Chapter 1335 Eating Meat
In the wilderness, Qin Lang stayed in the magic treasure house and was unconscious for an unknown period of time. He gradually regained consciousness after his weak state passed.

When I woke up, I actually felt a little hungry. This is something I can't feel normally. When a cultivator reaches a certain level, he can feed on the grain, directly feed on the elixir or the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, or even drink it without knowing it.

And now Qin Lang feels hungry because the effect of the Violent Yuan Pill has passed, and the body's potential has been overdrawn too much. Although this kind of pill has a small amount of sequelae, it does not last long and will not really survive in the body.

Qin Lang hurriedly searched for food. Ordinary food had too little aura, and there was still some monster meat in his storage bag. It was the sixth-level raccoon that he killed in the thousand-year-old treasure of the Malacca Sea Pirate King last time.

The meat of monsters is rich in spiritual energy, especially this kind of monster that has a relationship with ancient unicorns, it can almost be said to be a half-spiritual beast, and the meat is rich in spiritual energy, and it is also a high-quality food and alchemy material.

In the wilderness, Qin Lang directly lit a fire and started a barbecue. He had enough seasoning reserves on his body, and some elixir materials were also a good source of spices, which added to the deliciousness of the food.

After all, he is not a primitive savage who drinks blood. Although he is eager to devour monster meat to replenish energy and restore physical strength, he is not to the point of eating raw meat. It doesn't take much time to roast the meat. He would rather wait for a while .

When Qin Lang was grilling the meat, waves of aura-like meat scents scattered in the wilderness.

In the sky, an omnivorous vulture was attracted by the smell of meat, wanting to join in the fun and taste the taste of cooked meat that has never been tasted before.

But it was intimidated by the powerful force field breath emitted by the human on the ground, and it kept hovering above Qin Lang's head, but refused to leave.

As an animal living in the wilderness, like other animals, it has a very sensitive sixth sense. After confirming that it is impossible to take food from this human being, it has no choice but to give up the idea of ​​robbing.

In the wilderness, a group of short-tailed wolves were also attracted by the smell of meat. There were about sixteen short-tailed wolves in this group. The head wolf was very strong, at least twice the size of the other companions.

The group of short-tailed wolves stopped about ten feet in front of Qin Lang, their eyes were full of green light, staring at Qin Lang who was grilling meat, he seemed to be hesitating how to launch an attack, and Qin Lang's hand exuded an incomparable light. The tempting aura of barbecue was snatched.

However, the human being in front of him has a strong aura, and the beast's intuition is actually much stronger than that of a human being. This is one of the reasons why the wolves dare not attack.

But on the earth where resources are so scarce, a piece of barbecue that is constantly exuding aura is too attractive to these beasts. They know that as long as they eat this piece of meat, they will definitely get infinite benefits, and they all refuse to leave.

And just when the wolf's eyes showed hesitation, the human being in front of him moved, snorted softly, and vomited at them: "Go away!"

Although the sound was not loud, when it reached the pack of wolves, it was like overwhelming mountains and seas, giving off an effect similar to a lion's roar, and it kept echoing "Get away, get away, get away..."

The wolves were frightened and ran away one after another. After all, the threat of life is much more important than a piece of barbecue with spiritual energy. Now they are frightened by that strange human, who does not seem to be easy to mess with.

And the vulture in the sky was also startled by the wolves, not knowing what happened below, Qin Lang's voice actually had a small-scale isolation effect.

However, after the vulture was frightened, it lingered twice and flew away. Maybe it also knew that it could not snatch the meat from the powerful human on the ground, so it simply gave up
Qin Lang was also slightly surprised by the vulture's choice. This bird's intelligence is not simple, and it actually knows how to make choices. If it takes the path of cultivation, it must be a monster with good achievements.

It's a pity that the earth's spiritual energy is so scarce that it basically cuts off the possibility of all birds and beasts forming monsters and monsters. Now there may only be a few major secret realms on the earth that have the possibility of surviving.

Qin Lang's hunger gradually disappeared after eating more than 40 catties of delicious barbecue rich in aura, but his belly didn't change much.

Obviously, after entering the stomach, most of the meat that is rich in aura has been transformed into aura energy to nourish one's body. These meats do not have a lot of residue like ordinary food.

After feeling a little full in his belly, Qin Lang's mental head recovered a bit. At this time, he took the Jingqi Pill and took out the middle-grade Lingshi to start practicing. Now the meridians are still empty, and he wants to replenish his true energy According to meat, it can't supplement too much, so the key is to build and practice.

Pills and spirit stones are the most critical things in the cultivation process of a monk. Without the assistance of these resources, it will undoubtedly be dozens of times more difficult for a monk to grow.

The recovery speed of middle-grade spirit stones is far worse than that of top-grade spirit stones, and the amount of consumption is also large, but now it is not in a combat state, Qin Lang is certainly not stupid enough to use high-grade spirit stones.

After all, the top-grade spirit stones on him are less than 900 yuan now, and he can't afford a few battles, and the middle-grade spirit stones still have more than 3 yuan.

More than 3 middle-grade spirit stones may seem like a lot, but they are actually not many. Now Qin Lang consumes at least 15 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones every day when he is not in combat.

And after the battle, if Qin Lang wants to replenish his body's consumption of true energy, he needs more than a thousand yuan of middle-grade.

If calculated in this way, Qin Lang will immediately have a sense of urgency that resources are about to be exhausted. Unfortunately, the earth is not as good as the cultivation world, and it is too difficult to obtain a large amount of cultivation resources.

As for ordinary spirit stones, Qin Lang has more than 1000 million on him, but after he entered the Nascent Soul Stage, the help of ordinary spirit stones has been minimal.

However, if there are really no resources for cultivation, then Qin Lang can only use these ordinary spirit stones to arrange magic circles to absorb spiritual energy to assist in cultivation. This is the only way when there is no other way in the future.

After the practice, Qin Lang was refreshed, and then he swallowed a Da Huan Dan to speed up the healing of his injuries. In fact, his injuries were not serious, but some minor internal injuries. It can also heal on its own.

After swallowing the elixir, a stream of heat was generated and began to slowly nourish the meridians, relieving some injuries in the internal organs.

And Qin Lang had already got up at this time, set foot on the flying magic weapon and flew to his Middle East branch. Along the way, he was thinking about one question, that is, why those extraordinary-level mutants were so fierce, as if for the first time, It wasn't like that the second time around.

"Perhaps... they, like me, also swallowed the genetic medicine refined by the M laboratory in advance."

At this time, Qin Lang thought of the key point.

The M laboratory in Europe and the United States has top-notch black technology. Not to mention the mutant genetic warriors with the highest combat power on the earth, they have also developed genetic medicines that can explode the potential of such monster-like genetic warriors. It is really amazing.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang really wanted to go back and see if he could meet those mutants who lost their strength again and take them down.

However, he dismissed such unrealistic thoughts immediately. After such a long time, the side effects of the medicine must have passed...

Not to mention whether the other party's three mutants were still waiting for him, even if they were there, it would probably be a trap. You must know that the combined strength of the three mutants definitely surpassed him.

So it's better not to risk yourself for the time being, the feeling of breaking through the middle stage of Nascent Soul is becoming clearer and clearer, and all the grievances with these advanced mutants should be discussed after I break through the middle stage of Nascent Soul.


After flying back to the Middle East branch, Qin Lang explained the business matters with a few high-level executives in the branch, and then prepared to leave the Middle East with Mu Ziqing and return to China.

The two booked air tickets to Modu, and after a long journey, they finally got off the plane at Modu's airport.

But after getting off the plane, the two parted ways. Qin Lang wanted to rush back to his Lanrun Company Huaxia headquarters, but Mu Ziqing wanted to go directly back to Miaojiang.

Before leaving, Qin Lang made an agreement with Mu Ziqing that he would also go to Miaojiang in about a week. At that time, the two met at the largest five-star hotel "Lido" in Phoenix City, the nearest city to Miaojiang.

The enemy Qin Lang wants to help Mu Ziqing deal with is Mu Ziqing's uncle, Guo La, the current patriarch of the Alokyi Miao Village.

Guo La is a ruthless guy. Back then, he could plan to kill Mu Ziqing's family without any scruples. He was also a hero.

After these years of management and development, such a heroic figure has probably managed the entire cottage and surrounding relations as a monolith, so it is impossible for Mu Ziqing to seek revenge on his own, and it is very likely that he will fall into it himself.

In this case, it is only natural for Qin Lang to help a group of friends. After all, the two of them can be regarded as suffering together in the Middle East.

The reason why Mu Ziqing wants to part ways with Qin Lang this time, instead of returning to Yunhai City with Qin Lang to deal with some matters before going to Miaojiang together, is also his own consideration.

He really can't wait for revenge. Now that he has been away from Huaxia for many years, Mu Ziqing knows nothing about the changes in Miaojiang over the years, so he came to Phoenix City, which is closest to Miaojiang, to inquire about the news and collect enough information. Besides.

What's more, before leaving, Mu Ziqing borrowed some money from himself, about 200 million as the activity fund, and then left directly.

Of course, now 200 million is just a small amount of money to Qin Lang.

Now his Lanrun company is developing better and better, and the headquarters earns more than 5000 million yuan every month.

And the Middle East branch has monopolized all the markets, with a monthly income of at least hundreds of millions!As for the Singapore branch, I won’t talk about it. Although the income is the least among the three, the income of 3000 million a month is still not escaped.

Now the company's headquarters and the two branches have close contacts, and they have entered a healthy development situation. This is a very good momentum, and it also increases Qin Lang's net income by at least [-] million per month.

You must know that this is remarkable. This is the net income after excluding personnel expenses and employee welfare funds. It is indeed Qin Lang's personal net income.

(End of this chapter)

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