The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1363 Sound Dao Gu Worm

Chapter 1363 Sound Dao Gu Worm (Happy April Fool's Day)
As soon as Qin Lang's sword thread came out, it entangled the entire body of a huge wild beast like thousands of electric rays. This wild beast was huge, weighing more than fifty or sixty tons, and it couldn't escape Qin Lang's sword thread winding.

The first form of the Three Lives Sword Art, Jianqi Shuyuan, was originally the most basic form of swordsmanship in the secrets of the sword sect in the cultivation world, but it showed the effect of returning to nature here in Qin Lang.

Even though the adult dragon elephant in front of him is huge, when it is bound by Qin Lang's countless sword threads, it is also temporarily unable to break free.

Qin Lang smiled slightly. It is true that the Great Wilderness Dragon Elephant is strong and strong, but it has no flexible side. In front of this sword move that is similar to Taijiquan, there is no breakthrough at all.

After the sword silk entangled this beast, the balance of victory has almost tilted towards Qin Lang, but the scale armor defense of this ancient beast is really amazing. When Qin Lang next uses his sword, it will often take three or four swords to break through the end. The scale armor of the fierce beast, and then the sword energy penetrated into the vital points of the fierce beast.

And the dragon elephant, which was broken by Qin Lang's defense, continued to wail like moans.

This ferocious wild beast is also unlucky, even in the depths of southern border, it is also the highest-end existence of the food chain, but now it has left its original territory for unknown reasons and appeared here, and then suffered this inhuman torture.

It's because Qin Lang's strength is too monstrous!The strength of the Nascent Soul mid-term, not to mention the entire southern border, I am afraid that no higher-end existence can be found in the entire earth.

Speaking of it, meeting Qin Lang is also the misfortune of this wild beast. Who told this guy not to stay in the depths of the southern border, honestly be the king of the mountain, but he insisted on running out to make troubles? Such a tragic outcome.

And after killing this extremely ferocious wild dragon elephant, Qin Lang also took a slight breath, and this battle also consumed almost three or four points of his true energy.

However, the whole battle process made him feel very refreshed. The hand-to-hand combat ability of the Great Wilderness Dragon Elephant really gave him a good addiction to punching and kicking.

Through the test of his actual combat ability, Qin Lang found that regardless of his identity as a cultivator, his cultivation base in terms of fists and feet has almost broken through the level of Wu Zun and reached the level of Wu Zun Wu Wang.

In fact, Qin Lang has not deliberately improved his martial arts level since he cultivated, but his martial arts cultivation has been steadily rising, which is actually due to his cultivation.

After killing the Great Desolate Dragon Elephant, the entire central area of ​​the Hundred Poison Forest is now in a state of disarray, and Qin Lang also laughed when he saw the tattered body of the Great Desolate Dragon Elephant.

This wild ancient beast that ran out from the depths of the southern border is equivalent to a sixth-order monster in the cultivation world. It can be said that the whole body is full of treasures, so now it's time to harvest the materials.

"The black scales on the dragon elephant are tough, and the black eagle must use his sword energy to chop three or two times before he can cut the gaps between the scales, so these black scales are absolutely Unbelievable good treasures, you can collect them to refine defensive magic weapons in the future."

"In addition to the scales, the flesh and blood of this desolate beast can also be stored! The dragon elephant is an ancient beast. It has survived for many years, and its flesh and blood nourishment ability is also very strong. It is many times stronger than bear paws and deer antlers. .”

After Qin Lang collected the scale armor, he got more than 700 pieces of black scale armor the size of a heart mirror. Next, he cut some dragon elephant meat.

However, this fierce beast was too big, so Qin Lang only chose to cut some flesh and blood from the essence of the dragon elephant's body, and put it into the oversized storage bag of hundreds of cubic meters.

As a cultivator, hunting ferocious beasts is commonplace. Although the earth is no longer the age of comprehension, there are still some ferocious beasts left, just like there are elixir left in unknown places, ferocious beasts are hunted down It's normal, there's no need to show any compassion.

When dividing the body of the dragon elephant, Qin Lang also made an unexpected discovery. He got the wild sound path Gu worm that was parasitic on the dragon elephant.

This is a white and tender, fleshy, plump insect like a silkworm baby.

This wild sound path Gu parasitizes the throat of the dragon elephant. It looks cute, but it is a powerful sound path Gu insect that is rarer than the singing bird.

Under the influence of the Sound Path Gu, the dragon elephant's roar had an effect similar to that of a Buddhist lion's roar, and it seemed to be many times more powerful than the Buddhist lion's roar.

"The sound is like a great bell Gu..."

Holding the silkworm-like Gu in the palm of his hand, Qin Lang had an inadvertent induction, and immediately said the name of the Gu.

The sound is like a torrent of bells Gu... the sound is like a torrent of bells!
This special sound channel Gu worm can amplify the host's sound waves thousands of times, stronger than a super loudspeaker, forming a strong sound wave attack.

In terms of value, this wild sound path Gu worm is Qin Lang's biggest harvest this time. It can be said that even the scales of the wild bull can't compare with it.

If this thing is refined, it is equivalent to having one more effective means of attack.

However, Qin Lang didn't know much about Gu worms, if he wanted to refine this Ruohong Bell Gu, he might have to turn to those Miaojiang Gu masters in Yiyu Village for help.

Looking at the Sound Path Gu in his hand for a while, Qin Lang thought for a while, then put this guy into a pet bag, and at the same time put some flesh and blood of the Great Desolate Dragon Elephant.

The cultivation of Gu worms is inseparable from flesh and blood with essence. Although Qin Lang does not know how to cultivate Gu worms, he also knows the principle of feeding them, otherwise this new wild Gu worm will starve to death.

After all, Qin Lang also raised strange insects such as fire ants and queen ants. Speaking of which, these strange insects in the cultivation world can also be regarded as a kind of Gu, and those insect cultivators in the cultivation world can actually be called Gu cultivators.

However, there is still a little difference between those worm cultivators in the cultivation world and the Gu masters in the Miaojiang. This is the difference between immortals and ordinary people. Not much difference, they refine Gu, raise Gu and release Gu, this process consumes their own essence, blood and vitality, so they fall behind.

The insect cultivators in the comprehension world pay more attention to benefiting themselves, and the method of controlling insects is just a means of fighting. For insect cultivators, the essence of what they pursue is the same as other cultivators, all for longevity.

After cleaning up everything, most of the body of the wild dragon elephant in front of him still couldn't be taken away by himself, but Qin Lang didn't force it, after all, all the essence of the dragon elephant had been taken away by himself.

At this time, looking at the broken body of the dragon and elephant, Qin Lang stared at the two huge fangs.

When he signed a reward contract with more than a dozen raw and mature seedling cottages this time, he mentioned the fangs of the dragon elephant. If Qin Lang really kills the dragon elephant, he can use these two fangs to go to various cottages Claim the bounty.

And now that the task is completed, Qin Lang can directly pull out the two dragon elephant teeth, and go to the dozen or so seedling and ripe seedling cottages to receive the reward.

Not to mention, the tusks of this dragon elephant are almost as thick as an adult, which is many times thicker than the ivory in the world, and the texture is hard. Qin Lang spent a lot of effort to pull out the two tusks of the dragon elephant.

When the two dragon elephant tusks are fully pulled out, each one is more than one foot long and weighs about three to four hundred catties. If it is put up for auction in the secular world, it will definitely cause a sensation. It is a priceless treasure.

Holding it in his hand, Qin Lang realized that the dragon elephant's teeth had a good conductivity to the true energy. If he wanted to, he could use the characteristics of the dragon's elephant's teeth to create some magic weapon-level objects.

However, this can only be done after receiving the reward, Qin Lang doesn't have so much free time yet.

After the battle with Long Xiang, Qin Lang left Baidu Forest at this time, but until he got out of this dense forest, Qin Lang did not find the shadow of Maijia.

"Where did Maijia go... I'm still waiting for him to lead the way, and continue to communicate with those mature and young tribes to receive the reward after killing the wild dragon elephant!"

Qin Lang looked around and murmured strangely.

Maijia did not appear outside the Hundred Poison Forest. Qin Lang was not worried that he would be hurt by some poisonous insects and beasts. In fact, the battle between himself and the dragon and elephant was earth-shattering before. .

And Maijia has realgar and detoxification pills on him, and he is a sub-shaman. It is definitely more than enough to protect himself when encountering ordinary beasts, and those poisonous insects and other poisonous things are even less interested in him.

"Maybe... where is this guy hiding in?"

Qin Lang released his spiritual sense at this time and began to search around. His spiritual sense can now cover more than 300 feet, and it should not be a big problem to seriously search for a person.

And just when Qin Lang let go of his consciousness, his face suddenly changed, his consciousness was actually scratched by an inexplicable force, and this mysterious force followed the vine to attack his consciousness.

All of a sudden, Qin Lang's primordial spirit actually had a feeling of acupuncture, which made him realize that he should have been attacked by his divine sense!

It should be aimed at yourself!It is almost equivalent to a full blow with the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy in the realm of comprehension. Unexpectedly, in Miaojiang, there are still people who have mastered this powerful spiritual attack method.

If it was before he was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, Qin Lang might still suffer a dark loss in the level of mental power sneak attack and contest just now. Unfortunately, Qin Lang is already a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, and the Yuanshen is not only frozen and solid , and the strength of spiritual consciousness is also higher than the other party does not know how many times.

So this sneak attack by the other party didn't have much effect at all. At most, Qin Lang felt that his consciousness was pricked by a needle, and then he didn't feel much.

At the moment, Qin Lang swept his consciousness and found that he was ambushed, and there seemed to be a lot of people ambushing around him, and the aura of Maijia was there, so he should be subdued by these people who ambushed him.

"It's all aimed at me... Are you prepared?"

Qin Lang looked ahead and said with a faint smile, he knew that the battle with the Great Wild Dragon Elephant just now was just a warm-up, and the real battle had just begun.

There are a lot of people ambushing in front of them, at least thirty or forty of them, they should all be Gu Masters from Southern Border, and all of them are above the level of secondary witches, and there is even one guy who even Qin Lang can't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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