The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1324 Wolf-Shaped Wizard

Chapter 1324 Wolf-Shaped Wizard
At night, the sky over the Arab world is still full of stars, and it is another excellent weather.

Both Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing entered the magic treasure house ghost ship at this moment. The ghost ship changed into the size of a palm, and with its dark material, it looked like an invisible ghost in the night.

Controlling the ghost ship, Qin Lang began to shuttle through the canyon and mountain roads, and went straight to the rocky mountains.

There are about 60 members of the Desert Fox's remnant party in Luanshishan, and they must all be wiped out.

Although the terrain here is very favorable for the remnants of the Desert Fox, but he is a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he can handle even the most complicated terrain.

According to the information obtained, the sixty or so people hiding here are all elite fighters with strong combat power. The weakest ones are all warriors of the Wuzun level, and the strongest are naturally a dozen or so wizards.

Among the dozen or so wizards, naturally, the five wizards who have mastered the blood witchcraft of Fatian, Xiangdi and Earth are the strongest, followed by the other seven or eight wizards.

Speaking of which, those five wizards who mastered the supernatural powers of the sky, the sky, and the earth were indeed powerful characters, and they escaped from him several times, but this time he didn't want the same thing to happen again.

Due to the hidden breath and the cover of the night, the ghost ship easily broke into the valley. Although most of the members in the valley are resting at this moment, there are still nearly twenty people on guard.

It's a pity that they never thought that the enemy would enter the valley with special means, and even if they were on guard, they couldn't find it.

They made a misunderstanding of thinking, and Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing who were hiding in the ghost ship of the palm-sized magic house were the incentives. Many people may have never heard of this kind of treasure that can hold life and can shrink and enlarge freely. Pass.

The guards on the outside are all ordinary elite warriors. Qin Lang has little interest in dealing with these people for the time being. Now the main target is the five wizards who master the special bloodline witchcraft of law, sky, phase and earth. Find them first and kill them Besides.

Many tents were set up in the valley, and the largest tent was still lit. This should be a field combat tent, which belongs to the top military equipment of European and American countries. Unexpectedly, the Desert Fox is also equipped with it.

At this moment, in the tent of the center, more than a dozen wizards gathered together, as if they were having a meeting, which should be related to the escape route.

These wizards cultivated their own mental strength, and their physique was many times higher than that of ordinary people, so even a day or two without sleep was nothing to them, and they could fully recover after a little meditation for 5 minutes.

And while they were concentrating on discussing and researching, Qin Lang had already manipulated the magic house and approached here quietly, his consciousness had been released, and although he did not enter the tent, he also saw everything inside the tent. Clearly.

"At this moment, there are thirteen wizards in the tent. Well, the five wizards who have mastered the law, the sky and the earth should be the five with the strongest aura... However, the other eight wizards are not too weak. Brother Qing, I'll rely on you to cover me later."

Qin Lang said to Mu Ziqing.

"Okay, brother, don't worry!"

Mu Ziqing should take the road.

Mu Ziqing is a witch of Miaojiang, and his own strength is still very good. He is most suitable to cover Qin Lang in this kind of group attack scene. With his fire support, Qin Lang's beheading plan can be carried out more smoothly.

At this time, a black light flashed, directly penetrated the tent, pierced one wizard's chest, then penetrated another wizard's chest, and then passed through the third wizard's body.

Before all the wizards in the tent could react, three wizards were severely injured in a row.

That's right, it was a serious injury!The three wizards whose hearts were drilled did not actually die. Even if their bodies were damaged, their souls could exist alone, and they could even be reborn.

Therefore, to kill a wizard, one must not only kill him physically, but also torment him mentally, destroying the wizard from body to soul, and only in this way can a wizard be considered dead.

This process is easy to say, but not so easy to do.

After severely wounding the three important wizards and turning them into soul states, Qin Lang also jumped out of the ghost ship in the magic house, and directly grabbed three human-shaped shadows, which were the souls of the three wizards.

After that, Qin Lang kneaded and squeezed the spirits of the three wizards into a ball without separating them from each other.

In this case, the soul bodies of the three wizards have been shattered, and even their memories have been kneaded together, and they no longer have pure consciousness, which is equivalent to disappearing in disguise.

After killing the three wizards, he directly threw the crumbs of soul into the spirit beast bag, making this clump of soul crumbs his dinner snack for the beast Shui Ba.

After the three key wizards were wiped out, the body of Fatian Xiangdi could no longer be combined, Qin Lang also had the capital to crush, and no longer worried about stalemate with the black giant.

"Not good! The enemy actually broke in!"

All the living wizards were stunned. They were stunned for a while when they saw Qin Lang suddenly appearing in front of them, as if they had encountered a ghost.

When Qin Lang attacked again, they came to their senses, now is not the time to be in a daze, and hurriedly cast spells against the enemy one by one.

At this time, Qin Lang felt the pressure of facing the siege of ten wizards at the same time, not much less than the pressure of fighting the black giant.

"Mu Ziqing!"

Qin Lang yelled loudly at this moment.


Someone outside the tent responded, and then the sound of chopping and blah blah continued, Mu Ziqing's dozens of flying knives, flying swords, hidden weapons and magic weapons instantly made the whole tent full of holes, and a large number of hidden weapons directly attacked and were besieging These wizards of Qin Lang.

Suddenly, the pressure on Qin Lang suddenly decreased, and he took the opportunity to summon Feijian to fight with these wizards.

With Mu Ziqing's cover, it became much easier for Qin Lang to fight these ten wizards at the same time. At this time, the two wizards were directly severely injured.


Qin Lang snorted heavily, and at this moment, his spiritual consciousness counterattacked a wizard who had cursed at him. With this powerful mental counterattack, the curse wizard immediately opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood, and fell directly to the ground. Passed out.


Qin Lang looked down on this guy. Even if you are a wizard, you don't want to compete with yourself in the strength of your spiritual sense. Using a curse to deal with yourself is really a trick. It is luck that you didn't directly fight back with your spiritual sense to kill you.

This was actually only a short moment. At this time, six of the thirteen wizards in the tent fell directly, and now only seven remain.

Beeping, Mu Ziqing outside is manipulating a large number of flying knives and flying swords and is still attacking those wizards. Previously, these wizards were all focused on dealing with the large number of flying knives and flying swords in the air, and it was too late Qin Lang took advantage of the loophole by saving his companion wizard.

Killed six directly, and now that the pressure is light, Qin Lang is even more unforgiving, and continues to attack the remaining wizards.

Two of the sorcerers were so forced that they gritted their teeth and swallowed a black potion that was taken out of their bodies.

When Qin Lang launched a powerful onslaught against the remaining five wizards regardless of the consumption of real power, the bodies of the two wizards began to change. Moving erratically.

This is the performance of that kind of black potion taking effect and starting to spread around the body.

I don't know what kind of medicine this kind of medicine is. Seeing that they have been afraid to try it until they are forced to have no other way, then they bite their teeth and swallow it. Qin Lang knows that this medicine must have serious side effects.

The potion is still exerting special effects. The muscles of the two wizards are tangled, and they are continuously growing fine hair, slowly starting to develop into Tarzan the ape.

"What's wrong with them..."

Qin Lang was surprised that these two wizards were really turning into beasts. Not counting their long hairs, even their cheeks changed, leaving their human appearance and turning them into wolves.

And the pupils of the two of them also turned red, and their expressions were hideous and terrifying, as if they were slowly losing their minds.



Under the action of the potion, the two wizards finally turned into beasts, and they started attacking everyone in the tent regardless of whether they were enemies or friends.

It turned out that this was the biggest side effect of the special potion. After the transformation, the two wizards had no reason at all, and only the most primitive fighting instinct of beasts remained.

The remaining five wizards were quickly dealt with. The five of them were able to be dealt with so quickly by Qin Lang, half of which was due to the two beast companions who lost their minds. These two guys couldn't beat Qin Lang, and they turned back. Dealing with his own people is one of the real reasons why Qin Lang was able to kill five wizards so easily.

As the five wizards were eliminated, those scattered souls were also swallowed by two wolf-shaped wizards who fought with the instinct of beasts, and after swallowing the souls of these companions, the momentum of these two rational wolf-shaped wizards became even stronger. powerful.

One of the two rational wolf-shaped wizards continued to attack Qin Lang, while the other got out of the tent and began to attack Mu Ziqing outside the tent.

"No, these two beast wizards who have lost their minds have suddenly increased their momentum, and their combat power has almost increased by two or three times. I'm afraid Mu Ziqing won't be able to deal with it!"

Qin Lang's face changed, he was also a loyal guy, and immediately followed him out of the tent to save the scene.

"Leave, now you can't deal with these two crazy beast wizards..."

In the distance, Qin Lang yelled at Mu Ziqing.

And Mu Ziqing, who was stunned for a while, felt bad when he saw the wizard who had turned into a wolf-shaped beast rushing towards him, so he ran desperately towards the mouth of the valley.

"It's not too clever. There are many desert fox elites at the mouth of the valley. They are very popular. They should be able to distract the wizards who have turned into wolf-shaped beasts!"

Qin Lang heaved a sigh of relief and no longer worried about Mu Ziqing's safety. Now the wolf-shaped beast wizard's consciousness is chaotic, and there is no distinction between enemy and friend when fighting. Mu Ziqing's departure is equivalent to bringing disaster to the desert fox in the valley. others.

(End of this chapter)

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