Chapter 1336
At present, all the employees of Lanrun Company, whether they are high-level or ordinary employees, are working hard, and they are also very motivated to work for Qin Lang. After all, it is very rare to meet such a good boss as Qin Lang.

Therefore, the whole Blue Run Company showed a scene of prosperity.

The connotation and cultural background of the company are also getting deeper and deeper. The current Lanrun Company has completely established its brand in China, and it is already a first-line brand position, and it is also a leader.

After several months since Qin Lang left China for the Middle East, Huaxia's domestic Lanrun cosmetics products have spread to more than 30 surrounding provinces and cities, basically achieving full coverage of first-tier cities and a large area of ​​second- and third-tier cities.

Starting from making Lanrun Company famous in Yunhai City, step by step, Lanrun Company has established its brand in Liaoshen Province, Beijing City, and the whole country, and now it is challenging the international first-line cosmetics brands.

Qin Lang's ultimate goal is to make Lanrun Company surpass international companies such as Estee Lauder, Dior, and Chanel, and become a unique cosmetics group in the world.

And there is no doubt that the rapid development of the company at this stage has shocked the world.

You must know that this unprecedented locust-like development speed is also a miracle in the entire Chinese business history. It took less than three years for the current Lanrun Cosmetics Company to develop from a small miscellaneous company to a domestic and even international famous brand. With a certain influence of the brand.

And Qin Lang is already a miracle in the history of business, the youngest self-made creator of a multinational company in history, he should actually be under 24 years old now.

Of course, due to the complete privatization of the group company, Qin Lang's Lanrun Cosmetics Group Co., Ltd. is not listed in China, so even if there are insiders outside, they only detect that Qin Lang is now very rich, but they don't know how many specific assets Qin Lang has.

In fact, Qin Lang is not very concerned about how much assets he has.

After vague calculations, he knew that he might not be able to compare with Prince Alsra in the Middle East, a behemoth with a super commercial country and tens of billions of dollars, but his assets were at least worth several billion dollars.

If it is converted into Huaxia currency, it is at least more than 300 billion.

These are all the benefits obtained from wealth appreciation through various channels in the past few years, not only benefits from cosmetics, but also dividends from the five-party alliance, value-added real estate, and some benefits from treasure hunting and exploration, etc.

If the wealth is exposed, Qin Lang will definitely have a place in China's Forbes Celebrity List, and it will still be in the top ten.


Qin Lang returned to the headquarters of Lanrun Daxia in Yunhai City, and the employees of Lanrun headquarters saw the sudden appearance of the boss who hadn't seen for several months, and they all said hello: "Hi, boss!"

"Well, hello everyone, let's do whatever we want!"

Nodding his head, Qin Lang is still very casual in his base camp, appearing very approachable.

"I didn't expect the boss of our company to be so young!"

A new employee, MM, whispered to her companion.

"Isn't that right? I heard that everything in the company was built by our boss from scratch... Such young and promising people are rare!"

The other MM seems to be an old man of the company, and he is very clear about the company's development in the past two years.

"What a legendary experience, Mr. Boss is my ideal Prince Charming!"

The new employee MM said with bright eyes.

"Come on! Don't be an idiot, the boss already has a girlfriend, and even if you want to change your girlfriend, it won't be your turn. I really want to be Cinderella, I will cut it! Impossible, let's go to work honestly! "

The old man of the company taught the new employee MM in a very earnest tone, dispelling her nympho.

Finally, MM, an experienced employee, woke her up again: "Seeing that you are full of love, if you are really a nympho, you can sign up for the company's annual social activities. There are also many other outstanding male single compatriots in the company. If you can It's your luck if you make it, don't forget to treat me to a wedding candy if you succeed."

"Wow! Definitely."

The nympho MM agreed.

Qin Lang has sharp ears and eyes, and his spiritual perception far exceeds that of ordinary people, so he can hear the laughter and squabbles of the two ordinary female employees, and he smiles slightly. It seems that his company is really full of youth and vitality.

I seem to have become the kind of person who is a diamond king?

This was absolutely unexpected when I was an ordinary acupuncturist in the Kangle Health Club a few years ago.

Who would have predicted that in just a few years, he founded Lanrun Company and managed the company so well?
Of course, the company is now thriving, which is also related to the generous benefits and treatment for employees. It is the support of employees that has attracted a large number of excellent employees to work here with peace of mind, and regard Lanrun as their own home. Lanrun can develop rapidly.


"Greetings to all the top executives of the company, I need to have an internal meeting."

Qin Lang said to the front desk of the company at this time.

"Okay, boss."

The MM at the front desk immediately carried out the tasks assigned by the boss, and began to notify the heads of various departments of the company.

After nodding his head, Qin Lang left the hall.


In the company's conference room, Tang Xue, the chief financial officer, Tang Qian, the general manager, and other high-level executives of the Lanrun company were all present. Except for Jiang Xinzhong who was still handling branch affairs in the Middle East, this time was also the most gathering of the senior management of the entire Lanrun headquarters.

There were a total of more than 30 people at the meeting, many of whom were new faces, all of whom were promoted remotely by Qin Lang in the Middle East through teleconference, and the letter of appointment was also delivered directly by international express.

Qin Lang is communicating with a group of company executives about the development of Lan Run Company over the past period of time. Of course, this is just a routine of this meeting.

The next thing is the focus of the meeting.

Today's meeting focuses on two things. One is the formal reorganization of Lanrun Cosmetics Group Co., Ltd. to become Lanrun Group. The group consists of three sections. In addition to cosmetics management and real estate speculation, the establishment of a pharmaceutical company is officially launched.

The second point is about this newly launched pharmaceutical company. Qin Lang plans to make it the focus of the company's development in the future. At present, the Middle East has set up a medical research laboratory and is conducting some special medical research.

In China, with the establishment of pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical laboratories should also be established quickly. At the same time, Lanrun Group is responsible for the training and acceptance of personnel.

This is a big deal. After hearing that Qin Lang will actually shift the focus of Lanrun Group’s attention to medicine in the future, this medical section, which is still in its infancy, will receive more resources than Lanrun Cosmetics, which is currently the most popular in the future. , Many high-level personnel opened their mouths wide in surprise.

It seems that our boss has a big heart. He is not only satisfied with developing cosmetics into an international first-line brand, but also wants to get involved in pharmaceuticals in the future, and has set his goal so high that he wants to develop pharmaceuticals as well. The process of becoming an international first-line brand.

We must know that the field of pharmaceuticals is very deep and covers a wide range. Although the benefits are greater than that of cosmetics, risks and benefits coexist, and there will be more difficulties in the development process of this area.

However, the boss seems to be full of confidence, so these company executives can only risk their lives to accompany the gentleman and play with Qin Lang for a big ticket.

It would be the best if it works, but if it doesn't work, the boss will probably retreat to cosmetic comprehension honestly, keeping this cornucopia is enough for the rest of his life.

However, the Frog in Jingdu doesn't know the ideal of the eagle. Qin Lang is a cultivator, and he likes to fight the sky, the earth, and the people the most.

However, running a company and carrying out business development is actually a contest between people's hearts. For Qin Lang, it is also an opportunity and challenge in terms of mood, and he actually likes it very much.

This is the true goal of him as a cultivator when he first founded the company. He is not afraid of challenges, and he will face up to all difficulties, so that his will and mentality can also be truly honed in the constant challenges.

In contrast, now that secular wealth has accumulated to a certain extent, the value of money is not so important in his mind, so he regards the development of the company as a kind of alternative cultivation and accumulation.

For him, the secular experience is not only a game, but also a practice, and it is also a perfect protection of family, love, and friendship.

This meeting lasted for a full day. Even at noon, everyone was discussing in the conference room while eating boxed lunches. Although the process was very hard, everyone was in high spirits.

After all, Mr. Boss has drawn up a beautiful blueprint for everyone. How to develop in the future requires everyone to work together to realize this wish.

After the meeting, the heads of various departments became busy, carrying out the new tasks that Qin Lang promulgated during the meeting, first of all, the reorganization of Lanrun Group, which consisted of Lanrun Cosmetics Group Co., Ltd., Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., and Lanrun Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. three blocks.

Among them, Lanrun Cosmetics Group Co., Ltd. and Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. used local personnel, but the newly established Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. required a large number of personnel to fill in.

Tang Xue, the financial director of the group headquarters, is concurrently the finance manager of the newly established pharmaceutical company, and Tang debt is also the general manager of the subordinate pharmaceutical company. In fact, the person in charge is transferred from the headquarters, and those in charge need to be gradually trained.

Of course, this is only a temporary plan. In the end, all the senior management of the pharmaceutical company will be re-established, and Tang Xue and Tang Qian, Qin Lang's right-hand men, will return to the headquarters of the group and be responsible for all the heights of the group. operate.

This is a very large undertaking. The reorganization process of Lanrun Huaxia headquarters is more complicated than the development of the Middle East branch. It will take at least half a year to complete all this.

But Qin Lang is not in a hurry, everything will be taken slowly, and these plans will be implemented one by one. He has this confidence, and the employees are also energetic and hardworking enough, so they don't worry about not being able to accomplish things.

And after finishing all these things, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief, and invited all the participants to have a meal together in a luxury hotel outside, chatted about some daily life, and asked the company if there was anything that was not thoughtful in terms of humanization What needs to be made up, what else needs to be paid attention to in the lives of ordinary employees.

Speaking of it, Qin Lang is really a good boss. Although the behavior of chatting with parents through dinner is normal, it also warms everyone's heart, and everyone is very moved.

Thinking about it, this kind of company, such a boss...has considered and taken care of every aspect of the employees' lives.

As an employee, everyone who works in Lanrun should worry that their ideals and revenge cannot be realized!Because Lanrun is the broadest stage for them to develop their talents.

(End of this chapter)

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