Chapter 1329 Mask

After dealing with everything in front of him, Qin Lang went back to the resource point and took out some of the materials inside. If it was some heavy weapons or something, he was going to use these heavy weapons to arm his Middle East branch and increase the number of Middle East branches. department's defense capabilities.

These heavy weapons include artillery, heavy machine guns, etc., all of which are military-standard products produced in Europe and the United States. Although they are not the latest weapons, they are considered relatively advanced weapons in the Middle East.

After finishing these tasks, Qin Lang is ready to return directly to the Middle East branch. Now he has wiped out three of the six remaining forces of the Desert Fox, and the remaining three are far away from Qin Lang's route, so Qin Lang is not going to find this for the time being. The three forces are in trouble.

Because he still has some more important things to do, such as the head of Formoran in his hand, which is a sought-after commodity in the Middle East, and basically every upper class wants it.

Of course, these upper-class forces got this head not entirely for hatred, in fact, it was mainly for the limelight and to show their financial resources and status to the entire Arab world. Qin Lang is considering whether to put this head up for auction, and the one with the highest price have to.


After returning to the Middle East branch, Qin Lang distributed all the heavy weapons obtained from the hidden resource point of the Desert Fox, and asked his men to re-arm the entire Middle East branch.

And the next step is to sort out the harvest of this period of time, and at the same time re-refine the medicinal resources obtained during the siege these days, and refine a batch of Jingqi Pills and Yiyuan Pills, and even get twenty Fushen Pills this time The ten sunflowers refined came from the team of Formosa, and they were the ingredients for the elixir obtained from several wizards around him.

Forget it, this time the encirclement and suppression operation, excluding the resources consumed, Qin Lang made a net profit of more than half of the resources and materials.

At the same time, the tempering of the battle also brought Qin Lang closer to the middle stage of Yuanying. He felt that he might break through at any time in the future, but the exact time to break through depends on luck, and it should not exceed three months.

After dealing with some matters in the Middle East branch, Qin Lang received an invitation letter from Bit Prince Alsla, asking Qin Lang to come over. His old father, Mohammad Ledeka, wanted to see Qin Lang.

Qin Lang decided to go to Bit to meet the old king. He happened to have the head of Formoran, the head of the Desert Fox Headquarters, so he might as well offer it to King Bit directly.

After the decision, Qin Lang set off immediately and got on the helicopter of the branch. Li Shan was flying the plane. Now this guy is already a martial artist in the mid-term of Wu Zun, and he will break through to become Wu Zun in a short time at the peak of Wu Zun later stage.

This is also the reason for Qin Lang's guidance in the Middle East branch. Otherwise, Li Shan and Li Shui, a group of warriors, would not have grown so fast.

The helicopter flew directly in the direction of Bit, and it took about five or six hours to arrive at the hotel next to Bit Palace. This is Qin Lang's winery. The last time Qin Lang was awarded the title of Lord, he also received a reward from the palace, so he got The winery industry.

Entering his own hotel, Qin Lang took a look and found that everything was running well. The old butler of the winery was indeed a good servant, and he managed everything in the entire winery in an orderly manner, even if Qin Lang was not there.

Seeing his master coming back, the old butler hurried over to say hello. Qin Lang politely asked the old butler to excuse him. He came back this time just to take a look around. Everyone can do whatever they want and don't worry about themselves.

After visiting his own winery, Qin Lang took a rest and changed into a formal dress before preparing to enter the palace.

When Qin Lang just came to the palace and was about to show the pass to the guards, Prince Alsla suddenly appeared: "Haha, my friend Mr. Qin Lang, you are ready to come."

After finishing speaking, this guy came over and gave Qin Lang a warm hug.

"You too."

When hugging, Qin Lang also patted him hard on the back.

"By the way, why did your old father want to meet me this time?"

Qin Lang asked at this time.

"I heard that you once again saved the upper classes in the entire Arab world during the Battle of the Desert Fox Headquarters. After hearing this, my old father became very interested, so I want to meet you, the legendary oriental hero. What does it look like."

"Haha, it's just luck."

After Qin Lang knew this, he thought that the old king had such a strong heart for gossip, and the reason why he specially asked himself to come to Bit was so simple.Then, this time, I will give His Majesty the old King a special gift, and surprise him too!

Next, under the guidance of Alsla, Qin Lang strode towards the residence of His Majesty the King in the palace.

Along the way, many guards were amazed to see Prince Alsla actually leading the way for Qin Lang in person. It seems that Prince Alsla has a good relationship with this young man with an oriental face!

In the study of His Majesty the King, Mohammad Ledeka received Qin Lang.

The old king, who had just passed his 57th birthday, was full of energy, and he couldn't see the mental outlook that an old man who was nearly sixty years old should have.

Mohammad Raidka is dressed in a typical traditional Arab attire. His figure is slightly rich. There are not many wrinkles on his forehead. It can be seen that he is well maintained on weekdays.

"You are here, please sit down."

Looking at Qin Lang, the plain-looking old Arab smiled and said.

"Well, thank you."

Qin Lang was also polite, and sat down directly on the opposite book chair of the old king.

"This time I made a special trip to invite little friend Qin Lang here. Although it's a bit abrupt, but I really want to see what the oriental VIP who is making a splash in our Arab world looks like. You don't mind, do you?"

Mohammad Ledeka asked with a smile.

"I don't mind. Speaking of which, I haven't thanked His Majesty the King for the award last time. Here I will thank you again."

Qin Lang smiled and cupped his fists.

"That's what you deserve."

Mohammad Ladeka looked at Qin Lang for a while, then nodded: "Not bad, little friend, according to your Huaxia words, the little friend looks majestic, and he really is the appearance of a dragon and a phoenix among people."

"Hey, the king also has research on Chinese culture?"

Qin Lang was very curious.

"Hehe, although the exchange between Bit and Huaxia is not too much, it is not too little, so I also took the time to study all aspects of Huaxia's documents, especially the food culture, which is really different from our Middle East! Speaking of Huaxia China’s food culture is indeed profound and complex, much richer than that of the Middle East.”

The old king said with a smile.

"That's true."

Mohammad Ladeka praised Huaxia, and Qin Lang was also very happy, after all, he was also a member of Huaxia.

"By the way, this time I have made special preparations to invite you into the palace. I have specially hired a top chef from China. You can spend the rest of your lunch time with me!"

"That would be disrespectful."

Afterwards, Qin Lang chatted with Mohammad Radka about China's astronomy, geography, and humanities. The old king of the Middle East was not ignorant, and he was a very good listener.

Since the other party liked to listen, Qin Lang also did what he liked, trying to please the old king as much as possible. After all, Qin Lang also wanted to enter the palace this time. In the bag, he is going to exchange some suitable rewards with the old king in the palace!
However, before lunch, the head is not suitable to be sent up, so Qin Lang will not disclose this news for the time being.

Afterwards, a Chinese-style lunch was delivered, and Qin Lang and His Majesty the old king happily spent a wonderful lunch time together.

In fact, the Chinese chef hired by the royal family is not very authentic in cooking. Although His Majesty the old king who is a Middle Easterner can't eat it, Qin Lang can. His majesty the old king was also kind. It is not easy to find a Chinese chef of this level in the Middle East, so he just made do with it.

After eating vegetable lunch, a special person brought washing water, and after a little cleaning, afternoon tea was served.

The afternoon tea here in the Middle East is different from that in Huaxia. The afternoon tea here is not a vegetable, but a pure pulp made from coffee beans. It smells very fragrant and has a slight bitter taste. It is also slightly bitter in the mouth , but has an additional refreshing effect.

While drinking the afternoon food, Qin Lang finally expressed his thoughts, and Muhammad Ledeka was also very surprised to know that Qin Lang killed the leader of Desert Fox, Formoran, and brought the head. of.

Therefore, Qin Lang directly took out the head of Formoran, and a guard next to him brought up a tray and put the head in the tray.

"Why is the complexion of this Formosa's face a little different from that of ordinary Caucasians? It's so pale that it doesn't look like normal people's complexion."

Qin Lang looked at it at this time, feeling a little puzzled in his heart, and at this moment stepped forward to uncover it, and unexpectedly peeled off a piece of face.

This Formosa actually wears a face made of human skin. After the face was peeled off just now, this face is now ordinary, with very ordinary features. It belongs to the kind that cannot be recognized immediately when placed in a crowd. kind.

"Formoran looks a little too ordinary. In comparison, she is more distinctive when wearing a mask."

Qin Lang muttered.

And Muhammad Ladeka looked at the head on the tray for a long time before he sighed and said: "This fellow Fumoran has been prestigious in the Middle East for decades, but he didn't expect that face to be fake and real. But the face is so ordinary, it’s really hard to judge by appearance.”


Qin Lang nodded in agreement.I was also thinking in my heart that the reason why Fu Molan wore a human skin-mask was probably more because his appearance was too ordinary to convince the public, which was not good for a leader, so he did it like this.

(End of this chapter)

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