Chapter 1362 Hundred Poison Forest

After finishing more than a dozen counterfeit rewards, Qin Lang officially prepared to take action against the wild beast dragon elephant.

He already knew where the dragon elephant was currently hiding. It was in the east of the area where the raw seedlings and mature seedlings were at the junction, in a thick and dense forest.

This dense forest is called the Forest of Hundred Poisons. I heard that there are all kinds of poisonous insects in the dense forest. If people who are not familiar with the terrain stray into it, they will inevitably be bitten by the poisonous insects.

And the dragon elephant is hiding in such a natural barrier, it is no wonder that the dozen or so Miao villages have failed every time, and at least one-third of the people they have carried out several times have been killed by hundreds of poisonous people. Injured by poisonous insects in the forest.

Moreover, the Great Wilderness Dragon Elephant has a violent personality. It is a fierce beast in the depths of Miaojiang that is higher than the Great Wilderness Bull. It is equivalent to a sixth-level monster in the cultivation world. At present, there are only a few witches in the entire Miaojiang. Existence is a worthy equal.

This Great Desolate Dragon Elephant is not the kind of elephant with big ears. Ordinary people don't even want to see it. It is not a protected animal, because it is not a wild animal, but a ferocious beast!

Therefore, even if it is hunting, Qin Lang will not have a psychological burden on it.

Of course, it is also very difficult for ordinary people to hunt and kill the Great Wild Dragon Elephant.

It can be said that if there is no Qin Lang's arrival, it is not impossible to mobilize more than a dozen mature and raw seedlings to deal with the wild dragon elephant, but the price paid is too high, and it is not worth the candle.

Afterwards, Qin Lang gave Maijia an antidote pill, and the two of them prepared some realgar things on their bodies. After all the preparations were done, the two walked into this thick dense forest.

This Hundred Poison Forest covers an area of ​​about [-] acres, and the scale is not small. Along the way, Qin Lang saw a lot of strange-shaped poisons, such as a small black snake with three heads, and a strange green frog with a tail. A poisonous lizard as big as a bamboo hat,
Along the way, there were realgar things and Qin Lang's detoxification pill, and the two of them were unimpeded in the Hundred Poison Forest.

After entering the forest, Qin Lang also found the footprints of many ferocious beasts on the ground. He walked along the traces and saw the true face of this dragon elephant.

This dragon elephant is completely a mountain of meat, with a very huge body, two or three times larger than the wild bull that Qin Lang once subdued, at least fifty or sixty tons in weight.

How to say about the appearance of the dragon elephant, its body shape is similar to that of an elephant, but its whole body has a large number of dense black scales, each of which is the size of a breastplate.

The dragon elephant is also a symbol of power. In fact, this kind of fierce beast is more famous in the history of China than the Great Wilderness Bull. The power of the dragon elephant mentioned by many martial arts circles is actually this kind of dragon elephant.

The dragon elephant in front of me should be an adult, with astonishing destructive power. At this moment, this guy occupies the entire central area of ​​the Hundred Poison Forest, and actually plowed the entire central area of ​​the Hundred Poison Forest with the fangs of an adult body, and emptied his palms. All the trees in a large area make this a safe place for it.

The eating habits of the Great Wilderness Dragon Elephant are very mixed. This huge beast consumes an astonishing amount of body on weekdays, so it eats almost everything. After eating, it has the same habit as the Great Wilderness Bull, which is to sleep .

When Qin Lang and the others came to this area, this guy was sleeping soundly, but the unique aura sense of the beast made the beast very sensitive to all changes in the surrounding environment.

Before getting close to it, the dragon elephant woke up with a start. Then, the beast looked at the two tiny humans who disturbed its sleep, and its eyes turned red. This kind of food-level guy actually wanted to Breaking ground on Tai Sui's head, I just don't want to live!
As a result, this mountain of meat stood up suddenly, and the surrounding dense forests felt like shaking for a while, and all the poisonous things in the forest fled here one after another.

After letting Maijia avoid it far away, Qin Lang began to fight the dragon elephant. As a dragon elephant comparable to a sixth-order monster in the cultivation world, it has thick skin and thick flesh. Gu's Dahuangniu is similar, but its strength is far more than Dahuangniu.

After Qin Lang Yuanying's middle stage, now every blow has a force of one or two hundred tons, but this dragon elephant can hold it, and it still seems to be fine after being punched many times in a row.

After being beaten, this guy couldn't catch the hateful human being in front of him, so his irritable temper came up, and he started to show off his power directly in this temporary lair, and kept going back and forth into brutal collisions.

"I heard that most of the ferocious beasts in the southern border are parasitized with wild Gu insects. The big barbaric cow was parasitized with bast Gu insects before, but the dragon elephant in front of me does not know what kind of Gu insects it is parasite..."

While fighting, Qin Lang looked at the extremely ferocious dragon elephant and thought to himself.

Speaking of it, wild Gu worms parasitizing wild beasts is also a complementary result. Wild wild beasts are terrifying, but because of the wild Gu worms' parasitism, their strength is unbelievably powerful.

Qin Lang fought with this dragon elephant for a few rounds, but he failed to find out what kind of wild Gu worms were parasitic in the dragon elephant. These few rounds were actually just like warming up. Qin Lang didn't use weapons, relying entirely on his own fist strength Head-to-head with this extremely powerful beast.

The reason why he used his fists and feet instead of weapons was that Qin Lang felt that this fierce dragon elephant was a rare and easy to deal with, and it was just a test of his cultivation base and ability during this period of time.

Qin Lang completely regarded this dragon elephant as a touchstone, and he let go of the restrictions on his shots. Whether he played well or not, such a good opponent is really hard to find, and he should not let it go when he meets it.

But just as Qin Lang was fighting more and more heartily, the wild ancient beast in front of him became more and more annoyed. After repeated setbacks, he suddenly raised his head and let out a long roar, changing his battle strategy. Qin Lang just flicked his nose, and it was about to wrap around him like a python.

And Qin Lang laughed, launched the Phantom Wind Walk, and avoided the special attack of the dragon and elephant's trunk with three turns and two turns.In terms of physical strength, he is actually similar to this beast, but the dragon elephant is huge and inconvenient to move, but its movement skills are many times worse than Qin Lang's.

At this moment, Qin Lang confronted the dragon and elephant a few more times, and the whole Hundred Poisonous Forest was shaken by the ground, and now this lair of fierce beasts has been completely disfigured by the impact of the two people's battles.

The angry dragon elephant fought for a long time and failed to deal with Qin Lang. At this moment, it suddenly stopped and made a humming sound. Its body was inhaling and expanding rapidly, and it expanded more than half a circle after a while.


A primitive howl emerged from the mouth of this ferocious beast, accompanied by that strong aura, forming a tornado-like aura, raging in this small area.

This is an attack similar to a sound wave. The powerful sound waves are stacked one after another, just like waves. Qin Lang has a magic weapon to protect his body, but he doesn't feel much, but watching Maijia from a distance is frightening With a jump, he was affected a little and felt that he couldn't breathe, so he fled the Hundred Poison Forest in a hurry.

In the process of escaping, he murmured: "Sound wave attack, this should be the ability of the parasitic Gu on this dragon elephant. This kind of sound wave attack is primitive and rough, and it is many times stronger than that of the singing bird. , it should be a wild sound path Gu, and it's not an ordinary sound path Gu."

In fact, apart from its own dragon elephant power, this wild beast dragon elephant escaped from the depths of the southern border, and what it can do is this strange wild sound path Gu worm parasitized on its body.

Because of the existence of this wild sound path Gu, this dragon elephant also has a bit of beast power on weekdays. When preying on prey, it only needs to roar a few times, and the prey is basically paralyzed and falls to the ground unable to move.

However, Qin Lang is not its prey. As a cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he has a powerful defensive magic weapon to protect his body.

In fact, he didn't feel anything about the sonic attack of the originally fierce dragon elephant. He felt that the sonic attack of this big guy was not even comparable to the previous physical contest between the two sides.

After the Great Desolation Beast Dragon Elephant used this killer sonic attack, it also felt that its physical strength was exhausted, and it was still very confident in the ability of its own parasitic wild Gu worms. This time, that hateful human should have no way out Bar!

But looking at it in the blink of an eye, this ferocious beast couldn't calm down any longer. Damn it, this flea-like human kid was still standing in front of him alive when he had played all his cards.


So the dragon elephant, who couldn't calm down, yelled harder, wave after wave of more powerful sonic attacks, forming a force like a gust of wind, even stronger than the power of a gust of wind, directly uprooting the surrounding trees one by one , scraping further afield.

But at this moment, Qin Lang was under the pressure of the strong wind, and got closer to this wild beast. After fighting for so long, it was time to show his true skills.

He summoned the magic weapon, the Black Eagle Sword, and the Great Wild Dragon Elephant has thick skin, thick flesh and scale armor. If he fights with his fists alone, Qin Lang doesn't know how long he will fight this wild beast .

The strength and fighting ability of this ferocious beast are too strong, it does not mean that it is a higher-level existence than the wild bull, and it is well-deserved of the sixth-order monster-level combat level in the cultivation world.

It's a pity that human beings are the master of all spirits, but these alien creatures are unparalleled in terms of intelligence. No matter how strong the wild dragon elephant is, if it doesn't know how to carry out effective tactics and strategies like humans, it will still fall behind.

At this point in the battle, Qin Lang finally showed his power!
With a flying sword in his hand, he began to perform the first form of the Sansheng Sword Art gently and deftly... Sword Qi Shuyuan!
The first move of the Three Lives Sword Art, Jian Qi Shu Yuan, focuses on restraining the enemy with sword energy. This move is a sword technique of the control system. It can be practiced during the Qi refining period, but it is not easy to do it well. .Can attack and defend, attack the weak and defend the strong.

Now at the level of Qin Lang, both the sword move and the sword intent of this move have been mastered, and the change of the sword style is also harmonious, completely at the level of a master.

As soon as the beam of sword energy comes out, thousands of sword threads form a substance and wrap around the Great Desolate Dragon Elephant. This is the substance of the sword energy!

(End of this chapter)

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