The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1339 Kid, You Pretend Too Much

Chapter 1339 Kid, You Pretend Too Much

"Sir, are you sure?"

The waiter was shocked when he heard that someone actually ordered so many high-end foreign wines at once just to fight the wine.

"Of course I'm sure, go! Since you're fighting for wine, you have to drink to your heart's content!"

In the class reunion, most people were attracted by his roar, and they felt strange when they heard Liang Chao and Qin Lang fighting for wine.

However, there are also worries. Liang Chao said before that the cost of the banquet is fully covered. If he passes out drunk, who will pay the bill at that time. Of course, the person who is worried is Wang Yan, the organizer of the classmate association.

Afterwards, under the watchful eyes of many students, Liang Chao and Qin Lang fought more vigorously for wine, and the two behind directly poured wine bottles into their mouths one after another.

Although Liang Chao looks like a skinny monkey, he is really good at drinking. It is estimated that he can be ranked among the top three in this student union. Of course, it is also considered unlucky for him to meet Qin Lang. ,

Speaking of drinking, Qin Lang is a monster, no matter how much he drinks, he will not get drunk, even if he is thrown into the wine pool to drink up the wine pool, I am afraid he will not get drunk.

So Liang Chao and Qin Lang were purely looking for abuse when they drank, and they were able to hold on at first, but when they drank the fifth bottle, they gradually failed, and their complexion changed from normal to red envelopes, and then from red to white. In a trance, I felt that my head was getting bigger.

Liang Chao was already drunk, and even his eyelids felt a little heavy, but he still refused to admit defeat. With his tongue curled up, he shook his cup and said to Qin Lang: "Come on! Come again, I don't believe I can't beat you!"

Before Qin Lang could reply, he poured it into his own mouth, before he finished pouring, he fell down with a plop, this time he was really drunk and unconscious.

"It's really over the top."

Qin Lang shook his head, and didn't care about this guy anymore. Only now did he have the opportunity to eat two dishes. Dinner is still going on, let's fill up our stomachs first.

Slowly, everyone was full, and it was time to pay the bill. Wang Yan hurried over at this time, and seeing Liang Chao unconscious, she couldn't help frowning: "Originally, everyone was going to make AA system." , Liang Chao insisted on a treat, but now he is so drunk. This guy is really worrying, how can he pay for so many foreign wines... I am afraid this meal will cost a lot!"

"It's okay, old squad leader, I'll wake him up."

Qin Lang waved his hand.

"Wake him up? How can he wake up when he's so drunk?"

Wang Yan frowned.

"Look at me."

Qin Lang smiled, and told Liang Chao at this time that he patted him on the back, secretly channeled a weak force of true energy, walked around the guy's body, and forced the alcohol in his body from his throat. come out.


At this time, Liang Chao sprayed a table full of wine, and the entire table was filled with a strong aroma, which was the result of the high concentration of alcohol volatilizing in the air after being forced out.

And after Qin Lang used his true energy to force out this big gulp of alcohol, Liang Chao's drunkenness immediately disappeared, and the whole person gradually became sober.

"What... what's going on."

His vision gradually changed from blurred to clear. Liang Chao asked puzzledly when he saw that everyone was looking at him.

"Master Liang, didn't you promise to cover all the expenses of the classmate reunion dinner today? Now everyone is done eating and waiting for you to pay the bill, but you are so drunk. If it weren't for Qin Lang, you probably wouldn't be able to wake up!"

For Liang Chao, Wang Yan is also full of grievances now, and she is not polite at all.

"Oh, what you said, no problem, call the waiter to pay the bill."

When Liang Chao heard it, he thought it was a trivial matter, but when the waiter brought up the bill, he was dumbfounded.

"160 million! Is there a mistake?"

Liang Chao almost jumped up. He estimated that even if he spent a lot tonight, it would be around 20 or [-] at most. He would have to give up this money just to pretend to be coercive, but how could it be so much now? "

"Naturally, you don't need that much for dinner, and the total of the eight tables will not exceed 82. But sir, you ordered the hotel's top-notch Lafite in 8, and now it costs more than 160 a bottle. A total of [-] bottles were consumed. Exactly more than [-] million, other unopened ones are not counted as money.”

The waiter patiently explained to Liang Chao.

"Damn, more than 8 a bottle of foreign wine? Why is it so much more expensive than domestic wine? I remember that Moutai and Wuliangye are only [-] to [-] at most!"

Liang Chao's eyes widened with disbelief.

At first I wanted to pretend to be tough, but now I'm completely pretending to be an idiot.

160, he doesn’t have that much cash on him if he is asked to pay the bill. In fact, there is not so much money on the bank card. It is true that Liang Chao’s father is a billionaire and opened a pharmaceutical factory, but it is not extravagant To prepare millions of pocket money for his son Kari.

In fact, Liang Chao's father is very strict with his son. Although this son is very incompetent, he has always raised his son as his successor, so the economy is also tightly closed, and he usually does not let his son mess around.

This time, to participate in the class reunion, Liang Chao brought a bank card to pretend to be aggressive, but the money in it definitely did not exceed 100 million, so under the current situation, he couldn't pay the bill at all.

It's nothing to spend the money in the bank card, the key is that this time in front of so many friends, he feels that he can't step down.

So, he yelled at the waiter: "That's such an expensive foreign wine! Your hotel is selling high-priced wine, this is blackmail... Go, find your manager or boss, I want to talk to him!"

"Okay, wait a minute."

The waiter also felt aggrieved. It was the first time I saw such an overbearing guest. I had kindly reminded him several times before that this kind of high-end foreign wine was very expensive, but he didn't take it seriously. Now when I paid the bill, it really turned into trouble.

At the same time, the waiter also secretly despised Liang Chao.I have never seen the world before, I have to pretend to be forced, and now I am embarrassed and want to pretend to regret it, hmph, I probably don’t know how people who can afford such a luxurious restaurant have no background and background, and want to renege on their debts is impossible.

After a while, the waiter brought a chubby middle-aged man over. The waiter pointed to Liang Chao and said to the middle-aged man, "Mr. Li, it's this customer who is messing around and saying that our hotel blackmailed him. In fact, it's his own fault for not listening to him before." Discourage ordering so much wine."

Then, the waiter turned around and said to Liang Chao: "Originally, our hotel manager should handle this matter, but the boss happened to come over to inspect today... This is the boss of our hotel. If you have any questions, please tell our boss."

"Okay, let me tell you! This foreign wine is too expensive, can your hotel offer a discount?"

At this time, Liang Chao began to recover, knowing that he was in serious trouble. He didn't take it seriously before, even if he wanted to rely on legal channels, he couldn't sue the other party.

Nodding, the middle-aged man said: "Young man, our Yunhai Hotel has been established for many years, and it has always been the benchmark in the hotel industry in Yunhai City. The business is also the most transparent, and there is no such thing as blackmailing consumers."

"The [-] bottles of Lafite you ordered this time are all in stock that the hotel brought over from a high-end French winery three years ago. They are also the best among red wines. Now all the major hotels in China are at the same price. Even more expensive."

"As for the discount you mentioned for the customer... Well, for the sake of spending so much money at one time, the fraction of 160 will be free, and you can pay [-] million for the customer."

"160 million..."

As soon as Liang Chao heard the amount, his face suddenly turned bitter. He never expected that now he dug a big hole for himself.

The money on my body is definitely not enough, should I call the old man and ask the old man for help?

Thinking of his old man's ferocious appearance, Liang Chao couldn't help but shuddered, no, absolutely no, the old man knew that this would definitely break his leg.

Suddenly, Liang Chao fell into a dilemma.

"Old Li!"

At this time, a voice from the table called.

The chubby middle-aged man looked back and was pleasantly surprised: "Ah, it's the leader... Oh no, Mr. Qin!"

"Hehe it's me."

Qin Lang laughed.

It turned out that this Yunhai Hotel happened to be the property of the Li family. Li Lengfeng came to Yunhai City from the capital today to conduct a routine inspection of the hotel every quarter. He heard that some guests wanted to complain to the hotel, so he came to have a look in person. As a result, Then I met Qin Lang who was attending the class reunion.

Li Lengfeng is also a vigilant person, in front of so many of Qin Lang's classmates, naturally he will no longer call him the leader, but call him Qin Lang's business name.

"President Qin?"

At this time, most of the students who participated in the meeting were puzzled. The big boss of Yunhai Hotel actually knew his old classmate Qin Lang. He had never heard that Qin Lang had a rich second-generation background. He was a poor dick when he was in college.

Moreover, before Liang Chao said loudly that Qin Lang sells shabby ones, but can the small owner of the buying shop who sells shabby ones be treated with such respect by the owner of the five-star Yunhai Hotel? "

In fact, this is also the case. After seeing Qin Lang, Li Lengfeng was extra polite to him.

Moreover, he also respectfully called Qin Lang "President Qin?"

It seems that this Qin Lang is not simple, that is to say, before Liang Chao said that Qin Lang sells rags, it was pure nonsense, but it was strange why Qin Lang did not refute.

Even more good things are guessing. As the benchmark of Yunhai City, Yunhai Hotel, a five-star hotel, has a market value of more than [-] million or [-] million. If Qin Lang, a classmate, can be treated equally by the owner of Yunhai Hotel, wouldn't it mean that Qin Lang's current business is also Made it big, at least on the same level as Liang Chao's father?Is it possible...

The more you think about it, the more confused everyone is. It feels like Qin Lang hasn't seen each other for two or three years now, and suddenly he has become too mysterious.

What they don't know is that what Qin Lang has experienced in the past two or three years is too legendary and incredible. I am afraid that even if people from all over the world guess, they will not be able to guess the result.

"Since everyone is Mr. Qin's classmate, I will ask the hotel to waive all the expenses for your class reunion this time!"

Li Lengfeng said with a smile at this time, one or two million is nothing to the two of them now, based on the relationship between the two, even if Qin Lang's classmates gather here every day for free, it will be fine.

"Ah..." The waiter was stunned when he heard that the big boss of Yunhai Hotel actually gave the bill free.

Then, all the students in the student union present were also stunned.

And Liang Chao also opened his mouth wide, unable to close it like a hippopotamus. He couldn't understand why Qin Lang had such a big face, and he was able to let the big hotel owner directly waive the consumption list of more than 160 million.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he had made a mistake. This orphan, who was not very conspicuous when he was in college, seemed to have a very good career after two or three years of breaking through medicine.

"You still want to say something with your mouth open? Don't you think it's not good for the hotel to waive the bill this time when Qin Lang came forward? Do you want to pay for it again?"

Wang Yan pushed him and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Of course not."

Liang Chao was immediately coerced. He was slapped in the face today, and now he has no confidence, no shame at all, and he wants to find a crack in the ground and sneak in directly.

"Damn it, it's all because of this Qin Lang! Blame him! Otherwise, how could I have done such a stupid thing, called so many foreign wines to compete with this kid, and now the result is good, and let this kid pretend again Nice guy."

After being slapped in the face, Liang Chao blamed all the hatred in his heart on Qin Lang.

(End of this chapter)

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