Chapter 1355
After the group entered the village, Poma, the owner of the village, was also overjoyed by the arrival of his allies, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to prepare a banquet to entertain these allies.

As a result, the people below started to get busy, and Boma was also introducing some leaders of the cottage to Qin Lang and the others: "This is Tajik, the leader of the cottage hunting team."

This is a very burly looking man, very dark, he should be tanned from hunting outside for many years.

When this guy saw Poma introducing himself, he also smiled at everyone, showing his white teeth, looking very friendly.

"Boma is the most powerful leader of Zhashui village. His strength is already at the peak of Chu Wu, and he is also the successor of the next village master. I plan to pass on the position of village master to him in two years. When he is old, he should Enjoy a few years of happiness."

Poma sighed.

Although the owner of Zhashui village is the same age as Qiusheng of Yikuan village, his mental state is obviously not as good as that of Qiusheng. If Qiusheng in his 60s looks like a man in his 40s, then this Poma It really looks like a 60-year-old man should be, with wrinkles on his face and forehead.

However, these Miao people in Miaojiang who practice Gu skills are undoubtedly much stronger than ordinary people. Even though Poma looks similar to a 60-year-old man, his physique is far from that of a 60-year-old man. I will not follow everyone to participate in the siege of wild cattle.

"This is Li Luo, the leader of the Shanzhai transportation team, who is in charge of business activities such as foreign trade between the Shanzhai and the outside world."

After introducing Tajik, Boma introduced another leader.

Li Luo is also an old man around 60 years old. He looks thin and weak, and his ability is worse than that of Poma and Tajik, but he also has the strength of a sub-shaman.


Li Luo hugged his fists to everyone with a smile, and his grinning mouth was missing several pieces, which looked a little funny.

Moreover, this person is not good in appearance, but he looks very honest, like an honest farmer. If you don't really understand people, you may think that this person is a farmer with his face turned to the loess and his back to the sky.

The people here in Yiquan are actually no strangers to Li Luo. In fact, this guy often goes out to run business and has been to Yiquan cottage many times, so everyone is acquaintances.

"This is Gong Gong, who is also the chief steward of Zhashui Village, responsible for the logistics of the entire village."

Pointing at Poma, he introduced another person, a middle-aged Miao man with neat clothes.

Seeing Poma introducing himself, Luo Gong smiled slightly and bowed to everyone.

"This is……"

Next, Bo Ma introduced seven or eight Gu Masters one after another. There are more than 200 people in Zhashui village. The highest strength is only the second level of witches. How many.

Of course, Yiquan village has Qiusheng at the level of Zhengwu, which is equivalent to a pillar, but it is incomparable to small and medium-sized villages like Zhashui village.

In the whole Miaojiang, only the cottages with Zhengwu-level Gu masters can become bigger and stronger, and become a big Miao village. However, no matter how the ordinary Miao villages develop, if there is no high-end combat power, they will eventually break the sky. It can only develop into a medium Miao village.

Different from Yiquan Village, many witches in Zhashui Village have been promoted in the past ten years. This decade belongs to the rising period of power development. The life of the water village is also difficult, and the momentum of development has almost stagnated.

Therefore, Anokoyi's threat to Zhashuizhai is also very important, and then during the dinner party, Boma also seriously discussed with Yikuo's Xianruo about the threat Anokeyi made to the copycat allies.

"Aruoboi has now faintly become the most powerful force in the mature seedlings in southern Xinjiang, and has adopted the method of long-distance and short-term attack. He has united more than a dozen allies and adopted measures to annex all the forces outside the sphere of influence of Miao. Recently, the power has expanded. It’s terrible, almost seven or eight cottages in the area of ​​mature seedlings in Miaojiang have been wiped out!”

Ma Poma, the old village in Zhashui Village, said worriedly.

His worries are not unreasonable. Although his territory seems to be a little far away from Anokeyi, if he doesn't take early measures now, the enemy will come to his door one day. At that time, whether to fight or surrender will really become a problem .

"Yes, today we sent out from Yiquan Village to Zhashui Village, just to discuss this matter with Zhashui Village, and now I want to tell the owner of Poma Village a good news, our Yiqu has successfully refined the Seven Emotions ,insanity."

Xianruo said at this time.

"What? Qiqing and Guyi have already been refined in advance? That's great!"

Poma was taken aback, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face.

This is indeed good news, and he also knows that with the Qiqing and Gu on hand, Yixuan will be able to contact the forces of the Miao Temple and participate in the affairs of the Miao King Palace.

If Yixuan can get the support of a certain priest in the Miao Temple, and if he is lucky, he can obtain the inheritance token in the treasure of Miao King with the help of Qiqing and Gu, then the priests supported by him will get the key As a token of inheritance, he was promoted to the high priest, and the threat from Anokeyi's side would be self-defeating.

At that time, the new high priest and his subordinate forces will definitely support the ministers who have made meritorious deeds. They will definitely benefit a lot from Yikuan and other strongholds of Conglong Chenggong. not impossible

Thinking of this, Poma was very excited, and hurriedly asked: "So, has Yiqian contacted the temple now? I don't know which priest it is?"

"I have already sent someone there, and the person who contacted is Lord Qizhi Priest."

Xianruo solemnly replied.

There are a total of five priests in this generation in the Miao Temple, and they are all strong competitors for the high priest. They are Mama, Mantou, Qinghu, Goat, and Qizhi.

However, Aruoboi Village has already contacted Priest Mama, who is currently ranked second in strength, in advance, so Yixuan's side first ruled out this one.

Among the remaining four priests, although the wild head priest is the strongest, but his mind is very poor, he is not suitable as the successor of the high priest. The green fox and the goat are more hostile to the mature tribe, so they are not suitable. This one is the enlightened priest.

"The enlightened priest... is really good."

Poma nodded when he heard it; "Although Qizhi is not the strongest among the five great priests, he has the most brilliant mind. When the time comes, you only need to open the Treasure of King Miao to find the inheritance token of the high priest and let Priest Qizhi be promoted to the position of Grand Priest." Priest, we followed the tide and turned all boats upside down."

"That's true. However, Aruoboi's Gola is doing the same thing. Gola is in contact with Priest Mama. In terms of strength, he is stronger than the Priest of Enlightenment. We should pay more attention to it. It is necessary to grab the high priest’s inheritance token before Guo La’s forces.”

Xianruo said again at this time.

"I believe God King Miao will definitely protect us."

When Poma heard it, he put his hands together and began to pray.

And at this time, the villagers who were eating, drinking and celebrating screamed out one after another, vomited blood and fell down one by one.

These villagers clutched their chests or throats one after another, and the blood spurted out three or four meters away. This happened to a large group of people, which is really shocking!
"what happened?"

Such an abnormality also surprised Boma, Xianruo and others.

And at this moment, the elite subordinates of Poma and Xianruo also vomited blood and fell down with a scream.

Immediately, Boma and Xianruo understood, "Poison, the banquet food was poisoned!"

When it felt bad, it was already too late, Boma, Xianruo, and even Mu Ziqing and other sub-witch-level Gu masters couldn't suppress the toxins in their bodies at this time, the toxins in the food broke out violently, and their faces turned pale .

Now, Poma panicked.

Even people like them who are the leaders in the village are poisoned. The other party obviously came prepared, and they are afraid of danger.


When the cottage was in chaos, there was a guy who was fine and stood up at this moment: "What a bunch of idiots! You don't even know that the food is poisoned, and you deserve to be poisoned to death!"

This person who had nothing to do happened to be the big butler Luo Gong in the cottage. He was arrogant at the moment, looking at all the poisoned people in the cottage with a sneer on his face.

The seemingly honest person showed his horrific fangs at this moment.

But the witch power is relatively deep, and Poma, who is working hard to force the poison, was so angry when he saw this, he almost lost his breath, and shouted: "Luo Gong, everyone is their own, why did you come out like this! You know I don't know the consequences of this!"

"My own person? When did you regard me as your own person?"

The butler of the cottage looked at the village owner Poma with a vicious look on his face, and said coldly: "I have worked hard with you for more than 20 years for the sake of the cottage, and now you say that you want to give up the position of village owner, but you won't give it up to me. Instead, let that barbarian from Tajik succeed me. Apart from being stronger in force, what else can this barbarian compare to me! Hehe, since you won’t let me succeed as village chief, don’t blame me for being cruel!”

"Just for this?"

Boma was also dumbfounded, and said: "I chose Tajik as the successor of the cottage at the time, and naturally there was my reason. The cottage needs a strong military force and a spiritual leader to fight against foreign enemies. Tajik is naturally more suitable as the No. 1 military force of the cottage... Gonggong, yours The heart of power is too heavy, think about it, everyone in this cottage is in the same line, everyone is brothers, how can you bear to make a move!"

"Hmph, even if I can't bear it now, I've already made a move! Those who follow me will risk, and those who oppose me will perish. If you obey me, support my succession, and let me plant the heart-biting Gu, I can consider letting you live .”

Gong Gong smiled coldly. "Another thing I want to tell you is that the owner of this village has long planned to join Anokeyi, so the threat from the outside world to the copycat village is completely untenable to me, so you can rest easy."

"Are you crazy? Luoluo, you are seeking skin from a tiger. I am afraid that even if Guo La accepts your surrender, it will not make you feel better."

The hunting leader Tajik also shouted at this time.

"I don't need to worry about this, now I just want you to say a word, choose to obey me, support me... or choose to die! I will give you a quarter of an hour. If you haven't made a choice during this time, right? Stop everyone! The poison is attacking the heart, I am afraid that even if I have an antidote, I will not be able to save your lives!"

The head housekeeper of Zhashui village laughed.

"I... I obey."

As soon as the sound of gongs and gongs fell, someone agreed loudly.

It was Li Luo, the leader of the cottage transportation team. This old guy had a bitter face: "Now the situation is stronger than others, and I can't help it. Don't take offense, Mr. Village Master and everyone."

"Haha, okay, those who know the current affairs are the best."

Gong Gong laughed loudly and said: "Come here, this is for you!" He threw a black ball.

"The antidote is refined together with the Heart-biting Gu. If you swallow it, the toxin will naturally be cured! Don't worry, as long as you follow me faithfully and work hard, you will still be able to eat delicious food and drink spicy food from now on. It will be better than Boma, an old guy who has no enterprising spirit." Much stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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