The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1371 Entering the Miao Temple

Chapter 1371 Entering the Miao Temple
Next, there was a vigorous wine competition. Unfortunately, Mu Ziqing was already being watched by Lao Guo because of his show off. He didn't eat much food, but the wine bowls were lifted one after another.


"Come on, do it!"


The few people at the wine table did not make any gestures, and opened their throats to drink, which was quite a heroic taste of eating a large piece of meat and drinking heavily. Even if there were only a few people, the atmosphere was very enthusiastic.

I don't know how much I drank. Anyway, there are two or three empty wine jars beside the table. You must know that these are all ten-jin wine jars.

Mu Ziqing, who had the least capacity for alcohol, drank it down and fell unconscious on the table. This was the result of his showing off.

And Guo Xinghuo is obviously not much better, lying on the table at the moment, talking nonsense in his mouth.

And the most clear thing on the wine table is Qin Lang, who is drinking and tasting various dishes at the moment.

At the same time, he was also interested in listening to the nonsense content of Lao Guo.

"You... you don't know, I... I also have a lot of troubles. I'm afraid... I'm afraid I won't be good enough for other girls, so I haven't dared to speak. Oh, how did you know that you bastard... Take the lead, take the lead.”

"'s okay, I also let go of one thing on my mind, don't be sad or sad, in fact, don't know, in the village... I am also very popular and welcome, several times My aunt... all the girls like me, such a bachelor, so if you think of me, I, I've been single, I'm afraid you will be, you will be disappointed..."

After finishing speaking, there was no sound at all, this guy started snoring like Mu Ziqing, and fell into a deep sleep.

As soon as the next day dawned, Qiu Sheng, the old village master, came to inform Qin Lang in person that the meeting had come to a conclusion.

"Brother Qin Lang, I'm going to trouble you this time! We have sent a total of 30 people from the three villages in Yikuan to participate in the exploration of King Miao's treasure. Except for the owner of each village who cannot participate in the exploration activities, these 30 people It is already the elite of several cottages."

"Brother Qin Lang, you are the most powerful foreign aid among them, and you are also on the list of 30 people. These [-] people are divided into three teams, and each team has ten people. , the logistics leader Guo Xinghuo, and the hunting leader Tajik in Zhashui Village."

"Brother Qin Lang, after entering the treasure of King Miao, the three teams will be under your command at that time, and you will be their captain."

After listening to the words of the old village head Qiu Sheng, Qin Lang waved his hands again and again: "How can this make it a bit uncomfortable for me, an outsider, to command the elite troops of your three cottages!"

"There is no discomfort! Every period of the battle for the Miao King's treasure in history is bloody and fierce. The competition is fierce. Whoever has the biggest fist is the one who decides... Brother Qin Lang, if it is not for you, I will still be here." I'm really worried about whether they can compete with the Anokoyi gang, and besides Anokoyi's people, there may be quite a few people from other tribes in the Miaojiang village."

Qiu Sheng said.

"Okay then! But let me explain first, I'm just the captain in name, and everyone will listen to the actions of their respective captains when they get inside. I'll be in charge of dispatching if something really happens."

Qin Lang said helplessly, with this new appointment, he feels that he has a great responsibility!

Next, the [-] elite men and horses from the three villages gradually gathered in Yiyu Village. After Qiu Sheng said something about mobilization, he began to slaughter pigs and sheep for everyone to gather before leaving, to see the morale.

After all, this operation is also related to the future fate of the cottage, so everyone can’t be careless, so Yixuan prepares everything as much as possible, so that all members who participated in the exploration of King Miao’s treasure have a good meal, drink, and rest. Next Only then did he have enough energy to deal with everything that happened inside after entering King Miao's treasure.

The same thing should have happened in many villages in Miaojiang in the past few days. Everyone is making hasty preparations and mobilization before the war.

There are nearly [-] tribes including mature and raw seedlings in southern Xinjiang. Although it is not known how many tribes have participated in the Miao King’s Treasure, it is definitely not less than [-] tribes based on historical experience. .

After tidying up his luggage, Qin Lang followed the Shanzhai people on the way to the Miao Temple, behind him was the earnest gaze of everyone in the Shanzhai, including Qiu Sheng in his underwear.

The Miao Temple is located in the depths of southern Xinjiang, forming a triangle with the areas of mature and growing seedlings.

The entire Miao Temple covers an area of ​​more than 800 mu, which is as large as the Shaolin Temple in the Central Plains of China.

After Qin Lang and his team came here, they realized that the entire Miao Temple was extremely popular, and it had already focused on participants from many tribes in the Miao area.

The entire Miao Temple now has nearly a thousand people bustling around in the square in front of the temple. As for the temple, there is a holy place in Miaojiang. Without the permission of the temple, ordinary people from Miaojiang are not allowed to intruded.

As soon as the 30 people from Qin Lang arrived at the Miao Temple, the envoys of Priest Qizhi who got the news came over to greet them: "You are the team that came to participate in the event from Yiquan Village! Please follow me into the main hall of the temple to rest, wait a while The enlightened priest may want to see you."

Therefore, Qin Lang and his party no longer had to wait in front of the temple square, but directly followed the envoy into a certain part of the temple hall.

During the break, Qin Lang thought to himself: "If you enter the temple to rest, you will get VIP treatment. Sure enough, it's completely different if there is something behind it or if it doesn't matter. Think about the nearly 30 people sitting on the ground outside the square, and the No. [-] person treatment for yourself is fine." Too much!"

"However, the situation on Anuoboi's side should be similar. Those people have taken refuge in Priest Mama, so they should rest somewhere in the temple right now!"

At this moment, Qin Lang notified Xiaochao and also learned the rules of this competition. The upper limit of each participating team with seven emotions and Gu is 50 people, and the lower limit is ten people.After entering the Treasure of King Miao, you can move freely, search for the treasures in the treasure and the tokens passed down by the high priest. The treasures harvested in the treasure are owned by each participating team, but when you find the tokens of the high priest, you must hand them over to the priests of the temple.

Fighting and fighting are not prohibited during the entire search for King Miao's treasure, and the temple will not be responsible for any casualties, so it can be said that this event is full of danger.

But if the participating teams can bring out one or two treasures from the treasure, then some losses are worth it. So this time, many participating teams did not come for the token of the high priest. These are some tribes with weak strength. They have self-knowledge and know that they will not be able to compete with everyone for this popular item, and they are satisfied with just looking for some other gains in the treasure.

Calculated in this way, Qin Lang's team will not have many truly powerful competitors, definitely not more than ten.

After a while, Priest Qizhi arrived. He was a very thin old man, with his head wrapped around his head, and the skin folds on his face were like bark. He looked at least 80 years old, and it was very worrying that he would die from being out of breath. Lose.

Although the Qizhi priest looks very old, Qin Lang can feel that the Qizhi priest's witch power is very deep, and his strength is at least one grade higher than that of the old man Qiusheng in Yiqian. He should be on the verge of breaking through the peak of Zhengwu.

Under the support of such profound witch power, Qizhi's body is still relatively vigorous, and he is not as close to death as he looks on the surface. It is estimated that he will live another 40 to [-] years without any problem.

In fact, Gu masters at the Zhengsha level in Miaojiang generally have a lifespan of nearly 150 years old. Although they can't compare with those in the cultivation world, they are relatively long-lived compared to ordinary Miao people.

"Everyone, this time, in the competition for the inheritance of the Miao King's treasure treasure, I will entrust Qizhi to everyone!"

Priest Qizhi looked at everyone and scanned around, especially when he saw Qin Lang. He felt that Qin Lang's strength was unfathomable, and he couldn't see through even his level, and his confidence suddenly increased .

"Miao King's Treasure Treasure was blessed by the high priests of Miaojiang in the past. It is an independent space similar to the world's three major secret realms. The scope inside is very wide, so everyone has a lot of search areas, which is very hard."

"The biggest danger we encountered inside, apart from the mechanisms, traps, and formation restrictions that come with the treasure, is also the competition between the various teams entering the treasure. This is unavoidable. The old tradition of the battle of the gods and treasures, here we enlighten our wisdom and pray for the blessing of the Miao King God, and wish you all a smooth return!"

"Of course, in addition to many dangers, there are also corresponding opportunities. Miao King Treasure Stores the treasures that the Miao people in the past generations paid tribute to the Miao King God. If everyone gains something, it is everyone's luck. The temple will not deprive everyone afterwards. What a harvest! After talking so much, if you have no problems, you can continue to rest. The treasure activity will officially start when the temple bell rings in the afternoon, and then you will go to the square to gather."

After the Priest Qizhi finished speaking, he asked his subordinates to bring Qin Lang and his party the food prepared by the temple. It was very rich. This is also the benefit of these senior VIP personnel. The ordinary tribal treasure hunting teams in the square do not have such benefits. , can only eat dry food.

After Qizhi finished his confession, he walked up to Qin Lang and patted Qin Lang on the shoulder. At the same time, a small group of witch power entered Qin Lang's body: "Young man, I guess you are the biggest guarantee for this trip. Can my Qizhi wish come true?" If it falls on you, this group of witchcraft has condensed a little of my wish power, and it will help you in finding the inheritance token, so I must count on you!"

After speaking, the old-looking priest didn't stop, and staggered out of the lounge.

After everyone had eaten and drank enough, they meditated silently in the lounge, rejuvenated their energy, and prepared to face the biggest challenge after entering the Treasure of King Miao.

Qin Lang was carefully feeling the small amount of witch power injected into his body by Qizhi. Just now he felt that this small amount of witch power was not malicious, so he let his body give up resistance and let this small amount of witch power stay in his body The middle dantian is located in the middle of the tan.

Since Priest Qizhi said that this wave of witch power is helpful for finding inheritance tokens, the key to finding the High Priest's inheritance tokens in King Miao's treasure depends on it.

(End of this chapter)

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