The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1361 Desolate Ancient Dragon Elephant

Chapter 1361 Desolate Ancient Dragon Elephant
"It's all right."

Qin Lang waved his hand, the news of Qiu Sheng was exactly what he needed.

Isn't it just beheading a big savage beast?

Doesn't the high-level monster in the comprehension world kill a few by itself? No matter how strong the dragon elephant in the depths of the southern border wilderness is, if it fights, it probably won't be able to surpass itself in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

After all, this is the earth, and the earth has been gradually depleted of spiritual energy. Even the concentration of spiritual energy in the southern border is only slightly better than other regions of the earth.

"I beseech Village Master Sheng, you can rest assured and wait for my good news! Maybe when I return this time, not only will I return with a full reward, but I will also be able to add a few more allies to your Yiqu Village!"

Qin Lang laughed.

When he said that, he agreed to Qiu Sheng's request and was willing to help.

Seeking Sheng is naturally overjoyed.

Then, it should be a question of how to arrange a trip for Qin Lang.

Southern Xinjiang is really too big, covering almost one-fifth of the entire territory of China. At present, in the area where the mature seedlings and the young seedlings meet in southern Xinjiang, not only Yixiu has no connection with those cottages, but even Anokeyi's hands It can't reach there either.

After all, if you walk, it will take four or five days to go from Yixuan to Guangshan Road, which is at least one or two times farther than Yixuan to the two allies' cottages.

"Well, recently, there is a batch of supplies in the Shanzhai to be transported to Zhashui Village and Tuoma Village. Brother Qin Lang just happened to be on the way! At the same time, Brother Qin Lang is also asked to help escort this batch of supplies to the two cottages, and then go to the ripe seedlings and villages in southern Xinjiang. What about the seedling junction area?"

Qiu Sheng looked at Qin Lang, and said with a smile: "In addition, the native Miao language in Nanjiang is spoken in the local Miao language, and Brother Qin Lang may not understand it. I will send a special translator to accompany you on this trip."

"Okay." Qin Lang nodded and agreed. ,

Next, the whole Yiquan Village became busy. Yiquan Village is relatively close to the Han area. This batch of supplies is actually the daily supplies exchanged between the Shanzhai and the Han people. It is also the daily life of Yiquan’s allies Zhashui Village and Tuoma Village. Urgently needed, clothes are usually used as a transfer station for several allies to deal with these daily things.

Li Luo, the transportation leader of Zhashui village, was responsible for picking up this batch of supplies, but now that Li Luo rebelled and became a traitor, and was directly sentenced to death by Zhashui village owner Poma, so the post of Zhashui village transportation leader is temporarily vacant. .

Before the new transportation leader of Zhashui village was born, the exchange of materials between Zhashui village, Tuoma village and Yiquan became a new problem.

Seeing such a situation, Qiusheng from Yiyu Shanzhai would naturally consider the current difficulties of the allies and take the initiative to undertake the direct transportation of daily supplies.

As for the movement of supplies at Zhashui village, Tuoma village and Yikuan village, it used to be every half a month.

This time, due to the change in Zhashui Village, it has been accumulated for more than a month, so this batch of materials is more, almost three times more than before.

Asking Qin Lang to help escort this batch of materials, Qiu Sheng also has his own plans, the value of the materials is not very large, the main reason is to prevent people from Anokeyi from being encountered again during the transportation of materials, after all, he is away from home, and there are people like Qin Lang It is much more appropriate to be escorted by a high-end combat power.

Next, all the daily supplies for Zhashui Village and Tuoma Village to be transported were ready, and Qin Lang set off with the team.This time, the leader of the team was no longer Xianruo, the leader of the Miao girl. In fact, even Qin Lang's good brother Mu Ziqing didn't follow, but a male leader named Maijia from the Yiqu cottage.

This Maijia was actually not a villager who was born and raised in Yiqu, but a survivor of a village that was destroyed by Anuoboyi. After the village was destroyed, he took the remaining dozen people to the ally village Clothes.

Maijia is about 40 years old, looks very old-fashioned, but he is a very talkative person, and he has a good chat with Qin Lang along the way.

From the conversation, Qin Lang learned that Maijia once had a wife who was bought from the Shengmiao area, so he also learned the Shengmiao language. My own seedling wife.

When talking about these things, Maijia's eyes were a little sad, Qin Lang knew that this had aroused his sadness, so he patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "A man is a man, why don't you have a wife, everything looks forward! Let the past things be buried in the bottom of my heart, all problems will be solved, and the life of the big guys will be better and better in the future."


Maijia nodded, he was actually a cheerful person, so that trace of special emotion disappeared in the next moment, but the corners of his eyes seemed to be slightly moist.

The way to deliver the supplies was very calm. It took about a day, and the supplies had already arrived at Zhashui Village, and the owner of Zhashui Village, Poma, came to greet him in person. In fact, if the supplies came later, the cottage would be destroyed Facing the embarrassing situation of food shortage.

Of course, Miaojiang is rich in resources. Even if the grain villages are cut off, they can rely on hunting to harvest some game for a while, but these mature Miao tribes have long been used to living like Han people, so if these supplies are cut off, everyone feels that Very unaccustomed.

They are not the Miao tribe who drink blood and mushroom hair. Clothing, food, housing, transportation, firewood, rice, sauce, vinegar, and tea are almost the same as the daily life of the Han people. What is not available can only be provided by the outside world.

After transporting this batch of supplies to the two cottages, the escort team from Yiqun's side stayed here temporarily, and Maijia, the leader of Yiqun who escorted the supplies, accompanied Qin Lang to the one where the mature and raw seedlings were in southern Xinjiang. confluence zone.

Maijia is the native language interpreter arranged for Qin Lang by Qiu Sheng, the owner of Yiyu Village. He needs to help Qin Lang contact the dozen or so cottages in the intersection area, accept the rewards offered by these cottages, and then let Qin Lang deal with the powerful Great Wilderness Savage dragon elephant.

In this way, after walking for more than a day, Qin Lang finally followed Maijia to the intersection of mature and raw seedlings in southern Xinjiang.

After arriving here, Qin Lang was not in a hurry to prepare to deal with the big savage beast, but followed Maijia to more than a dozen cottages where the joint reward was issued.

Among the dozen or so villages, there are seven Shumiao tribes and five Shengmiao tribes. Although each village's heritage is not as good as that of a veteran force like Yigu, each village has at least 200 people, and the combination can be counted as one. With so much power in the area, I'm afraid even Anokei would feel dreadful when he encounters it.

While contacting these cottages, Qin Lang also heard from Maijia that, strictly speaking, the five seedling tribes in this area are not real seedling tribes, and have begun to show signs of transformation into mature seedling tribes.

As for the real Shengmiao tribe, outsiders can't imagine the internal life at all. I heard that these seedlings drink blood and mushroom hair like primitive people, and the production tools are all stone tools. There is very little communication with outside mature seedlings and Han people.

Even today, some Shengmiao tribes still maintain the tradition of cannibalism. After the battles between the tribes, the treatment of the captives is very cruel, which is beyond the imagination of the outside world.

There are more than 100 tribes in Miaojiang, and the mature Miao area only accounts for less than one-fifth of the territory, while there are at least [-] or [-] tribes in Miaojiang, which is the mainstream of the whole Miaojiang.

With the help of Maijia, next, Qin Lang started the most intense negotiations with the dozens of cottages where the mature and raw seedlings of Miaojiang meet, mainly about the slaying of the dragon elephant, the wild bull. reward.

First of all, Qin Lang revealed his own strength. After showing his ability as a cultivator in the mid-stage Nascent Soul, these cottage leaders finally stopped looking at him suspiciously, believing that he has the ability to challenge the wild beast dragon elephant strength.

Then came the real point. Qin Lang put forward the conditions. What he needed were the cultivation resources of the practitioners, and as many cultivation resources as possible in each cottage.

With regard to the bargaining of these cultivation resources, Qin Lang and Maijia have almost spent a day or two with these dozen cottages, and recently reached an agreement that Qin Lang will kill this wild beast alone without the help of external forces. He can obtain [-]% of the cultivation resources of each cottage.

Of course, if Qin Lang can't do it alone and needs to rely on the strength of a dozen of their cottages to complete the killing, then I'm sorry, the resources will be halved, and Qin Lang can only get [-]% of the cultivation resources of each cottage at most.

Such a condition, of course, is based on the premise of Qin Lang's ability to surpass Miao Jiang's Zhengwu level Gu Master. If Qin Lang's strength does not match, and he fails to complete the task, even if he dies, these Miao villages must be worthless Resources will not be released.

Such conditions are actually quite good. These Miaojiang cottages have existed for more than hundreds of years, and each cottage has a lot of resources for cultivation. Even if each of them only provides [-]% of the resources, more than a dozen cottages practice If the resources are added together, Qin Lang's harvest is definitely more than what he got in Yixuan Village.

What's more, if he goes well, he can kill the wild beast by himself. In this case, he can get nearly [-]% of the cultivation resources of each cottage, which is very cost-effective.

This time, it was also because of the invasion of wild beasts, the presence here made the surrounding cottages feel a huge threat, so there was such a generous reward. In normal times, Qin Lang would never encounter such an opportunity.

Of course, you need to be strong to make iron, and you need your own strong strength to deal with the ancient beast. If someone else is to deal with this ancient beast, you may need a huge team of Gu witches, and you need human lives to fill it. The price that needs to be paid is more, not the current Qin Lang alone.

It can be said that this time Qin Lang made a move, no matter what, the dozen cottages in front of him still made money!
You must know that they have encircled and suppressed the beasts several times before, not to mention that they were unsuccessful, and the total number of people lost has now exceeded [-]. This is why they have to stop the siege because they regret the manpower, and instead jointly issued a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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