Chapter 1356
With the arrogant sound of gongs and gongs, everyone present was itchy with anger, but there was no good way for a while.

After all, everyone was poisoned and lost their ability to fight, just like fish on a chopping board.

Forced resistance Obviously, many famous people in Miaojiang present began to think of other strategies, hoping to make an effective response.

However, before everyone present could react, Luo Gong spoke again: "By the way, since I surrendered to Arnokeyi with the cottage, the people who came from the Yiqu village this time must be killed. Li Luo, now the There is a shot to get rid of them."


Li Luo pointed to himself, then looked at the Miao girls in Xianruo in Yikuan Village, hesitating.

"Hurry up and kill them! It will be a great achievement when you join Anokeyi in the future."

Gong Gong urged, promising to benefit this person.

What he did was to gather a group of people for his use.

As long as someone kills these poisoned people, they will definitely not be able to return to their original tribe, and they can only obey his orders.

"All right!"

Li Luo, who was the first to be subdued by Luoluo, the leader of the copycat transport team, finally failed to resist the huge benefits promised by Luoluo, forgot to think for himself, got up and came in front of the crowd, ruthlessly, Gritting his teeth, he was ready to start.

But before Li Luo could make a move, someone beside him took the first step and took him down.

It's Qin Lang!
Qin Lang, a cultivator at the Yuanying level, made a move, and Li Luo, the sub-shaman-level cottage leader, had no way of resisting.

Everyone's food had been poisoned before, but Qin Lang, who had eaten the food but was fine, also surprised Luo Luo, the cottage manager: "Why didn't you get poisoned!"

Haha laughed, but Qin Lang didn't answer him, but directly threw a elixir to Muzi Qingxianruo and the others. This is the detoxification elixir, which is just the right medicine to deal with the severe poison in everyone's body.

Seeing that Xianruo and the others had taken the detoxification pill, Qin Lang turned his head and looked at Gonggong jokingly. He had taken queen mother grass leaves before, so his body had a certain resistance to toxins, so he was not poisoned at all.

Since there is no poisoning, how can something happen!

And the detoxification pill refined by Qin Lang really deserves to be a panacea-level elixir. Once the detoxification pill enters everyone's stomach, it turns into a powerful medicine and begins to neutralize the toxins in everyone's body. In a few minutes, the toxins on everyone's body All have been expelled.

Seeing the people standing up again, Luo Luo, the chief executive of the village, finally changed his face drastically: "How is this possible? How is this possible... My Wanduqing is a secret, how can you have an antidote?"

"It's just the worldly way of poisoning? How can it compare to the poison in the cultivation world? Using the detoxification pill in the cultivation world to deal with the worldly poison is of course the medicine to eliminate the poison."

Qin Lang was a little disdainful. The unique secret biography prepared with secular materials like gong gong was nothing to him at all. If it was a poison like Shixiangruanjin powder from the cultivation world, he might still feel a little bit of headache.

Once the toxins of the crowd were detoxified, there was no need for Qin Lang to make another move. Luo Gong had already been subdued by the extremely angry crowd, and Li Luo was tied together.

"Villager, I, Li Luo, are innocent. I was completely forced just now."

At this time, Li Luo, the leader of the cottage transportation team, felt bad and said bitterly.

Nodding his head, Boma said: "The incident happened suddenly, and the circumstances are justifiable... let Li Luo go."

So after Shanzhai's subordinates got the order, they immediately untied Li Luo.

However, Poma also felt very humiliated when a banquet was turned into such a mess, so he asked his subordinates to withdraw the banquet and set up a few tables again, to fill his stomach before preparing to deal with the big traitor under his command.

Miao Jiang's treatment of traitors was very strict, three knives and six holes, and Gong Gong was directly executed on the gallows. Seeing the end of this old subordinate who he had been with for many years, Poma also felt very sighed.

Once a person goes astray, he can actually disown his relatives, and even his own brothers can draw swords against each other for the sake of profit and power. Gong Gong's dismounting also sounded the alarm in Poma's heart. The cottage must also strengthen the management of this aspect in the future , to avoid similar things from happening.

Fortunately, the matter came to an end, Xianruo and the others rushed to another nearby village, Tuoma Village, after dealing with the matter of Zhashui Village.

The number of people in Tuoma Village is slightly smaller than that in Zhashui Village, but there are nearly [-] people. The owner of the village, Adeli, is an old woman, who is about the same age as the owners of the two cottages in Yikuo and Zhashui Village.

This is a rare cottage in Miaojiang where women are the head of the village. In Miaojiang, it is very common for women to serve as general leaders in the village, but it is very difficult to be the owner of the village. It can be seen that 90.00% of the Yixuan village are women, but the head of the village is Men can know.

In fact, Adeli inherited the position of her dead husband six years ago, so she became the female village owner.

In the past six years of management, although there are no outstanding achievements in the entire cottage, everything is in order, which shows that this old lady should still have certain means.

In Tuomazhai, Xianruo and others received a grand reception. During the period, Adeli also sighed after knowing that there was an accident in Zhashui village: "I know the gongs and gongs of Zhashui village. I didn't expect the heart of power to be so powerful." Heavy."

Afterwards, I heard that the Seven Emotions and Gu had been refined in Yikuan Village, so I started to contact the Qizhi Priest of the Miao Temple, and Adeli kept saying yes.

"That's right! Now, as long as you contact the Miao Temple and do all the preparations to participate in the opening of King Miao's treasure, then as long as you get the high priest's inheritance token, all problems can be solved. The threat of copycats no longer exists."

In Tuomazhai, Xianruo discussed with Adeli about the Miao King's treasure for a long time, and Qin Lang also tasted a very good special delicacy at the banquet in the cottage, scrambled eggs with red toon sprouts.

A kind of red toon tree is abundant near Tuomazhai. The red toon buds on the top of the tree are used to scramble eggs to make them fragrant. They are more delicious than ordinary toon buds, which cannot be eaten in big cities.


After contacting Tuomazhai, Xianruo and his group's travel mission this time was considered a complete success, so they prepared to return.

On the way back, he passed through Zhashui village again, and the wild bull that Qin Lang had conquered before was given to Zhashui village as a beast to protect the village.

When passing through the Heartless Valley, Xianruo asked someone to pick some Heartless Grass, which is the daily food for most Gu insects in Miaojiang, since passing by this resource-rich production area, I picked some by the way.

On the way back, when he was halfway, Qin Lang suddenly felt that something was wrong ahead, so he called everyone to stop.


The ambushing people in front finally appeared, at least forty or fifty, all of them were from Anokeyi.

Seeing these people, Miao Nu leader Xianruo also changed her face and said: "What a big battle! Three of the four big horses in the village of Arnokeyi have come, it seems that it has been premeditated!"

"Hahaha! That's right, I know that you Yikui sent a team to Zhashui Village and Tuoma Village. We, Guola Village Master, also saw a good opportunity to weaken Yikuan Village, so we came here."

A big fat man at the head laughed.

As a Dazhai with more than 600 people, Anuoboi has at least 30 leaders, and the four most outstanding leaders under Guola are Boyi, Li Shajia, Langchun, and Mimika, which are commonly known as of the four big horses.

These four big-headed horses are all at the level of the peak of the secondary witch close to the level of the real witch. It can be said that besides Qin Lang, only the leader of Miao Nu, Xianruo, is similar in strength to the three leaders in front of him. Even Mu Ziqing is the same as the three. People are a little bit inferior in comparison.

The three big horses that came this time were Li Shajia, Langchun and Mimika.

Obviously, this time Anokeyi came prepared, besides the three top horses, the more than 50 subordinates he brought were all elites.With this power, if nothing unexpected happened, it would be easy to eat Xianruo and his group.

However, it is a pity that Bo Yi, one of the four big horses, did not appear here this time. If he appeared here, seeing his old acquaintance Qin Lang in the team, he would not dare to guarantee that his own people would be able to eat clothes. Everyone around.

As a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level, Qin Lang is the biggest variable among this group of people.

But at this moment, everyone in Anokeyi didn't know the news. In fact, after Boyi lost his manpower last time, he felt ashamed when he returned to the cottage.

Although he escaped from Qin Lang's hands that time, his natal core Gu was damaged, and his vitality was also seriously injured, so he had to retreat.

This caused a time gap, so the people in Anokeyi only knew that Boyi had encountered a setback, and they were not very clear about the specific situation.

Since they were enemies, the two sides met each other now and naturally they didn't need to explain much, they immediately set up a formation and prepared to go to war.

There are forty or fifty people in Arnokeyi, and except for the three top horses at the peak of the second witch, all of them are first witches.

As for the leader of the Miao girl, Xianruo, there are about twenty of them here, and there are Xianruo and Mu Ziqing at the second level of witches, and the rest are all at the level of first witches.Although Yixuan seems to be relatively inferior in numbers, there is one of the biggest variables in the team, which is Qin Lang in the middle stage of Yuanying.

Both sides set up Gu formations and used their best methods. This is a life-and-death fight, and there is no room for a slight retreat, so everyone exudes the unique ferocity of Miaojiang.

The battle started, but Qin Lang didn't intend to make an immediate move. Let's take a look first. When the situation is unfavorable, he is ready to save the field.

Gu formations on both sides, the two sets of Gu formation systems have their own advantages, and at the level of Qin Lang's advanced formation apprentice, he also found it very interesting, so he studied it carefully while watching.

After the fight started, with the help of the Gu formations, the combat effectiveness of each person in the Gu formations on both sides was also very strong.

In just two rounds, eight people were injured on Yiku's side and one died, and two people were also injured on Anokeyi's side.

Yixuan's current situation is very unfavorable. On the one hand, the number of people is small, and the high-end combat power to control the Gu formation is also two fewer than the opponent.

Because Muziqing's and Yi's' Gu formation systems couldn't be integrated, they could only respond outside of the Gu formation. This made Xianruo, who controlled the Gu formation's eyes, face the suppression of three enemies of the same level at the same time.

And at this time Qin Lang finally made a move, he had already figured out the mystery of the Gu formation, he directly rushed into the Gu formation with a single step, and then rushed into the enemy formation's eyes in twos or threes.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first, he is going to directly attack the three Anuoboi horses manipulating the eyes of the formation, and kill these three guys. After the Gu formation is broken, the crisis of Xianruo and others will be immediately resolved.

After Qin Lang broke into the Gu formation suddenly, it was beyond the expectations of people like Anuoboyi. Seeing that his mysterious Gu formation could not trap the other party, making the other party walk casually like visiting his own back garden, everyone was shocked. Feel a little dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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