Chapter 1368
The screen turned, and the envoys from the other direction did not meet up with the remnants of Anoki after they escaped with Qingmu Dun, but went straight back to the Miao Temple.

Somewhere in the Miao Temple, the envoy met with an important person, and he knelt down on the ground: "This subordinate is incompetent, failed to complete the task assigned by the priest, and an important Gu insect on his body, Spring Wind Gu, was also destroyed by the target. .”

Kneeling on the ground, he looked very sincere and fearful, his expression was extremely pious and respectful, he did not dare to show any frivolity, for fear of being punished by this important person, obviously he was terribly afraid of the other party.

After finishing speaking, he continued to lower his head, waiting for the priest to speak, while praying in his heart that Priest Mama would let the past go, and let him take the blame for his crimes and make meritorious deeds.

"Oh... even God Envoy Aoki and Anokoy can't deal with that many people. It seems that the Han kid is indeed a bit different."

Priest Mama nodded, showing a thoughtful expression.

This is a tall, thin man wrapped in a gray robe, with a veil covering his face, his age cannot be seen.

But from the voice of the conversation, it can be heard that it should be an old guy.

If Qin Lang was there, he would definitely be able to sense that Priest Mama's witchcraft cultivation base is very unfathomable, definitely surpassing any wizard he has seen since entering Miaojiang.

"That Han boy is the weirdest one I have ever seen in my life. He is controlling a very strange boat-shaped flying treasure. He can attack and defend, and he is simply unstoppable... This subordinate and Arnokeyi are three 40 People are defeated by this strange boat-shaped flying treasure."

The envoy of Aoki was a little annoyed, it seemed that he was very dissatisfied with being defeated by Qin Lang.

"Oh, then, this person should have acquired the Gu cultivation inheritance of Miaojiang Heaven and Earth Flow."

Priest Mama said.

He knew that there was such a special type of Gu master inheritance in Miaojiang, what the inheritance Gu master manipulated was not Gu objects, but various magic weapons.

"It is said that the Heaven and Earth Flow Gu Cultivator inheritance is one of the most mysterious inheritances in Miaojiang. If this is the case, you are indeed at a disadvantage."

"My lord, what should we do next? This time, everyone's joint efforts failed to remove this person. I'm afraid it will be more troublesome in the future. It is not conducive to your lord's alliance with Arnoke's Gola side."

The envoy raised his head and said cautiously.

"It's okay, since this Han boy is very powerful, let him dance for a few days."

Priest Mama waved his hand and said calmly: "The treasure of King Miao is about to be opened, we should start to focus on this side! And if I'm not wrong, the people who are currently relying on Priest Qizhi's Yiguizhai and others must be We will regard this Han boy as an important combat force, and we will definitely let this person join when the treasure is opened, and we can also start to arrange and use some special methods to remove this person without anyone noticing."

"Your Excellency is still wise." The Aoki God Envoy cupped his hands and gave a sigh of admiration.


But in another direction, Guola, the master of Aruokeyi's cottage, saw these people scattered and fled back. He should know that the gods of the Miao Temple and the [-] to [-] elite combat forces on the side of the cottage couldn't kill the Han kid. Afterwards, Gola, who has always been irritable, flew into a rage.

"Bastard, did you all grow up eating shit? Trash! A bunch of trash! There are so many people who can't even deal with a Han bastard, and you still have the face to come back to me!"

A group of people, including more than a dozen allies in the cottage, trembled under Guo La's reprimand, like chickens.

Yeji, who was in charge of the organization of the trip, put on a bitter face, and said bravely, "Master, you can't blame us for this! The opponent is really too strong, and even the envoy was forced to flee by that Han boy..."

This guy felt that he had been unlucky for eight lifetimes. He thought it would be a fat job to take on this task, but he didn't know that Qin Lang was so difficult to deal with, and now he was really powerless to complain.

The first time he failed such an important task, the title of the new champion of the cottage might not be his turn, and now he only hopes that he will not be scolded too badly by the village owner.

Sure enough, the old guy Guo La was very dissatisfied with Yeji's answer, and wanted to curse again, but there was a vibration from his body, and a Gu worm flew out of his body.

It was a white and green insect that looked like a longhorn. After flying into the air, a layer of light glowed on its body.

And as the strange appearance of the Gu worm appeared, a voice also came out of the Gu worm: "Master Guola, I am Priest Mama! Before your cottage encircled and suppressed that Han boy, the Aoki envoy has already reported to me Already!"

This voice is actually exactly the same as the voice of the priest Mama in the Miao Temple. It is unexpected that there is such a mysterious way of communication among high-level Gu masters in Miao Jiang.

As the sound waves are continuously sent out from the body of the beetle-like worm, the worm's stomach also bulges and shrinks, with a sense of rhythm. In fact, this kind of message-like worm is also extremely rare in the entire Miaojiang, called Feixun worm.

Feixun Gu is divided into one male and one female. The two worms are similar in appearance, but the color of the body surface is slightly different. The male worm is black and the female worm is white.

And a Gu master holding two worms is like holding a wireless phone, one male and one female, the two parties can communicate with each other no matter how far apart they are, and there will be no problem of signal blind spots in mountainous areas like wireless phones.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. There are two pairs of Gu male and female. If one of them is destroyed, the other can't be used, so it can only be refined again.

The village master Guola finally made a pair three years ago. After the current high priest passed away, he contacted the priest Mama of the Miao Temple and gave the priest a male worm. Insects are used to strengthen the cooperative link between the two parties.

"Master Guola!"

Priest Mama's voice came from the female worm again: "The failure of this operation mission is actually no fault of our respective subordinates. The reason why the Han boy is difficult to deal with should be because he inherited the inheritance of Miao Jiang Heaven and Earth Flow Gu cultivation."

"Heaven and Earth Flowing Gu Cultivation Inheritance? Isn't this the old dead ghost's lineage... But that Han boy is stronger than the old dead ghost's son, so are they brothers?"

After Guo La heard it, she obviously misunderstood: "So it is reliable, the son of the old dead ghost disappeared in the Middle East for 20 years, this time with the help of the Han brothers, he returned to Miaojiang to attack Anokeyi, I seek revenge, and I really came prepared..."

Sensing a moment of silence on the side of Anokeyi Village, Priest Mama spoke again with the help of Feixun Gu: "The opening of King Miao's treasure is approaching, and the matter of that Han kid...let's put it aside for now! When the time comes, I will There are some arrangements on the side of the temple to deal with your enemies, after all, we are tied to the same boat now."

"The opening of King Miao's treasure this time is a major event related to which priest in the temple will succeed the high priest. It is much more important than the bullshit among you copycats!"

"I promise, as long as you Anokeyi can help my Mama successfully take over as the high priest this time, in return, I, Mama, will definitely help you Guola clear those hostile villages in the mature seedlings, and then the entire mature The title of King of the Miao people in the Miao area is yours."

Guo La stared at the flickering Feixun Gu mother worm in the air, settled for a while, and then said: "Okay!"

Afterwards, the priest Mama of the Miao Temple and Zhuguola, the two important people in the Miao area of ​​the Anokoyi Shanzhai, had a detailed conversation for a while. It was basically about the opening of the treasure of the Miao King and the entry of the Gu masters from the Anokoyi side into the treasure. After that, how to find the high priest's inheritance token as soon as possible.

You must know that there are nearly [-] large and small tribes among the three seedlings in Miaojiang. There must be many tribes that can enter the treasure of Miao King this time. It is well known in Xinjiang that after such a period of time, there should be people in the tribes of mature seedlings and raw seedlings who have refined them.

There are also five priests on the side of the temple, almost all of whom have their own tribal supporters. It can be said that they are all strong competitors for the high priest, and the key is to see which priest gets the inheritance token of the successor high priest first.


The line of sight returned to the village of Yiquan again. As the day of the opening of King Miao’s treasure was approaching, the whole village was filled with a different atmosphere, and the daily actions of the Miao people in the village became more agile.

In the spare time, the leaders of the cottage gathered together, in addition to meetings, to study how to find the high priest's inheritance token as soon as possible after entering the treasure of King Miao, and successfully avoid the snatching of other tribes.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of snatching of inheritance tokens may be very bloody. Both sides of the exploration team entering the treasure will meet the same regardless of whether they are young or ripe. This is also the tradition of the entire Miaojiang for thousands of years.

After all, the Miao King God is recognized as the supreme god in the entire Miao area, and the high priest is the spokesperson of the temple sent by the Miao King Temple, and also the nominal ruler of [-] tribes, big and small, with a supreme status. .

This is the supreme collection of the rights and interests of the entire Miaojiang. Naturally, there is no need to think about the benefits of the dragon, and no one will give up.

It's like the change of dynasties of the Han people in the history of China, which one was not like this.

However, Qin Lang was very unimpressed with these meetings. As a VIP guest of the cottage, he received preferential treatment, so he didn't have to attend every day's regular meetings, only the final meeting results.

Anyway, Miao Wang Baozang and his party's clothing and clothing search team must not lack him, and he will naturally talk about the results of the meeting in detail.

Afterwards, Qin Lang practiced daily in Yiyu Mountain Village, refining the elixir resources on his body to make pills. In fact, he was also very busy.

It took him almost two days to refine all the elixir resources obtained from more than a dozen cottages at the intersection of raw and mature seedlings in Miaojiang into pills.

He has refined a total of [-] Jingyuan Pills, which are the most important pills for routine cultivation in the Yuanying Stage, and each pill is twenty times more effective than the previous Jingqi Pills.

Although there are not many Yiyuan Pills and Fushen Pills, they have refined more than 30 pills each. In addition, there are some common panacea-level pills, such as Jiedu Pills, Miasma-avoiding Pills, etc., to replenish the already limited inventory.

After refining these elixirs, his net worth has been enriched a lot, and he has gradually regained some of his former glory in the cultivation world. It feels good to have such a rich net worth.

Now he made a hasty estimate that the elixirs on his body were enough for his next year's cultivation, that is to say, for almost a year, he no longer needed to worry about the lack of elixirs.

(End of this chapter)

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