The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1354 Wild Gu Insects

Chapter 1354 Wild Gu Insects
"Ow ooh..."

The big barbaric bull raised its head to the sky and roared, its body swelled up again as if it was inflated, its eyes were now red, staring at the Poma that caused it damage, the right hoof of the two front hooves was hard on the ground. He planed hard, and he was about to rush over.

Bulls charge!

The Dahuang Barbarian Bull finally started to use its natural skills, and knocked away the fleas around it with brute force, like a person knocked on its back.Then rushed out like a locomotive!
not good!

Seeing the big barbaric bull rushing towards him in an unstoppable manner, the face of Zama village master Poma turned pale. If he was hit by a tendon and broken bones, his bones would still be light, and he would probably die. The attack just now provoked a lot of hatred from the wild bull.

Just when the wild bull was about to get close, Qin Lang made a move, he lifted Poma's collar with a dodge, and pulled it out with another dodge.

The wild bull like a locomotive drove past where Poma was originally standing, but it didn't hit anyone, because Qin Lang rescued the person in that short moment just now.

"Thank you!"

Boma thanked Qin Lang and said with lingering fear.

If it wasn't for Qin Lang, he might have been hit by a wild bull, and he would have died in a miserable state.

"You're welcome."

Qin Lang naturally didn't take this trivial matter to heart.

However, due to the parasitic wild Gu worms on the body, the fighting power of the Great Barbaric Bull has been greatly improved, which aroused his interest.

He patted Poma on the shoulder and motioned for this guy to step back. He was ready to try the power of this savage beast.

Qin Lang didn't show his weapon, but used the Dragon Elephant Fist when the Great Barbaric Bull rushed again. Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist was once again powerful after Qin Lang reached the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and he already had more than 100 tons of it. strength.

The Dahuang Barbarian Bull has a body of more than 30 tons, and with its own charging power, it is estimated to be about the same level. The two collided fiercely at the moment.

In the next step, the huge body of the wild bull flew up, rolled several times in the air, and fell dozens of feet away.

Qin Lang collided with the wild bull just now, the strength of the two was about the same, Qin Lang's fist power actually prevailed, and it was also because the wild bull collided entirely by brute force, and did not know how to use cleverness like a human.

In this case, the Dahuang Barbarian Bull was still at a disadvantage under Qin Lang's Dacheng Dragon Elephant Fist, and was blown away by a blow that took most of its strength off.

However, the Great Wilderness Bull, which was parasitized with the wild defensive Gu worm bast Gu, was hit so hard, and when it got up from the ground, it was completely fine, with two black hole-like nostrils puffing out white gas, staring at it. Qin Lang seemed very unconvinced, and began to fight harder, and rushed over again with all his strength.

The Barbaric Bull Charge launched again, this time the Dahuang Barbaric Bull showed all its abilities, with greater power and momentum!
But there is a saying that goes well, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, the more the Great Barbaric Bull wants to smash this tiny little class in front of him, the less likely it will be successful.

When the wild bull slammed into it again, Qin Lang swung his fist again, and with a bang, the beast's body flew upside down again, repeating the scene just now.

The Great Desolate Bull fell heavily to the ground, and when it got up again, it shook its head, feeling that the surrounding environment was shaking violently, but its body was still unharmed.

Seeing this situation in Qin Lang's eyes, he was also quite surprised. He used [-]% of his strength for that punch just now. If it were an opponent in the early Yuanying period, he might not be able to catch it. Although I was in a bit of a panic, unexpectedly, I was fine. It seems that the bast Gu parasitic on the body is really unusual.

It really deserves to be an ancient Gu worm that has been lost for many years. It seems that these Gu techniques of Miao Jiang really have merits, not necessarily inferior to those of cultivators.

However, the strongest method for cultivators is to pursue longevity, which is beyond the reach of various voodoo techniques. Since ancient times, voodoo witches have rarely lived beyond three hundred years. This is an iron fact.

The savage bull was smashed into the air again, but this savage ferocious beast has a muscle in its head and doesn't know how to maneuver at all.

It felt very unconvinced, so it charged again, but the result was still the same.

But it still refused to accept it, so it came again, and was beaten into the air again.

No, come again...

I don't know how many times I tried, no matter how strong this fierce beast was, it was still panting from exhaustion.

Da Huang Man Niu shook his head and finally regained consciousness. He felt that the guy in front of him was not easy to mess with, so he was going to change his target and deal with other people who had been kicked out by him before.

But Qin Lang didn't give it a chance anymore. Seeing this guy get up again, he caught up with him in a flash and punched him with a fist: "Come again! Let me try your fierce beast's ability!"

boom!A fist came up, directly hitting the big barbaric bull so that stares appeared in his eyes, and he almost fainted.

You must know that Qin Lang's fist strength is more than 100 tons each time. This kind of strength is almost the same as hitting a mountain. Although the wild bull has bast Gu to protect the body, the brain can't bear this huge force. Shock.


Laughing loudly, Qin Lang blasted seven or eight shots one after another, all of which hit the head of the wild bull, like this fierce beast smashed its head full.

That's right!It's full of hair. Although the Great Wilderness Bull has bast skin Gu to protect the body, Qin Lang's strength is so great. The current appearance of the Great Wilderness Bull with the head full of hair is not to mention how funny. It fell down immediately.


The Great Desolate Bull sighed unceasingly, now there is no such invincible appearance just now, the front hooves of the whole body have been knelt down, and the head is buried in the ground, it looks like this guy has committed a crime and is punishing him by kneeling. files,

Qin Lang beat him hard, completely knocking down the arrogance of this beast. After losing the aura of the original beast, the current Great Wilderness Bull looks like a domesticated animal, except that the animal is bigger in size.

"Aren't you convinced!"

Qin Lang slammed down again, knocking out another big bag on the guy's head.


The wild bull nodded in fright. In fact, this ferocious beast has a certain degree of intelligence. It knows that it will be fruitless if it resists any longer. The human being in front of it is too terrifying, and it has completely subverted its cognition.

It's really unlucky... The Dahuang Barbarian Bull has been completely convinced, and he doesn't dare to mess around anymore.

"Alright, since you're convinced, I won't kill you either!"

Qin Lang nodded, then changed his tone and said, "However, the death penalty is inevitable, but the living penalty cannot be are greedy and lazy. Clansman, then I will punish you as a guardian beast for the Yiqu Mountain Village!"

"Howl..." Hearing the words of the human in front of him, the Great Wilderness Bull was also dumbfounded.

"Why don't you accept it? If you don't accept it, I will kill you!"

Qin Lang threatened strongly.

"Howling!" Under the pressure of the situation, Dahuang Barbarian Bull had to bow his head.

"Okay, then now I will brand your physical strength with a prohibition mark to prevent you from regenerating the heart of resistance."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lang ignored the feelings of the Great Wilderness Bull and began to use restraint methods on the Great Wilderness Bull.

At the same time that the restriction was imposed, Qin Lang signed a master-servant contract with this guy, which is an added layer of insurance. In this way, this wild beast will have no possibility of making trouble at all. From now on, it will no longer be a stubborn bull, but a Even if you want to be lazy, you can't be a qualified beast to protect the stronghold. There are Qin Lang's restraint methods on it.

The reason why Qin Lang didn't directly kill this beast this time is because he valued its strong defense. With the wild bast Gu on his body, this wild bull has a stronger defense than ordinary sixth-order monsters. Ability, if it can be subdued, it will really not be the same help to the friendly cottages in Miaojiang.

Think about it, just now the three primary witch-level Gu witches plus more than [-] secondary witch-level Miaomin elites failed to take it down, so you can know how powerful this guy is, with this ferocious guard With the existence of divine beasts, even if Anokeyi wants to attack several cottages in Yigui in the future, he has to carefully weigh his ability.

And at this time, seeing Qin Lang subdue this ferocious wild beast, all the Miao people around were also amazed. They didn't expect this Han guy to be so powerful, subduing the wild bull with his bare hands... This seems to be only a few in the history of Miaojiang Only a few big witches can do it.

So, can the strength of this Han boy be compared with the great witch in Miaojiang?This is simply unbelievable.

However, no matter what, everyone was very happy that Qin Lang subdued such a fierce beast.Now this result is undoubtedly the best...

What Qin Lang did just now is tantamount to adding a strong bargaining chip to the three cottages on the side of the Yigu cottage. With this ferocious beast protecting the village, everyone will no longer be so passive when dealing with the Anokoyi cottage.

After the Great Wilderness Bull was subdued, it lay down on the ground and let all the surrounding Miao people get on its back. Then this huge beast stood up and started to move towards Zhashui village.

A group of more than 20 people sat on the back of the bull, but it didn't look crowded at all, which shows how huge this wild bull is.

After all, with a body size of [-] to [-] tons, this guy looks like a mountain of meat from the outside. The back of the cow is not much different from a small basketball court. If you squeeze it, even [-] or [-] people can sit on it. .

In this way, the wild bull carried everyone into the Zhashui village. Before entering the Zhashui village, the Miao people in the village thought that the previous wave of troops from the village owner was wiped out. All of them were so frightened that even the gate of the village was tightly shut.

But when the wild ox got closer, they discovered the people on the ox's back, and they were even more surprised. They never thought that the village owner and his friends from afar could subdue this terrifying beast with such great efforts. , It's incredible.

So, everyone happily opened the gate of the village and welcomed this huge beast into the village.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

As soon as the Great Wilderness Bull entered the gate of the village, all the villagers were overjoyed. Many curious people even stepped forward to touch this legendary beast, but the Great Wilderness Bull seemed crowded with so many people. Somewhat unhappy, he yelled "Aw", and the surrounding people turned their backs on their backs again.

"Hmph!" Standing on the back of the bull, Qin Lang directly knocked on the bull's head.


The Great Barbaric Niu suddenly became honest, and bowed down in a well-behaved manner, letting everyone on his body get down.

(End of this chapter)

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