The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1326 Hidden Resource Point

Chapter 1326 Hidden Resource Point
Naturally, warriors were not opponents of powerful wizards, and they were quickly taken over by three wizards.

However, the body after the seizure did not fit well with the wizard's soul, so the fighting power of the three reborn wizards was too reduced, and they were almost invisible in the next battle.

Qin Lang also ignored each other's cannibalism. The trick of seizing the house seemed mysterious, but in the end it turned out that the three wizards who succeeded in seizing the house, at most, it was only a temporary life, but it was impossible to make a comeback .

So, Qin Lang continued to attack the opponent.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……

Relying on the strength of the Magic Treasure House, Qin Lang defeated six wizards again, but after defeating six wizards, Qin Lang got out of the Magic Treasure House and shot directly at these guys in the Desert Fox, and Instead of hiding in the ghost ship and attacking.


Qin Lang roared, raised his sword to attack, and then the sword energy swept across. Now nine wizards have lost their fighting power, and the remaining wizards are easier to deal with.

Under the sweeping sword energy, these dozen or so wizards were quickly killed, even the souls were not spared, and they were all smashed into pieces so that the souls of these wizards could not be revived.

After killing these wizards, Qin Lang had the energy to pay attention to the remaining forty or so warriors. At this time, some warriors saw that something was wrong and started to escape, and Mu Ziqing also came out of the magic house to assist Qin Lang in dealing with these warriors .

Under the cooperation of Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing, all these warriors were quickly wiped out. These escaped warriors could not run far at all. Qin Lang chased them out again by relying on the powerful tracking ability of his divine sense, like fighting Kill it like a gopher.

After killing these elite warriors, Qin Lang looked at the freshwater lake again, frowned, and hummed: "There is one more hidden, hmph, can you escape by hiding at the bottom of the water before?"

After speaking, the whole body's aura was shaken, and a wave of energy turned into an invisible big hand to grab the freshwater lake, directly to the bottom of the water.

Soon, the sound of clattering sounded, and Qin Lang's little silk-wrapping hand directly grabbed the guy who was entangled in the bottom of the water, pulled it, and brought it directly to the front.

"Don't, don't kill me."

That guy was so scared that his face turned pale. This guy was also a wizard, but unexpectedly he was so weak, not at all as bold as the other companions in the Desert Fox organization.

"Don't kill you? What's your value? Is it worth not killing you?"

Qin Lang snorted coldly.

"I...I..." This cowardly wizard was so frightened that his whole body was shaking like chaff.

However, seeing that Qin Lang was about to attack again, he screamed in fright: "I know a secret!"

"Secret... what secret? A worthless secret cannot buy your life."

Qin Lang's voice rang in his ears.

And this cowardly wizard nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, this news is definitely valuable, I know a hidden resource point of the Desert Fox, and now the head of the headquarters, Formoran, is leading people to this hidden place." It is said that there are a lot of powerful heavy firepower and aircraft in this resource point, if Formoran gets the things from this resource point, it is estimated that he will be able to successfully escape from the Middle East."

"Hidden resource points?"

Qin Lang smacked and asked, "Then, why did you know this news and didn't leave with your boss's team, but mixed in with this team."


The cowardly wizard had a pale face, and said, "I think so too, maybe Lord Formolin didn't plan to take me with him after making such an arrangement."

Seeing this guy's pitiful appearance, Qin Lang suddenly lost the interest in killing this guy. To kill an enemy, one has to choose such a hot-blooded target. No matter how much the guy makes a move, he will insult his character.

"Thank you sir for not killing me."

Knowing that Qin Lang was no longer going to kill him, the cowardly wizard burst into tears with gratitude.

"Don't be too busy thanking me, thank you for letting me know the location of the hidden resource point!"

Qin Lang said at this time.

Although the Formoran team also has its own spiritual imprint, it is a good thing if I can get the target of this team's whereabouts early. I can set up an ambush at the resource point in advance, so that I can calmly get rid of the largest group of desert foxes. power.

In addition, letting this cowardly guy tell the location of the hidden resource point is also to verify whether this guy is lying. In fact, judging from the direction of the desert fox Fumoran's team, Qin Lang can faintly Guess something.

"Okay, okay."

The cowardly wizard hurriedly told everything he knew, then raised his head and looked at Qin Lang flatteringly.

After Qin Lang finished listening, he nodded and said: "I can let you go, but you can't leave here yet."

After finishing speaking, he slapped a restraining technique on this guy.

"I put a ban on you, and this ban will be removed naturally after a day, and you can leave then."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lang got into the magic house again, and left the freshwater lake in a ghost boat with Mu Ziqing, leaving the forbidden wizard standing alone on the shore of the lake.

After getting some valuable clues, Qin Lang also started to drive towards the hidden resource point of the desert fox at this time. It was about [-] kilometers away from this freshwater lake to the target direction.

For a distance of [-] kilometers, the magic treasure house ghost ship is still very fast, which is more than half a day's work. Then, Qin Lang is expected to arrive here a few hours earlier than the team of Desert Fox Fumoran. place.

After arriving at this resource point, Qin Lang found that it was an abandoned grotto, and the resource point was in the cellar below the grotto.

The cellar is a large space, like an underground fortress. There are indeed a lot of resources stored in it, including food, weapons, food, military tents, etc. It is like a huge refuge.

In addition, there are two large aircraft similar to helicopters. Qin Lang doesn't know if this thing can be called a helicopter, but it looks much more advanced than a helicopter. It should be the most advanced technological product in Europe and the United States.

These two aircraft are oval in shape, and each has a large space inside, which can carry more than ten people. If Desert Fox's people take these two aircraft to leave, they can take away about 30 to [-] people directly.

"It's a pity that there are no cultivation objects here, they are all worldly objects!"

Looking at the things in this resource point, Qin Lang sighed. These things, such as food and clothing, are too ordinary, and he is not very interested in heavy weapons, and the two large aircrafts are a little novelty.

However, no matter how good this aircraft is, it is not a magic weapon. I have a magic weapon house ghost ship, which is not much worse than the most advanced aircraft on earth.

Before, Qin Lang did not touch the resource point, but arranged a large trap around the entire grotto, and prepared to use the magic circle to deal with the enemies that will come next.

Desert Fox escaped from the headquarters of the remnants of a total of six groups. Qin Lang has already eliminated two groups, but the two groups together are estimated to be inferior to the more than 100 people led by Formoran himself. This guy led the team These more than 100 people are the elites among the elites of the entire Desert Fox Remnant Party.

If you think about it, Formoran has four extraordinary-level mutant genetic warrior bodyguards, each of which is similar to the black giant who has changed his body.

In addition, there are more than a dozen top-level mutants, as well as a dozen or so wizards, and the rest are elite fighters above the level of Wuzun.

Such a force, even if the current Qin Lang ambushed in advance, it would be very difficult to eat all of them.

But now that he has come here, Qin Lang is ready to give it a try, to see if he has the ability to eat all this group of forces, even if he can't eat all of them, he can kill the most important desert fox core figures. Formoran, Qin Lang can be considered a great achievement.

In just three or four hours, no advanced array can be arranged. Qin Lang just strengthens this trap. This trap may be difficult to trap those powerful mutant genetic fighters, but it is used to deal with warriors of the Wu Zun level. But almost.

After arranging everything, Qin Lang swallowed a handful of essence pills, and then began to quickly recover his true energy with a high-grade spirit stone in his hand. Now that the war is in the air, what should be wasted should be wasted. This is also an investment in himself.

But at this time, the sky gradually darkened, and the night of this day was also very strange. It was actually a rare black sky, and there were not a single star in the sky.

Such a dark combat environment is perfect for Qin Lang, who has a strong spiritual sense. He has a strong spiritual sense and can radiate a range of more than 200 feet. As long as the ant is still within the scope of its own spiritual consciousness, it will definitely not be able to escape Qin Lang's spiritual perception.

At this time, Qin Lang turned into the best lurker, waiting quietly like a hunter.

And Mu Ziqing of the alliance stayed in the Magic Treasure House. Qin Lang added temporary power and hatred to this guy, and injected part of his true energy into the Magic Treasure House to assist in the activation. In this way, Mu Ziqing can also act as a surprise soldier at critical moments Effect.

Compared with Qin Lang, as a wizard, Mu Ziqing's field of vision is much narrower. Although the wizard's mental power is also relatively strong, he can only sense the surrounding thirty or forty range at most.

However, Mu Ziqing does not have this restriction in the magic house. Since Qin Lang gave him temporary authority, Mu Ziqing can use the magic house to share the vision with Qin Lang. In this way, the "range of sight" that can be seen is much farther.

Two patient hunters were lurking at the resource point, while on the road in the other direction, the team of Desert Fox was in a hurry. Like other teams, Formoran and his people also came out at night. , rest and hide during the day, and rush out at night.

But what he doesn't know is that the actions of his group have already been watched by Qin Lang who has a heart, and there is a mark of spiritual consciousness. Even if the means are exhausted during the escape process, no matter how deep they hide during the day, it is useless.

(End of this chapter)

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