Chapter 1367

After getting up, Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief. The whole treatment took almost half an hour, and now he finally completed all the steps.

He looked around, and although Maijia looked a bit embarrassed and didn't wake up immediately, the wounds on his body surface had completely disappeared, and he seemed to be fine.

And after Qin Lang completed his own treatment process, the Good Fortune Pill still continued to exert its medicinal power inside Maijia's body to complete a deeper transformation.

After all, this kind of elixir is a magic elixir in the realm of comprehension. In fact, its function is definitely not as simple as treating injuries. In the process of slowly healing Maijia, it is also a process of cutting hair and washing marrow.

Of course, this is only the case with the body of Maijia who used this kind of magic pill for the first time. If it is the current Qin Lang, if he is injured and uses this pill, it will only heal and restore part of his physical strength. Failed to cut the hair and wash the marrow again.

After all, Qin Lang's body has undergone hair cutting and marrow washing many times, and the purity of his body can be said to exceed the level that can be achieved by pill cutting hair and marrow washing, so it has no effect.

But Maijia in front of him is different, Gu master's cultivation itself is a process of harming the body, the body accumulates a lot of positive or negative toxins.

The process of cutting the hair and washing the marrow is actually to use the power of the elixir to help Maijia expel the negative toxins from the body as much as possible, and only keep the parts that are beneficial to the body. This is a very benign process.

Soon Maijia's skin became hot and hot, like a patient with a high fever, this guy groaned and groaned unconsciously, the sound was very complaining, like a cat meowing, not like a big man at all.

Qin Lang chuckled, how painful the process of cutting hair and washing marrow is, he has actually experienced it many times, and every time he couldn't stop.

As Maijia moaned unconsciously, the pores of his skin began to open, and a large amount of black sweat with impurities was discharged from the pores, which were the negative toxins and impurities in Maijia's body.

And as these impurities were excreted from the body, Maijia woke up: "What's wrong with me?"

Then he looked at himself and touched the parts of his body; "My hands and feet are not broken. Didn't I get buried alive by those villains in Anokeyi? How come I'm still alive?"

"You have already died once, I saved you!"

Qin Lang said behind him, telling him everything that happened after Maijia was buried alive.

After knowing the cause and effect of the incident, Maijia couldn't help but pat himself on the right heart, it's okay!fine!

Fortunately, I have a lot of life. If my heart didn't grow on the right side, if it wasn't for Qin Lang to take a heaven-defying life-saving elixir in time, and spend his true energy to help him recover, I'm afraid he would really wake up. But come.

After knowing all this, Maijia put his hands together and bowed to Qin Lang.

But Qin Lang shook his head to show that there is no need to be too polite, and then suddenly laughed and said: "Stand up!"

A large mass of water fell from the sky and directly drenched this guy.

When Maijia was stunned, Qin Lang smiled and said to him: "You are too dirty, I will wash it for you!"

Immediately after Qin Lang pinched a few more spells, the water in the air continued to condense and then fell, directly showering Maijia with a free shower.

Of course, with this wave of bathing, the dirt and toxins on the drowned Maijia's body were naturally washed away.

The climate in the mountainous area has been a bit cold recently. At this time, seeing Maijia trembling, a large group of pale flames appeared in Qin Lang's palm, directly drawing a small pile of damp dead branches and leaves on the ground.

"Well, you can wash and bake it! After drying, we will go back to those cottages to receive the reward."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lang sat cross-legged by the fire, holding a middle-grade spirit stone and began to practice.

After several battles, his body was severely depleted, and now his body's remaining true energy is estimated to be only a little over [-]%.

Good guy, I'm afraid I'll have to spend more than 1000 middle-grade spirit stones just to replenish these true energy!

But thinking about it this time, the battle is not a loss. Not only did I get some miscellaneous parts, but I also learned an important small method of using the magic house to fight, which also directly increased Qin Lang's combat ability.

When Qin Lang recovered from the meditation, Mai Jia had already dried his whole body, and now his body was full of vitality after cutting the hair and washing the marrow, which made him feel like he was back in his youth.

The fire in front of him has not been extinguished. Maijia must have been adding wet firewood during Qin Lang's meditation. Seeing Qin Lang wake up, he immediately looked at Qin Lang with the eyes of a god: "My lord, you are awake."

"Well, I said you don't have to be so polite."

Qin Lang felt that this guy had a tendency to turn from respect to admiration for him, so he hurriedly stopped this development.


Maijia nodded, but she was not at peace in her heart.

After experiencing all kinds of incredible methods of Qin Lang, and knowing that Qin Lang is a cultivator, Maijia is also a little uneasy.The realm of comprehension has disappeared from the earth for thousands of years, and even in the land of China, there has been no news about cultivators in the past few thousand years.

And when a living cultivator appeared in front of his eyes, it was even more surprising than Maijia seeing his wife come back to life. He couldn't even think about it!It turns out that Qin Lang is a cultivator, no wonder he has all kinds of incredible abilities, many special abilities that even a powerful Gu Master cannot do.

Before, he thought that Qin Lang was a voodoo witch!
After being surprised, Maijia still respected Qin Lang a lot more than before. This is also a helpless thing. The weak always worship those giants who are much stronger than themselves. They know that they will not be able to catch up with each other in their entire lives.

After that, Qin Lang followed Maijia to various cottages to collect the bills...or not, to receive his own reward.In the area where mature seedlings and raw seedlings meet in southern Xinjiang, there are seven mature seedling tribes and five raw seedling tribes. Although the background of each village is not as good as that of an established force like Yiguo, each village has at least one or two hundred people, and its resources are at least Equivalent to one-fifth of the clothes.

According to the original agreement, Qin Lang can get [-]% of the training resources of each cottage if he kills this wild beast alone without the help of external force.

Now that Qin Lang has completed the task, and he did it alone without the help of external force, then if each of the twelve cottages in front of him takes [-]% of the resources, he can get almost three times the cultivation resources he got in the Yigu cottage .

For Qin Lang, who is almost obsessed with resource needs, this is really a good thing that pleases everyone. More resources mean that the future road can be longer. massive.

Among these resources, Qin Lang also accidentally discovered two middle-grade spirit stones.

"Hey, middle-grade spirit stones? Are there still middle-grade spirit stones on Earth..."

Qin Lang turned his head and directly asked the representative of the cottage who gave him the middle-grade spirit stone.

It's a pity that this is a copycat representative of the Shengmiao tribe. The two sides talk to each other. If Qin Lang talks directly, there is no way to communicate at all, which makes people dumbfounded.

There was no other way, so I had to use the translation of Maijia again to switch languages ​​between the two parties.

In the end, I got the news that the original two middle-grade spirit stones were not found by this Shengmiao tribe, but obtained through material exchange with another Shengmiao tribe called "Kan" in the depths of southern Xinjiang. Of course, "Kan" is just a similar pronunciation, and Qin Lang has no idea what it means in southern Xinjiang.

I heard that the Shengmiao tribe called "Kan" is located in the depths of southern Xinjiang, not to mention the remote location, and Feizhang is hostile to the Han people, so Qin Lang's idea of ​​directly finding out the source of these two spirit stones can only be temporarily extinguished .

With a lot of resources in hand, Qin Lang suddenly felt that his heart was also heavy. This feeling is very solid and really good.

I don't know if other cultivators have the same feeling as myself. It's like a wanderer in the city who is often full and hungry, and suddenly finds a dilapidated small house where he can live, and there is a small house next to him. Like a trash can where you can find food, that kind of happiness is simple but real.

When they got a lot of resources, Qin Lang and Maijia didn't forget their other mission, which was to find more allies for Yiqu, and they wanted to bring the twelve tribes of young and mature seedlings into Yiqu as well. in the alliance.

However, although the [-] young and mature tribes in this area are grouped together, the five young tribes are still relatively xenophobic and have not agreed to the request for trade.

As for the seven Shumiao tribes, five of them had ambivalent attitudes. It seemed that they all knew that Yixiu's current handling was not good, and they were all prepared to wait and see for the time being, not wanting to get involved in the war between the two largest Shumiao villages.

Only two of them expressed that they would conduct trade routes with Yiquan in order to develop further cooperation and exchanges.

After all, this area is too far away from the Han people's cities. If there is a Dazhai, which is relatively close to the Han people's cities, like Yiguo as a transit, the channels for these remote cottages to obtain inland supplies will be much smoother.

Being able to win over two copycats who are willing to carry out primary cooperation with Yixuan, Qin Lang and Maijia also feel that this trip is worthwhile. In the future, they can slowly develop cooperation and exchanges, tie these two new partnerships closer, and reach a certain level at the same time. From time to time, it can also drive more copycats in this area to join the Yilong Alliance.

Promoting exchanges between Miao and Han is also China’s policy towards Miao. Miao and Han intermarriage, try to make more Miao tribes sinicize, go out of the mountains, and stay away from the life of blood-drinking mushrooms. It is also a strategy to make the two ethnic groups more united. .

Four days later, Qin Lang had already returned to Yigu Village, and when the owner of the old village, Qiu Sheng, was very happy to learn that Qin Lang and Maijia had added two more junior business partners to the cottage, he attached great importance to these two new contacts. The allies of the two new allies are planning to double the amount of purchases from Han cities in the future to meet the daily needs of the two new allies.

And the cooperation with the two new allies is still the same as the original material delivery business road from Yikuo to Zhashui Village and then to Tuoma Village, but this time the business road is extended again, and finally reaches the mature and raw seedlings in Miaojiang confluence zone.

And these two new allies Shumiao Village, one is called Xiaoba Village and the other is called Cetuo Village.

(End of this chapter)

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