Chapter 1353
While sending people to contact the Miao Temple, Yi Cui also sent people to visit the two cottages with which he had a good relationship, to discuss the matter of participating in King Miao's Treasure and dealing with Aruokeyi.

Originally, there were five cottages that had a good relationship with Yiquan, but three of them were wiped out by Arokeyi in the past few years, and now there are two remaining, namely Zhashui Village and Tuoma Village.

These two cottages are close to each other, and both are on the north side of Yikuan cottage.

The reason why these two friendly cottages have not been wiped out by Arokey until now is that they are far away from Arokey’s sphere of influence, and the other reason is that the remaining two cottages are not too weak, at least It is stronger than the three cottages that were destroyed by Arokeyi before.

Therefore, it will not be easy for Arokey to eat these two cottages in a short period of time.

However, the current Aruokeyi is getting stronger and stronger, and the scope of the territory is getting wider and wider. If Yixuan and the remaining two allies have not thought of a good way to deal with it in the next few years, I am afraid that they will inevitably be defeated in the end. The fate of the annexation.

So now the three grasshoppers tied to a rope must struggle to fight back.

However, the messengers sent by Yixuan to contact the two friendly villages did not return for a long time. Two days later, Qiu Sheng, who felt something was wrong, used the ancestral witchcraft method of the village to give a divination to the two travellers. Gua, the result is very bad.

So he immediately called the people from the Shanzhai for a short meeting, and decided to send another team to form an elite team, preparing to contact the two allies of the Shanzhai again.

This elite team is all Miao girls, still led by Qiusheng's daughter Xianruo.

And Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing are both mixed in the team, and they are also planning to go out with them to gain knowledge.

After driving on the mountain road for about a day, the team finally arrived at Zhashui Village, one of the friendly villages.

Afterwards, Xianruo, the leader of the Miao girl, got in touch with the leader of Zhashui village, but the result was very satisfactory—the two messengers sent before had never been to Zhashui village at all.

How is this going?It stands to reason that the two messengers sent by Yijuan Village should have arrived at Zhashui Village four days ago. Did something unexpected happen on the way?

Everyone on Yiku's side suddenly had bad thoughts, and an elite Miao girl on Yikuo's side said, "Could it be that people from Anokeyi did it?"

Apart from thinking of this possibility, she really couldn't think of other possibilities.

After all, the person who can be selected as a messenger to take on the task of delivering important information for the two villages will not be very weak, and any external conditions such as weather and terrain cannot affect the messenger.

Unless... someone is playing tricks.


Xianruo frowned and said.

After all, everyone is hostile to Arokey at present, and it is normal for Arokey to send people to ambush inside the hostile forces to carry out robbery and killing activities.

But on the side of Zhashui Village, the village owner Poma shook his head and suggested another possibility: "In the past two months, the area around our Zhashui Village has not been peaceful, and the crisis comes from the Unfeeling Valley area more than 50 miles away. , there is a fierce beast that escaped from the depths of the Miao border, and now many Miao people in this village try to avoid the Valley of Unrequited Love when they go out to avoid danger."

"I think it's very likely that the two messengers you sent out before Yiqun encountered that beast. After all, Unfeeling Valley is the only route between Yiqun and Zhashui Village."

Boma's words made Xianruo's expression condense: "Miaojiang fierce beasts appeared in the Valley of Unfeeling... But, we came this way, and it seems that we didn't find anything unusual when we passed through the Valley of Unfeeling."

"That's a big barbaric cow... Our village was once patronized by this beast two months ago. Although there were no casualties, the livestock in the village suffered serious losses. At least half of the poultry and livestock were killed. ,bite."

Boma said: "For the past two months, I have been trying to find a way to get rid of this beast, but I have no idea."

"Oh, is that so?"

Yi Ruo nodded. "Then when the two messengers from our village came to Zhashui Village, they probably encountered this wild bull going out, and thus encountered an accident."

The Great Barbaric Bull likes to lurk and lethargy. When it is lurking, its breath is not obvious, and it will only go out to look for food when it is hungry. It is a fierce beast that only exists in the forbidden area deep in the Miaojiang. It is equivalent to a fifth-order monster in the cultivation world. Later cultivators will be able to deal with it.

Such a ferocious beast, ordinary Miao people would simply deliver food when encountering it, so the two believers must have encountered unexpected events.

The truth of the matter came to light, so Xianruo discussed with Poma, the owner of Zhashui Village, how to get rid of this beast and avenge the two dead messengers.

"Is it equivalent to a fifth-order monster..."

Qin Lang next to him thought about it for a while. With the ability of this big barbaric bull, it would be difficult for the Zhashui village master of the second witch level and Xianruo's reinforcements to deal with it, but if he added himself, it would be no problem. up.

Afterwards, Zhashui village assembled a team of about a dozen people, together with Xianruohui, and drove towards the Valley of Unrequited Love. A group of twenty or so people were murderous, ready to kill the beast lurking in the Valley of Unrequited Love. "

Unfeeling Valley, this is a valley where a kind of unfeeling grass, a unique Gu-raising resource in Miaojiang, grows. Although unfeeling grass is distributed in many places in Miaojiang, Unfeeling Valley is definitely the area with the most concentrated unfeeling grass in the entire Miaojiang.

A group of people soon arrived outside the Heartless Valley, and saw a large patch of red and green jagged grass of Heartless Grass, which was growing very luxuriantly.

This kind of unfeeling grass is beautiful in appearance, but it is actually very poisonous. More than 80.00% of the Gu insects in Miaojiang like this kind of grass food, so although the unfeeling grass is just an ordinary food for Gu insects, it is also indispensable for the entire Miaojiang. a resource.

The Great Wilderness Bull is in the valley, and with the elite strength of the two villages of Yixuan and Zhashui, it is still very possible to kill this beast, so Qin Lang is not planning to take action for the time being, but to act as a guardian for the group, if other people can't deal with it At that time, he was ready to shoot.

After all, the current Qin Lang is already a cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period, and he can already be regarded as a real master in this world, so a master must have the demeanor of a master, if there is a little problem, he has to be busy, That's a little too cheap.

It was Qin Lang who was leading the formation, and now those who were ready to attack were the three second-level witch-level Gu Masters, Xianruo, Mu Ziqing, and Boma, and about twenty junior-level subordinates behind him.

After entering the valley, everyone soon followed the traces to find the location of this fierce beast. The wild bull was sleeping in a hole on the mountain wall in the valley, and it was still snoring, shaking like a thunderstorm. The sound of the mountain.

When they really stepped forward, everyone realized how huge this beast was, at least two or three times larger than an elephant. The body lying on the ground looked like a mountain of meat, at least thirty tons in weight.

After all the subordinates were arranged in an attacking formation, the three sub-witches Xianruo, Mu Ziqing, and Boma began to tease this savage beast. Although this big savage cow screamed loudly, but its sense of aura But it was extremely keen, and it was awakened as soon as the three secondary witches were within five feet of their bodies.

Then, this fierce beast looked at the few tiny humans who disturbed its sleep, and its eyes turned red. This kind of food-level guy actually wants to break ground on Tai Sui's head, and he really doesn't want to live!
As a result, this mountain of meat suddenly stood up, and the surroundings felt like the mountains were shaking.

The battle begins immediately!This group of Miaojiang voodoo was very close and formed a formation, which also prevented the Great Barbarian Bull's best bull rushing ability from being activated, which undoubtedly caused a lot of disadvantages.

However, as a ferocious beast comparable to a fifth-order monster in the cultivation world, the Great Barbarian Cow has thick skin and thick flesh, and its defense is really extraordinary. The seedlings and knives of the surrounding suppressors can't cut through the hide of the ferocious beast. The hide is almost ten times tougher than cowhide. These people's seedlings and knives can only leave shallow marks on the surface of the beast.

Even after hacking, many people found that the seedlings and knives in their hands had curled and were no longer sharp.

Everyone showed their performance, but there was no progress. Instead, several guys were injured by the force of the wild bull, and finally had to leave the battle circle.

This situation also surprised Qin Lang, what a powerful wild bull!This defensive ability is almost stronger than that of a sixth-order monster.

"Not good! This big savage cow should be parasitized with powerful Gu insects, this should be the effect of the parasitized bast skin Gu!"

Bo Ma, the head of Zhashui Village, gave a loud shout.

Although Poma is only a secondary witch, Poma is the oldest among all the people present, and he is also the most knowledgeable. He explained the real reason why the body of this wild beast is so powerful.

"Blast Gu..."

The others were shocked when they heard it.

Tough skin Gu has been lost for many years in the entire southern border. This ancient Gu insect can greatly enhance the user's defense ability. At present, almost no one knows how to refine it. Unexpectedly, there are still wild Gu insects now. And it is parasitic on this wild beast.

With this special defensive Gu worm, the strength of this wild bull, which was originally equivalent to a fifth-level monster, has once again improved, almost equivalent to a sixth-level monster.

"The magic weapon... broken!"

But Mu Ziqing didn't believe in evil, and directly sacrificed nearly a hundred magic weapons in the air to attack them together, and the hundreds of magic weapons fell like rain.

Fluttering, the body of the Great Barbaric Bull forcibly withstood the attacks of hundreds of magic weapons, as if it was beating a drum.

However, after Mu Ziqing's round of attack, the big barbaric green bull was safe and sound, and even looked at Mu Ziqing with a mocking look from the bull's eyes, and then swung a huge bull leg, throwing a water that was trying to sneak attack. The Zhai people kicked them badly, vomited blood, and flew back upside down.

Come on!The Great Wilderness Bull was so arrogant, Poma was also angry when he saw his clansman being injured, and summoned his natal core Gu to come out: "Golden Knife Gu! Break it for me!"

A golden light spewed out from Poma's mouth, turned into a virtual and real sword glow, and directly slashed at this wild beast. When it fell on the wild bull, blood splattered all over the place!
Has it worked? !The others were all refreshed.

But at any moment, the wild bull would go berserk. Poma's Golden Knife Gu had indeed played a role, cutting a knife-shaped wound half an inch deep on its body, but this wound was not even a minor wound. , but angered this brutal guy.

(End of this chapter)

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