Chapter 1331
At this time, Qin Lang directly killed the nine wizards, which can be said to have killed almost half of the wizards. Now that the nine wizards have been scrapped, he has almost mastered the initiative of the scene.

Among the remaining dozen or so wizards, although there are five wizards combined to form the body of a black giant, it is not easy to pose a threat to Qin Lang again.

Although the combined power of these wizards is indeed terrifying, and it is already remarkable to be able to counter Nascent Soul monks in the age of doomsday, but that is all.


Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House is becoming more and more convenient to operate. Although killing the nine wizards just now consumes a lot of real energy, the effect achieved is also very gratifying, so he has no intention of leaving the Magic Treasure House for the time being.

In this case, after the nine wizards who were killed formed their souls, they immediately left the magic house, ready to seize other warriors.

Because if they don't, they will really die.

After all, although the soul of a wizard is stronger than ordinary people and can be exposed to the outside world for a long time, the longest time will not exceed half a day.

Of course, this is also the level of the few modern Middle Eastern wizards in front of me. If it was thousands of years ago in ancient times, those pure witches who were the ancestors of wizards were also separated from the soul, but even the soul It can also exist for a long time after being separated from the body, and even exists independently of the body.

In order to survive, the nine wizards could only leave the magic house in a hurry to snatch other warrior companions, and because Qin Lang was in the magic house, his attack was relatively simple, so there was no effective solution for these wizards in the state of soul. Just let them go.

However, when the wizards who have lost their bodies become souls, they are basically no threat to themselves. Even if they can successfully capture those warriors, they will not form effective combat power for a while, so Qin Lang does not need to be afraid of their resurrection again Come and deal with yourself.

Now the movement in the hut has attracted the attention of dozens of warriors nearby, and the warriors in more than a dozen other houses ran out one after another at this time to see what happened.

At this time, each of the nine wizards in the soul state directly looked for a suitable warrior and rushed to seize the house, so the nine warriors fell to the ground and rolled, making the scene even more chaotic.

"What's the matter? What's the matter..."

The other warriors saw these companions writhing on the ground inexplicably, and didn't understand what was going on with them for a while. Only wizards and practitioners knew the secret art of seizing homes, and many of these warriors had never heard of it.

Moreover, the accident this time happened too unexpectedly, so these warriors didn't know that the nine companions were taken away, and the person who took the home happened to be a companion, and it was the other nine who lost their bodies and became souls. Nine wizards.

They thought that the nine companions had been attacked by the enemy, so they looked around in a hurry, but they couldn't find the attacker for a while.

At this time, I remembered that the place where the abnormal noise just happened was the largest house in the village, where the twenty or so wizards in the team had a meeting, so the nine wizards in the soul state rushed to that place one by one. side.

At this time, the battle between Qin Lang and the remaining dozen or so wizards in the house had reached a fever pitch. On the premise that Qin Lang did not count the consumption of true energy, he killed three wizards one after another. At this time, the true energy on his body was almost exhausted.

At this time, he quickly swallowed a handful of essence pills, and held the top-grade spirit stone in his hand to recover his true energy.

On the other hand, the wizard group on the opposite side has formed a black giant with the law of heaven and earth, and is not very afraid of Qin Lang's magic house.

I have to say that after changing the black giant, the body of the blood of the witch clan is really difficult to deal with. It is notoriously thick-skinned and thick-skinned. It is not easy for Qin Lang to solve it, because the real energy is not enough now Now, Qin Lang's attack of manipulating the magic house is not as sharp as before.

However, this does not prevent Qin Lang from getting rid of the other wizards first, so after temporarily slowing down the attack of the Magic Treasure House, Qin Lang is also working hard to replenish his true energy and accumulate strength.

As soon as the pressure was relieved, those ordinary wizards also used their wizards at this time. A wizard from the space department directly exploded in a space and hit the magic house with a bang. Qin Lang's magic house ghost ship was fine, and the entire cabin But suddenly it collapsed.

It was just an ordinary one-story house, so no one was injured after the collapse of this kind of wooden house, and as the largest house in the village collapsed, the situation inside was also exposed at this time, and all the warriors outside finally saw it clearly. The ghost ship floating in the air inside.

"This magic a bit familiar..."

Many warriors had seen Qin Lang manipulating the Magic Treasure House to show off their power, and immediately knew who the enemy was, but this powerful Magic Treasure House owner was simply not something they could deal with.

"Array... Mahamudra!"

When the warriors jumped in a hurry, a wizard reminded them loudly at this time.

Among the members of Desert Fox, the elite fighters are the most common and the most numerous, but they are only the most basic members, so all the wizards on the scene can order them.

Big handprints... Yes, big handprints can indeed form a powerful combat force, but it is perfect for dealing with this powerful enemy who has manipulated the house of magic treasures.

This mahamudra was passed down from Indian esoteric Buddhist sect. After the desert fox got it, he made some improvements to this ancient martial art level martial art, so that this martial art can be brought into full play under the joint use of many warriors. The power is comparable to the top kung fu and combat skills in the cultivation world.

Moreover, this ancient martial art is also more powerful with more people, and even if the number of people in the group reaches a certain level, the combination of black giant fist strength that surpasses the combination of wizards is affirmative.

In fact, the method of superimposing the internal force of warriors in Mahamudra is also based on the wizard's combination of law, heaven and earth. If you look closely, you will know that there are actually many similarities between the two.

However, unlike the black giants transformed by the sorcerer group using magic powers, the superposition of warriors' internal power is in the form of standing piles, which cannot be moved, so they can only serve as fixed forts without mobility, so they are also very tasteless.

When nearly sixty fighters of the Wuzun level are combined, the attack power of this Mahamudra vanguard every time he sends out a Mahamudra is indeed not to be underestimated. It is more powerful than the attack of the black giant in front of Qin Lang. It is equivalent to a full-strength blow in the Yuanying period, and even Qin Lang dare not take it easily.

However, does Qin Lang need to take it hard?Facing an immovable enemy, he has thousands of ways to avoid the attack of the vanguard, and then move away to attack other people in this line.

And the wizards saw that Qin Lang gave up fighting with them, and turned to deal with these warriors, each of them cheered up and stepped forward to surround and kill them.

The group of wizards who had changed their bodies from heaven to earth rushed to the front. The black giant's fist was huge, like a player wearing oversized boxing gloves.

In the pinch between the two, Qin Lang flexibly manipulated the ghost ship of the Magic Treasure House to avoid the attack.

As long as the magic weapon house's defensive force field does not collide with the opponent's fist, the consumption is basically very small, so for the time being, Qin Lang still focuses on recovering his true energy and continues to accumulate strength.

Jingqi Pills were like chewing beans, a lot of them were quickly swallowed by Qin Lang, and the high-grade spirit stone in his hand had already been reimbursed for more than a dozen yuan at that moment.

The battle is all about resources, and what is fighting is money. For the final victory of the battle, Qin Lang also spent all his money.

The battle is still going on, Qin Lang is now avoiding the black giant, while continuing to swim and attack these warriors from time to time.

Soon, the fighters who lined up in the formation realized that it was not worth the money. Not to mention the strange magic weapon that was flying around in mid-air and moving coquettishly, their companions gradually lost more than a dozen.

This is the result of Qin Lang's sneak attack while accumulating true energy. If he attacked with all his strength, I'm afraid this group of warriors would have collapsed long ago.

After a short period of recovery, Qin Lang in the magic house finally recovered to about [-]% of the true energy in his meridians.

At this time, the force started, and the attack speed and frequency of the Magic Treasure House suddenly increased by more than ten times. For a while, the formation of warriors was like a Chinese cabbage being exploded by a firecracker. It was really a flower everywhere.

The warriors suddenly suffered heavy losses. In just ten seconds, at least [-] warriors were penetrated by Qin Lang's magic house, and he also used the magic house to penetrate the bodies of these warriors, blasting them The internal organs of these fighters made these warriors alive one moment, but they couldn't die any more the next moment.

The best magic weapon house is really easy to use. Although Qin Lang has only refined three layers of restrictions, its power exceeds any magic weapon on his body, and it is stronger than the fighting power erupted by himself using Feijian Jianjue.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. The Magic Treasure House is easy to use and powerful, but it has the disadvantage of consuming a lot of energy when using it. With Qin Lang's current Nascent Soul cultivation base, it is still relatively difficult to use, and it is not suitable for a long time. fighting.

In addition, the Magic Treasure House can only be used as a cold weapon for head-to-head combat at present, and cannot use attribute attacks. For the souls of these wizards, Qin Lang can only leave the magic house in the end.

These are the two biggest flaws that Qin Lang feels after using the Magic Treasure House. Of course, these two flaws are not impossible to make up for. This requires Qin Lang to continue to improve the Magic Treasure House and refine more restrictions on the ghost ship. These, at present, can only make do and use.

After all, in the realm of comprehension, magic treasure houses are generally only eligible to be used by cultivators at the late Nascent Soul stage or above. Qin Lang is very lucky to have one at the early Nascent Soul stage.

If most of the ordinary cultivators in the comprehension world knew about this situation, I'm afraid they would all be shocked with envy.

(End of this chapter)

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