The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1342 The Five-Party Alliance Talks Again

Chapter 1342 The Five-Party Alliance Talks Again
After Qin Lang participated in the class reunion in Yunhai, he started the second important matter, the second meeting of the five-party alliance.

Qin Lang's five-party alliance, apart from himself as the leader, is the Huaxia Li family, the Nalan family, the Lei family, and Duan Zhifei from Singapore.

On the first day of coming to Yunhai, Qin Lang notified the major families that they would call a meeting with everyone within the next week to discuss some important matters.

The meeting time was set for the afternoon of the fourth day after Qin Lang came to Yunhai, that is, at three o'clock in the afternoon on the second day after Qin Lang attended the class reunion, the location was still the "Sanhe" life and technology laboratory.

After the big families got the news, they attached great importance to this meeting. Even Duan Zhifei, who was far away in Singapore, put down what he was doing and came here in a hurry.

In the meeting room of the "Sanhe" Life Science and Technology Laboratory, the second meeting of the five-party alliance officially started.

Qin Lang, who is the leader of the alliance, took the lead to speak at this time: "Everyone, this time I called everyone to participate in this meeting because of an idea in my mind, to reorganize the medicine of the Five-Party Alliance and merge it into the medicine section of Lanrun Group , to maximize the sharing of resources while reducing the waste of resources, do you have any opinions?"

"The idea in my mind is that Lanrun Group is currently divided into cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and real estate, and the pharmaceutical sector is also sloppy, and everything starts from scratch. I plan to transfer the "Sanhe" life science and technology laboratory of the Five-Party Alliance Integrate and merge with all companies in the pharmaceutical business, so that the five-party alliance will regulate the pharmaceutical business a lot.”

"After all, the pharmaceutical industry has a broad prospect. If we want to develop well, we need a very mature and reasonable development plan! And after integrating the business of the five-party alliance with Lanrun Group, we have streamlined Lanrun in disguise. Redundant institutions and unreasonable places between various families, so that redundant talents and resources can be utilized in various effective positions."

"As for the pharmaceutical business, I plan to implement a shareholding system, and each family of the five-party alliance will distribute shares in a reasonable manner according to the amount of investment. However, the shares of the effective pharmaceutical company of Lanrun Group to be established can only be transferred to each other within the five-party alliance. , not for sale. This is a proposal, let’s take a look first!”

After Qin Lang finished speaking, he handed everyone a proposal on the establishment of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., which was initiated by Lanrun Group.

For these major decisions, he will naturally ask the company's professionals to make the necessary plans first, so that they can be discussed at this meeting.

Of course, it was a discussion, but he also knew that as long as he made a decision, the other parties would have no objections, and at most they would put forward some suggestions or opinions such as supplementary plans.

Next, Li Lengfeng, the old Patriarch Nalan, Boss Lei, and Duan Zhifei all carefully looked at the thick proposal. In fact, this proposal was perfected by Lanrun Company with reference to a lot of materials, and it involved every aspect of the medical company to be established. The distribution of benefits is also clearly introduced.

The future dividend distribution model of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. to be established is as follows. In addition to the shares owned by each family, there is also a dividend quota for each family's annual income.

The total shares of the pharmaceutical company basically remain unchanged, and have always been the original total value, and the dividends are transferred to the private bank accounts of the respective families every year, such as Qin Lang's dividends, which are transferred to the company's private account.


The meeting lasted for two days. No one had any opinion on the merger of the five-party alliance's laboratories and the pharmaceutical sector into Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Lanrun Group. After such resources are integrated, each family can draw out different The less manpower is used to do other things, which in a disguised form reduces the internal consumption of resources of the respective families.

Duan Zhifei's private laboratory in Singapore also participated in the reorganization at this meeting, and will become a part of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. in the future.

Regarding the distribution of shares in the pharmaceutical sector of the five-party alliance, Qin Lang takes the lead, with 50.00% of the shares. , obtained by Duan Zhifei, the chief expert and academic leader of the pharmaceutical sector laboratory.

Regarding Qin Lang's distribution, after studying it, everyone felt that they had no opinion.

This time, the establishment of the pharmaceutical company Qinlang is a full investment. The first phase of investment is estimated to be around [-] billion. It will be supervised by technical expert Duan Zhifei, and the five major forces of the five-party alliance will work together to reorganize resources and talents.

The position setting of the pharmaceutical company is currently as follows: the general manager is temporarily held by Tang Qian, the general manager of the group headquarters, and Tang Xue, the financial manager of the group headquarters, is also temporarily held concurrently. "All the researchers in the life science and technology laboratory, as well as the researchers in Duan Zhifei's Singapore laboratory, are all included in the medical establishment of Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.

There is a temporary shortage of persons in charge of some important department positions, some of which are held by the original management of the two laboratories, and the other part is temporarily transferred from the headquarters of Lan Run Group.


The meeting went smoothly, and by the afternoon of the next day, the five-party alliance had basically finalized all aspects of the newly established Lanrun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.

Then there are two major events: project site selection and funding in place!
The location of the project is the address where the pharmaceutical company is listed. At present, the floor of Lanrun Building is vacant, so the listing address of this pharmaceutical company is also set in Lanrun Building, where the executives of the pharmaceutical industry basically work.

However, the laboratory still uses the original "Sanhe" life science and technology laboratory and the "Duan Zhifei Private Laboratory" in Singapore, which is separated from the management of the pharmaceutical company.

For the recruitment and training of other vacant positions, the Human Resources Department of the Group Headquarters is temporarily in charge of this matter.

After everything was finalized, Qin Lang announced the adjournment of the meeting and began to lay out the framework of the newly established pharmaceutical company. He left all of this to Tang Qian. communicate.

In terms of funds, it is the most secondary issue.After two or three years of development, Lanrun Cosmetics Company has already had two or three billion book funds in the past six months, which are still on hold anyway, just to be used as working capital for the development of its subsidiaries.

In addition, it would be OK to borrow part of it from the bank. Anyway, Lanrun Company is developing benignly now, and it is also a source of high-quality customers on the bank side. It is easy to approve loans.

After dealing with these matters, Qin Lang will concentrate on practicing for the next two days. He has already bought a ticket in advance and is preparing to leave the sea of ​​clouds on the third day.


Magic City, the Asian branch of Reizman Cosmetics Group.

The Reizman Building in Shanghai, where the Asian branch is located, has a total of 200 floors. The entire building is owned by Reizman, and it is a relatively famous landmark building in Shanghai.

The building has not been subcontracted to other outsiders. The lower five floors are the comprehensive department store "Retzman Department Store Center", which deals in various department stores, daily necessities, clothing, electrical appliances and so on.

Among them, the Reitzman cosmetics chain counters occupy the entire fifth floor of the department store, which are full of Reitzman cosmetics counters, with a wide variety of varieties, ranging from shower products to skin care products.

Retzman Cosmetics was born in the late 50s and has a history of nearly 70 years. The various series of Retzman products have received a good response all over the world, but there is only one feature, which is relatively expensive.

In fact, the sales prices of the cosmetics counters of international first-line brands are relatively expensive, from Chanel, Yalan Shidai, to Reizman. Raw materials that originally cost a few yuan can be sold for at least thousands of yuan after being processed into products. above.

It turned out that the person in charge of the Asian branch was Noguli, the son of the group president Renault. Since Noguli was killed by Qin Lang, the headquarters sent Noguli's cousin Nicholas to take over as the general manager.

When Nicholas came to the Asian branch, the whole branch was in disarray, and it was with great difficulty that he regained control of the power of the entire branch, and then sent mutants to conduct a new round of harassing temptations against Qin Lang , It's a pity that Qin Lang severely taught him a lesson, and he was honest for several months.

Now hearing the news of Qin Lang's return to China, Noguli has been thinking about it for the past few days while sitting in the boss's chair. Now is the time to make a move. He decided to make a move against Qin Lang.

Of course, his purpose is not to avenge his cousin, but he has been thinking that if the troubles of Qin Lang and Lanrun Company can be solved, then the resistance encountered by Reizman's products in Asia will be greatly reduced, after all A strong competitor is missing.

In the past six months, as Lanrun Company has begun to seize the domestic market by a large margin, the market share of cosmetics has become smaller and smaller. Even though Retzman is an international first-line brand with a high reputation, Nikola still feels that the competition with this local force is getting more and more The more powerless.

There is a saying that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, which may be the reason, and it is inherently at a disadvantage.

Therefore, in order to fight back against Lanrun Nicholas, he had to come up with a useful move, so he thought of attacking Qin Lang again.

As long as the backstage boss of Lanrun is killed, Lanrun Company will definitely lose ground in the market competition without a leader.But Qin Lang is not an ordinary person, he has also experienced his strength, and ordinary mutants can't assassinate this kid.

So Nicholas has been applying to the headquarters to mobilize powerful mutants from the M laboratory to assist him to fulfill such a wish.

I don't know if it was because of the reason to avenge his missing son, but Renault actually transferred over a dozen top-level mutants to Nicholas very quickly.

It's a pity that the news in the Middle East is blocked, and the extraordinary mutants escaped from the Desert Fox somehow haven't returned to the M laboratory yet, so neither Renault nor Nicola knows what Qin Lang is doing in the Middle East , If you know it, it will definitely dispel this overwhelmed thinking.

At this moment, Nicholas is assigning tasks to his new bodyguard: "Look carefully at this photo, it is the target of the six of you in this operation, you must bring this kid's head back to me!"


A top-level mutant led the way.

(End of this chapter)

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