Chapter 1372
At this moment, in another lounge, Priest Mama also received the followers of Anokoyi who participated in the event. The number of followers was more than that of Yiquan Shanzhai. There were a full 50 of them, and they were basically leaders.

Among them, Boyi, Mimiga and Langchun are also listed.

"Okay, I've already told everyone about some important matters. It doesn't matter what other treasures are in King Miao's treasure this time. Everyone must try their best to find the high priest's inheritance token with hexagrams. As long as I, Priest Mama, can successfully succeed to the throne, when the time comes We will never forget the benefits of everyone.”

Priest Mama in the black robe had finished telling everyone to pay attention, and at this moment, a voice transmission suddenly sounded to a member of the team: "Master Aoki, this time you are pretending to be a participant in the activity in the Arnoke Village, and you should be careful to expose the truth. face……"

"However, with the Mask Gu I gave you on your body, you are not afraid of being exposed. The temple will probably not be able to find out your real face without using reconnaissance methods. Then after entering the treasure of Miao King, search for the inheritance token. The main thing is left to you!"

"Don't worry! Your lord."

A man with a sickly sallow and thin face said expressionlessly, and paused, what did he think of: "Although there are not as many people from the Yiyu cottage this time as our team, they are all elites, and among them, that and that one Han boy, this guy may also be one of the enemies who entered King Miao's treasure to find inheritance tokens..."

"Don't worry, I have secretly adjusted the central teleportation hub of the temple in advance. As long as the treasure of the temple is opened, the Han boy will be separated from the team and sent to the most dangerous area in the entire temple. Can that guy It is difficult to pass through that dangerous area."

Priest Mama said in a deep voice: "And even if the Han kid crosses that area, I won't be afraid. I have other arrangements. I must let this kid get in but not get out."

"Are you talking about the dead zone among the treasures?"

The envoy of Aoki, who pretended to be a sick man, was surprised, and he seemed to have a certain understanding of the dead zone: "The rumors of the dead zone were arranged by the great witch in ancient times. For thousands of years in Miaojiang, most of the people who accidentally entered the dead zone in the treasures of Miaojiang are There will be no return, this kid is dead now. Even if he has the power to reach the sky, he will not be able to escape, haha!"

"Indeed, the dead zone is a separate dimension, and there are all kinds of dangers in it, even the high priests of the generations may not be very clear...So the enmity between you and that kid before the Aoki God can also pass this time and time again. Now that the sex is resolved, feel free to find that inheritance token for me!"

God Envoy Aoki was extremely happy, and he could already predict what kind of tragic death Qin Lang would be.

Hehe, as long as Qin Lang can be tricked into the dead zone, that ghostly place called Tian Tian Ying Da Di Wu Ling, Qin Lang is a god, and he has to confess his life there!
Priest Mama smirked, and then said coldly: "No matter who gets the inheritance token this time, you have to snatch it back from me! If you fail to get this key inheritance token, you will never come out!"


The Aoki Divine Envoy shuddered in his heart, and said in response.

"Okay, everyone has eaten and rested for a while, just wait for the bell on the square to gather! I wish everyone a good start!"

Priest Mama finished explaining everything and left here at the same time.


The bell for the assembly in the Miao Temple Square finally rang, and all the tribes who came to participate in the Miao King Treasure Activities began to gather in front of the square. This time, there were nearly 300 teams in total, with a total number of nearly [-] people. The biggest event ever.

When all the tribal personnel were assembled, the five priests of the temple also appeared in front of everyone in the square. After giving a simple speech, the five priests Mama, Mantou, Qinghu, Goat, and Qizhi chanted the spell together , With the chanting of the mantra, the ground on one side of the square shook loudly, and a huge bronze gate slowly rose.

Click, after the bronze door appeared, it slowly opened, and there was a deep darkness inside.

And the voices of the five priests also resounded across the square at the same time: "Now your respective teams hold the treasure unlock key and enter the bronze gate of the temple square. Among the treasures of King Miao."

"The inheritance of King Miao's officially opened!"

Afterwards, all the teams in the entire square began to enter the bronze gate one after another. The bronze gate was like a black monster with its mouth wide open, devouring all the participating teams.

And after Qin Lang followed the team into the bronze gate, the treasure in the team opened the key and Qiqing Gu began to emit light blue light, and flew into the air on its own initiative, leading everyone forward.

It is very strange that with so many teams entering the bronze gate, Qin Lang and his group could not see or hear the movement of other teams until Qiqing and Gu brought everyone to a ground full of people. It was the teleportation position of the pattern, so he took the initiative to enter the eye of the inheritance formation and drilled in.

boom!The entire teleportation array was full of light, and the ground shook instantly. A ball of light enveloped everyone and took everyone away suddenly.

The next moment, Qin Lang suddenly found himself in a strange place, pitch-black, with no one around him.

"What about your own team? Didn't you say that after teleporting into King Miao's Treasure, everyone in the team will be together? What is the trouble now?"

Qin Lang looked around, but couldn't see anything, so he was very puzzled.

However, even though he couldn't see Qin Lang, he didn't feel flustered. He had never experienced any kind of storm, and the several relics he had passed through in the realm of comprehension were also so dark, so such a strange environment didn't make him panic.

What he didn't know was that Priest Mama tampered with the central teleportation hub of the temple, and now he was teleported to the most dangerous area in the entire temple. This area... is also the legendary dead zone, The dimensional space arranged by the ancient great witch.

The whole space is integrated, although it is inside the treasure of King Miao, it is not a part of the treasure of King Miao, it is embedded in it.

Since there is no trace of light here, it is an environment like a black hole, so it is impossible to see things at all.

Qin Lang released his divine sense at this time, and only then could he barely sense the surrounding environment, and everything around him gradually became clear. Qin Lang's divine sense, which can sense a distance of more than 300 feet, was compressed to only four or five feet here. About ten feet.

And the air here is full of dead air, which actually has a corrosive effect on the flesh of living people. Fortunately, Qin Lang's body surface has strong protection, so he can ignore all this.

Da, da, da, Qin Lang began to explore slowly. The ground did not know what kind of material it was, but it was soft and had pulse-like rhythms, as if he was in the belly of a huge monster.

However, if it is in the belly of a monster, Qin Lang can't imagine that there can be such a huge monster on the earth. The area in front of him is so wide. Can there be such a huge monster in the world?
Along the way, Qin Lang discovered many spirit-like existences, like souls, but much stronger than souls. When encountering Qin Lang's spiritual detection, these spirits trembled slightly, and then drifted away as if nothing had happened. .

After walking for a while, Qin Lang found a small black room, and his spiritual sense sensed five powerful spirit bodies inside. These five spirit bodies are really indispensable, and even his own strength has a feeling of palpitation.

He was very curious about the past, and also activated the camouflage mask on his body, and also made his breath closer to the spirit body.

While the five spirits inside the hut were arguing fiercely about something, Qin Lang was shocked to find that these five spirits were actually discussing the creation and modification of a method suitable for spirit practice. Many of the ideas and terms were so profound that even he had A feeling of wanting to go deep into it and want to understand it.

Plop!Accidentally, Qin Lang seemed to have kicked something and made a huge noise.


The spirit body in the hut was alarmed, and suddenly a spirit body rushed out viciously, a strong ghost force came over, shaking Qin Lang could not help but feel panic, where is this place?Why are these spirit bodies so strong?
It is definitely beyond the existence of the ghost king... Are these spirits ghosts?How could there be such a powerful ghost on earth?
What Qin Lang didn't know was that the dead zone had been handed down from ancient times, even longer than the treasures of King Miao, so these spirit bodies in front of him were not pure ghosts, but powerful existences that existed in the wild age.

"Who are you?"

The vicious spirit body sent out mental fluctuations, and the way these spirit bodies communicated was actually layers of different mental fluctuations.

"I, hehe, are the same as you!"

Qin Lang also responded with the same mental fluctuations. He is now disguised as a spirit body. Although the appearance is different, the breath of spiritual consciousness is really similar.

"Oh, that's it... You seem to be almost as strong as us. Is this an ancient spirit that has grown up in the dead zone? It's not bad. It seems that we have another companion who has opened up his spiritual wisdom."

The brain of this spirit body obviously doesn't know how to do it well, and it really treats Qin Lang as the same kind.

And Qin Lang also took a long breath, it's so dangerous, this ancient spirit is almost as powerful as a late Yuanying cultivator, if this guy finds out about his weirdness, he will definitely know that he is a different kind.

With the vicious look of this guy before, I'm afraid he will yell and rush out with several other ancient spirits in the room to fight him desperately, then he will definitely die.

At this time, the stupid ancient spirit used the spirit wave to send a message: "It seems that you don't have the imprint of our dead zone spirit on you. It's really strange. Maybe the newly grown ancient spirit doesn't have one. Wait, I'll mark one for you Just fine."

Qin Lang's face turned pale all of a sudden, he could feel the kindness of the ancient spirit, but he is not a real spirit body, what if this guy marks his mark and finds his real body?
Just as he was thinking, this guy had already floated over. The tentacle turned into a spirit body pulled up one of Qin Lang's wrists, and then bent down to bite Qin Lang's hand fiercely. Suddenly, a tingling sensation appeared on Qin Lang's wrist. Heart-to-heart!

Immediately, an "X"-shaped imprint lit up on Qin Lang's wrist.

This should be the mark of the dead zone that Gu Ling said.

With the formation of this mark, Qin Lang's body turned into a blurred phantom and began to disappear in the dead zone, and the moment he left the dead zone, he sensed the exclamation from the ancient spirit in his direction: "How can you collapse? It's gone! Isn't it an ancient spirit..."

It seemed that this ancient spirit finally judged that he was not of the same kind.

(End of this chapter)

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