The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1340 I Work For Lan Run Company

Chapter 1340 I Work For Lan Run Company
Some villains are like this, always blaming others for their mistakes, but never reflecting on whether they are wrong and where they are wrong.

However, apart from a villain like Liang Chao, the overall atmosphere of this reunion was very good.

Naturally, Qin Lang wouldn't be in a bad mood for the son of a nouveau riche who pretended to be aggressive at a party, not to mention that Liang Chao failed to pretend to be a fool and was ridiculed.

It's still early now, it's only past seven o'clock, and we can get together again after dinner, so some people suggested dancing disco, and others suggested going to the karaoke hall to sing.

"Go to Bundy, I'm treating you!"

Liang Chao shouted again.

He shouted out the word treat again, just to save face in front of others.

What's more, it's just singing, not eating, so it doesn't cost too much money.

"You still have the nerve to treat me!"

The old squad leader, Wang Yan, satirized him. If Qin Lang hadn’t rescued him before, this kid might have been detained by the hotel directly. The old man from the pharmaceutical factory came to pick him up!

And Liang Chao was so satirized by Wang Yan, he didn't dare to yell anymore, after all, what happened in the hotel was a scandal to him.

"Go and sing!"

This is the opinion of most ladies. After all, the disco is too messy, and if there are too many people, there will be a lot of tricks. It is more fun to go to sing together.

So, after that, everyone chose a well-known big karaoke hall in the city, Ji Lebao.

"Excuse me, our biggest box can only accommodate twenty people together, why don't you divide it into two boxes?"

At this time, the foreman asked a group of people for advice, this time there were too many people, almost forty of Qin Lang's classmates came this time.

"Oh, alright! Let's arrange two of them. Anyway, everyone can run between the two boxes."

Wang Yan nodded and said.

Under her arrangement, the entire class members were divided into two groups and entered the two largest boxes in the karaoke hall.

With the popularity of the pop music scene, we have now entered the era of national singers, and there are quite a few old classmates in Qin Lang's class who can sing well.

And the karaoke hall is the place where these old classmates who usually don't show their mountains and dews can burn their passion and vent themselves, and it is a place to completely relax.

Here, others don't care whether your singing is bad or good. Everyone comes here to seek excitement, and this excitement is also a way to enhance the friendship between classmates.

However, there is often such a special existence in karaoke halls, that is Maiba, who holds the microphone and sings one song after another, but refuses to transfer the microphone to others. This kind of Maiba is actually very hated of.

Fortunately, Qin Lang is not a wheat bully, he is not even interested in singing, now he is sitting on the sofa leaning against Liu Zhenzhen, holding a few grapes just taken out of the fruit plate, while eating, he does not forget to give Liu Zhenzhen also fed two.

This is a typical show of affection. In fact, the few couples who participated in the class reunion are basically like this. Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen are still civilized. Others even kiss and kiss in public, and they don’t care about others at all. people's feelings.

And Liang Chao in Qin Lang's box is a Maiba. This guy sang one song after another. He drank for at least 20 minutes. Five or six songs have passed. He wanted to continue, but he was immediately bombarded by the old squad leader Wang Yan. He stepped down and handed the microphone to a few girls.

To be honest, Liang Chao’s singing voice is really unflattering. Although it’s not a broken voice, but the breathing is intermittent when singing, like a male duck calling, and it must be hungry, flustered Looking for food.

After Liang Chao was kicked off the stage, Wang Yanxian sang "Cloudy Sky" by herself. This is an old song from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Sing.

After singing this song, the entire box burst into applause. Everyone was bombarded by Liang Chao's broken duck voice for nearly half an hour. Now Wang Yan's song is undoubtedly like the sound of nature. There is a complete difference between the two One in the sky and one in the ground.

After that, the ladies took turns to go to battle, and the beautiful singing sounded continuously in the box. Even Zhuzhu, a high-cold beauty, drank the song "If It Snowed in China", which turned the whole box from bustling to quiet, and everyone entered into the singing. In the distant artistic conception.

After the singing was over, there was a lingering sound, and many people were intoxicated. Zhuzhu's singing was comparable to a big singer's concert, and better than the old squad leader Wang Yan.

After a while of silence, there was a burst of applause in the box, especially the boy Liang Chao, who applauded and looked at her madly while muttering: "Beautiful, she was so beautiful just now! She is indeed the woman I, Liang Chao, fancy .”

It's a pity that no one paid attention to his self-indulgent sentimentality, even the two or three dog legs around him thought it was impossible.

At this time, the old squad leader Wang Yan walked towards Qin Lang: "Qin Lang, you should also sing a song, almost everyone has sung it by now!
"Hehe, I usually don't sing much!" Qin Lang laughed.

"It doesn't matter. Even Liang Chao's broken duck voice can be tolerated. You can't sing worse than him, right? Here's a song. The classmates only met once in a few years, and it can be regarded as a perfect commemoration."

Wang Yan handed over the microphone.

"Okay then, I'll sing a song about the sea and the sky."

Qin Lang took the microphone and said.

"I once doubted me, walking in the desert, never fruiting, no matter what kind of dream... I spread my wings, but the wind became silent, and getting used to hurting - can it be considered a harvest... Fortunately, I have never looked back, I finally discovered that there really is an oasis...every time I sweat, my life becomes heavier..."

Qin Lang's deep voice sounded.

This is an inspirational song, and it is also a chance in Qin Lang's life.

The loneliness and bewilderment before the age of 20, and the extraordinary encounters after the age of 20, made a breakthrough in a rough life, and everything looked back, it was so meaningful.

Qin Lang's singing voice gradually became clearer. When he sang "When the sea and the sky are brave, and they want to break the chains of fate", everyone present was moved by that kind of reluctant fighting spirit.

In fact, Qin Lang's voice is not the most perfect, but the sincerity of emotion has brought the artistic conception of the whole song to a higher level, so the students present basically feel good.After all, it is also the most difficult thing for singing to touch people's hearts.

After drinking a song, the box once again burst into applause, and the old class Wang Yan smiled at Qin Lang: "Wow! You don't know how to sing, I think you can sing much better than me!"

"This evaluation is too high, let's be so-so, I feel that you, the squad leader, sing much better than me."

Qin Lang responded with a smile, and then handed back the microphone. He is not a wheat bully like Liang Chao, and even if he sings well, he has to keep a low profile.

"Okay, after working hard in this society for several years, it seems that our former poor boy has undergone a qualitative change! By the way, Qin Lang, you fill in the information as a business owner. You don't know what kind of business it is. The bosses in the backstage know you, and why are you exempting the class reunion dinners?"

Wang Yan asked curiously at this moment. She also thought about this sentence for a long time and wanted to ask for a while.

On the side, some students, whether they were men or women, stretched out their ears. In fact, they were also very curious.

"Hehe, so-so, the business is relatively complicated, and now it is mainly selling cosmetics."

Qin Lang smiled and said.

"Cosmetics? Do you work in a cosmetics company? Which cosmetics company?"

Someone else asked.

"Well, Lanrun Cosmetics Company."

Qin Lang replied.

"Oh, it's the most popular cosmetics company in China in the past two years. I heard that the employee benefits are very good. I planned to go for an interview before!"

A classmate said at this time: "By the way, Qin Lang, what position do you have in there? Seeing that the backstage boss of Yunhai Hotel is so familiar with you, it can't be that you are mixed up with the position of general manager!"

"more or less!"

Qin Lang replied that he still didn't reveal that he was the founder of Lanrun Cosmetics Company. If he did, he would be shocked again.

In fact, he feels that it is unnecessary. There is no need for the students to compare too much. Now everyone is here to connect with each other, not to compare family background and status to show superiority. If so, this class reunion will become clichéd a lot of.

"That's not bad, Qin Lang, you are a big turnaround, you can get mixed up in such a big company as an executive, take care of your old classmates in the future!"

Someone laughed.

"Each each other."

Qin Lang responded.

And Liang Chao was stunned for a while when he learned that Qin Lang was actually the most popular executive of the Lanrun Cosmetics Company in Huaxia in the past two years, and then he said bitterly in his heart: "This guy has actually been in the past two years. In such a situation, the executives of the Lanrun Cosmetics Company... This time I made a fool of myself at the class reunion, this time I have to take revenge, even if you turn around now, I can't let you go!"

Looking at the faint smile on the corner of Qin Lang's mouth, Liang Chao felt that it was a blatant mockery of himself, and now this kid has found a girlfriend who is as beautiful as a flower, and it is easy for him to have fun, and he really wants to find a true love for himself The woman is always unavailable.

In contrast, Liang Chao's heart was full of jealousy, so he began to conceive a bad idea to deal with Qin Lang.

While everyone was still singing, this guy sneaked into the toilet and made a call: "Brother Wang, send a few people over to help me teach this person a lesson. I will send the photo to your phone. Now this guy is talking to you in Jilebao. My friend is singing, and when the time comes, I will find a remote place to beat him up! It would be even better if I could break his hands and feet, and I will pay 20 for the hard work this time."

After the phone call, Liang Chao's cold eyes flashed away, his expression returned to normal, and then he began to shush in the toilet as if nothing had happened.

This class reunion has been noisy for a long time. Everyone sang in Jilebao until after one o'clock in the morning.

This time, it was Liang Chao who rushed to pay the bill. This rich second-generation young man was humiliated at the Yunhai Hotel, so he probably saved some face by paying the bill here!

However, it didn't cost much for everyone to sing. After staying in the two boxes for so long, and serving so many beers and fruit plates, the total cost was only about 8000 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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