the people below will be trapped for a long time and don't know what will happen.

"I hope not too many people will die this time."

Qin Lang knew that the explosion was too close this time, and someone in the base must have been affected. You must know that the entire base was shaking like a carpet just now, and the vibration was equivalent to a ten-magnitude earthquake.

After a short rest, Qin Lang started to work, just like saving victims in an earthquake, he began to dig the entrance of the base.

As a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level, it is naturally easy for Qin Lang to do all this. The flying sword magic weapon is like an excavator, cutting through the surrounding obstacles and opening up the entire underground passage.

It took about 3 minutes to finally connect with the passage below. At this time, the first floor of the base had completely collapsed, and more than 1000 people died, and countless more were injured.

However, this casualty is nothing, at least the remaining 2 people have survived, and Qin Lang has done a lot of good deeds this time.

Seeing that the passage was opened, the survivors in the underground cheered collectively at this time, and rushed out to the ground one by one, panting heavily.

It's really good to be able to live and see this colorful world again. After experiencing the great fear just now, they realized that there are so many things in this world that are worth cherishing.

"thanks, thanks!"

More people expressed their gratitude to Qin Lang.

Qin Lang worked hard to save everyone before, and many people saw it. It can be said that without Qin Lang's help this time, everyone was basically finished, and they were completely buried inside the base along with the timing and bomb explosion.

But Qin Lang shook his head and smiled for a while. He didn't save everyone out of gratitude, save a life, and build a seven-level pagoda!

At this time, Qin Lang, the Shar family and his subordinates began to join together. The Shar family brought out a hundred this time, and lost about a dozen, and Qin Lang was similar.

Such casualties are also expected, and there will be bloodshed and casualties in the battle, which is impossible.

It should be known that the loss ratio of other forces present is even more serious. Some forces even lost more than [-]% to [-]%, and the loss ratio almost reached about half. It can be said that such forces are basically disabled after a battle.

However, this time the Desert Fox is almost completely finished, and it is basically impossible to turn around in the future. The part of the high-level personnel who escaped is now a bereaved dog, and they will be cleaned up by everyone sooner or later.

Qin Lang reckons that desert foxes who escaped should consider how to hide, and then quietly start moving to Europe and the United States. After all, there is no soil for desert fox members to survive in the entire Middle East.

With the shrewd mind of the sly fox, Volmorr, he will definitely not do anything stupid again. It should be affirmative to do so. However, now that the Middle East forces have been put together by this guy, I am afraid they will not let it go. Next, such a large force It seems that it is not easy to escape calmly from the Middle East.

(End of this chapter)

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