The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1337 Participating in the Class Reunion

Chapter 1337 Participating in the Class Reunion

After handling the company's business and having dinner with the top management, Qin Lang went to see Liu Zhenzhen, and it's been a long time since I saw her.

Liu Zhenzhen is still busy in the company's laboratory, because Jiang Xinzhong, the director of the entire laboratory, has gone to the Middle East, so Liu Zhenzhen is currently in charge of the operation of the laboratory.

Of course, she won't be an experimenter, and her focus is still on the research of organ formations and cultivation.

This time, if Jiang Xinzhong didn't have something to do, and the laboratory lacked someone to manage, she wouldn't step up.

Because he stayed in the laboratory, Liu Zhenzhen did not attend the meeting of Lanrun Company before.

Now Qin Lang came alone, came to the independent studio of Liu Zhenzhen's laboratory, as soon as he entered the independent studio, he saw the busy Liu Zhenzhen, he hadn't seen her for several months and was still a workaholic. I don't know if I have dinner yet.

"Really!" Qin Lang called out with a smile.


Hearing the familiar voice, Liu Zhenzhen withdrew from the working state, looked up at Qin Lang, and was also surprised: "Brother Qin Lang! You are back..."

"Hehe, I'm back! I haven't seen you for so many days, you really lost weight, don't work too hard!"

Qin Lang walked over and gave her a hug.

"very nice!"

Liu Zhenzhen closed her eyes, feeling the tenderness of the man she loves, the familiar smell is really good.

"I haven't seen you for so many days. Brother Qin Lang, you are dark too. It seems that the sun in the Middle East is really big."

The two of them spoke tenderly, and Liu Zhenzhen gave Qin Lang a piece of news about Qin Lang's alma mater.

His alma mater, Yunhai Medical College, is a full-time junior college. Qin Lang learned acupuncture and other medical skills in this medical college, and became an acupuncturist in the Kangle Health Club after graduation.

Liu Zhenzhen said that some students in his class are organizing a class reunion spontaneously, and everyone will have dinner at the five-star Yunhai Hotel at five o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow.

"Oh, then I do have to take part."

Qin Lang nodded, it has been three or four years since he left his alma mater, and now he has his own career, recalling those poor days when he went to medical school, he really misses it.

Therefore, Liu Zhenzhen gave Qin Lang a contact number, which was Wang Yan, and Qin Lang dialed the phone number: "Hello! Is it Wang Yan? I am Qin Lang, who used to be in Class K, and signed up for the class reunion."

"Ah! Old classmate, why did you come to sign up? Many people in our class signed up more than half a month in advance! Fortunately, you have caught up. Remember to come at five o'clock in the afternoon."

"Oh, by the way, if you have a girlfriend, bring your girlfriend! We are allowed to bring family members to this party, hehe!"

There was an enthusiastic female voice on the wire. Hearing this voice, Qin Lang couldn't help but smile. This was his former class monitor, and she was also a girl who took good care of him back then. Being squeezed out.

"Okay, squad leader."

Rarely, Qin Lang responded with a smile.

"Heh, after two or three years of graduation, I've become much more cheerful. You have a future, so I'll hang up first! I'm busy preparing for the party now!"

Over there, Wang Yan said in a hurry, then hung up the phone and went to the preparatory activities for the class reunion. This time the class reunion was organized by her. I heard that basically all the more than 40 students in the class are here. .

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lang smiled and said to Liu Zhenzhen: "True, go to this class reunion with me the day after tomorrow!"

"Well, yes, Brother Qin Lang."

Liu Zhenzhen nodded, she hadn't been with Qin Lang for a long time, and they just happened to participate in this class reunion activity together.

On the third day, Qin Lang didn't make any preparations, so he casually wore casual clothes. He felt more comfortable, so he didn't prepare formal clothes to attend the class reunion.

Anyway, it's just a class reunion. It's enough to get together and have fun. It's enough to connect with old classmates. It doesn't matter if you dress casually. Anyway, it's not going to a job fair.

This is because Qin Lang's vision has reached a certain level, and there is a situation of returning to the basics. It is estimated that most of the classmates tonight must have different ideas. They will definitely attend this class reunion formally, and regard this class reunion as extremely sacred , but also a good opportunity for comparison.

After all, after two or three years of graduation, most of the students now have their own careers, and many of them may be doing well. When the classmates meet again, they will definitely greet each other and learn about each other's current situation.

In order to match Qin Lang's casual clothes, Liu Zhenzhen looked very simple today, wearing a white tight skirt, but her appearance is elegant and generous, even in plain clothes, she still shows the temperament of a lady, which is very rare.

The two came to Yunhai Hotel together, and it was already [-]:[-] in the afternoon when they entered the venue where the classmate association was located, and most of the classmates had already arrived at the venue.

"Hey! Qin Lang, here, here!"

As soon as Qin Lang walked into the venue, someone called him, turned his head to look, but it was Wang Yan, the old squad leader who he thought, and asked him to go over to register.

The old squad leader Wang Yan is a big beauty, with a figure as plump as Tang Xue, the chief financial officer of Qin Lang Company, and her professional attire is in line with her hot-tempered personality.

Now Wang Yan, who is the planner of the organization, is registering the number of students entering the venue, and several people have surrounded her registration desk. When Qin Lang walked over, Wang Yan handed the registration book to him and said, "Give this registration book Just fill it out, and I will make a brochure and send it to everyone, so it will be more convenient for students to communicate with each other in the future."

After brushing, Qin Lang began to fill in.

Name, Qin Lang, age, 23 years old, place of origin...occupation, business...

Qin Lang just waved his hand and wrote all of them. Speaking of which, his handwriting is still beautiful. When he was in class, several girls chased after him for his handwriting, which aroused the jealousy of many boys.

And just after Qin Lang finished writing these, there was a chuckle next to him: "I'll go! Qin Lang, the poor boy at the beginning, I remember he was an orphan! After two or three years of being out, he was actually promising, and he was still in business. Is it picking up junk and selling it? Hahaha, I laughed so hard!"

Such a harsh voice was made by a guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. Qin Lang saw that this guy was his college classmate Liang Chao.

Frowning, Qin Lang didn't have a good impression of this guy.

This Liang Chao looked down on Qin Lang who was born as an orphan in his class, and often used his family background to lead others to bully the former Qin Lang. Fortunately, the old squad leader Wang Yan often blocked Qin Lang, which saved a lot of trouble .

"I just sell junk, and I also earn money with my own hands, which is better than those guys who rely on the shadow of their parents."

Qin Lang said lightly, without explaining his current identity.

In fact, even if he tells his current identity, this guy will only think that Qin Lang is bragging. Qin Lang's experience is really legendary. He has earned tens of billions with his own hands in two or three years. No one would believe.

If it is a rich second generation, it is still possible to use the shadow of their parents to do this, but if it is a poor dick, there is no such possibility at all.

And Liang Chao really didn't think that this poor dick at the beginning could become a good person after two or three years of hard work in society, and he always thought that Qin Lang was fooling around.

So this man patted Qin Lang on the shoulder pretending to be grand, and said: "Old classmate, don't say that I don't take you with me. My old man's factory has recently recruited workers. The temporary workers are [-], and after three months they become regulars, [-], and food is also included." Accommodation and five social insurances and one housing fund, should we consider it.”

This kid has a good father, he is the owner of a small private pharmaceutical factory, and his net worth is about [-] million. At the beginning, this kid was also a very awesome character. Relying on himself as a rich second generation, he often brought a bunch of friends in the class. Li showed off his might.

"Hehe, I'm used to being free and unconstrained."

Qin Lang refused with a smile, and said seriously: "Besides, my salary is very high, and your father's factory may not be able to afford it."

"Oh? Is it more profitable to be a small boss picking up trash than working in a factory?"

Liang Chao thought for a while, and said, "That's right. Recently, the newspapers said that the prices of materials and raw materials have risen, especially the price of steel. One of them."

"Just luck."

Qin Lang continued to be perfunctory.

"Hey, is this your girlfriend? She looks pretty."

Liang Chao saw Liu Zhenzhen at this time, he said so, but in fact he believed that Liu Zhenzhen was very beautiful, he had never seen such a beautiful top beauty in his life, none of the female stars on TV could compare with the one in front of him His eyes lit up, revealing a lustful light, he actually leaned over and wanted to touch Liu Zhenzhen's face, but Qin Lang directly blocked it with his hand.

"At the class reunion, please be more civilized."

"Just kidding, old classmate, you don't take it seriously! Haha!"

Liang Chao's expression changed suddenly, he turned his head and laughed. "No matter what I say now, I am also a person of status. How can I play hooligans on my old classmate's horse, isn't it, isn't it!"

"Indeed, our brother Chao has always been a man of taste."

Next to him, at this time, two or three people echoed, these students were all Liang Chao's former school dog legs, after leaving school, they followed Liang Chao's father's pharmaceutical factory, so it can be said that they have always been the boy's diehard loyalists up.

"That's good."

Qin Lang also withdrew his hand. If Liang Chao dared to touch Liu Zhenzhen just now, he really decided to take action to teach this boy a lesson. Now he is not the one who bullied orphans at school.

"Okay, Liang Chao, don't be so talkative, dare to bully Qin Lang, an honest man in our class, be careful, old lady, I will teach you a lesson like before."

At this time, Wang Yan was very dissatisfied and said to Liang Chao that she was a strong woman in class, and now she is also strong in society. I heard that she is now the boss of a large company with international background, and her annual salary is several million.

"Hehe, the squad leader calm down, calm down, I can't always do it!"

Liang Chao laughed and said, "How about this, I, Liang Chao, will cover all the expenses for the classmate reunion hotel dinner this time, everyone can eat and drink as much as they want, and it will all be on my shoulders then."

"Brother Super mighty!"

The few dog legs next to him also lost no time to flatter.

"Okay, that's what you said. I would like to thank you for your generosity on behalf of all the students present. I was planning to call everyone together after the meeting to make the AA system!"

When Wang Yan heard this, she said politely.

"Of course, when will my words not count!"

Liang Chao patted his chest, looking rich and powerful.However, although this kid is a bit nasty, his reputation really has nothing to say, and he will definitely do what he says.

And Qin Lang shook his head secretly when he saw this, he was just a nouveau riche, if he had just made a small sum of money two years ago, he might still be as shy as he is, now, he has no desire to show off at all.

After all, a person's fortune has undergone a huge change, and after his horizons are opened, his personality will be completely different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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