Chapter 1364 Counterattack
It should be the guy who attacked Qin Lang with the mysterious technique just now, and the strength of this guy should be above the level of the witch.

At this time, Qin Lang smiled coldly, and said to the surroundings: "Come out! There is no need to hide, I have already found you!"

While speaking, he waved a few sword qi casually to attack in all directions, forcing out the hidden guys here one by one.

Looking at the thirty or forty Miaojiang Gu masters in front of him, Qin Lang smiled lightly and said, "You should all be sent by Guola, the master of Anokeyi's cottage...Why, do you feel that I am a potential threat? The old man really thinks highly of me, and sent so many people to encircle me."

Qin Lang was not afraid, on the contrary he was very calm, and he guessed who this group of people was assigned by.

Obviously he has become a thorn in Guo La's side and must be eradicated so that Guo La can feel at ease.

"Boy, you are indeed a smart person!"

A guy spoke, this is a very capable middle-aged man, "Since you entered Miaojiang, you, a Han boy, have repeatedly broken our plans in Anokeyi, and even the four big horses in our cottage are in your hands I suffered a loss, and even lost one."

"This situation cannot be ignored by our Guola village master. This time, Apokeyi has joined forces with more than a dozen elite villages around him, as well as a respected god envoy, to come here specially for you."

"The scene in front of you can be said to be unprecedented in the entire Miaojiang. It can already be said to have given you the biggest face before you die."

"So... this time, you kid can die in peace!"

The leader of this lean Arnokei Gu Master gave a sinister smile, and said at the same time: "By the way, I also want to thank you before you die! , It also gave me a chance to show my ability, as long as this encirclement and suppression operation is completed! I, Yeji, will become the new leader of the Shanzhai!"

"Yeji, is the leader of a Gu Master in Anokyi's cottage who strives for the top position... Want to take the place of the dead Li Shajia? However, it is not easy for this top horse to secure his position."

Qin Lang looked at him with a half-smile, and said, "It may cost you your life to earn it!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Please God Envoy and all the alliance's cottage brothers take action together. Guola Village Master has given an account, and cut through the mess quickly. Kill this kid earlier and call it a day. He has arranged a banquet in the cottage and is waiting for us to return in triumph!"

With a roar, Yeji sounded the battle call.

When they thought about it, even though the strength of the Huaxia Han boy in front of them was unfathomable, they were well prepared this time. When they learned that Qin Lang had accepted the bounties offered by more than a dozen cottages in the border area between mature seedlings and raw seedlings in Miaojiang, they immediately made measures according to local conditions. Made some arrangements.

The reason why they appeared after the battle between Qin Lang and the Great Wilderness Dragon Elephant is that they took advantage of it. After they thought about it, after Qin Lang fought with the Great Wilderness Dragon Elephant, the physical consumption could not be severe. In this case Subsequent sneak attacks and battles became much easier.

What I didn't expect was that after fighting the Great Desolate Dragon Elephant, Qin Lang still had some strength left. He just resisted the spirit attack from the God Envoy just now, and nothing happened.

You must know that Lord God Envoy is the most powerful one under the priests of Mama of the Miao Temple, and his cultivation and strength are definitely at the high level of Zhengwu, which is almost the same as that of his own village master, Guo La.

Such a character made a move, and he adopted the method of mental attack and sneak attack, and the opponent still failed to get the trick. I have to say that this Huaxia boy is really amazing.

And Qin Lang's strength, Qin Lang's unfathomable depth, even more aroused the challenge of these Miao Jiang gu masters in front of them. Miao people are the most brave and bloody. Not only are they not afraid, but all of them show a fierce look His gaze began to approach Qin Lang.

Of course, with so many people fighting Qin Lang alone, and Qin Lang didn't show up until after another big battle, in their minds, this battle must be nothing to worry about.

But Qin Lang just smiled. If he had not been promoted to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he would definitely have a headache when he encountered such a group of strong opponents.

After all, among the three or 40 people in front of me, the worst ones have sub-shaman level cultivation, and the highest cultivation level, except for the high-level angel of the righteous witch, there are three or four people who are infinitely close to the righteous witch.

This kind of power gathered together, even if it is used to compete head-on with Yiyu Village, it will not suffer a loss. Now it is used by the owner of Guola village in Anokeyi to deal with Qin Lang alone. Han Chinese kid's attention.

It can be said that Qin Lang is the opponent that Guo La is most worthy of his all-out efforts, except for the pursuit of prosperity in Yikuo's cottage.

As a heroic figure, Guo La went all out in every action against his opponent, so this time he also made up his mind to get rid of Qin Lang, a thorn in his eyes.

The battle has begun!

These Miaojiang Gu masters all understood the principle of goshawk fighting rabbits, and they all went all out when they started, and they didn't slacken a little because Qin Lang was only one person.

And they also know that Qin Lang's strength is unfathomable, even if it's just one person, if they don't try their best, they may not be able to win this person.

When these Miaojiang Gu masters came together, they were quite methodical, continuously sprinkled poisonous Gu along the way, and unknowingly formed an enveloping Gu formation
And Qin Lang, who was surrounded in the center like a spider web, was their prey, the one they tried their best to kill.

And when Qin Lang was surrounded by these people to form a Gu formation, he also felt the powerful killing intent of this Gu formation. They wanted to kill themselves in the Gu formation, so why didn't they want to defeat these people with one blow!
However, he also knew that the battle in front of him was definitely much more difficult than the battle with the Great Desolate Dragon Elephant just now.

Why?Because human beings are the spirit of all things, they are intelligent and flexible beings, and their fighting methods are unpredictable, which is definitely not comparable to those wild beasts.

In addition, the overall strength of these people in front of them is definitely several grades higher than that of the Great Wild Dragon Elephant, so Qin Lang wants to defeat these people in front of him, defeat these people in front of him, if he doesn't show some real skills, it really won't work.

In fact, the first wave of attacks by these Gu masters in front of me verified Qin Lang's prediction. All the Gu masters in the Gu formation had bonuses in terms of attack and movement speed. .

Moreover, as the Gu array was running faster and faster, Qin Lang gradually felt the pressure. Although the Gu array formed by Gu masters above the sub-witch level was only a primary Gu array, it was better than the two Gu arrays that Qin Lang had cracked before. It's going to be a lot of trouble.

The same set of Gu formations is displayed by different people, and the power is of course different.

None of the opponents in front of him were weak, and they all had strength above the level of a witch. With the blessing of the Gu formation, Qin Lang almost felt that all the attacks he faced were of the official level.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly a lot of trouble for Qin Lang to crack this Gu formation. It is not impossible for him to crack this Gu formation, but it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time.

With a laugh, Qin Lang swung more than a dozen sword qi to temporarily force the people in front of him back, and then activated the split shadow bracelet, changing into five identical clone phantoms, confusing the vision of these people.

Of course, these false clones didn't play much role in the Gu formation, and were quickly wiped out one by one by the surrounding Gu masters.

In fact, Qin Lang just delayed for a while, and then summoned his magic house ghost ship, and entered the magic house in a flash.

The surrounding Miaojiang Gu masters killed Qin Lang's five avatars, but they were stunned. The previous five were just Qin Lang's avatars, but where did the real body go?
It wasn't until they saw the magic house in the air that these Miaojiang Gu masters judged that this weird magic house must have something to do with Qin Lang, so they shot at this magic house one after another.

But it is a pity that the magic treasure house is the most heaven-defying existence in the cultivation world, and it is generally only available to cultivators in the late Yuanying stage or the transformation stage. Although the magic treasure house in Qin Lang's hands is incomplete, it has only been refined for three days. Although it is restricted by layers, it is also stronger than the most powerful top-rank magic weapon in the cultivation world!

The Magic Treasure House integrates offense and defense, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat!

With the level of the three-layer restriction currently enabled, its defensive ability is even stronger than the top-grade defensive magic weapon Raging Flame Yuanyang Ruler on Qin Lang's body, so all the attacks of these Gu masters in front of him are in vain, even the high-level Zhengwu The Angel's attack is no exception.

In the house of magic treasures, Qin Lang now has the mid-stage cultivation base of Nascent Soul, and can finally support the regular battle of the ghost ship in the house of magic treasures, and no longer worry about the shortage of true energy supply.

With Qin Lang Yuanying's mid-stage true energy overflowing state, it is no problem to support this magic house for two or three hours of continuous high-intensity fighting. Even if he lost about [-]% of his true energy during the battle with the dragon elephant before, with the current In physical condition, only about [-]% of his true energy is left, so it is not a problem at all to use the Magic Treasure House to fight for two hours.

Fighting with a house of magic treasures is completely different from fighting without a house of magic treasures. If Qin Lang used conventional methods to fight against these Miaojiang Gu masters before, even if he won in the end, it would be a miserable victory. Not to mention excessive consumption, the body will definitely suffer damage to varying degrees.

But now manipulating the Magic Treasure House to fight is undoubtedly like opening a cheating device, just like driving a tank to deal with ordinary soldiers. I can easily kill the opponent, and the opponent wants to kill me completely in a dream.

Next, under the control of Qin Lang, this magic house is like a butterfly flying among the flowers, and every time it flies over, it will bring a series of blood flowers.

The ghost ship has a handsome structure, and Qin Lang's attack method using this magic house is also direct, simple and brutal, piercing through the bodies of these Gu masters one by one. However, most of these Miaojiang Gu masters practice secret techniques, even if the body If the vitals are hit hard, you won't die for a while.

But it doesn't matter, if you don't succeed in one puncture, you can do it a few more times. Anyway, Qin Lang doesn't have to worry about the lack of real energy now, so just continue to attack.

Dealing with these Miaojiang Gu masters in a magic house feels like dealing with unarmed civilians, but Qin Lang doesn't feel the slightest bit of guilt in his heart. If the other party can gather thirty or forty people to beat him up, he has to bear being beaten back by himself alone s consequence.

Now that this possibility has become a reality, they can only blame their bad luck!Who told them to be so short-eyed and offend people they shouldn't be...

(End of this chapter)

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