Chapter 1338
Slowly, all the students in the class have arrived.

I haven't seen each other for a few years, and everyone is not as young as they were when they were in college. Many classmates are already married, and two couples even brought their children to attend class reunions.

The acquaintances have not seen each other for a few years, and they are all very cordial, but because they have entered the society now, they also have a heart of comparison with each other, and they inquire about each other's occupations while chatting.

"Ah, Li Qiang, you are working in a foreign-funded enterprise now, what is your annual salary?"

"Zhao Dongming, in fact, the state-owned enterprises are also good, with stable income and social security, which is very suitable for retirement!"

"I heard that Liu Hua went to a private company and earned 20 a year!"


The students were having a lot of fun talking, and the most active one was Liang Chao. As a typical rich second generation, when others were still working hard for their careers, his father had already laid down the country for him and was only waiting for him to inherit it. , so this kid always feels superior to others.

"Hahaha, you are not bad. You work in a foreign-funded enterprise, and your annual salary is 100 million, which is comparable to my factory's one-month net profit."

"Oh, you are not bad either. You work in a state-owned enterprise and earn seven to eight thousand a month. Although your income is not much, it would be nice to have a state pension in the future!"

"Liu Hua, I told you what is the name of the private company you went to that gave you an annual salary of 20? Why don't you change jobs and come to my factory? I'll ask my dad to give you a raise and follow me, Liang Chao. How about fighting the world together?"

Liang Chao complacently communicated with his classmates. The ones he communicated with just now were all the best in the class, but none of them could compare to him. Only he will directly become the boss in the future and inherit a pharmaceutical company worth hundreds of millions of yuan. factory, which gave him a sense of accomplishment.

This kind of gathering seems to exchange not the ideals when they were young and frivolous, the funny and embarrassing things that happened in school, but the comparison between jobs and wages, women's appearance compared with bags and jewelry.

"I'll cover the expenses for today's class reunion dinner, everyone, you're welcome!"

Liang Chao suddenly took the lead, and the reason for it was because he saw the most beautiful beauty in his class, Zhu Zhu. When he was in school, this kid harassed her a lot, but Zhu Zhu never agreed to him.

This is a beautiful-looking woman who looks a bit aloof in fashionable clothes. She has a very good appearance and can be rated at least [-]% by visual inspection.

At that time, I heard that Zhuzhu likes Qin Lang, a poor boy in his class. Although this boy is poor, he is handsome.

It's a pity that Liang Chao looked down on Qin Lang, a guy who didn't come from a family background. When he heard that Zhu Zhu didn't like him, but secretly fell in love with this poor boy, he became jealous, so he often troubled Qin Lang.

It's a pity that Qin Lang is under the leadership of the old squad leader Wang, and Liang Chao can't do anything about him most of the time, but it's natural that he especially dislikes Qin Lang.

"Zhuzhu, I heard that you have been to England for the past few years, and you have never had any contact with us classmates, and you don't know how you are doing!"

Liang Chao greeted him with a smile.

Zhuzhu went to study abroad in the UK when she was in the second year of medical school, and has been studying abroad for the past few years, and has not had much contact with these domestic students.

After Zhuzhu entered the meeting place, he glanced around and found that Qin Lang, who was attending the class reunion, also had bright eyes, but when he saw that Qin Lang was with a female companion this time, his eyes became gloomy again.

"I have been studying in graduate school for the past few years, and I have graduated now."

Zhuzhu responded lightly, and at this time Wang Yan walked towards the registration office. When Qin Lang was beside Qin Lang on the side of the road, she asked, "Your girlfriend?"


Qin Lang nodded. When he was in college, he was a poor dick, and he was very slow in feelings. At that time, he had no feelings for the beauty in front of him. It was only after the girl left Huaxia that he heard from the old squad leader that Zhuzhu once liked her. over him.

"That's right, a man with talent and a woman with good looks, a naturally blessed couple."

Zhuzhu looked at the two of them and suddenly smiled and said.Then she walked to Wang Yan's registration desk and began to register her own information.

Zhuzhu, who lives in Cambridge University, is currently a student, studying for both Master and Ph.D.

When Zhuzhu left, Qin Lang clearly felt that the girl had a bit of resentment, but unfortunately he could only smile. Nothing happened to the two of them before, and it is best not to have anything happen again in the future. After all, he has a girl now. friends of people.

For Liu Zhenzhen, Qin Lang is a true love from the heart, and Liu Zhenzhen will hold him with her heart no matter where Qin Lang goes.

Although this kind of emotion is not very strong, it is long-lasting and worth protecting for a lifetime.

When Liang Chao saw Zhuzhu, he didn't pay much attention to him, but instead said a few more words to Qin Lang, and his jealous heart arose again: "Damn, why is that poor boy picking up rags so lucky? He's already a flower Siyu's girlfriend is gone, and Zhuzhu is still sticking to it to make do, they are all a bunch of bastards! Dogs, men and women!"

Inadvertently, a malicious light flashed in this kid's eyes, and it passed by.Then, like a normal person, he laughed loudly and took a few friends to the banquet together. The classmate banquet has now started to serve.

There were about forty students, and there were a total of eight tables in the venue. The dishes were carefully prepared by the old squad leader. Considering that everyone came from all over the world, their tastes may be somewhat different, so the dishes are combined from north to south, sweet and salty.

As the top five-star hotel in Yunhai, the chefs here are all top-notch. The dishes here are not only beautiful in style, but also unique in taste.

When the meal was about to start, Liang Chao stood up again: "Everyone, slow down, it seems that something is missing!"

"What's missing?"

Everyone looked at the dining table, and there were quite a lot of fourteen or five dishes.

"Look! We are all old classmates getting together, how can the classmates not drink, so now we have to drink... good wine!"

Liang Chao shouted loudly.

"Okay! It's true that you can't live without wine."

Most of the men present were also booing like this. Alcohol is a man's guts. After entering the society and entering the workplace, everyone can drink a little more or less.

Therefore, this class reunion really cannot be without wine. Chinese people have a tradition of drinking at festivals, because wine can promote excitement, and many problems that cannot be solved by ordinary people can usually be solved when they are put on the wine table .

"Everyone? May I ask what grade of wine do you want?"

The hotel waiter came over at this time and asked everyone present.

"Wine! Of course it needs good wine, the more high-grade the better, if you have any good wine, feel free to serve it! Serve it on every table."

Liang Chao waved his hand magnanimously. As a rich second generation and at a class reunion, in order to show off his wealth, he only had to count money face to face. Now of course he has to save face.


The waiter went down quickly.

Soon, wine was placed on the eight tables, and they were all foreign wines, with a bottle on each table.

"How do you pronounce this English letter..."

Although Liang Chao had gone to college, he was ignorant of both learning and skills. He had been fluent in English since he was a child, so he didn't know any foreign wine brands at all.

"Boss, it seems to be called La... Fei, this wine seems to be very expensive."

A dog-legged son with a little better knowledge said quietly like this.

"Lafite? How expensive is it? Is it as expensive as Moutai and Wuliangye? Ten thousand is worth eight thousand. Don't worry, Brother Chao, I'm a little bit of money!"

Liang Chao patted his younger brother on the shoulder and said nonchalantly.

" seems to be much more expensive than liquor..."

The little boy continued to murmur.

But Liang Chao had already turned his head away, and was opening the wine bottle to pour wine for everyone: "Come, come! The classmates get together once in a few years, and this time we won't go home without getting drunk!"

"Okay, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home!"

The students present were also infected by the atmosphere, and became lively for a while.

After drinking for a while, Liang Chao got up, held the wine glass and went to toast Zhuzhu with a smile, but Zhuzhu didn't answer him, making Liang Chao annoyed the boss.

And Zhuzhu sat at a table full of ladies, and naturally there were also ladies who could drink, so he smoothed things over at this time: "Since it's Mr. Liang's treat today, and he also made the most high-end foreign wine in the hotel, let me, Chunhua, accompany you for a drink." !"

The one who spoke was a fat girl about two hundred catties. Although she was fat, she used to be the most smug in the class.

Liang Chao naturally looked down on Chunhua in the past, but now toasting to Zhuzhu, people don't give face, and he has no chance to step down, so he can only suppress his nausea and toast to Chunhua.

After toasting, Liang Chao laughed and left the table as if fleeing.

Liang Chao did not return to his own table, but turned to Qin Lang's table again, held up his glass and said: "Old classmate, it's a rare gathering, I respect you, since you have entered the society, you must practice well, this time Good wine is enough, whoever falls first among us will be the loser! How about it, dare you!"

Liang Chao deliberately said aggressively, just now when he hit a wall in front of the girl he once admired, he was so angry that he had no place to vent, and once again held grudges on Qin Lang's head.

So, he thought of pouring wine into Qin Lang in the name of fighting for wine.

However, is Qin Lang afraid of drinking wine?

As a cultivator, his physique is far superior to that of ordinary people. Even if Qin Lang doesn't use any means, he can drink far more than the street masters of this kid, so Liang Chao has no way to get him drunk.

"Okay... let's fight."

Qin Lang said lightly, since this kid looks so obtrusive, then he should be taught a lesson.

On the side, at this time Liu Zhenzhen pulled Qin Lang a bit: "Brother Qin Lang, drink less."


Qin Lang was puzzled, Liu Zhenzhen actually knew how much he could drink, so he wasn't afraid of being drunk at all.

"Your classmate is very annoying. I'm afraid he's drunk and deadbeat. He could boast that all dinner expenses are covered!"

Liu Zhenzhen covered her mouth and whispered the sound, but no one around heard it.

"Hehe, it's alright, even if he's drunk, I can still wake him up when it's time to pay the bill!"

Qin Lang also smiled and passed the sound transmission.

No sound was leaked during this period of communication between the two of them. The people at the same table thought they were eating when they saw their mouths open, so they didn't really care.

At this time, Liang Chao had already toasted, touched, and drank the first glass with Qin Lang. This foreign wine has a low alcohol content, so every drink is a big glass. The two of them didn't eat much, just like they were just fighting wine, one after another drink.

Soon, the two of them drank all the bottles on the table. This kind of foreign wine, Lafite, has a large portion, and a bottle contains about two catties of wine.

After drinking this bottle, Qin Lang still looks fine, but Liang Chao's face is slightly rosy, and there is no big difference.

"Okay! I can't see that you are really a good drinker, so let's continue! The waiter will serve more wine, this time twenty bottles!"

Liang Chao got angry and shouted at the waiter.

(End of this chapter)

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