The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1360 Gola's Plan

Chapter 1360 Gola's Plan

There is no one without a reputation under the name. Guo La was able to rise strongly in the past 20 years and make the entire Anokei bigger and stronger. His ability is indeed very powerful.

This kind of strength can be seen from the continuous toasting of more than a dozen allies and VIPs around, and the constant company and care. Guola is absolutely in a dominant position in front of the other dozen allies, and it is the kind of paternalistic situation. .

Such a situation is equivalent to that Arnoke has more than a dozen affiliated cottages, which is not at all the situation of equal status between Arnoke and allied cottages as imagined by outsiders.

Such a situation at the banquet further witnessed the strength of Anokeyi. In fact, these years, under the leadership of Gola, Anokeyi attacked the city successively. and perish.


At the banquet, Guo La toasted with his allies, and said: "The success of refining the seven emotions and Gu is also thanks to the joint efforts of all the allies, and helping me collect the resources for refining Gu is also a great achievement... cheers."

After speaking, he drank it down, and then he signaled the person next to him to fill up the glass.

After drinking this cup, Guo La went on to say: "Recently, the Shanzhai has encountered some small troubles. I heard that there is a strong assistance from Yiguo, which makes many actions of the Shanzhai side inconvenient. This strong assistance from Yigui They are two outsiders, one of them is a fugitive who escaped from the village 20 years ago, and the other is a Han boy."

"Both of them have strength above the sub-shaman level, especially that Han boy's strength is unfathomable. The four big horses of the village master suffered losses one after another in the hands of this person, and even lost a Li Shajia. Really Terrible!"

"Now that the seven emotions and Gu have been successfully refined, I want to use this matter to gain support from the priest Mama in the temple, and let the priest Mama send his trusted subordinates to join our people and rush to the treasure of King Miao. Before the start, a secret operation was launched against Yixuan. This time it was mainly aimed at that Han boy. I announce that your ten or so allies in the village will also send out elite killers from the village to follow along and try to kill him as soon as possible. .”

After finishing the above words, Guo La turned her head and looked around, her eyes were piercing and full of majesty.

He is also full of heroic qualities in doing this. Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing recently joined the Yikuan Village, and they did give Anoky some threats. Eliminate these unstable factors.

In order to achieve great things, we must not stick to small details. Guo La’s call just now was also prepared to make full use of his strength, so that more than a dozen allies would express their opinions and work together to deal with Anokeyi’s biggest potential threat at present.

If you don't act first to get rid of Qin Lang, I'm afraid no one will have a good life.

He gave Qin Lang a lot of attention, so he invited so many masters here, not to fight Qin Lang alone, but to strangle Qin Lang with the advantages of a large number of masters.

And the dozen or so distinguished guests sitting here also felt quite helpless, now that they were tied to a warship with Anokeyi, Guo La's words were reasonable and unquestionable.

So they could only say: "Please rest assured, Guola Village Master, we will definitely bring the words back to the village, and let the village send elites to cooperate with this operation."

So, this matter was finally confirmed, and Guola held it again, finally showing a slight smile on his face: "Keep going!"

After finishing this cup, Guo La was also thinking in his heart. With the elite strength of more than a dozen allies in the cottage, plus the people sent by the priest of Mama in the temple, I believe that this time by surprise, it will be able to make that strength somewhat unfathomable. The Han boy killed in advance.

In this case, without a powerful threat, his own stronghold will definitely show its prominence in the next battle for the treasure of King Miao. Even if he gets Qiqing and Gu with his strength, he will not be able to compete with him.

At that time, the High Priest's inheritance token will definitely be in his pocket, and when he gets the High Priest's inheritance token in the treasure, Priest Mama will be able to succeed to the throne smoothly, and his own strength will skyrocket at that time, and in an instant Several hostile forces in the mature seedlings can be wiped out in a short time, and it will be absolutely easy for him to dominate the entire mature seedling area by then.


Don't pay attention to the filth on Anokeyi's side, Qin Lang's current life in Yikuan Village is actually pretty good, being treated as a VIP, he is still practicing all day long, and doesn't have to worry about too many things.

In addition to cultivation, Qin Lang also asked Qiu Sheng to inquire about some natural and earthly treasures in Miaojiang. Now the treasure house of the entire Yiquan Village has already been opened to Qin Lang unconditionally, and there are useful cultivation resources in it. Returned to Qin Lang.

This is also because of Qin Lang's great kindness to the entire Yiquan Village, if it were replaced by other people, even if it was an ally of Yixuan Village, the entire Yiqu Village might not be able to be so selfless.

After all, friendship belongs to friendship, but if there is no significant contribution to the entire cottage, even if Qin Lang and Qiu Sheng have a good personal relationship, knowing that Qiu Sheng will give away a lot of treasures in the cottage, the people in the entire cottage will probably not agree.

The treasure house of the Yixuan cottage has hundreds of years of stock in the cottage, and there are quite a lot of training materials in it. There are hundreds of mid- and low-grade elixir resources, and more than 20 of the top-grade elixir.

In addition, Qin Lang also found some materials that can be used to upgrade the ghost ship of the magic house. At present, the ghost ship of the magic house has opened three layers of restrictions. If he wants to start the following restrictions, Qin Lang needs more unlocking materials!

However, although there are a lot of resources in the treasure house of clothes, the two key materials are still missing to unlock the fourth floor of the Magic Treasure House, so for the time being, these resources of Qin Lang can only be stored in the storage ring, waiting to be collected in the future Only by obtaining all the unlocking materials can the magic house in hand be refined again.

And Miaojiang is worthy of being a treasure trove of resources. I am afraid that this is already the place with the most cultivation resources in the whole of China. Qin Lang once again made up for his short-term cultivation needs with these collections in Yiqian Shanzhai.

There are hundreds of elixir, Qin Lang has refined a lot of elixir, most of which are Jingyuan pills needed for daily practice. This is a middle-grade elixir, stronger than the Jingqi pill he took before a notch.

The power of the elixir in one Jingyuan pill is almost equivalent to twenty Jingqi pills, but the materials needed are much more than Jingqi pills. The elixir materials needed to refine a Jingyuan pill are definitely more than two. ten.

In this case, it seems that it is not cost-effective to refine Jingyuan Pill. The same refining materials are used to refine Jingqi Pill, and you will definitely get a lot more pills. But now that Qin Lang has already cultivated in the middle stage of Yuanying, if he takes Jingqi Pill again , the effect of the medicine is already negligible, he can't be like a cow chewing a horse every time, swallowing a lot of low-level pills to practice, that's just looking for sin!
After refining thousands of Jingyuan Pills, adding some Yiyuan Pills and Fushen Pills, all the elixir materials that Qin Lang obtained from the treasure house of the cottage were basically consumed.

However, these elixirs are estimated to be able to support Qin Lang's practice for several months, so it is a gratifying thing that Qin Lang has no worries about the lack of elixirs for the time being.

But Qin Lang was not satisfied with what he had in front of him, so he also asked Qiu Sheng to help him inquire about some cultivation resources in Miaojiang while he was practicing, and prepared to obtain more cultivation objects in the future.

For Qin Lang's request, Qiu Sheng also readily agreed. Anyway, there is still more than a month before the opening of King Miao's Treasure. No mistake.

Seeing that Qiu Sheng agreed to his request, Qin Lang was about to go back to continue his practice, but was stopped by Qiu Sheng behind him.

"Oh, that's right! Brother Qin Lang, for the opening of King Miao's treasure this time, each cottage with the key can send five people into it. If you mind, I want you to join the search for King Miao's treasure."

"In Miaojiang, the Miao King's treasures held by the Miao Temple have a profound heritage, which is definitely a hundred times stronger than our Yiquan Shanzhai's treasury. I heard that the inventory inside is almost comparable to the world's three major secret realms. If the Qin Lang brothers gain something during the search If so, it would be a beautiful thing, I wonder if you are interested in joining the search team in Yixuan Village..."

"Of course, the risks involved are equally huge. Everyone who enters the treasure house of King Miao not only has to deal with the institutional restrictions in the treasure, but also needs to be careful to guard against the plots of other teams that also enter the treasure house. It can be said that all people who enter the treasure house The teams in the treasure house are all competitors and enemies, and it is normal for them to face each other, and the Miao Temple will not interfere, this is also the tradition of the entire Miaojiang."

After Qin Lang listened to Qiu Sheng's words, his eyes lit up and he nodded: "I agree." He is not a person who is afraid of life and death. Unable to reach the other side.

What's more, if there is a risk, there will be a huge profit possibility, which is what Qin Lang cares most about.


In the next few days, Qin Lang continued to practice, and Qiu Sheng also inquired about an important news at this time, about the cultivation resources in Miaojiang.

"A powerful wild beast appeared in the border area between mature and raw seedlings in Miaojiang. It seemed to be a dragon elephant. More than a dozen villages in the vicinity sent out men to encircle and suppress them. They failed several times, and they were even damaged. A lot of people."

"Afterwards, these ten mature seedling and raw seedling cottages jointly issued a reward to the surrounding area. If someone in the surrounding area can help get rid of this dragon elephant, their cottage will give corresponding supplies in return."

"There are a large number of wild beasts hidden in the depths of the Great Wilderness in southern Xinjiang. I don't know what happened in the past few days... First, the Great Wilderness Cattle escaped and appeared in the Valley of Heartlessness."

"Then another dragon elephant appeared in the border area between mature and raw seedlings in Miaojiang. It's really strange that strange things happen frequently! But the strength of the dragon elephant must be stronger than that of the wild bull, even if there are more than a dozen cottages in that area to help Now, brothers Qin Lang have to be more careful when the time comes."

When Qiu Sheng said this, he reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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