The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1328 Strange Battle Situation

Chapter 1328 Strange Battle Situation
The four Transcendent level mutants all felt a little depressed. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Qin Lang was slick. The speed of the other party was fast and his movements were weird. They also felt troublesome when they encountered such a strange enemy.

Since you feel troublesome, then use all your slack to count it out!

Several high-level mutants have a pair of eyes, and the consciousness fluctuations in their brains are connected through their respective central systems. They can communicate without speaking, and they already understand each other's meaning in an instant.

Next, four extraordinary mutants still encircled Qin Lang. When Qin Lang was about to repeat the same trick, one of the mutants suddenly opened up like a rag, became longer and larger, and entangled Qin Lang.

It is also the first time for Qin Lang to encounter this kind of strange ability. Unprepared, he was actually entangled by this mutant. After this mutant was entangled with Qin Lang, he circled around Qin Lang's body directly. The circle wrapped Qin Lang tightly like a cable, and he could no longer move.

"Come on!"

Now it was Qin Lang who was caught without a fight. Even Mu Ziqing, who was hiding in the ghost ship nearby, was shocked by this unexpected situation, and hurriedly manipulated the magic house to come to the rescue.

However, although the magic treasure house ghost ship is powerful, when it is used to deal with these four extraordinary mutants, it is found to be useless. ,

After all, even if you drill a big hole in this kind of super recovery mutants, they will not take it seriously. On the contrary, the strong recovery ability of the body will make the wound close again.

Mu Ziqing was almost dumbfounded.This situation is too evil!

Are those four guys really still human beings? How could there be such a powerful human being?
Qin Lang who was restrained was really helpless. The mutant body wrapped around his body did not know what material it was made of. It was comparable to the most powerful cowhide band, with high strength and good toughness. Qin Lang was always struggling.

But as Qin Lang was restrained, the surrounding enemies turned hideous one by one. Now that this kid is finally restrained, it would be good to ruthlessly pull this kid's tendons and skin. Wash away the humiliation suffered by people like yourself just now.

The other three extraordinary level mutants took the alloy sword and slashed at Qin Lang fiercely. The alloy sword cut on Qin Lang's body and made a dull sound. The magic weapon defensive force field on Qin Lang's body temporarily resisted all attacks.

However, Qin Lang is now trapped, and the energy consumption of the defensive force field on his body recovers very quickly. I am afraid that this situation will not last for too long. If there is no way to escape within half an hour, maybe this time he will really fall here.

How to do?How to do?
Qin Lang gave a wry smile. Now he is no different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Although the desert fox has no way to get him for the time being, this situation has already put him in danger.

Seeing that there was no way to get Qin Lang for the time being, the Desert Fox began to focus on dealing with the magic house in the sky. Mu Ziqing was really loyal and tried hard to rescue Qin Lang, but unfortunately his ability was really limited.

And Qin Lang is also extremely anxious, thinking about his cards and means, what can be used at this time, but it seems that he really has no treasure that can be used to escape danger.

How can I break free from this hateful bondage? This Transcendent mutant is too weird. His body can actually turn into a cable like a cowhide band. It would be great if he could burn it.

"and many more!"

At this time, Qin Lang's head had an idea, as if he had thought of some key point, "Burning...burning, or you can try it yourself with the fire of Kanli, and see if it can break free from the shackles."

As soon as he thought of it, Qin Lang directly activated the fire of Kanli in his body, and a large ball of Castanopsis chinensis directly burned towards the "rope" that entangled him.

Kanli's fire ranks in the top twenty of the ground fires. It is a special fire that is more powerful than the three-flavored real fire, and it is out of the category of the common fire.

Qin Lang's burning had an immediate effect. The fire of Kanli is the fire of alchemy and weapon refining. It can even burn the extremely hard cultivation materials in the cultivation world, not to mention the bodies of extraordinary mutants.

Seeing Qin Lang's Kanli's fire approaching, the mutant who was entangled with him suddenly let out a scream, and his body shrank rapidly like a snake, wanting to get out of the burning of Kanli's fire and get out.

"Want to run? Ask me if it's not so easy now!"

Qin Lang snorted coldly, and naturally hated this guy who wrapped himself around him like a rubber band for a long time and almost pulled him into the abyss of eternal doom.

Needless to say, he continued to burn the mutant with Kanli's fire.

"Ah ah ah..."

This guy screamed miserably, and part of his body was directly burnt. It was really too many and too tight just now, and this guy couldn't escape if he wanted to.

After the body was broken into two pieces, this guy didn't die. Mutant genetic warriors are monsters with extremely powerful bodies, especially this high-level recovery mutant. If they don't destroy the core system of their brains, I'm afraid they can Slowly recover.

Qin Lang, who broke free from the shackles, laughed, and directly crushed the brain of this extraordinary mutant. This advanced mutant would never have imagined that he would die so tragically and humiliatingly.

And after killing this extraordinary level mutant, Qin Lang's confidence in fighting against this higher level mutant also increased. Unexpectedly, his Kanli's fire can be used not only for alchemy and weapon refining, but also for assisting Fighting, this has never been thought of.

After knowing the magical effect of Kanli's fire, Qin Lang is now not afraid of the three extraordinary-level mutants in front of him. Using Kanli's fire to fight against the enemy, these three extraordinary-level mutants are also much easier to deal with.

Seeing their companion die inexplicably and tragically, the three extraordinary-level mutant companions were stunned at first, but they also reacted later. Seeing a large pale flame summoned from Qin Lang's chest, they also knew that this was not an ordinary flame. A mutant should have been burned to death by this strange flame.

Looking at this special group of flames and feeling the astonishing energy emanating from it, the three extraordinary-level mutants all became cautious, looking at Qin Lang as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

It was Qin Lang who gave them such a shocking feeling. Not to mention his powerful fighting power, he also had a strange flame on his body. This flame was almost the nemesis of mutants of their level.

After looking around, the three extraordinary level mutants suddenly felt that it would be unwise to fight Qin Lang again. They voluntarily gave up the idea of ​​fighting Qin Lang, but came to the stone kiln cellar, prepared to enter the aircraft, and then launched the aircraft to leave the Middle East. .

For the three Transcendent level mutants, now that the mission has failed and the target to be protected has been killed, it is meaningless for them to stay here any longer.

Although he couldn't take Qin Lang away, or kill Qin Lang, but he could keep his body and retreat.

Seeing the three extraordinary-level mutants approaching the aircraft, the remaining warriors and wizards also waited to approach the aircraft one after another.

However, the two aircraft can take away 30 people at most, and now there are more than 60 people, at least half of them need to be left.

Naturally, Qin Lang would not let these desert fox people leave so easily, and continued to kill them, and Mu Ziqing breathed a sigh of relief after Qin Lang's crisis was resolved, and continued to cooperate with Qin Lang's killing.

This time, the three extraordinary-level mutant genetic warriors no longer came to the rescue, and it seemed that they had given up on the other companions here.

Now the key task of the three extraordinary level mutants is to launch the aircraft, and then let the aircraft fly into the sky and leave here quickly.

During the short period of time when the three extraordinary level mutants entered the aircraft and began to fiddle with the instruments, Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing continued to kill and killed all the remaining 30 elite fighters.

Huh, one of the flying machines floated slowly, appearing in the air like a flying saucer, with fifteen people already inside, including three Transcendent level mutants.

The mutant's memories were all forcibly instilled in the laboratory, so he naturally has the ability to fly planes and tanks, so this extraordinary-level mutant sitting in the cockpit of the aircraft is also extremely proficient in various operations.

And another aircraft also has top-level mutants who want to enter, but Qin Lang quickly blocked these remnants and continued to carry out the massacre with Mu Ziqing.

After a round of massacre, there were no living people in the entire grotto area. Except for the first aircraft to escape, no one else could escape.

Qin Lang was not surprised that the three extraordinary-level mutants escaped. Even if he had Kanli's Fire, he couldn't keep all the remaining Desert Fox members. The three extraordinary-level mutants were too strong, and now they escaped. That's all.

Anyway, the person in charge of Desert Fox Headquarters, Formoran, has now been killed. This is the biggest gain. Formoran's head should be very precious. Next, Qin Lang cut off the head and prepared to take it to the Arab world in exchange for some he wanted. For the resources I need, I believe that a lot of forces are willing to exchange them with me.

Afterwards, Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing cleaned the battlefield, searched and cleaned up the treasures and resources of the dead, this time the resources harvested were twice as much as the previous two battles, Qin Lang still allocated [-] to Mu Ziqing's second into resources.

The harvest was good, Qin Lang was naturally in a happy mood, and put the obtained resources and Formoran's head into the storage bag.

After doing this, Qin Lang glanced at the remaining aircraft in the resource department. This aircraft was developed by the latest technology in Europe and America. Qin Lang was a little bit fond of it, so he decided to take this aircraft away.

Qin Lang has a large storage bag of [-] cubic meters, which was specially vacated for this purpose, and put the aircraft into it. After taking out the Middle East base, he will study it carefully and see how to use this aircraft.

The appearance of this aircraft is very good, and it looks very cool, which is also one of the real reasons why Qin Lang is planning to collect it.

(End of this chapter)

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