The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1323 Rocky Mountain Tracking

Chapter 1323 Rocky Mountain Tracking

Now that the Battle of Desert Fox Headquarters is completely over, the Arab world has lost a lot in this battle, but Qin Lang has gained a lot.

After digging through the base and rescuing everyone, Qin Lang logically took away some of the equipment left behind by the Desert Fox headquarters.

These instruments are all top-notch equipment used in human medicine, involving a variety of core patented technologies in Europe and the United States, and it is generally difficult to buy them internationally.

After harvesting these instruments and equipment, Qin Lang plans to set up another medical science and technology research institute in his Middle East branch, specializing in the study of human medicine and the development of new drugs.

He also saw the power of mutant fighters developed based on human body research, and he knew the importance of medical research.

Although he won't use black technology to develop mutants, he can do something legal and contribute to mankind in the pharmaceutical industry.

What's more, this ability can also benefit him.

Medicine is also a lucrative industry, and its popularity is even wider than that of cosmetics. Therefore, Qin Lang plans to establish his own pharmaceutical company after the establishment of a medical science and technology research institute in order to separate Lanrun from the cosmetics industry. , no longer operate a single product, but develop together in all channels from cosmetics, real estate to medicine and so on.

In the future, Huaxia's headquarters will be directly called Lanrun Group, cosmetics will be called Lanrun Cosmetics Group Co., Ltd., medicine will be called Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., and real estate will be called Lanrun Construction Industry Group Co., Ltd.

In this case, Lanrun Group has three major projects under its name, cosmetics, medicine, and real estate, with diversified business scopes at home and abroad.

Of course, this is just a plan at present, and it will take a period of careful planning in the next period to slowly implement these plans.Of course, Qin Lang is confident to do these things well, and he now has a mature business team behind him, who can skillfully complete these tasks.


Returning to the Middle East branch, Qin Lang began to arrange the affairs of the Institute of Medical Science and Technology, and contacted all the senior management of Lanrun through international long-distance calls and videos to hold a remote meeting.

Afterwards, the headquarters of Lanrun sent staff to come over. Of course, they also contacted the five major alliances, and a group of experts and technicians were also drawn from Sanhe Life Science and Technology Laboratory to transfer the medical technology research of this Middle East branch. Put up the shelf first.

Now the five major alliances of Huaxia are all in one body. As the leader of the alliance, Qin Lang has needs, and the various families in the alliance naturally support it. Sanhe Life Science and Technology Laboratory has dispatched more than 100 technicians from various fields.

Due to the transfer, these technicians will return to China after staying in the Middle East for about three years, so Qin Lang's Middle East Medical Technology Research Institute must also hurry up and try to train their successors within these three years.

However, three years is enough. Qin Lang intends to make more contributions to the labor and technical talent market in the Middle East despite the development of local technical personnel in the Middle East.

In fact, this is also done for the optimization of the resource market. It is a cost-intensive thing to seek far away. Local talents are much cheaper than foreign aid talents, aren’t they?

Subsequently, the huge logistics team of Lanrun Group began to operate, and a large amount of materials continued to enter the Middle East from Huaxia, and technical personnel and other professionals needed to build medical technology research institutes also arrived one after another.

The Institute of Medical Science and Technology was officially listed, and the site used was a vacant building in the Middle East branch near the warehouse and the cosmetics laboratory.

The construction of the Middle East branch is divided into three phases. The first phase is about the supporting production and sales of cosmetics and an area where employees live. The second phase is the area where the medical technology research institute is located. It is currently under construction and has the development of the pharmaceutical industry. After the plan, in the future, Qin Lang will arrange the entire area of ​​the second phase of the site with the pharmaceutical industry.

Some specific arrangements are handed over to Jiang Xinzhong, the current head of the Middle East branch. This guy is also a veteran of the group, and he is familiar with handling these. He is also very relaxed in handling affairs, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

It is currently in the stage of personnel adjustment and training. It is estimated that it will take two to three months for the entire Medical Technology Research Institute to officially operate, so Qin Lang is not in a hurry. The personnel training will go hand in hand with the second phase of the project. I believe that in a few months, Lanrun will The pharmaceutical sector can be officially listed for business.


But at the same time that Qin Lang arranged the second new project of the Middle East branch, the search for the remnants of Desert Fox in the Arab world was also in full swing.

These large and small local forces were put together by the Desert Fox, and suffered heavy losses. Now each of them can't wait to dig out the hearts and bones of the Desert Fox's remnant party, so as to relieve the hatred in their hearts.

In this case, it is impossible for the remnants of the Desert Fox to escape from the Middle East for the time being. Now the airports of almost all countries in the Middle East have been blocked, and the national borders have also strengthened the security to prevent the remnants of the Desert Fox from escaping.

People in the entire Arab world felt like they were touching a rock in a frying pan, and they turned the entire Middle East upside down for a while.

Under such a powerful search, no matter how well the Desert Fox's people hide, they will show their feet.Sure enough, a week later, a group of nearby Middle Eastern forces discovered the clues of the remaining party hiding, and a big battle broke out between the two sides.

Although the people of Desert Fox won this battle, the exposure of the hiding place attracted more upper-class forces in the Arab world. Even Qin Lang was notified and participated in the siege again.

As a last resort, the Desert Fox had no choice but to break it into pieces, abandoning a lot of resources and escape again.

And this time, the major powers in the Middle East have finally received a large amount of benefits. The resources abandoned by the Desert Fox this time are much more than those left in the previous siege of the headquarters. These resources are almost 100 times more than the last time everyone sieged the headquarters.

So many resources have given some comfort to the large and small Middle East forces involved in the siege. It seems that the previous efforts have not been in vain. Well, since the desert fox people still want to escape, let's continue to look for them. This group of ground mice has been thoroughly caught out, and they will not stop until they are killed.

Afterwards, everyone became more motivated to continue tracking the remnants of the Desert Fox.

Now after the second battle of the Desert Fox, there are still about 400 people left. After these members have been broken into pieces, they have been divided into several groups. Since there are no large resource packages, these gophers have become more active one by one. Secret.

But it doesn't matter, as long as these guys stay in the Middle East and can't get out, there will only be one word in the end, which is "death".

During the second siege, Qin Lang, as the one who contributed the most, also got a lot of resources, but due to the large number of personnel allocated, what he got this time was not as good as what he got at the Desert Fox headquarters before. Resources.

However, it doesn't matter, just treat it as earning a good popularity.If one's own company needs to take root in the Middle East in the future, it will have to deal with these large and small forces in the Middle East. Now it can be considered as an emotional investment to take a long-term view and catch big fish.

Qin Lang is very open to these things, and now the people of Desert Fox have been divided into several groups. Although they have given up a lot of resources, in fact, these people have a lot of resources. Killing these remaining parties can get a lot of benefits.

In this case, it is also more convenient for Qin Lang to do it alone, and the benefits obtained by killing a group of remaining parties by himself are definitely considerable.

During the Second World War, Qin Lang secretly allocated a lot of imprints of spiritual consciousness on the remaining members of the Desert Fox, just to make plans for his own interests in the future. After all, these resources are for his own cultivation. So you have to fight for it.

Now that the earth has been depleted of resources, even if there are, it is difficult to be discovered. It is rare for such an opportunity to encircle and suppress the enemy to obtain a large amount of resources. It is a great opportunity.

Afterwards, Qin Lang followed a scattered force of the Desert Fox, and at the same time brought along Mu Ziqing, a Miaojiang weapon witch.

The reason for bringing Mu Ziqing is also because this guy is not weak, and what is rare is that he matches well with Qin Lang, so Qin Lang doesn't mind bringing a helper.

Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing also agreed in advance on the distribution of the loot when the two cooperated. Qin Lang will take the lead in the [-] distribution, while Mu Ziqing will take the small lead.

Originally, Mu Ziqing was grateful for Qin Lang's life-saving grace, and didn't want a single point of war weapons, but the generous Qin Lang didn't want to eat alone, so he made such an allocation.

The desert fox remnants that Qin Lang is tracking this time are not led by Formorr, but a group of wizards who have mastered the laws of heaven and earth, plus a group of elite warriors, and three or four scattered wizards. Among the remaining groups that fled, they were not considered the strongest, but they were not considered weak either.

This time, the desert fox's escaped party was divided into six groups. The largest group was naturally the mutant team led by Formoran, plus some elite members, a total of more than 100 people. The wizard group of Tianxiangdi is the leader, and each group has about five or sixty people.

Qin Lang led Mu Ziqing to chase for hundreds of miles, and came to a rocky mountain-like environment. At this time, he began to remind Mu Ziqing: "Those guys are parked in the rocky mountain in front. The environment here is special, just rush over to fight against the family. Taking advantage of the terrain is also a big trouble.”

Qin Lang looked ahead, Luanshi Mountain is a relatively narrow valley, the other party is hiding in the valley, and is condescending, there is a tendency that one man is in charge of the pass, and it is difficult to break into the valley without thinking about it. Together with the Desert Fox remnants, they went into extermination.

However, Qin Lang is not an ordinary person, so naturally he has a solution. He is going to wait until nightfall to use the magic house to rush over, and then start a big battle with the remnants of the Desert Foxes.

The reason why we have to wait until nightfall is also because the other party is too vigilant. These wizards have actually mastered the anti-invisibility ability. Qin Lang can't even use the invisibility talisman. The other party's important wizards who have mastered the ability of the sky, the earth and the earth.

As long as these wizards can't form a body of law, heaven and earth, there will be no threat to Qin Lang, and it will be much easier to kill the remaining party of this group of desert foxes.

(End of this chapter)

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