Chapter 1351 Refining Gu
Nascent Soul Middle Stage is finally done!

In addition to the directly improved cultivation, there are other changes brought about. The most important thing is that he has basically no worries about the lack of true energy. In the future, he can use the magic house without worrying about the lack of true energy. It is impossible to activate the precious magic weapon of the magic treasure house.

Compared with the early stage of Yuanying, the true energy in the middle stage of Yuanying is almost one in the sky and the other in the ground, and the battery life is five or six times longer.

In this way, Qin Lang, who could only use the magic weapon house for less than half an hour to fight at high intensity in the early days of Yuan Ying, can now increase to two or three hours, which is a qualitative improvement.

Before the mid-Yuanying period, the magic treasure house ghost ship could not be used as a conventional weapon, but now that the true energy has expanded again, Qin Lang can finally use the ghost ship as a conventional weapon.

However, the increase in the volume of true energy also means that Qin Lang now needs more pills and spirit stones to fill his meridians.

This is a very troublesome problem. Qin Lang's next practice will probably feel very constrained because he will need a lot of resources.

In fact, the earth is not as good as the cultivation world, and the cultivation resources are more scarce. With his current cultivation level, he needs a lot of spiritual stone pills, and the next breakthrough is expected to be even more troublesome.

Even, judging from the current cultivation resources of Qin Lang, it can only be supported to the peak of the mid-Yuanying period in the end. If he can't get a lot of supplements again, breaking through to the late stage of the Nascent Soul is estimated to have become a luxury.

However, there is still a long way to go to reach the peak of Yuanying mid-stage, so Qin Lang is not in a hurry for the time being, so take your time.

While cultivating, I also pay more attention to collecting cultivation resources at ordinary times, so as to save more and waste less, and make rational use of every hard-earned cultivation resource in the future. .

After sorting out his future training ideas, Qin Lang looked at the sky, and it is estimated that there are still two or three hours before dawn.

It was still early, so he took out another dozen middle-grade spirit stones, and started to practice again, preparing to slowly replenish the expanded meridians in his body with true energy.

This time, Qin Lang spent a full 3000 yuan of middle-grade spiritual power to fully replenish his body's true energy. Now the number of middle-grade spirit stones on his body is less than 5000 yuan. In addition, there are nearly 900 yuan of high-grade spirit stones that can also be used for cultivation.

However, the top-grade spirit stone replenishes true energy much faster than the middle-grade spirit stone. Qin Lang usually uses it to recover quickly during the battle and use it for emergency. It can be used in critical moments, so try not to use this kind of good thing when you usually practice.

The next day, when the sun was drying their buttocks, many hangover people in the cottage started to get up.

After Qin Lang used the special breakfast in the cottage, he finally saw Mu Ziqing. At this moment, this guy's footsteps are a little sloppy. It can be seen that he exhausted his physical strength and energy last night, but his spirit is very good.

Seeing Qin Lang, Mu Ziqing looked a little embarrassed, obviously knowing that the matter of being "forcibly" pulled into the house by Miao Nu last night could not escape Qin Lang's eyes.

"Congratulations! It seems that my brother is almost going to be the son-in-law of old man Qiu Sheng."

Qin Lang joked.

"Cough cough." Mu Ziqing scratched his head and laughed foolishly.

This skinny Miao man has suffered for decades, and finally met his own happiness, and his current mood is understandable.

This is Dazhai's living room, the two had a conversation, and gradually a Miao girl came up to serve them tea.

"Dear guest, this is our cottage specialty Miaohua tea. It is brewed from flowers and the morning rain and dew. Try it!"

Miao Nu introduced.

"good smell."

Qin Lang sniffed it and said, this Hundred Flowers Tea is different from the tea ceremony in the Central Plains, it should be a kind of scented tea that is a special product of Miaojiang, it smells very fragrant, but it has a faint sweet taste after taking a sip, it should be that honey is added to the tea .

Moreover, this kind of honey is sweet and has a bit of bitterness. It should not be domestic bees, but the honey produced by wild bees in the forest, which is very precious.

"This hundred flower tea should be added with rock honey!"

Mu Ziqing was very familiar with the ingredients in this tea, and after drinking it, he named the honey.

He took a sip and was immediately full of praise.This tea is really delicious.

"That's right, it's rock honey."

Miao Nu smiled and said.

And Mu Ziqing explained to Qin Lang: "The rock bee is a specialty of Miaojiang. The Miaojiang is mountainous. The rock bee grows between the cliffs and builds nests to produce honey. This kind of bee has a long vitality. If there is nothing wrong with a rock bee, it will be normal." They can live for three years, so the honey in the rock bee's nest is also accumulated year by year, forming a crystal block."

"In Miaojiang, there are specialized honey hunters. Every July and August, they will search for the nests of rock bees in the mountains and look for honey. They usually form groups of three or five, and use special slings to climb the cliffs to collect honey. Generally speaking, if you are lucky, a rock bee nest can produce about two to three hundred catties of rock honey."

"Rock honey is actually like wine. The more it is put, the more fragrant it is. This kind of honey tastes very refreshing and has good nutrition. Many long-lived people in various villages in Miaojiang usually drink more rock honey."

After listening to Mu Ziqing's introduction, Qin Lang was more interested in this rock honey. This rock honey is also a good treasure in the secular world. He could sense that the honey-filled hundred flower tea actually had a touch of aura, although for the current For him, this bit of aura is dispensable, but for ordinary people, this kind of rock honey is undoubtedly a treasure that prolongs life.

After drinking Baihua tea for a while, the old village owner Qiu Sheng and the leaders of the village came to the Dazhai living room one after another, mainly to discuss some matters.

Before discussing the matter, first of all, most of the leaders congratulated the old village master and congratulated his daughter Xianruo on finding Mr. Ruyi.

Hearing everyone's congratulations, Qiu Sheng also laughed, and said: "I will arrange my daughter's wedding as soon as possible, and then everyone will drink wedding wine! However, you have to ask the young couple about the wedding date, after all I, Qiusheng, am an open-minded person, and I don’t want to talk about it like other cottages.”

"Father is so kind."

Xianruo said with a smile when she heard it.

But Mu Ziqing smiled and said: "I plan to wait until after that old thief Guola is overthrown, and then have a grand wedding. I don't know if Xianruo and the old man can afford to wait..."

"This one……"

Qiu Sheng was also hesitant when he heard that, the Guola guy in Anokeyi has almost become the heart disease of the entire Yiqian Miao Village. Their tribe also wants to get rid of this person, and restore the tribe to be quiet, but they want to bring this person down It's not easy, in fact, Qiusheng is not half sure yet.

If he can't take down the old villain Guolana for a long time, is it true that his daughter will be single for such a long time and live a marriage life in name only with Mu Ziqing?

As Xianruo's father, he certainly hoped that his daughter would have a prosperous and prosperous marriage as soon as possible.

What's more, I don't know what Mu Ziqing did to his daughter last night, maybe he will become a grandfather in ten months.

But since Mu Ziqing mentioned this matter, he couldn't pretend he didn't hear it, and wanted to discuss a way to bring down this old thief.

In fact, the important thing to discuss in the gathering hall this time is to discuss how to deal with Guo La's group of forces.

After a lot of discussion on the scene, finally, this regular meeting started.

Originally, the regular meeting of the Yiquan cottage was a discussion with more than a dozen leaders of the clan, and occasionally guests from a few small cottages from the friendly side came, but in the past few years, the alliance forces in Yiquan have basically been defeated by Anoke. According to eradication and annexation, so now the regular meeting of the cottage is becoming more and more deserted.

Fortunately, Yixuan is one of the three largest groups of mature seedlings in southern Xinjiang.

It is easier for Anokeyi to annex the small villages of Yigui's allies, but it takes a huge price to annex Yikuu all of a sudden. Therefore, Guo La, the current village owner of Anokeyi, has not opposed Yigui in recent years. Hush hands.

However, this situation is only temporary. If Ren Anokeyi continues to develop like this, he will become stronger and stronger, while Yixuan is getting weaker and weaker. In the end, Arnokeyi under the leadership of Guo La will definitely have a crush on Yixuan. to start an all-out war.

Moreover, this time is likely to be in the next three to five years or so, so Yixuan must find a countermeasure as soon as possible.

And this time the opening of King Miao's Treasure is a very crucial opportunity. Yikuo also wants to get in touch with Miao King Temple through the matter of Miao King's Treasure, and at the same time form alliances with more cottages, so as to fight against A Nuo Ke Yi is also much more powerful.

After all, there are hundreds of villages in Miaojiang. In addition to the mature Miao tribes close to the Han area, there are also different Miao villages such as Shengmiao and Black Miao.

"Xiaoqing, how is the collection of Qiqing and Gu refining materials going in our village?"

At this time, Qiu Sheng asked one of the Miao people.

This Miao man is also a leader of the Miao village, and is the number two person in the entire Yiquan village.

At this time, he clasped his hands and replied: "Master, there are seven refining materials for Qiqing and Gu. Our cottage has pearl fruit and evil-proof grass, and others such as heartbroken flowers, sky thorns, poisonous gourds, purple snake needles, women's Xinxindu has already reserved five copies through resource exchanges with other Miao villages, and they should be able to try refining."

"That's good, bring all the materials to the Gu room, and I'll start refining Gu myself after the meeting is over!"

Qiu Sheng nodded and said.

During the conversation of these leaders, Qin Lang also knew that Qiu Sheng, the old village master, was a Gu master of the orthodox witch level, with extraordinary ability to refine Gu.

"The Gu masters in Miaojiang have never experienced Gu refining Gu before, and I don't know if the old man Qiu Sheng will agree to my request for observation."

At this moment, Qin Lang's mind turned to such thoughts.

It's no wonder that he is a cultivator, and he has curiosity and exploration of all the strange things in this world. This is the thirst for knowledge that a normal cultivator should have. There is no longer any forward momentum.

And Qin Lang quietly told Mu Ziqing what was in his mind, and during the consultation, Mu Ziqing told him: "Miaojiang voodoo is generally a very private inheritance, and will not be shown to outsiders."

"However, the refining of the seven emotions and Gu is actually an open secret for the public in Miaojiang. Basically, all the cottages have mastered it. Only the outside Han people don't know about it. So the refining of the seven emotions and Gu is not the case. If If you ask the old village master to observe, the old man Qiu Sheng will probably agree to your small request."

"Oh, all right."

Nodding his head, Qin Lang asked Qiu Sheng to observe Gu refining.

Sure enough, Qiu Sheng didn't think much about it at all, and agreed to Qin Lang's small request.

In fact, what neither of them knew was that today is different from the past, and the mature Miao tribes are gradually becoming more open, especially in the past twenty years. In some Miao villages, there have been precedents where Han people learned the esoteric Gu art.

Of course, these are all things that happened in some small tribes of mature Miao. These small tribes of mature Miao have been assimilated more seriously through intermarriage between Miao and Han, so there will be such abnormalities.

Such a thing has never happened in big Miao villages like Yixuan and Arnokeyi.

(End of this chapter)

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