The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1332 The 3th Form of the Sword Art of Three Lives!

Chapter 1332 The fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art!
By this time of the battle, more than 40 elite fighters in the fishing village had died, and nine more were captured by the soul of the wizard before, and now there are only less than twenty left.

Under such circumstances, this group of more than 60 warriors has almost been scrapped. Although the remaining 20 warriors can still use the big handprint, the threat to Qin Lang is greatly reduced.

After all, Qin Lang is now in the Magic Treasure House. As long as he has enough real energy, his defense will be extremely strong. Now the only one who can fight against the Magic Treasure House is the black giant who has changed from the wizard group.

The magical powers of the ancient witch clan changed by the wizard group. Although the power is not as strong as the ancient witch clan, the combination of five witch clans should not be underestimated. Each punch of this black giant is equivalent to thirty or forty warriors. The warrior strikes with all his might.

And the wizard's body is extremely powerful, and his defense is amazing. The last time Qin Lang didn't rely on the magic house to improve his combat power when he was in the Straits of Malacca, he could only take the Violent Yuan Pill to temporarily improve himself, greatly increasing his combat power, thus blowing up the black giant , and finally killed three of the five wizards who formed the body of the black giant.

However, the record was just like that, and after letting the last two wizards escape, and after the aftereffects of using the Violent Yuan Pill came up, he almost fell into danger.

Connecting and bombarding a few more times, because there is no need to consider the issue of defense, Qin Lang directly entered into the most violent collisions with the black giant. However, the body's true energy was also consumed heavily, and only [-]% of it was made up. It dropped to [-]% again, which made him feel heartbroken.

Using Magic Treasure House is burning money and resources!It was more exhausting than continuous use of Feijian's big move, Qin Lang felt a little unable to hold on, so he retreated from the house of magic weapons.

Just a short while ago, he almost consumed nearly 50 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, which is really painful. You must know that there are not many high-grade spirit stones on him now, and after this consumption, it is less than 900 yuan.

After leaving the house of magic treasures, Qin Lang found that the body of the black giant of the wizard group who had changed the law and the sky was close to collapse. It can be seen that the collisions just now were too strong, and the black giant couldn't hold it anymore!
This is a good thing, and it also shows that Qin Lang can collapse this black giant as long as he works harder in the future. In this case, the ending of this group of Desert Fox members can be predicted.

"The fourth form of the Three Lives Sword Art...the golden needle is sharp."

"Golden Needle Limang" is mainly stabbing. It is a single-body powerful move with strong defense-breaking ability, and it is also an extremely fast sword move. With Qin Lang stabbing with a sword, a sword light directly shot at the black giant. A pair of wear came directly.

After Qin Lang comprehended the fourth form of the Sansheng Sword Art for a period of time, he is now basically proficient in the sword style, and the sword intent is also slightly accomplished, close to the master.

And the collapse of the black giant became even more serious, and now the whole body began to flicker, which should be a sign before the collapse.

Seeing this, Qin Lang was overjoyed, and added another fire. The newly learned sword moves belonged to the Nascent Soul Stage, and the fifth form of Sansheng Sword Art was also used.

"The fifth form of the Three Lives Sword overwhelm the sky and cover the earth."

As the fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art, Punching the Sky and Covering the Earth is a special method that sends out 32 huge sword qi slashes continuously, radiating in all directions. This is a group attack skill, and it is powerful, and the sword qi slash The coverage is not small either.

I saw these 33 huge sword qi slashes like half moons, waves fluttering, as if they were beautiful, but the next moment, a large number of enemies around suffered disaster, and a large amount of blood appeared, and the remaining [-] or so warriors all died. All the scattered sword qi split into tiny blood clots, floating in the sky.

The spiritual perception of wizards is relatively strong, and most wizards have taken precautions in advance during the battle, enhancing the defensive force field on their bodies. A little injury.

But at this time, the changes in the sky and the earth could no longer hold on, and the black giant finally collapsed after Qin Lang attacked with a new sword move that was not very proficient!

Five black figures scattered, and five muffled groans. These wizards, who combined the heaven and the earth, all suffered internal injuries of varying severity.

After the black giant collapsed, the five black figures quickly ran towards the village in one direction without even saying hello.

These five wizards ran away!
It seems that he was frightened by Qin Lang's series of powerful fighting performances!Without even looking back, he just left all his companions behind and fled shamefully!
Seeing this, the wizard who was also injured behind him didn't dare to be negligent, and also chased the buttocks of the five leaders and fled in that direction.

Qin Lang who was behind them did not immediately chase after them. In fact, after sending out two powerful sword moves, although Qin Lang can still move now, his internal true energy is actually empty to the extreme, and it is already a strong support to be able to stand. up.

The two sword moves just now directly reduced the body's original true energy from [-]% to less than [-]%, so now Qin Lang is also powerless, and continues to take Jingqi Dan, taking out top-grade spirit stones to replenish the body's consumption.

It's a pity that those terrified wizards didn't notice this. If they had noticed, they would rush up and continue to fight Qin Lang. Qin Lang really couldn't hold it anymore.

Qin Lang was looking at the surrounding battle while recovering his true energy. The result of this battle was very good, especially the fifth form of the Sanshengjianjue just now. The powerful group attack ability directly solved all the warriors on the scene.

Even the nine warriors who were taken away not long ago were once again dismembered under the attack of the fifth form of his Three Lives Sword Art, so the nine wizards living in the bodies of these nine warriors now , also suffered a seedling.

After all, these nine wizards had been broken by Qin Lang before, and their strength plummeted after taking away the bodies of the nine warriors. Now the bodies of the nine warriors were destroyed by the Sansheng Sword Jue, and the nine warriors in the state of soul The spirit of the wizard is also exposed again.

After the souls were exposed, the primordial spirits of the nine wizards obviously weakened a lot and became lighter.

It can be seen that the sword energy of the Three Lives Sword Jue also has a damage bonus to their souls. Qin Lang knows that he only needs to swipe a few more swords to disperse the souls of these wizards.

However, now he has no strength to draw the sword again, and he also gave the souls of the nine wizards in the state of wandering souls a chance to breathe.

It's a pity that all the warriors died this time, and there was no one for them to seize.

And it is not easy for these wizards to be resurrected, they need new physical carriers.

Under the current situation, taking advantage of Qin Lang's recovery of his true energy, the nine of them either left here to find opportunities, or continued to move forward, fighting Qin Lang generously and unjustly.

And these nine wizards had already ascertained the terrain before they came to the fishing village. There are no people in the vicinity for two hundred miles. Seize houses in crowded places.

However, under repeated heavy blows to their souls, the strength of the souls of the nine of them has been greatly reduced, and they are no longer much stronger than ordinary people. Even if they arrived, whether they can successfully seize the house has become an unknown.

After all, the second time to win a house is no better than the first time. It is true that wizards have strong mental power. Even if they are fighters who are better than ordinary people in all aspects of quality in the first time to win a house, they can still...

But for the second time, their mental strength was almost exhausted when they competed with the warriors for the initiative in the first time. Even if they met ordinary people for the second time, they were not even a little bit sure that they would be able to win.

"It's all this kid, it's all this kid's fault!"

"Fight with this guy!"

The nine wizard souls in the state of soul wandering communicated with each other, all exuding strong grievances, and then made up their minds to do the final fight.

After all, if they don't fight hard, they won't be able to find a body to take away, and they won't be able to last long in the free state of their souls, and they will basically die.

The nine wizards in the soul state roared together, and rushed towards the culprit not far away, and decided to fight Qin Lang!
They exploded the last potential of the primordial spirit, and after a while, each soul was bursting with colorful light and full of evil spirits.

With one spell after another, different special attacks attacked Qin Lang's foothold. There were curse attacks, spiritual shocks, and witchcraft spells. roll surgery.

Facing the messy last attack of these wizard souls, Qin Lang also frowned, and quickly cast a magic weapon on his body, the split shadow bracelet, changed five identical him, and then dispersed.

"I really didn't expect these guys to be so decisive."

"However, this is also because I pushed them to a dead end. If they don't fight, they will die anyway. In the situation where the cornered beast is still fighting, I really have to be careful with them to avoid the situation where the fish dies and the net breaks."

Qin Lang said heartily.

At this time, these soul wizards saw six identical Qin Lang, and they didn't know which one to attack. In this way, the attack power would naturally be dispersed, and the real Qin Lang's attack would be weakened a lot.

There is no way for Qin Lang to do this. Now that his true energy has bottomed out, when he used to have enough true energy, he can only swing his sword a few times to completely eliminate these wizard souls. It's such a hassle.

And it was impossible for him to ignore these attacks, so he could only activate such an auxiliary high-grade magic weapon on his body to confuse the perception of these wizard enemies.

After all, Qin Lang's high-grade magic weapon is of good quality and special ability, and the ghost image that appears in the transformation is almost exactly the same as the real body, and even the breath is indistinguishable from the real, so these wizard souls can't tell the difference for a while.

Therefore, the Partial Shadow Bracelet successfully relieved Qin Lang's crisis. Even if Qin Lang occasionally hit one or two hits from the scattered attacks, it's okay, and the magic weapon defense on his body can hold up.

As long as he is given another half a minute, he believes that he will be able to recover two points of strength, and he will be able to deal with these jumping clowns in front of him immediately.

Now let these jumping beam clowns live for tens of seconds, it can be regarded as their last madness before their demise!
Looking at them, Qin Lang showed a mocking smile on his chest, and then continued to seize every second to recover.Not long after, he raised his hand again, swiped, and a few more sword qi directly smashed the souls of these wizards, and completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth.


There was a sound of water from the pet bag. This guy is a glutton. He sensed that the soul energy in the air outside was very strong, so he couldn't help but protest, let me out!After several battles before, I was not released to clear the field to absorb the souls of the dead. Master, you are such a waste!

With a slight smile, Qin Lang released this guy. This time, nine wizards were killed. Now the entire fishing village is covered in gray black mist, which has not dissipated for a while. These black mist are actually wizards. Soul fragments after death.

(End of this chapter)

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