Chapter 1366 Three Thoughts Gu
Moreover, the materials for refining Gu are not so easy to obtain. The envoy spent many years refining the two Gu worms, but Qin Lang destroyed them all at once, which is equivalent to wasting a lot of hard work.

Now just the time and money it takes to get the materials together is giving him a headache.

After the Spring Breeze Gu was destroyed, the envoy was stunned for a while, but Qin Lang was not polite, and beat the top bird with a club. This envoy was considered a high-ranking figure among a group of Gu masters, so naturally he had to do everything possible to kill him first.

"God made my lord be careful!"

At this time, the Gu master's support also came, and the Gu formation once again surrounded Qin Lang. Unfortunately, the Magic Treasure House had a scratch with the envoy. The powerful electric light stabbed the envoy's soul, and at the same time he Totally woke up.

"The loss of this mission is too great. This Han boy is very powerful. You can't deal with him like that... Now that there is no Spring Breeze Gu, I'm afraid it will be even more unreliable now! No, I'd better get out quickly and find a way to report back later. This revenge."

The envoy knew that this encirclement and suppression mission was impossible to complete, so he planned to retreat, and at this moment, Qin Lang once again got out of the Gu formation and charged towards him.

Without the slightest hesitation, the envoy activated his natal core Gu, and before the house of magic treasures charged towards him, green smoke rose from the ground, and the house of magic treasures hit a green wooden stake, and the shadow of the envoy himself had completely disappeared.

And as the envoy himself disappeared, the cyan wooden stake only stayed on the ground for two or three seconds before becoming faintly visible. Finally, the wooden stake also had a substance and turned into nothingness.

"Wood Dun! This is the ability of Master God Envoy's core Gu insect Green Wood Gu!"

"My lord envoy activated the wood escape technique and ran away! What shall we do?"

"Obviously the mission failed this time! Let's escape!"

Since the thirty or forty wizards present were from different villages, the escape of the divine envoy also caused them to discuss a lot, and they were in chaos, and the idea of ​​escape also appeared in the hearts of many Gu masters.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy, is it?"

Inside the magic house, Qin Lang chuckled, the effect of thunder and lightning blessing the magic house is surprisingly good, and now his attack is two-way in nature, acting on the body and soul of these Gu masters.

Those Gu masters who couldn't be killed many times before, and who were alive and well in the blink of an eye, accidentally killed two or three of them in the process of dealing with the envoys after they used this little trick.

Since it can be seen that thunder and lightning have caused too much damage to Gu Master's soul, it is no wonder that the souls and spirits in the cultivation world are afraid of thunder and lightning. In thundery weather.

It can be said that thunder and lightning have a damage bonus factor for the soul, which Qin Lang never expected. This little trick mastered today is not simple, and I am afraid it will be another powerful killer move against the enemy in the future, and it also makes up for the simple magic house in the past. Physical attack, without the deficiency of attribute attack.

Next, it was really a massacre. Qin Lang, who manipulated the magic weapon house, once again made a huge killing, and soon became a master, completing the ultimate killing.

The [-] to [-] Gu masters present were all above the sub-shaman level, and they were all at the leader level in each cottage, and half of them died directly.

The main reason for this, of course, is that Qin Lang took advantage of the characteristics of the magic house to catch everyone by surprise, and when they turned around, the rest who were able to catch their breath each performed their own life-saving secrets and escaped

The small area outside the Hundred Poison Forest is now full of blood. Except for the two corpses just now, the remaining fourteen corpses completed the process of instantly turning the living into the dead in less than eight seconds. .


Qin Lang came out of the magic treasure house, feeling a little exhausted. He smelled the bloody smell around him, and he was also faintly uncomfortable. These Miaojiang Gu masters have tasted hundreds of poisons since childhood, and after they turned into corpses, each of them had a strange aura extreme.

Just like the corpse of the Gu Master in front of him, the smell of blood also contains the smell of rust, and there is not even a trace of sour and unspeakable smell.

Moreover, Qin Lang found that the blood flowing out of their corpses was not the red color of normal people, but red with colorful colors, which was a sign that the poison had invaded the blood, bone marrow.

Noisy... A large number of ordinary vegetation on the ground at the scene turned into burnt smoke after being polluted by blood, while some plant-like poisonous weeds that were originally a specialty of Baidulin were nourished by blood and quickly sprouted from the soil.

Qin Lang saw with his own eyes that under his nose, an unknown green grass quickly broke through the ground, opened two young leaves, and then the stems of the young leaves were raised up one by one under the nourishment of blood, and soon changed from the original unsightly Raise it up to one or two inches from the eye, and then about two or three inches high.

The blood of these Miaojiang Gu masters is poisonous, but Qin Lang is not afraid. He has already taken Queen Mother Grass leaves and can resist most types of toxins in the world, and he still has detoxification pills on his body, so he doesn't care about these things.

Next, Qin Lang groped around the fifteen or six corpses and got a lot of materials for refining Gu and raising Gu. Other than that, there seemed to be nothing worth noting.

These strengths have reached the second level of witches, and they are already leader-level gu masters. The materials for refining and raising Gu on the body of the gu master should not be easy to get. After collecting these materials for refining and raising Gu, Qin Lang plans to use them to exchange what he needs with the people of Miaojiang. resource.

Then, Qin Lang accidentally found another good thing in the place where he attacked the envoy before. After the envoy cast Wood Escape to escape, he actually dropped a Thinking Gu.

It turned out that the Three Thoughts Gu was a one-time consumption Gu, but it was not directly bound to the Gu master like other Gu insects, but was carried with him. Before the envoy fled in a hurry, he didn't know that he had made such a mistake under his carelessness.

Picking up this strange spider-shaped Gu, Qin Lang compared it to the left and right, and found that it was indeed the Three Thinking Gu used by the envoy to replenish his mental power before, so he put it in the pet bag.

However, this Three Thinking Gu has a strange shape and looks like a spider. It really takes a certain amount of pressure to make Qin Lang eat it. Unless it is a last resort, Qin Lang probably won't attack this Gu insect. It's too disgusting.

After all, he can't be as ruthless as these Gu masters in Miaojiang. He is a normal person, living in a normal city since he was a child, and the living habits he has come into contact with are also normal. There have been some changes.

But these changes in personality can hardly affect Qin Lang's habitual preferences. Unlike these Gu masters in Gujiang who simply ignore spider poisonous insects, in fact, they did this only after being influenced by their ears and eyes since they were young. They regard spider poisonous insects as ordinary things, so It is said that the environment in which a person lives is different, resulting in different personalities and preferences.

This kind of situation is similar to "the one who is close to vermilion is red, and the one who is close to ink is black".

After tidying up everything, Qin Lang suddenly slapped his head, only focusing on cleaning the battlefield, as if there was still one very important thing to do.

My poor guide turned over, where is Maijia, the leader of the transport team in Yiguo's cottage now?I'm too busy fighting now to pay attention to these!
When Qin Lang's divine sense detected the enemy before, he seemed to sense Maijia's breath, so now he detected his divine sense again.

Then, Qin Lang dug this guy out from a pit beside the dense forest. The group of Gu masters in Anokeyi Village were really wicked. After subduing Maijia, they buried him alive. If it wasn't for the Gu master's special physique, Ordinary Miao people would have been suffocated to death.

However, Maijia, who had just been dug out of the pit, was actually only one face-to-face with the god of death. If Qin Lang dug him out later, I am afraid that he would not be able to save him even with artificial respiration.

After digging out Maijia, Qin Lang's eyes froze. Although Maijia was still alive, his hands, legs, and limbs were brutally broken by those Gu masters. There was a bloody wound on his chest, and it was a penetrating wound, right in the heart. parts.

Being buried alive with such injuries, it's really strange that Maijia didn't die. None of the wizards in the Middle East have such a tyrannical physique!
Qin Lang investigated carefully, only to find that Maijia's body is different from normal people, his heart does not grow on the left side like normal people, but on the right side.

"So that's the case!"

Qin Lang nodded, and couldn't help but sigh that this guy was lucky. There have been rumors of this kind of left and right ventricle swapping since ancient times, but it is almost one in a billion, which is rarer than winning the lottery.

It is estimated that those Gu masters who attacked Maijia before did not think of Maijia's special body, they thought he was really dead, so they buried him alive afterwards.

Of course, the main target of those Gu masters was Qin Lang in the Hundred Poison Forest. They focused more on Qin Lang, thus ignoring the special features of this little person beside him.

I have to say that this guy is really lucky, Qin Lang chuckled, as long as Maijia is still alive, he can guarantee that this guy will be completely revived, and his body will recover exactly the same as before.

At this time, Qin Lang took out the Creation Pill, divided it into two halves, stuffed one half into the guy's mouth, and put the other half into the water bag, which melted away.

Good Fortune Pill lives and dies, flesh and bones, it is Qin Lang's confidence to treat Maijia. This is not an incomplete Good Fortune Pill, but a real top-grade panacea.

The Creation Pill is very strange, it melts when touched with water, besides feeding half of it to Maijia, the other half of Qin Lang is directly used for Maijia's trauma.

Moreover, while Qin Lang treated Maijia, he also refuted the bones, corrected the disordered meridians after the fracture of the limbs, and brought Maijia's meridians back to normal.

At the same time, a slight amount of real energy was injected into Maijia's body, accelerating the operation of the medicinal power of the elixir, and speeding up the healing of the body's injuries.

Slowly, Maijia's skin and flesh injuries shrank, shrunk, and even disappeared.

Slowly, the injury of the Maijia meridian is also getting better little by little, getting better, and returning to normal.

Gradually, after the fractures of Maijia's limbs were straightened, they also adhered to each other little by little, and even became one.

In order to speed up the treatment of Maijia, Qin Lang also spent a lot of real energy, and after repeated battles, he also felt a little overwhelmed.

Now Qin Lang's face is slightly pale, and his forehead] and neck are covered with fine sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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