Chapter 1341
After singing K, Qin Lang bid farewell to his classmates, and left Jilebao with Liu Zhenzhen, preparing to return to Yunhai Building.

But on the way to drive, he frowned, and found that there was a sneaky car following him behind his car, and he knew there was some bad purpose at a glance.

"Hehe, this kind of tracking ability is bad enough."

Qin Lang said in his heart that he wanted to see what the other party was planning to do.

With a sweep of consciousness, Qin Lang immediately made clear the situation inside the car. It was a second-hand Mazda, and there were about four or five people sitting in it, all of whom were ordinary gangsters.

"Hehe, that guy Liang Chao should have called here. He lost face in the class reunion, and now he probably wants to teach himself a lesson through this gang of bastards!"

Qin Lang smiled lightly, he didn't want to offend anyone today, the only person he offended was Liang Chao, who didn't expect this guy to do something like this regardless of his classmates' friendship, wanting to teach himself a lesson.

But he didn't pay much attention at all.

Now Qin Lang has stood at a high place in this world, and his vision is different from before. He really doesn't like these ordinary punks.Qin Lang's car stopped at the parking lot of Yunhai Building, got out of the car, and sure enough, several gangsters also got out of the car and followed.

It's late at night, if a normal person encounters a few gangsters with steel rods and other murder weapons, they will probably turn pale with fright, turn around and run, even if they can't escape, they will desperately kneel down and beg for mercy.

But Qin Lang pulled Liu Zhenzhen, and when he saw these four or five gangsters surrounding him, he also looked indifferent, as if he regarded these people as nothing.

If most of the old employees of Lanrun Building were there, they must know that their boss is an expert. He once taught competitors with martial arts in his own company. The four or five gangsters in front of him are really nothing.

It's a pity that these gangsters didn't know so much information, and how did they know that they had hit the iron plate. Now when they surrounded Qin Lang, they still didn't change his face. While admiring the other party's courage, they were also irritated .

"I'm stupid! This kid is really courageous. He didn't know how to beg for mercy when he was surrounded by our brothers, so let's give him a scoop first."

The steel rod in his hand slapped loudly, and a few gangsters approached Qin Lang with grinning smiles, and a gangster with a scarred face shouted at Qin Lang, "Boy, if you want to blame, you should be blamed for offending people who shouldn't be offended!" Man, someone offered 20 yuan for me, Wang Yang, to buy you a broken arm or leg!"

After finishing speaking, he waved the steel rod and threw it at Qin Lang, but as the steel rod fell, he didn't see the panicked expression on the other party's face, and still looked at him with a touch of teasing.

Something is wrong... The head of the gangster, Wang Qiang, was full of question marks, but his subordinates were merciless, and the steel rod in his hand still smashed hard at Qin Lang's left arm.

Good guy, if this thick steel rod hits the real place, it will definitely be the result of a comminuted arm fracture if replaced by an ordinary person.

But a strange thing happened, the other party didn't dodge at all, he felt that after the steel rod in his hand hit it, it made a sound like hitting a rubber tire, and the other party seemed to be fine.

Then, the other party's arm trembled, and a powerful force directly bounced the steel rod back, hitting his head so violently that he shot himself open. Wang Qiang's head was bleeding, and he fell straight straight in dizziness and shock. go down.

Before he fainted, Wang Qiang was full of wonders, what kind of material is this kid's body made of? Even a thick steel rod can withstand it. Is this still a human being?
As an ordinary gangster, Wang Qiang had never heard of a cultivator, and he probably hadn't even seen a martial artist in the Chinese world, so the unexpected situation that happened tonight made him feel weird.

However, Wang Qiang didn't have time to think about it anymore. The steel rod bounced off his head and hurt him deeply. After he fell to the ground, his forehead was still bleeding.

The four gangsters around me were all stunned at this moment. Wang Qiang took the lead just now, but this strange phenomenon happened. Not only did the weapons of these gangsters fail to hurt each other, but their boss was injured by the rebound of the steel rod Myself, it was incredible.

"Invulnerable to swords and guns... This kid is probably a practicing family boy."

A gangster realized that Qin Lang's situation was similar to those legendary masters in the martial arts world.

The gangster finally guessed the point. Although Qin Lang is not a martial artist but a cultivator, the master of martial arts is still more attached to the identity of Qin Lang.

"Are you trying to deal with me?"

At this time, Qin Lang finally made a sound, approached the gangsters with a smile, and at the same time grabbed the steel rod in the hand of one of the gangsters, and then twisted it into a twisted shape with a random twist.

What kind of terrifying power is this?Seeing that Qin Lang did everything so easily, they all doubted whether the weapons they brought were parallel imports.

But Qin Lang then threw it away casually, and the twisted steel rod fell to the ground, but sparks flew everywhere, which dispelled their suspicion.

The other party is indeed an expert, non-human, even if they go together, I am afraid they can only deliver food to Qin Lang.

After being intimidated by Qin Lang, the four gangsters immediately lost the courage to attack, and one of the gangsters retreated with his companions while muttering, "No...that's not the case, it's our boss who dealt with you, he has already been taught by you It's... Actually, he was entrusted by someone..."

"Is it?"

As soon as Qin Lang dodged, he was already approaching, grabbed the collar of one of them who was so frightened that his face turned pale, and directly picked up the gangster with one hand like a chicken cub.

"'s like this...Brother, I was wrong, we were all wrong, we shouldn't follow the boss to deal with you."

The gangster was so frightened that his face turned pale at the moment.

However, Qin Lang didn't strike immediately, he just patted the guy's face lightly a few times, and said slowly, "Is it Liang Chao, that bastard who wants you to come and deal with me?"

"It seems to be that the boss answered the phone before, and it seemed to be the voice of that boy Liang Chao on the other end of the phone."

This group of gangsters are very familiar with Liang Chao, so when Liang Chao wanted to teach Qin Lang a lesson, he first thought of them.

"That guy is an idiot. He found you rubbish to deal with me. Hehe, he also wants an arm or a thigh from me. So now I should pay back?"

Qin Lang's tone was abrupt, and he unceremoniously broke one of the bastard's arms.


The other three gangsters around screamed. At this time, Qin Lang unfolded a ghostly movement, and broke the arms of the other three in the blink of an eye.

"This is to teach you a lesson. In the future, your tricks should be brighter... People who you shouldn't mess with, it's best not to mess with them."

Qin Lang said slowly: "Take your boss and leave now, get out of here! At the same time, tell that boy Liang Chao that I will visit him when I have time."

Qin Lang has always been a principled person, he is kind to his friends, but he is merciless towards his enemies.

Since that kid Liang Chao is so cruel and ruthless, he bribed gangsters to follow him and wanted to break his arm or leg, then there would be no camaraderie between the two of them, and there would be no need to be polite if they met in the future, and they could directly teach this kid a lesson , It's like teaching the gangsters in front of you a lesson.

If Qin Lang knew that he was still an ordinary person, he might have fulfilled Liang Chao's idea tonight, and was interrupted by this group of gangsters, so he could not live or die.

This world is so realistic and cruel. Those who are capable have enough self-confidence, so they don't have to fear the enemy's tricks, while those who are incompetent may not be able to resist if they are tricked to death by others.

After cleaning up a few gangsters, Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen finally approached the Lanrun Building side by side.

All in all, except for the fly-like figure of Liang Chao, the reunion this night gave people a very good feeling. Qin Lang met many old classmates and felt very happy.


After resting overnight, Qin Lang finished his training in the morning and went directly to the "Sanhe" life science and technology laboratory of the Five-Party Alliance.

He hasn't returned to Huaxia for several months. He wants to see how far the laboratory has progressed in the research on people who have changed.

After entering the laboratory, Qin Lang found that the current security level of the laboratory has taken on a new look. In addition to the warrior guards on the surface, the entire laboratory has also set up a strict network firewall, which can effectively resist the intrusion of hackers.

Now the number of researchers in the entire laboratory has doubled compared to a few months ago. This should be the result of several big families desperately recruiting high-tech talents in various places in the past few months.

After all, the research on mutants, a European and American black technology, is also very labor-intensive and material resource-intensive. A huge research group is necessary to be able to produce some results.

After approaching the laboratory, Qin Lang talked with some researchers for a while, knowing that the laboratory has made breakthroughs in some aspects, and even developed a genetic agent that can enhance the vitality of warrior cells... Enhanced No. [-].

This special gene agent is injected to enhance the genetic vitality of the warrior's internal cells, completely burn ATP, and achieve the purpose of strengthening the warrior.

Basically, if an innate warrior injects genetic medicine, his cells will be strengthened, and he can be promoted to the level of Wuzun.And warriors at the early stage of Wu Zun can be promoted to the late Wu Zun through injection of genetic medicine.

However, this genetic medicine can only be used on warriors below the early stage of Wu Zun, and it has little effect on warriors above the early stage of Wu Zun.

In addition, during the research of the potion, the laboratory also found that this potion has a big flaw at present. Although the current potion can improve the vigor of the warrior's thin chest, it is not stable enough. After using it, it will be more difficult for the warrior to break through the realm in the future , There may even be a phenomenon of stagnant strength and cultivation.

This is a huge flaw, so the No. [-] genetic drug is still in the experimental stage and has not been put into use. The laboratory will try to improve this drug as much as possible, at least to control the side effects and defects of the drug to everyone When it is acceptable, it will be possible to put it into production for the warriors of the five-party alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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