The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1327 Competing for Resource Points

Chapter 1327 Competing for Resource Points (Thank you Scorpio yfx for the reward)
Fumoran is very troubled now, really troubled, and I don’t know what kind of bad luck I have encountered recently. The power that has been operating in the Middle East for decades has suddenly suffered repeated setbacks and suffered hostility and blows from the entire Arab power in the Middle East. .

But that's all. After all, what I have done these years is not a glorious thing. Speaking of which, these Middle Eastern forces can be regarded as the existence of suffering.

Lately, it's even stuffed their teeth with a sip of cold water, and all the forces in the Middle East have united to completely wipe out their desert foxes. This has never happened before.

Speaking of which, the combined power of the entire Arab world is really terrifying. In the end, Formosa could only compromise, and became a bereaved dog and led everyone to run away together, giving up the resources and wealth accumulated over the years.

"Hate! Hate! Damn, really hateful!"

Up to now, Fu Molan still doesn't know where the key to all the problems is. He doesn't know that the origin of the matter is actually caused by the Chinese man Qin Lang.

But now that things have happened, it's useless to complain any more. Formoran now only thinks about how to get to a hidden resource point that he arranged before, replenish resources, and then use the aircraft at the resource point to leave the Middle East.

This resource point is very secret, but because it has existed for too long, most of the wizards in the Desert Fox headquarters know about it. Formoran never thought that one of his own people would leak the news. In order to survive, he actually told the enemy this important information. .

If he knew, he would be so angry that he would have skinned that guy!


It was late at night, and a row of military flashlights began to light up, heading towards the resource point, and Formosa's team finally arrived here.

Seeing this, Qin Lang immediately regained his spirits, and sent a message to Mu Ziqing in the house of magic weapons to prepare for the battle together.

If he wants to rob this resource point, the premise is naturally to wipe out the people who are stationed at the resource point. There are a lot of people on the other side, and he wants to catch them all, so he and Mu Ziqing lay in ambush in advance.

He didn't immediately rush to fight the group, but patiently waited for the group to slowly enter the trap, like a spider waiting for its prey to enter its web.

Anyway, the hands of this group of people are not clean, and killing them is to eliminate harm for the people. It is best to wipe them all out, so he is not in a hurry, and waits patiently for all the prey to enter his hunting range.

Finally, after more than 100 people from this group of Desert Foxes had all entered the trapped team, the battle finally started!
Qin Lang aimed at Formoran, the leader of the Desert Fox, and directly launched the beheading operation.

The effect is very good. Fu Molan, the person in charge of the Middle East, is known for his wisdom, but his own strength is not very good, so he was directly beheaded by Qin Lang.

After losing the leader, the entire team immediately blew up the battalion and became panicked.

In the chaos, Qin Lang was delighted for a while, and began to fish in troubled waters and started a big fight that he was best at.

However, during the battle, he didn't choose those extraordinary-level mutants. This is the most difficult bone to crack. It's better not to move for the time being, and deal with some easy-to-handle enemies first.

There are more than 100 enemies in front of him, mainly elite warriors, and now they are also Qin Lang's key target to kill.Of course, besides the sixty or seventy warriors, the ten or twenty wizards were on the kill list.

With the help of the trapped formation, these enemies can't leave this area for the time being, so Qin Lang is not afraid of someone escaping.


There were screams one after another, Qin Lang was like a tiger like a tiger, and after using the invisibility talisman, he succeeded again and again under the cover of the night.

However, Qin Lang's invisibility was invalidated after a wizard threw a powerful invisibility breaking witchcraft.

As soon as Qin Lang's figure appeared, some powerful wizards and mutants around saw the target and began to surround him here, ready to surround and kill Qin Lang.

At this time, Mu Ziqing activated the ghost ship of the Magic Treasure House, and began to launch a sneak attack in the crowd, creating chaos, and once again successfully attracted everyone's attention.

Although Qin Lang is not in charge of this magical treasure house ghost ship, Mu Ziqing can use it with the temporary power system. In fact, it is the same as driving a car. A talented driver can learn it quickly.

The energy needed for the flight of the Magic Treasure House comes from Qin Lang’s previous blessing. In addition, outside the core of the Magic Treasure House, Qin Lang specially inlaid a top-quality spirit stone this time to maintain its operation.

The energy of a top-grade spirit stone is almost equivalent to 100 yuan top-grade spirit stone. Qin Lang doesn't have many such good things. It should be no problem for a top-grade spirit stone to sustain four or five hours of intense fighting in the magic house.

The combination of Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing also made the whole battle situation more complicated. The desert fox people also found it more difficult to deal with. If they besieged Qin Lang together, another magic house in the sky would keep attacking them. When they wanted to deal with the magic house in the air , but found that it is not so easy, the magic house is small, fast, and flexible, and it is easy to deal with.

Qin Lang didn't care about these things, and he kept killing all directions. After the four extraordinary-level mutants came to besiege, Qin Lang almost killed more than 20 warriors at the Wuzun level.

Qin Lang, who is at the Nascent Soul level, is now basically crushing the existence of the Wuzun level, one sword at a time, and the opponent has nothing to resist.

At this time, it was discovered that Qin Lang, the king of destruction with super attack power, was the most critical enemy. After the four extraordinary level mutants glanced at each other, they were ready to attack Qin Lang together.

After all, the people I wanted to protect, Formoran, were all killed by this kid. If they fled back to Europe and the United States empty-handed, these mutants would definitely be punished.

If he could capture this kid, or kill him, it might be a great achievement, and Europe and the United States would not blame the four bodyguards for their ineffectiveness.

With this in mind, the four extraordinary-level mutants began to fight towards Qin Lang. Each of these extraordinary-level mutants has strength close to the Nascent Soul stage, and all of them have super recovery ability, almost Just like the Immortal Body, I'm afraid Qin Lang is willing to deal with four opponents of the same level in the Nascent Soul stage, but he is also unwilling to deal with such four undead monsters.

However, what comforted Qin Lang a little was that the four mutants used ordinary alloy weapons, not magic weapons or other powerful things.

Seeing the four mutants rushing towards him now, Qin Lang tried his best to avoid them. To be able to temporarily avoid direct combat with them and kill some weaker enemies first is what Qin Lang wants to do most at the moment.

But the four mutants were very fast, and they surrounded Qin Lang like horns, and Qin Lang had to stop and concentrate on dealing with these four difficult guys.

Dealing with four mutants at the same level as the Nascent Soul stage at the same time is also a huge challenge for Qin Lang, who is now only at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage.

"Sanshengjianjue... smash the ax and sink the boat, kill!"

With a loud roar, Qin Lang swung his sword directly to attack, breaking the ax and sinking the boat, and brought out the third form of the Three Lives Sword Art to the extreme.The move of breaking the ax and sinking the boat is powerful and powerful. It is also a single-body attack move that requires little real energy among the first three moves, but has good attack power.

This kind of move is used against extraordinary level mutants, even if extraordinary level mutants have an immortal body, the injuries caused by a sword fight cannot be healed immediately, at least it will take a period of time to recover.

Sure enough, the combat-experienced mutant in front of him didn't pick up hard, but withdrew a few steps, and Qin Lang seized the space to deal with the retreating person as a vertical jump, broke away from the encirclement again, and continued to hunt down the remaining warriors and wizard.

On the outside, Mu Ziqing manipulated the temporary magic weapon to kill the wizards of the warriors, and the effect was not bad. Just now, when Qin Lang confronted four extraordinary mutants, he used the ghost ship of the magic weapon house to kill at least five enemies.

Of course, this is also the reason why he is not proficient in the manipulation of the magic house. If it is Qin Lang, it is estimated that the number of kills just now can be at least doubled.

However, it is not bad to be able to kill five, which proves that Mu Ziqing's combat talent is also very good. He was able to use the Magic Treasure House to kill so many enemies for the first time, and all of them were Wu Zun level enemies. Becoming a cultivator of similar strength may not necessarily be able to do better.

Of course, this is also because Mu Ziqing himself is following the path of cultivating weapons and witches. He has an affinity for magic tools and magic weapons. Compared with other people, it is easier to get familiar with the new functions of the magic weapon house, so that he can use the magic weapon The house's current maximum combat power comes out.

More than 100 enemies, after just over five minutes of fighting, almost 30 people have been killed or injured. These 30 people are basically elite fighters, and the wizard only killed one for the time being.

But the battle is still going on, Qin Lang is not stingy about the consumption of his spiritual energy, he has recently received two batches of resources and elixir supplements, and his confidence is also much stronger, so he is also fighting while taking the qi elixir.

"We can't let him go on like this! This oriental boy is too scary. If this goes on like this, all our people will die!"

Qin Lang's performance like killing a god also deterred the enemy, and the wizards around him began to feel a little afraid of being approached by Qin Lang.

At this time, all the wizards also began to think about the way to escape, but they found that the surrounding environment was blocked by a faint spiritual power, and they were trapped here by a strange restriction, and they could not escape at all.

"What's going on, what's going on here? Is it witchcraft, or something else..."

Some wizards also began to use witchcraft to break the forbidden formation arranged by Qin Lang, but although this forbidden formation is simple, it cannot be broken in three or two strokes. If a dozen wizards work together, it will take half an hour. Break it by force.

And the four mutant genetic warriors of extraordinary level continued to catch up and attacked Qin Lang. These four mutant genetic warriors of extraordinary level have strong self-healing ability, which is similar to the legendary immortal body, so they are not afraid No matter what the pain, the style of play is all open and closed, majestic and domineering.

And Qin Lang has always been very helpless in the face of such attacks. What annoys him the most is the unbeatable Xiaoqiang-like enemy. This kind of extraordinary level mutant is really difficult to deal with. He has not been able to find this European and American artificial genetic warrior for the time being. What a huge downside.

avoid!avoid!Avoid... Qin Lang has been retreating to avoid the limelight of these four powerful mutants.

His speed is very fast, coupled with the effects of Phantom Wind Walk and Shadow Changing Boots, although the four extraordinary mutants are agile and powerful, they can't do anything to Qin Lang who only wants to avoid the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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