The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1330 Seaside Fishing Village

Chapter 1330 Seaside Fishing Village
Qin Lang sent the head of Formoran, the head of the Desert Fox Headquarters, which was indeed a great gift to Muhammad Ledeka.

After Muhammad Ladeka knew what Qin Lang meant, he looked at Qin Lang with a half-smile and asked, "I wonder what kind of reward you want?"

Of course, the more expensive the better!Qin Lang almost blurted out this sentence, but fortunately he was still reserved, pretending to be embarrassed: "Well, your Majesty, you can see and give it. Anyway, I also know that you are the most generous."

"It's really clever."

Mohammad Ladeka laughed dumbfounded, looked at Qin Lang and thought for a while, and said: "I just conferred on you last time, and it would be inappropriate to go further up. There is no exception like this in the entire Arab world. How about it? Let me allow you to double the size of your manor!"

"Double the size of the winery?"

When Qin Lang heard this, his eyes lit up. The winery he owns is near the King Bitter City, which is worth a lot of money. Now Mohamed Ledeka rewarded him with twice the area of ​​the manor again, which is really appropriate.

Otherwise, even if Qinlang Hotel develops to a certain scale in the future, even if it wants to expand, the surrounding land will not be bought even with money, because the land near the royal city is owned by the royal family and is not for sale.

Now only Qin Lang, who has made great contributions, has such a good opportunity to expand the area of ​​the manor, so of course he must seize this opportunity.

After all, just by hoarding this piece of land and waiting for it to appreciate in value, you can earn a lot of money by selling the land in the future.

There was nothing in the royal family of the Middle East that really moved his heart, so it might as well be money.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Qin Lang thanked him earnestly. He was very satisfied with this reward. It can be said that this was the reward that touched his heart the most besides the cultivation resources.

After all, Qin Lang, a high-end winery rich in fine wine, has always valued it very much. It can be expanded, and the production of fine wine will be much larger in the future, which is a good thing.

He accepted this gift with a smile, and Qin Langbit’s trip to the palace officially came to an end. When he left, he met Alsra again and talked about the future development plan of the Middle East branch. After all, the Middle East branch also has a part of this guy’s shares .

Alsla was also surprised by the development of the Middle East branch. In just a few months, Qin Lang has already made a name for himself in business. He is simply a business genius.

Regarding the future development of the Middle East Division, Alsra has nothing to say, but only said that if the company needs financial support in the future, he can be found at that time.

As one of the richest people in the Middle East, Alsra has tens of billions of dollars in assets, and he is indeed qualified to say this.

After leaving the palace, Qin Lang went to his manor again. His Majesty the King had just allocated land for him. Now that the new land allocation map has been released, Qin Lang's manor can be expanded and rebuilt according to the blueprint.

The expansion and reconstruction of the manor can be done by Ding Ke inside the winery. After Qin Lang handed over the reconstruction drawings to the housekeeper, he left his own winery.

Qin Lang returned to the Middle East branch again in a helicopter. During this process, Qin Lang sensed the remaining three residual forces of the Desert Fox. In fact, the imprints of the two spiritual senses had disappeared, and they should have been found by people from the Arab world. Killed.

Desert Fox's remnant party is not weak. If people in the Arab world fight against Desert Fox's remnant party, they will basically pay for their lives. It takes several times the number of people to gain the upper hand. Therefore, this time the Arab world is encircling and suppressing Desert Fox's remnant party. Those groups must have suffered a great loss.

However, these have nothing to do with Qin Lang. He accidentally discovered that the nearest group of forces is less than five hundred miles away from him. A collection of resources.

Therefore, Qin Lang asked Li Shan to drive a real plane to the east coastline, and the group of Desert Fox forces were hiding not far from the coastline at the moment. It was originally a small village, but since the desert fox people appeared There, all ordinary people in that small village may have encountered an accident.

Next, under the guidance of Qin Lang, Li Shan drove the helicopter in a straight line, and it took about an hour to arrive near the small coastal village.

This should be a small fishing village. There used to be more than a dozen families, but now the whole village is quiet and there are no people at all, which looks very strange.

After stopping the helicopter, Qin Lang broke into the small fishing village by himself.

Although there are no people on the surface of the small fishing village, Qin Lang's spiritual sense is very clear that there are at least 60 remnants of Desert Fox hidden in these ten houses.

There are more than 20 wizards in this group of Desert Fox's remnant party, and there are actually two wizards who have mastered the laws of heaven and earth.

This situation is different from what was expected. When the Desert Fox was broken into pieces, Qin Lang clearly saw that, except for the team led by Formoran, the other five teams of Desert Fox were all It is led by a group of wizards who are in harmony with heaven and earth.

And the appearance of two groups of wizards in the small fishing village who have changed their bodies in the sky and the earth shows that this must be the remnant forces of the two groups of Desert Fox who accidentally met, so they merged together.

At this time, Qin Lang took a closer look and realized that there should be more than 70 people in the fishing village, and he was more sure of his judgment.

"In the current situation, it should be that a group of Desert Foxes suffered severe injuries, only a dozen escaped, and then reunited with the remaining party of another Desert Fox, and came to this small fishing village together."

Qin Lang quickly made a judgment, and he believed that his judgment should not be much different.

Now to deal with twenty wizards, two of which have mastered the body of the wizard, the sky and the earth, Qin Lang feels that the pressure is also quite high.

Moreover, Mu Ziqing was not by his side to deal with this group of desert foxes in front of him, and this time he was alone, so the battle would definitely be even more difficult.

His eyes flickered for a while, and Qin Lang went through all the possible situations of the next battle in his mind, and then resolutely rushed to this small fishing village.

At the same time, the magic treasure house ghost ship has been activated. When rushing over, Qin Lang's body has entered the magic treasure house. He is going to sneak attack and kill the two most important members of the wizard team in the Desert Fox as usual.


At this moment in the small fishing village, some wizards from the Desert Fox remnant party are gathering in the largest room in the village for a meeting to discuss how to escape from the Middle East.

When they escaped from the Desert Fox headquarters, the entire Desert Fox members were broken into pieces and divided into six groups. Now nearly a week has passed, and the other five groups have disappeared, even the head of the headquarters, Mr. Formoran It's really a tragedy to think about it.

Because the entire Middle East has been blocked by the forces of the Arab world, these wizards in front of them are like sardines in the pool. If you don’t find a way by yourself, it is estimated that the entire pool will be drained by the people of the Arab world in a short time. Really hopeless.

In fact, it took less than a day to take down this fishing village. The reason why the desert fox remnant party focused on this small fishing village was because of the three fishing boats in the village. They planned to use these three fishing boats to go out to sea and escape from the Middle East.

However, these three fishing boats can be used for fishing. If they are used for long-distance sailing, some repairs and modifications are needed to make the fishing boats stronger and more durable, and at the same time, they can withstand so many people going to sea together.

The repair and modification of the fishing boat will take about two days to be completely completed, so for the time being, everyone is hiding in this small fishing village and not going anywhere, to avoid being discovered again by those in the Arab world.

It's a pity that they didn't know that they had the imprint of divine consciousness set by Qin Lang. No matter where they escaped in the Middle East, Qin Lang could track them. Now that Qin Lang has come, it may be the end of their tragedy.

Hearing the voices of the wizards in a meeting, Qin Lang also admired the wonderful ideas of this group of desert fox remnants. These people were all forced out, and they used a few ships and fishing boats to smuggle into the ocean. Thanks to these people who wanted to come out.

But this is indeed a good way. If there is no big storm at sea, maybe they can really sneak out.

It's just that they are unlucky now and have met Qin Lang. Now that Qin Lang is here, their plan may be aborted.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eighty-nine..."

Qin Lang counted the number of people in the room, and the aura of the ten wizards who mastered the law of the sky and the earth was a bit special. He quickly sensed that as long as this kind of powerful blood witchcraft has been practiced, there will always be some special evil spirits on the body exist.

Since these wizards don't know how to restrain their own breath, this special evil spirit is like a bright light in the dark night, directly exposing them, which is also convenient for Qin Lang now.

Just when their meeting was at the most critical point, Qin Lang quietly made a move, directly manipulating the magic treasure house to attack several powerful wizards who had mastered the law, sky, phase and earth.

The Magic Treasure House shot past like a string of gourds, directly piercing through the chests of one wizard after another, directly breaking through the hearts of these wizards.

In an instant, Qin Lang directly penetrated the chests of the four wizards who had mastered the body of law, sky and earth, directly causing them to lose their bodies and become soul states.

"What's going on? What's going on... No, this is someone using the law room to sneak attack!"

Qin Lang's attack speed was too fast just now, except for a few more alert wizards, the other wizards have not reacted yet.

However, no matter how late the wizard's reaction ability was, now that they had lost their four companions, they could still react. Someone was sneaking up, as if they were very powerful.


Someone yelled, and several wizards beside him who had mastered the laws of heaven and earth had begun to form together, and a black giant body quickly formed.

And Qin Lang seized the time, and before the black giant was formed, he picked up five wizards in succession, and also used the magic weapon house to penetrate their hearts in their chests, scrapping their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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