The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1365 Melting Rain But Lacking Spring Breeze

Chapter 1365 Melting Rain But Lacking Spring Breeze
Qin Lang manipulated the magic treasure layer ghost ship and gradually gained the upper hand. In less than one round, almost half of the [-] to [-] Gu masters above the level of primary witches who entered the Hundred Poison Forest this time were hit, and their bodies suffered varying degrees of damage. .

Seeing that the Gu Master was about to be unable to sustain himself, Yeji shouted loudly: "My lord envoy, please help us!"

It turned out that the strongest of the three or 40 opponents just now hadn't made a move.

"Spring Wind Gu!"

The envoy of Zhengwu level summoned a Gu worm, which was suspended in the air. It was a small bug emitting a misty light. With the control of the envoy, the fog light on this little insect suddenly dissipated. A gentle breeze blew through everyone present.

And under the effect of this light wind, the wounds of all the wounded Gu masters present are starting to heal, as if this light wind has magical healing power.

This is exactly the miraculous effect of the spring breeze Gu in the hands of the mysterious envoy invited by the Anokoyi cottage. This is a Gu insect with a powerful healing ability.

And under the effect of the spring wind Gu of the envoy, all the wounded Gu masters who were injured during the siege of Qin Lang before were completely healed in just an instant.

But the movement of the god envoy did not stop, and immediately after that, he summoned the second Gu worm: "Rain Transformation Gu!"

The same small Gu worm also rushed out from the envoy's body, floating next to the spring wind Gu. This Gu worm exuded a fiery white glow, and the moment it rushed out of the envoy's body, the white light on its body dissipated. Turned on, it turned into countless tiny light spots and scattered on every Gu Master on the field.

And being nourished by the small white light spots like raindrops, the thirty or forty Gu masters present suddenly felt as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and their energy and spirit were raised to the best state, and their aura suddenly increased by three or four points.

"Spring Wind Gu? Rain Transformation Gu?"

Qin Lang in the magic house was also stunned when he saw this. The two Gu insects cast by the envoy just now were very weird. The Spring Wind Gu has a strong group healing ability, and the Rain Transformation Gu has a group excitement ability.

In this case, the mysterious envoy of the two Gu worms completely healed the injuries of the Gu masters in front of them in just an instant, and also stimulated their potential combat power.

And these Gu masters who had been stimulated with their potential fighting power became excited and courageous one by one, and once again launched a suicide attack on Qin Lang's magic weapon house.

It's no wonder, now that they have the powerful backcourt support from the envoys, they don't have to worry about getting injured or exhausted in all aspects of their bodies.

Under the effects of Spring Wind Gu and Rain Transformation Gu, each of them felt like a hulk full of power that could not be vented.

Of course, this is just an illusion... In front of Qin Lang's magic weapon house, they are still mantises blocking the car.

If they had a little sense before, now they have turned into crazy mantises.


The Magic Treasure House was pierced again, bringing out a wave of blood and injuring more than [-] people, but the intensity of this wave of fighting was indeed much higher.

Due to the fierceness of the opponent, Qin Lang felt that the real energy consumed by this wave of battles was at least twice as much as before.

True energy has quietly dropped to [-]%...

And just after Qin Lang manipulated the Magic Treasure House to resist waves of attacks, after brushing around the crowd of Gu formations around for a round, suddenly another breeze blew over.

It was still Spring Wind Gu, this light wind healed everyone's injuries again.

In the magic house, Qin Lang looked at the mysterious envoy invited by Anokeyi, and his face was a bit ugly. Although he manipulated the magic house by himself, he was invincible, but there was a time limit. If he kept fighting the war of attrition like this, God knows How long will the battle last.

With 60.00% of my body's true energy reserves, it is estimated that I can persist for another hour and a half at most before my true energy will be insufficient.

The mysterious envoy invited by Guola, the master of Anokeyi’s cottage, also looked a bit embarrassed after using Gu worms for the second wave of group therapy. Gu masters need strong spiritual support to manipulate Gu worms, even though he is now a He is a high-level Gu master who is famous as a witch, but this two consecutive waves is not enough.

After all, he used two Gu worms to treat the three or 40 people in front of him with group healing and ability enhancement. The consumption was too huge, but the speed of mental power recovery was not so fast at all.

Thinking of this, he touched his chest and took out another Gu worm. This Gu worm looked like a spider but had three heads.

After the envoy took out the Gu worm, he threw it into his mouth and chewed it up, the juice splashed all over the place, and as the envoy swallowed it, the envoy's spiritual power actually increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is the Three-Thinking Gu, which consumes Gu insects at one time, and thinks twice before acting. The Three-Thinking Gu can quickly replenish the consumption of the Gu Master's mental power...Three-Thinking Gu is produced by the Gu mother's thousands of thoughts, but unfortunately I only have three at a time. Sex consumes the child Gu and thinks Gu three times, but there is no Gu mother with thousands of thoughts."

When the envoy was chewing the Thinking Gu, he also stared coldly at the magic house manipulated by Qin Lang.

"Thousands of threads are the natal core Gu refined by Master Mama. This is also one of the three treasures of Master Mama. I don't even need to think about such a treasure Gu. This time I was sent by Master Mama to perform a mission. , it would be nice to get three one-time consumption sub-gu!"

"I hope that with the three Gu worms, I can successfully complete this task and solve this troublesome Han kid in front of me..."

That's right!This envoy is under the command of the priest Mama of the Miao Temple. Egola's current relationship with the priest Mama of the Miao Temple is also an ally who sent capable men to help out this time.

Through the house of magic treasures, Qin Lang also saw the behavior of this divine envoy chewing and swallowing strange Gu insects, and when he saw that this guy had used Spring Wind Gu and Rain Transformation Gu repeatedly, and his mental power was almost exhausted, he suddenly exploded again. When he got up, he immediately understood that the Gu worms that this guy chewed and swallowed must be extraordinary, and must be Gu worms that supplement mental power consumption.

Of course, Qin Lang also has such similar functions. Yiyuan Pill and Fushen Pill are all used to supplement the consumption of spiritual consciousness.

And knowing that this divine envoy can use Gu worms to continuously replenish his mental power consumption, Qin Lang's focus has shifted to this person. He knows that the spring wind Gu and rain-transforming Gu in the hands of this divine envoy are the Gu array in front of him. The key to running a steady stream.

Although this guy consumes a lot of mental power every time he uses Spring Breeze Gu and Rain Transformation Gu, but Qin Lang doesn't know how many strange Gu worms are hidden on this person's body to supplement the consumption of mental power. It is completely unsupportive.

If you want a quick battle, it seems that you have to start with this envoy of the witch level, so then Qin Lang manipulated the magic house to attack the focus of the envoy outside the formation, which attracted the entire Gu formation. All the Gu masters followed Qin Lang and kept moving.

In the process of chasing, Qin Lang injured some Gu Masters one after another, but with the Spring Wind Gu and Rain Transformation Gu of the God Envoy, these Gu Masters with extremely strong physiques could not die at all. Lively.

And Qin Lang was chasing and fighting the envoy, which also made the envoy feel distressed. If it wasn't for the restraint of the Gu formation several times, I am afraid that he would have been killed by Qin Lang directly. After fighting for a while, the horror of the magic house would have killed him. I have a deep understanding with all the Gu masters on the scene.

Qin Lang once again manipulated the Magic Treasure House to hit it. The current Magic Treasure House is slightly different from before. There seems to be a faint blue-white electric glow on the surface.

This blue and white electric glow is not actually a new function of the Magic Treasure House, but comes from Qin Lang himself. Qin Lang himself is the spiritual root of the three attributes of fire, gold, and thunder, so he can also cast some lightning spells.

The characteristic of lightning is that it is very conductive when encountering metal, so Qin Lang in the magic house had a whim, and directly applied the lightning spell to the magic house, so such a layer of lightning appeared on the entire shell of the magic house.

Not to mention, the sudden inspiration gave Qin Lang a lot of help. After the Magic Treasure House has the attribute of lightning attack, its ability to damage these Gu Masters has greatly increased. The main reason is that Thunder and Lightning can actually affect these Gu Masters. On the soul, it has a huge impact on their spiritual power.

Therefore, under the penetration of Qin Lang's magic weapon, it is no longer possible for all Gu masters to completely ignore Qin Lang's attack as before. Although the body is penetrated, the god envoy can still save himself, but the mental power is affected by this. If you penetrate once or twice, you will become an idiot and mentally handicapped.

Even, if the mental strength is a little weaker, the soul of the entire Gu Master may be directly wiped out by the electric glow outside the magic house!

Lightning shock!

Qin Lang finally found a loophole in the Gu formation, rushed out of the Gu formation again, and rushed towards this envoy!
"Ah! Lord Protector!"

"The gods make adults not to make mistakes!"

All the Gu masters in the Gu formation who were thrown away once again rushed to save the field, but it seemed a bit late, Qin Lang had already injured one of the envoy's... Gu insect.

The magic house collided with the Spring Breeze Gu summoned by the envoy. On one side was the magic house, and on the other side was the weak Gu worm. After the stone hit the egg, the egg would naturally break, but the stone was still fine.

The Spring Wind Gu was instantly wiped out under the impact of the Magic Treasure House, no, even the ashes could not be seen, it just disappeared.

"Ah! My spring wind Gu!"

The divine envoy cried out in pain, Spring Breeze Gu and Rain Transformation Gu have always been the most important Gu in his body, although they are not the core Gu of natal life, but he has always used them as the core Gu of natal life to cultivate, but now there is one less Only, if he can accept it!
In the mind of this divine envoy, Spring Breeze Gu and Transforming Rain Gu can replace his natal core Gu in the future. He has just refined these two Gu worms not long ago, and he is planning to carry out more advanced combined refining to become Spring Wind Transforming Rain Gu , to a higher level.

However, with the disappearance of a Gu worm and the absence of Spring Breeze Gu, it is extremely difficult for the envoy to refine and collect materials to refine Spring Breeze Gu again. and.

Why?Because the material collection and refining process of Gu worms is not simple, time-consuming, troublesome, and labor-intensive, it will take two or three years for the old man Qiusheng in Yixuan Village to refine a batch of ordinary Gu worms for the villagers, while Chunfeng Obviously more special Gu insects like Gu and Rain Transformation Gu need more time to collect materials and refine them.

Therefore, after the divine envoy lost the Spring Wind Gu, if he wanted to collect materials to refine the Gu worms again, he might not be able to within three to five years.

Three to five years may not be a big deal for a cultivator, but for a Miaojiang Gu master whose lifespan is not much longer than a normal person, it is extremely precious, and they also cannot afford to waste long energy and wait.

(End of this chapter)

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