Chapter 1352
Miao people are very decisive people, and they will never be procrastinating in doing things. After the meeting, the old man Qiu Sheng immediately went to the voodoo house in the cottage to refine the seven emotions and voodoo.

According to the legend, there are many ways to refine Gu, but the steps before refining are similar. After preparing the necessary materials, you need to clean the Gu room, and you need to burn incense and bathe after refining Gu. Before praying to ghosts and gods, you can refine Gu.

Qin Lang followed Qiu Sheng into the Gu room. It was not a very big room, and the inside was very clean, but there were more than a dozen sealed vats of different sizes. Gu worms are raised.

Before refining Gu, Qiu Sheng told Qin Lang: "There are many ways to refine Gu, and there are two types of long refining and short refining. Generally, most of the Gu worms on Gu masters go through long refining, that is, after selecting the materials of the Gu, put them into similar In this kind of airtight vat in the gu house, pray once every night before going to sleep, and once again before dawn every day, and pray for three years in a row without a single day."

"Besides, during the three years of raising Gu and praying, the vat could not be opened. Once opened, all the Gu objects in it would be destroyed. In this way, the significance of building a Gu house in a cottage comes out. It can be said that the Gu house is The arsenal of the Shanzhai provides all kinds of Gu items, and it is also the place where the Shanzhai needs to be strictly guarded against."

"The long refining method is generally very effective, especially the natal core Gu is refined in this way. This method of refining Gu requires the Gu master's perseverance and patience, and slowly waits for the Gu to be released. Now the dozen or so vats in front of us The Gu objects inside are all the new batch of natal Gu that I arranged half a year ago and refined for the people in the village."

Qiu Sheng introduced the origin of these vats to Qin Lang, and then said: "The refining method of Qiqing and Gu is different from the core Gu of life and the general refining method of Gu insects. Qiqing and Gu adopt short refining methods. However, this short refining method has a high failure rate and consumes a lot of materials, often a Gu master may not be able to succeed if it is performed ten or eight times."

"Generally speaking, the two methods of refining Gu have their own advantages and disadvantages. The long refining method basically has no failure rate. The disadvantage is that the waiting time is long. The advantage of the short refining method is that as long as the resources are sufficient, there is no need to wait for a long time. The disadvantage is failure. The high rate consumes a lot of resources.”

"The seven emotions and Gu's ingredients are Pearl Fruit, Evil Resisting Grass, Heartbroken Flower, Sky Spike, Poisonous Gourd, Purple Snake Needle, and Woman's Heart. Now I have prepared five parts of these seven main ingredients for refining Gu. You can try to refine them. Gu five times, but there is no guarantee that the Gu will be successfully refined after five times."

Afterwards, Qiu Sheng, who had burned incense and bathed, prayed first, and then began the refining process of the Valley of Seven Emotions.

Qin Lang saw that he first opened a series of wonderful Gu refining techniques, mixed a portion of Gu refining ingredients, then inhaled from his chest and abdomen, and exhaled violently, the breath was spit out together with the witch fire in his body, and smelted the Gu refining ingredients. .

The materials for refining Gu in the air began to burn violently, and what was strange was that the flames were actually black.

However, the old man Qiu Sheng kept his mouth still when he was refining Gu, and he was able to use ventriloquism to introduce Qin Lang: "Now is the key to refining the seven emotions and Gu. The seven emotions belong to the five internal organs, namely happiness, anger, worry, Thinking, sadness, fear, and fright are the seven emotional changes, which are the collection of the mental state of the human body."

"Among the seven emotions, joy comes from the heart, anger comes from the liver, worry comes from the lungs, thoughts come from the spleen, fear comes from the kidneys, the birth of a baby is like a white paper, and the will is produced by the seven emotions, so the seven emotions are also the will of heaven and earth derivation."

"In addition to these materials, the refining of the seven emotions and Gu also needs to communicate with the will of the world and concentrate the seven emotions into the Gu materials. The method is to use the maiden's tears which contain seven emotions to add to the Gu material and refine it."

"However, although the girl's tears contain the seven emotions, they are also tainted with popularity. Compared with the pure will of heaven and earth, there are still some impurities. Therefore, the success rate of this method of refining Gu is lower than that of purely communicating the will of heaven and earth. It may not be successful even if it is controlled twenty times, it is far inferior to purely communicating with the will of heaven and earth to refine Gu."

"The method I'm showing now is the method of communicating with the will of heaven and earth to refine Gu..."

Qiu Shengxuan'ao's technique of refining Gu has been uninterrupted, and with his movements, the black fireball flame in the air gradually disappeared, and then flashed bright or colorful lights, which has always been very unstable. It is also Qiu Sheng who is refining Gu while communicating with the will of heaven and earth.


Although the white light went out, a cloud of white smoke rose from the unformed Gu, after the smoke, the original Gu refining materials disappeared.

This time refining Gu actually failed!
However, he was well prepared for the failure of refining Gu. Since he adopted the short-term refining method, he had to bear this kind of failure rate with an uncertain probability. He might succeed once or twice if he was lucky, or eight times out of ten times. It may not be able to be refined every time.

Anyway, this time to refine Qiqing and Gu Shanzhai prepared five Gu refining materials, that is to say, there are still four chances, and Qiu Sheng is not in a hurry, and even if he fails to refine Qiqing and Gu in these five times, he Don't be discouraged, when the time comes, slowly collect materials and continue.

Anyway, there are not many clever wizards in Miaojiang. At present, hundreds of cottages are working overtime for Qiqing and Gu, but there are probably few who are truly successful.

Qiu Sheng reckoned that he would definitely be among the first batch of successful refiners of Qiqing and Gu. It would be difficult to rank in the top three, but it would be no problem to be in the top ten.After all, Yiqian is also a large village among the mature seedlings, and in addition, he has a lot of resources for refining the seven emotions and Gu in his hands. Compared with most cottages, he still has a certain advantage in terms of resources.

Afterwards, Qiu Sheng went on to test three times, but he must have failed without exception. You must know that he is a Gu Wu at the level of a righteous witch, and he has decades of experience in refining Gu. This shows the effectiveness of the short refining method. Unstable, resource consumption is too huge.

However, the old man Qiusheng's mentality is very good. He failed four times in a row, and his face has not changed, and his mood has not changed much.

At this time, when he was about to pick up the fifth refining material, he was stopped by Qin Lang: "Wait a minute, I have something that can boost your success rate of refining Gu."


Qiu Sheng stopped his hands and looked at Qin Lang very curiously, wondering why this young Han man said such a thing.

Then Qin Lang took out a compass-like thing from his body: "This is a lucky compass. After opening it, it can increase the user's luck index by 50.00%. I beg Mr. Sheng, please inject a piece of magic power into the compass to activate it, and then perform seven If you refine emotions and Gu, you will be much more confident."

Is that true?Looking at Qin Lang, he felt that the young Han man spoke very seriously, and Qiu Sheng also dubiously injected a bit of witchcraft into the lucky compass.

In fact, Qiu Sheng didn't know what the luck index was, but Qin Lang's solemn expression just now made Qiu Sheng choose to believe in this Han kid, so let's take it for a try, even if he fails in refining Gu this time, it's okay.

Of course, if it works this time, maybe this weird lucky compass really has something to do with it.When injecting witch power just now, Qiu Sheng also felt that this thing was a bit unusual.

However, Qin Lang knew that when the lucky compass was turned on, Qiusheng's luck increased substantially. It used to be that the success rate of refining Gu was less than one-tenth, but now it suddenly increased by [-] to [-]%. Finished Gu will appear in one refinement.

And this time, Qiu Sheng didn't know if it was because he had turned on the lucky compass, his mentality became more peaceful during the process of refining Gu, and he continued to carry out the steps of refining Gu without panicking.

And when Qiu Sheng fused the Gu material, the fused Gu material once again appeared white light, but it was not flickering like before, but always shining, like a small incandescent light bulb.

"It became..."

When the white light gradually faded, the old village master Qiu Sheng let out a cry of surprise.

At this moment, something like a colorful ribbon appeared in his hand. This is the formed Qiqing and Gu. As the key to open the Miao King Temple, Qiqing and Gu are not ordinary Gu insects, but similar to the pole rope. Artifact Gu.

"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple! The seven colors correspond to the seven emotions. This is the perfect seven emotions and Gu. Haha, I didn't expect it to come true... This time, when the treasure of King Miao is opened, there must be my clothes. Miao Village has a place."

Qiu Sheng held Qiqing and Gu, and let out a burst of hearty laughter, which was a huge surprise.

With these seven emotions and Gu, he can then contact the Miao Temple and obtain the support of one of the noble priests in the temple.

Even if in the next process of searching for King Miao's treasure, he is lucky enough to get the high priest's inheritance token, then the difficulties in front of Yiquan Village will be nothing... At that time, with the support of the new high priest, he will be able to deal with a mere Anokoy What is so difficult about the cottage.

The successful refining of the seven emotions and Gu is a great joy, because it involves the biggest political event in Miaojiang, the Miao Temple, the holy place in the minds of the Miao people in Miaojiang, and the next election of the high priest of the temple. .

The success of refining the voodoo this time is entirely due to the help of Qin Lang, so the old village owner is also very grateful to Qin Lang, and regards Qin Lang as a nobleman in the cottage.

For the next few days, they were served with good wine and good food, and besides Qiu Sheng himself, there were also a group of cottage leaders who accompanied the wine.While eating and drinking, Yiquan Shanzhai also sent believers to the Miao King Temple, and began to contact the priests in the temple, preparing to participate in the opening of the Miao King's treasure.

"There are five priests of this generation in the Miao Temple, all of whom are strong contenders for the high priest. However, Aruoboi Village has already contacted Priest Mama, who is currently ranked second in strength, so we have to rule out these priests. One. Among the remaining four priests are Mantou, Qinghu, Goat, and Qizhi."

"Among them, the barbarian priest is the most powerful, but his mind is very poor. It is not suitable to be the heir of the high priest. The green fox and the goat are more hostile to the Shumiao tribe, so they are not suitable. In the end, only the enlightened priest is left. .”

"Although Priest Qizhi is not the strongest among the five priests, he is the one with the most brilliant mind. I believe we will not be disappointed if we support this person in Yiyu Shanzhai."

At a banquet in the cottage, Qiu Sheng said this to everyone in the cottage, it can be seen that the old village owner has also worked hard to analyze the power of the priests at the Miao Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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