The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1333 The hidden underground passage

Chapter 1333 The hidden underground passage
While his pet beast was happily absorbing the energy of the soul, Qin Lang was also hurrying to recover his true energy while holding the spirit stone in his hand.

The spirit stone powder in his hand fell all over the ground, and it was all turned into high-grade spirit stones after they were completely consumed.

In just three to five minutes, Qin Lang consumed nearly 5 yuan of spirit stones, barely recovering 20% to [-]% of his true energy.

This kind of real energy that recovers quickly is different from the real energy in normal practice. It belongs to the more frizzy real energy. If you don't continue to polish and purify it in the body slowly, it will simply not be able to form a part of the body. After a long time, it will dissipate in the air again.

However, this method of quickly recovering the true energy also has an advantage, that is, the replenishment of the true energy is quick, which is convenient for Qin Lang to carry out the next battle.

After all, Qin Lang quickly obtained these true energy and lost them quickly, and there was no need for any polishing process at all. Anyway, they didn't belong to the body in the end, so it's better to save trouble, and just use them directly, saving worry and trouble.

After adding [-]% to [-]% of the time, Qin Lang didn't intend to stay in the fishing village any longer, and he wanted to chase down the group of wizards who escaped just now.

Each of these wizards has a lot of resources, and it would be a pity if they escaped. After all, I lost a lot of resources and spirit stones for this battle, so I have to make ends meet.

That should also be the last group of wizards supported by the Desert Fox organization. After getting rid of them, there will be no more annoying wizards. To be honest, Qin Lang himself hates meeting wizards again.

What the hell, they are basically run away by the opponent every time. If their souls are not destroyed, these wizards will always have a way to resurrect and make a comeback soon.

Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death is really annoying enough.

Fortunately, this time there is a chance to wipe out all the wizards.

Qin Lang recalled the reluctant Shui Ba. This guy absorbed the soul energy very quickly. He really didn't want to leave this treasure land immediately. After all, the soul energy will disappear after a long time. This opportunity is rare!

This embarrasses Shui Ba, who has always lived thriftyly and never dared to be extravagant. This master is really a waste, really shameful, shameful!

However, there is no way, who calls Qin Lang its master, the master's order is above all else, it dare not not listen, after all, the master-servant contract is there!

Therefore, this beast could only reluctantly abandon this place, and it is safe to ignore it, let's go after those wizards with Qin Lang first!
Shui Chi's ability to sense breath is very sensitive, and his sense of breath is still higher than that of Qin Lang in the Nascent Soul stage. Even after Qin Lang exerted his divine consciousness, he can't compare with his own beast. This is a special talent of Shui Chi.

This is also the real reason why Qin Lang took a fancy to this third-order monster whose ability was only at the level of foundation building. The advantages of Shuiba made people have to look at it differently, and Qin Lang finally agreed to accept it as a pet.

In order to save the consumption of spiritual consciousness and true energy, for the time being, Qin Lang just let Shui Ba lead the way, and ran towards the direction where the wizards had fled. It was a certain corner of the village, and it was an ancient well.

When Shui Ba came here, he jumped down the ancient well with a depth of more than ten feet without hesitation, and Qin Lang naturally followed suit. He fully believed in the tracking ability of his beast. Wizards must have done the same before, jumping off this ancient well one by one.

After coming down, I found that it was a dry well. Although it was very deep, the soil underneath was very soft and clay soil.After Qin Lang came down, what he saw was a half-person-high dark passage hole at the bottom of the well, and he didn't know where it led.

There is actually a tunnel in this fishing village. It seems that this underground tunnel has existed for a long time. I don't know if it was dug out by the fishermen, or it existed naturally many years ago.

Qin Lang's body shape is naturally different from that of Shuiba. Shuiba is short and can move forward after entering the passage.

This passage is really too short, a bit like a hole dug by the legendary tomb robbers. I don't know if there is really a treasure nearby, which is worthy of the legendary tomb robbers.

Walking along this tunnel similar to a robber's cave, all the way is pitch black. However, Qin Lang and Shui Ba are not ordinary people or ordinary animals, so they can naturally pass through smoothly without being afraid of bumping into the cave wall.

After walking through the passage for about ten minutes, the front became much brighter, and a big hole similar to a tiankeng appeared. There were many bones in this big hole, which seemed to be those villagers who died not long ago.

These villagers should have been transferred here by the wizards of Desert Fox's remnant party, and I don't know what kind of evil magic and witchcraft they used these corpses to practice, so they used these villagers' bones. The bones bear signs of corrosion.

Seeing these bones, Qin Lang hated these desert fox remnant wizards even more. These guys are so inhumane that even ordinary people will not be spared. Such vicious torture is simply heinous.

Moreover, the cultivation of some necromancers requires the use of souls. It seems that after the death of these ordinary villagers, even the souls were taken away.

"These wizards have killed ordinary people like this, and they have done the same thing as the evil sects in the cultivation world. Everyone can be punished... Therefore, I must get rid of this group of wizards. This is not only to satisfy my conscience, but also to indirectly eliminate harm for the people. "

Thinking of these, Qin Lang's eyes showed a cold light, and his momentum rose a bit.

Before, he was only slightly murderous towards those escaped wizards. He felt that if these wizards escaped at that time, they would run away if they escaped. .

They must be found as soon as possible, and they must not be allowed to escape!

So Qin Lang waved his hand to his pet: "Hurry up!"

"Squeak! Squeak!" Shui Ba nodded, walking faster.

I have to say that this underground passage is really long, about four or five miles, and there are many forks in the passage. If he doesn't use his consciousness, Qin Lang can only rely on Shui Ba's tracking ability now, otherwise he will get lost.

And when the passage came to the end, Qin Lang found that he had reached the seaside, which was already on the coastline.

"Squeak! Squeak!" Shui Ba pointed to the distance.

Qin Lang found that several miles away, there were indeed some shadows of activity, and there were several small boats used by fishermen on the sea, which should be the tools used by the desert fox remnants to escape. .

"Is it there? Hmph, you can't escape now!"

With a sneer, Qin Lang summoned his own flying magic weapon, and chased after him with Shui Ba.

Compared with the Magic Treasure House that consumes a lot of real energy all the time, this Flying Luo Yunsuo is only at the level of an ordinary magic weapon, and the speed at which it consumes real energy is almost negligible for Qin Lang, who is currently at the Nascent Soul level.

Such flying magic weapon is afraid that even if Qin Lang does not eat or drink, and does not replenish the body's true energy consumption, he can fly continuously for three days and three nights and still be full of energy.

Qin Lang drove Flying Luo Yunsuo to pursue them, getting closer and closer to the three small board boats, and now Qin Lang's face was even more smiling, and there were nearly ten wizards in front of him, all of them were injured, and they were killed by him. After breaking the most powerful body of law, sky and earth, it will undoubtedly be much easier to solve it now.

This time Qin Lang did not use the magic weapon house, and was going to use the flying sword to fight directly. Although the fighting process will be much more difficult, it is very useful for honing his fighting skills. After all, familiarity with sword skills requires direct fighting, especially for himself. For the newly learned fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Form, it takes many battles to comprehend the meaning of the sword.

Sword repair is like this, a sword, a person, through a battle to improve his sword skills, the current Qin Lang's main method is still the sword, supplemented by physical training and combat skills, followed by magic weapons , so the sword cultivator has to continue with this training method.

After all, a sword cultivator has the most powerful attack in the cultivation world, and a pure sword cultivator doesn't even need other magic weapons, only a sword is enough for the whole body.

Of course, that practice method will be very difficult, and it will take a lot of perseverance to persevere. Although Qin Lang's character looks stable, there is still an element of escape in his bones, and he can use tricks when he can practice, so It is not suitable for purely copying the sword repair.

If you copy Jianxiu's method, Qin Lang's strength will definitely be greatly reduced, and it is tantamount to shielding his own strengths and exposing his weaknesses, which is very inappropriate.

There are tens of thousands of ways of cultivation in this world. Although all the avenues have the possibility of leading to longevity, not every avenue is suitable for every cultivator.

Therefore, only when you choose the right path and walk out your own suitable style and route, can you achieve brilliance and success.

Otherwise, this process will be extremely difficult, and you will take more detours.

Qin Lang's escaped inner character is also destined to pay more attention to his practice, and he needs to learn more things. In this case, although no one focuses on sword cultivation to improve quickly, but because of the wide range of knowledge, the ability to learn and comprehend has also become better. Stronger, and in some respects stronger than Sword Cultivator.

In terms of human feelings and the world, most sword cultivators are cold-blooded and difficult to deal with people.

The higher the level of sword cultivation, the more this is the case. The worldly emotions are diluted in the single-minded practice, ignoring family affection, friendship, love, and others.

When Qin Lang entered another world, Qinghe Continent, although Jianzong was the largest sect in the southern region, his reputation in the mainland was not good because of this. Jianzong's eyes are above everything else, and they are too indifferent to other people's lives.

The flying magic weapon quickly left the coastline, and chased after several board boats going out to sea.

Close, closer!

At this time, Qin Lang had come to the sky above the three pin-shaped boats, and was about to descend to fight the wizards on the boats.

But at this time, the Shui Ba next to Qin Lang suddenly squeaked, and his expression was a little excited.

"what happened?"

Qin Lang was a little confused, but at this moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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